Why don’t Christians observe the original Sabbath?

HomeChristianity and the BibleWhy don’t Christians observe the original Sabbath?

This issue has been a sticking point between sabbatarians and the rest of the Body of Christ for some time… but it shouldn’t be. The Bible is very clear on this subject. Let’s ignore for a moment silly arguments about Constantine, or discussions about the new covenant, and focus on God’s purpose for the original sabbath.

Start in Genesis

The first mention of the original sabbath is in Genesis 2:2-3:

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

The word “sabbath” is generally translated as “rest.” This is a source of some confusion, as many don’t realize that the word simply means to stop. This isn’t the kind of rest we need after a good workout. It’s more like a musical rest, where no notes are played. The word literally means ‘to cease.’ God didn’t rest on the seventh day because He was tired. God doesn’t get tired. God had finished creating the world, and so He stopped. That’s what “sabbath” means.

Making the original sabbath holy?

In verse 3 we read that God made the seventh day holy, or “sanctified” it. This is also a source of some confusion, as many don’t know what the word means. They assume that the word holy gives the day some additional spiritual meaning.

It’s not really a religious word. In Hebrew, it’s qāḏaš, and in Greek it’s hagios. It means to set something apart for special use. For example, many of us have special dishes that we use only when we have visitors. We have sanctified them… that is, we have set them apart from our regular dishes, using them only for a special purpose. Don’t be confused: the dishes aren’t special in a spiritual sense. They’re simply chosen – set apart – to be used in different ways than our regular dishes. The same word could be used for anything. For example, we may have set aside some old clothes to wear while doing jobs that might get us dirty. Those are also sanctified, or set apart for a special purpose.

The Bible does use these words in a spiritual sense many times, of course. For example: Christians are called out of our old lives, set apart for God’s use. That doesn’t make US special, any more than painting while wearing a stained shirt makes the shirt special. The original sabbath isn’t special on its own… it was simply set apart by God to be used in a specific way, for His own purposes.

Move to Exodus

After leading the ancient Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, God made a covenant with them. The terms of that covenant – known as the Torah – included a lot of religious activity, including the creation of a tabernacle, sacrifices of animals, and so on. It also included taking a day off… that is, stopping. Sabbathing. The people were to cease their labor for a day. God pointed to His own rest as an example for them, and told them that this sabbathing would be a sign of His covenant with them.

Now, remember: the sabbath isn’t about being tired. The sabbath is about being finished with your work. The priests couldn’t stop working the way that God did in Genesis. They offered the same sacrifices again and again, day after day, year after year. Why? Because their spiritual work wasn’t finished. They were even forbidden to have chairs in the tabernacle because sitting down would suggest that their work was done!

What was the goal?

Why would God do this? As we see again and again throughout both the Old and New Testaments, God promised to provide for His people. While they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years due to disobedience, God provided manna and quail to sustain them. They weren’t allowed to gather extra food, but only what they needed for that day. On the sixth day, they gathered twice as much… so they had enough for the seventh day, when no manna or quail arrived. The sabbath pointed to God as provider. He wanted Israel to trust Him. Even when they didn’t, He still provided.

God’s provision in this way was temporary. They needed to trust God over and over. Why? Because the sabbath wasn’t about taking a day off. As we see in the New Testament, the sabbath – a temporary, lesser thing – pointed to a greater and permanent thing.

Keep going to the New Testament

The Exodus sabbath was a symbol of God’s rest in Genesis. It told the children of Israel that they would someday be able to stop working… to stop sacrificing for their own sins. When Jesus died and rose again, that day had finally come. In Hebrews 10:11-12 we see the comparison between the Jewish priests and Jesus:

Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when this priest [Jesus] had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God.

Jesus finished His work and rested, just as we see God doing in Genesis.

We see in Jesus’ words the temporary nature of the original sabbath, and of the whole Torah. In John 4 Jesus offered living water to permanently quench our spiritual thirst. In John 6 Jesus pointed to the temporary nature of manna, which only satisfied hunger for a day… then offered Himself as the Bread of Life. We who come to Jesus have been given eternal life, and our spiritual hunger is being satisfied by Jesus Himself.

What about us?

