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The Human Potential Movement and Child Porn

HomeReligion, Atheism, and Odd TheologyThe Human Potential Movement and Child Porn

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I recently spent some time discussing Landmark Education with one of their leaders. I’m meeting him for coffee in the morning, so their teachings are on my mind.

I also fielded a phone call from one of their follow-up guys at dinnertime tonight. I took the opportunity to share with him, since he asked, my objections to the Landmark “technology” as I understand it. He was very nice.

A lot of the time I’ve spent thinking has been spent thinking about the idea that everything is empty and meaningless. That’s a Landmark truism. As they say, things only truly have the meaning that we give them.

Well, I simply can’t buy that. Today’s CNN story about child abuse in Mineola, Texas leaves me no alternative than to think they’re wrong.

In the windowless front rooms of a former day care center in a tiny Texas community, children as young as 5 were fed powerful painkillers they knew as “silly pills” and forced to perform sex shows for a crowd of adults.

In all, six adults have been charged in connection with the case, including a parent of the three siblings involved.

The Denver Post

The Landmark leader I spoke with earlier (and with whom I’m meeting tomorrow) suggested that we couldn’t really say whether Hitler’s actions in the 1930’s and 1940’s were good or bad…that we each had to provide our own meaning. That’s crap. Evil exists in the hearts of men and women all over the world, including the one I see in the mirror.

I’ve only seen one belief system that takes seriously the notion that mankind is capable of both unspeakable evil and unbelievable goodness…only one, that is, that has any kind of existential framework to explain it. I’ll tell you what I told him:

I believe that we were made in God’s image…that’s the good part. That image has been damaged, broken. That’s the bad part. Denying that both exist seems pretty stupid.

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