Articles about News, Politics, and More

Here in America, religion and politics often go hand in hand. Sometimes that’s good, but sometimes it’s not. These posts are hand-crafted to help people see that following Jesus will always make you a good citizen, but being a good citizen and following Jesus aren’t always the same.

On September 11 2001, America was attacked. I will not forget. Even after eight years, I find that I'm unable to put my feelings into words. I've never watched the movies or documentaries that tell stories from that day. I avoid reading articles about that day.

I've never considered Newsweek Magazine to be an authority on theology, primarily because they're not. Dedicating a section of your magazine to religion doesn't mean you know what you're talking about... especially when you're well-known for being absurdly biased.

When it comes to abortion, the issue is often divided into two groups: arguments about how to avoid abortion, and arguments about what to do about unwanted pregnancy. That sometimes causes people to argue badly, because they're not really communicating about the same thing.

Like many churches in America, my own church spent a little time yesterday focusing on Veteran's Day. One of my friends had a pretty serious negative reaction, suggesting that such things exemplified nationalism at its worst. She suggested that America had done evil and didn't deserve anyone's allegiance.

Christians probably shouldn't be one-issue voters...but let's not pretend that capital punishment or political wars are somehow the same as abortion. Forget about matters of guilt or innocence and just look objectively at the numbers:

In this video, Barney Frank says that there are a lot of rich people we can tax to pay for government stuff. I wonder how many people realize that "rich" is a relative term. Virtually every American is rich when compared with most of the world's population. Are you rich?

Conservatives are sometimes "one-issue" people. I do think it's important to avoid closing one eye to reality, but all issues are NOT the same. Yes, we should be concerned about social justice and the slave trade and world health issues...but that doesn't mean we should whitewash the 'old' issues.

A recent study says that 1 in 4 teenage girls have a sexually-transmitted disease. Yes, you read that right. About half of the girls aged 14-19 surveyed admitted to having had sex. In that group, 40% had an STD. In a survey that tested for only four diseases, that's an alarming statistic.

Gianna Jessen was just a baby when her mother decided to kill her. Because she weighed only two pounds, she was unable to defend herself from her much-larger mother. Her muscles hadn't developed to the point where she could run away from her attacker. She almost died.

Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin has a son with Down's Syndrome. Why is it a big deal? Simple: most women in the developed world undergo testing to see if their baby will have Down's Syndrome, and an estimated 90% of all babies so diagnosed are aborted.

Charlene asked: "Am I alone on this? I don't see pot smoking as ok. I also don't want to cast stones, I missing something?" Thanks for asking, Charlene! When it comes to smoking pot, I have three points of view: practical, legal, and theoretical.

Please join me in prayer for those close to the family of Steven Curtis Chapman. Bad news just arrived from their manager: "Last night Maria Sue Chapman, adopted and youngest daughter of Mary Beth & Steven Curtis Chapman, was killed in a tragic accident..."

Antony Flew is a philosopher. Until recently, he'd been a very well-respected and influential atheist. No, he hasn't been discredited for living a double life or anything...he's still well-respected and influential. What's changed is that he's no longer an atheist.

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