How then should we view the sabbath? God rested when His work was done, and Jesus rested when His work was done. The ancient Jews never enjoyed that rest, but it’s available to us today, as Hebrews 4:9-10 tells us:

There remains, then, a sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his.

In Romans 14:5-6 Paul wrote about accepting people with weak faith. He uses two examples where believers can disagree, and should be treated with grace: food and sabbaths.

One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God.

If God actually commanded Christians to observe sabbaths, then not observing sabbaths would be sin. Clearly. Were that the case, this passage would make no sense. At what point is any sinful act okay because one is ‘fully convinced in their own mind’? Never.

Colossians 2:16-17 should erase any doubt about the nature of the sabbath:

Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

If God actually commanded Christians to observe sabbaths, then we should judge one another on that basis. Obviously, Paul is saying that whether one does or doesn’t observe Judaism’s dietary restriction or sabbath days is nobody else’s business.

From all of these verses we can see that the sabbath clearly isn’t a day of the week. It’s neither Saturday nor Sunday! We enter into the sabbath rest when we stop working, and that only happens when we accept that Jesus’ sacrifice was for each of us. His work is done, and He invites us to join Him.

Like the seventh day, those of us who are in Christ have been set apart. Look at Ephesians 2:8-10:

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.


What was the purpose of the original sabbath? To point to Jesus… to His provision for our abundant life, for our eternal life, and for our role in God’s Kingdom. There’s nothing special about the seventh day. What’s special is that God has chosen to save us, and to transform us to be like Jesus. God’s purpose in setting aside the seventh day has been fulfilled in Christ.


“The Ten Commandments were given to Adam in the Garden of Eden, so they’re not just part of the Mosaic Law… they’re eternal, and for everyone. Therefore, everyone should observe sabbaths.”

This would make a compelling argument if there were any evidence for it. There’s no evidence for it. While God definitely rested on the seventh day, there are no commands for anyone to do anything about that until God made the old covenant with the ancient Israelites.

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480 responses to “Why don’t Christians observe the original Sabbath?”

  1. Joe says:

    God rested on the 7th day and made it holy… He made THAT day holy…
    It doesn’t say he temporary made that day holy, but that day (Also translated as “sanctified it”).

    So if this is true, why would it suddenly not be holy now? Jesus was holy, he was always holy, no change. Same concept here.

    Jesus rested on the Sabbath (Saturday) when he died. He died on Friday, rested through Saturday, even his disciples that were preparing his body for burial quit preparing him all Saturday and rested on the Sabbath (not working). Jesus rested on Saturday and rose Sunday…

    The list goes on and on…

    • Tony says:

      Thanks for your question, Joe!

      Look in Exodus 20:8-11, to which you refer:

      Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God…For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

      To make something holy, as you point out, is to “sanctify” it. That literally means ‘to set it apart’. The implication, whether it’s a person or a tool or money, is that it’s set apart for a specific purpose. God did set apart the seventh day, of course.

      The command to remember the Sabbath day is directly tied to God’s rest in Genesis, right? God ‘set apart’ that day…but for what purpose? If you look in Colossians 2:16-17, you’ll see the nature of the sabbath:

      …do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

      See? The sabbath day was a SHADOW of things to come. God’s people no longer perform animal sacrifices because Jesus fulfilled them. They were done to point us to Him. The sabbath is exactly the same, Joe. The observance of sabbath in Judaism pointed to Jesus, who is the true and real sabbath.

      Is Jesus holy? Of course. Do we remember (observe) the sabbath? Christians should, of course…not a day, but what the day meant: Jesus finished our spiritual work for us, and we can rest in Him.

      • Rui de Barros says:

        You’re making a big mistake ! You have to study the OT again ! Colossians 2:16 is talking about the ritual sabbaths not the sabbath holy day ! God has a sign between Him and His people. Jesus said that He is the Lord of Sabbath not from Sunday and I’ve a document from Vatican that proves that they changed it because (they say) that the church has the power to do that. Are you keeping just 9 commandments? Because the 10 commadments are still remaining in our days. See also Exodus 16:16-30
        And don’t say that it is not valid just because it is in the OT ! God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. And just because it says Old doesn’t say that it is not to do! The bible never mention the sunday as the holy day. And by the way you will keep the sabbath in new earth as Isaiah says in the chapter 66. And the sabbath is a specific day ! God was not tired on the seventh day ! He was giving us the example! And we must do the same. Blessings to you

        • Tony Scialdone says:


          I’m willing to listen to your argument. Please provide a reason – from Scripture – to believe that Colossians 2:16 is talking about “ritual sabbaths” and not the regular sabbath.

