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Articles about Sex

Sex: the word simultaneously conjures images of youthful passion, mature and self-giving love, and the nearly-indiscriminate, alcohol-fueled self-fulfillment of near-strangers. God created sex, and it is good…but, like most things, is very harmful when misused. The Bible has much to say about this subject.

How does the Bible define marriage? What is marriage in God's eyes? Is it okay for people to have sex before they're married? These questions are not only important, but they're increasingly relevant as people, young and old, revisit their ideas about relationships.

Anonymous GodWords Reader asked: "Is it a sin for me to be attracted to the same sex even though I never act upon it?" Thanks for asking, anonymous GodWords reader! I'm going to give a short answer, and then a pretty long answer.

I've never considered Newsweek Magazine to be an authority on theology, primarily because they're not. Dedicating a section of your magazine to religion doesn't mean you know what you're talking about... especially when you're well-known for being absurdly biased.

A recent study says that 1 in 4 teenage girls have a sexually-transmitted disease. Yes, you read that right. About half of the girls aged 14-19 surveyed admitted to having had sex. In that group, 40% had an STD. In a survey that tested for only four diseases, that's an alarming statistic.

Imagine you're a healthy young man. Now imagine that you've been in an auto accident, and that you're now a paraplegic. That would be sad and difficult, of course. Now, imagine the Roman Catholic church rubbing salt into your wounds.

One of my favorite groups of all time is Casting Crowns. They’ve described what they do as “discipleship set to music”…and that’s something I can get behind. Their newest video, Slow Fade, was released today on Yahoo video. I went and got it so you could see it. The song will be featured in the upcoming movie Fireproof with Kirk Cameron. Enjoy!

Though most web users might not know it, most pornographers love Christians. Our naiveté allows them to make a lot of money. What do I mean? Here's one example:

Should gay couples appear in your church's pictorial directory? Church leaders are often faced with difficult decisions. In fact, they often have to make critical decisions on a weekly basis. Without taking sides in church politics, I feel for the folks having trouble dealing with this issue.

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