          • Rui de Barros says:

            Sure I can do that,
            The bible mention two kinds of sabbaths : Sabbath seventh day the comandment and the anual sabbaths. The anual sabbaths they are connected with the history of Israel. Col 2:16,17 says quoting from KJV : Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath {days}: {in meat…: or, for eating and drinking} {respect: or, part}Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body {is} of Christ. Also Hebrews 10:1 connects the law of shadow with the animal sacrifice. Paul quoted Ez.45:17 in the same way as used in Col.2:16,17 e it is connecting to the cerimonial system Lev.23;3 presents the sabbath seventh day and Lev. 23:5-32 the cerimonial sabbaths. God bless you

          • Tony Scialdone says:


            Let’s look closely at Colossians 2:16-17, okay?

            1. The word “sabbath” is SABBATON. Grammatically, it refers to any kind of sabbath. Because there’s no indication in the text that Paul is talking about only special sabbaths, or “high sabbaths”, you can’t draw the conclusion you’ve drawn from the text itself. Instead, you are inserting your preferred interpretation into the text, which is a mistake.

            2. Your use of Hebrews 10:1 to LIMIT ‘the law of shadow’ to animal sacrifices is simply not supported by the text. Paul explains that the law is insufficient for making us righteous, and then – pay close attention – tells the believers to not stop meeting together, as some had done. Why would they stop meeting together? Quite obviously, they recognized that the weekly sabbath (the reason they had been meeting) was no longer in effect. Paul wanted them to continue to meet regularly, to encourage one another. Had the sabbath still been in effect, Paul would have addressed not meeting together in a different way.

            Were you to speak with a Jew and ask them “what is the law?”, you would undoubtedly be told that it is the law given to Moses, and everything that comes from it. The distinction that you and others make between ‘ceremonial law’ and ‘spiritual law’ doesn’t come from the text, or from any serious study of the text. It’s an idea that’s been overlaid on Scripture, not one drawn from it.

            The New Testament is clear, and adamant about the law: we are no longer under law. Paul wrote about it all the time, encouraging believers to not use their freedom unwisely. Were we not free to ignore the law, we would not have these instructions.

          • Bill Duckworth says:

            Jesus was killed for not Honoring the Sabbath and saying he was Equal to GOD. Judea Christian do not obey the Fulfillment of Christ Born Again from flesh to Spirit John 3:1-8 and John 3:13. (Jesus flesh to Christ Spirit) and to Love One Another in Spirit.

            He said “Follow ME” to Heaven. Not leave you Ass stuck in the mud till Monday of Love Mammon of Man-Made Physical Material World

          • Tony says:

            Hey Bill:

            Maybe it’s the spelling mistakes, maybe it’s me…but that makes no sense. If you’d like to try again, maybe we can talk about your ideas. I mean no disrespect. I’m just saying that I can’t understand what you wrote.

          • Trenton James Culbert says:

            Matthew 19:16-19 is a great Scripture to support that we are no longer to keep the Sabbath day.

          • Jackie says:

            Would not having worship on the first day of the week, be considered giving your first fruits? Like your best? I just don’t understand why Christ death fulfilled the law with His death except a specific day of the week! Please help me understand

          • Tony says:


            Thanks for asking. The New Testament does not specify that Christians should worship on any particular day of the week. We’re to worship at all times, in everything we do. Along the same lines, the New Testament does not specify that any particular day is to be considered a sabbath. We’re to rest in Jesus’ completed work at all times. Anyone who teaches that Christians must worship on ANY day, or that a sabbath day even exists for we who follow Jesus, is simply not speaking from the Scriptures.

            Yes, one could make an argument that setting aside a day for worship is kind of like first fruits. However: the New Testament doesn’t command Christians to offer first fruits. It’s not even encouraged. Instead, here’s what the New Testament says… there are seven mentions in six passages:

            • Christians have the firstfruits of the Spirit (Romans 8:23)
            • If firstfruits are holy, all is holy (Romans 11:16)
            • Christ is the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep (1 Corinthians 15:20, 23)
            • God chose us as firstfruits (2 Thessalonians 2:13)
            • We are a kind of firstfruits of all that God created (James 1:18)
            • 144,000 blameless, truthful virgins who follow the Lamb are offered as firstfruits (Revelation 14:1-5)

            Interesting, right? You suggest that picking a day for worship would be like firstfruits. Sounds good at first, but firstfruits was an offering commanded by God in the Mosaic Law to accomplish specific things among the ancient Israelites. That has nothing to do with the rest of us.

            When it comes to tithing, firstfruits, and all of the rest of the Old Testament’s rules about giving, we only need to do the math to understand how Christians should give:

            1. Firstfruits were commanded, but not defined. There’s no actual number for what firstfruits means.
            2. Tithes were (in the simplest sense) giving 10% of your livestock and crops to God. You owed that first, then the other 90% was yours.
            3. Christians have nothing of our own. 100% of what we have comes from God, and belongs to Him. That includes our money, our time, our attention, our gifts, our talents, and our very lives.

            I want to encourage you, Jackie. It’s AWESOME that you’re concerned about giving God your very best. That’s the right attitude! I would warn you, however, to not think in terms of “how much.” That’s Old Testament legalistic thinking: as long as you give the right amount in the right place at the right time, you’ll be okay. That’s not how disciples of Jesus Christ should see things. Instead, we are simply stewards of what God has entrusted to us. It’s all His, and we are expected to make wise decisions that will benefit the King and the Kingdom. Don’t just give God your best. Give everything back to Him… all day, every day, for the rest of your life. If you’ve been born again, you belong to Him and have been adopted into God’s family. You’re an essential part of the family business now, and we don’t ‘punch in’ and ‘punch out’ like a hired hand. We give our all for God.

            Does that make sense?

          • Dean Wilhoite says:

            In The referenced scripture it is very clear that the writer is talking about “high sabbaths” as opposed to “The Sabbath Day” noted by the pluralization of the word ” sabbaths” compared to the singularity of ” The Sabbath Day” not days. Let’s strive to let the scriptures speak for themselves and not our sinful desires.

          • Tony says:


            First, thanks for writing. If you’re correct, I want to know. Let’s say, for the sake of this part of the conversation, that you ARE correct. You wouldn’t want me to unquestioningly take your word for it, would you? Of course not. You’d want me to be like the Bereans, who were commended for double-checking even what the apostle Paul said. I appreciate that about you.

            So: if I’m not going to take your word for it, I’m going to need your help. Please explain to me how *I* can know, from the text, that what you say is true. You say that it’s “very clear.” Please help me see, in the text, what makes it clear. I have no doubt that you can do it, as you’ve said that we should let the Scriptures speak for themselves and not our sinful desires. I couldn’t agree more, so please lead me through the process of learning,


            what it says. Thanks in advance for your time and attention. If I’m wrong, I will – of course – update my website to reflect my new understanding, and I will be in your debt. Please don’t take too long, if you don’t mind… a lot of people come here, and I wouldn’t want a single one of them to get the wrong information. Thanks!

        • Zibah says:

          Ruiz de Barros, you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. Thanks for your true knowledge on the subject. I attempted to give clarity but you as I continued to read the other comments, I came across yours. I am glad, because why would in Yochana 14:15 the Messiah ask us to keep HIS commandments, and in verse 21 HE gives HIS people further request on the observance of HIS requirements (which HE also observed), then turn around to say, “Oh that’s ok my children, live however you like” sort of speak. I mean, don’t people realize that is how the world live? WOW!!! This SABBATH issue is ONLY an issue to those who want to live as they see fit. Don’t they know that the SABBATH is AHAYAH’S “trademark”? I wonder what they think the “Mark of the Beast” is???

          • Tony says:

            You sound like a fringe Adventist, Lu (Zibah). Sunday worship is not the mark of the Beast. You should do more study… you know, in the New Testament.

        • Lionel Kojo Attawia says:

          Can you explain to me Matthew 12:1-16 please

          • Tony says:


            Thanks for asking. I will start with this: I believe that Matthew 12:1-16 is 100% true, God-inspired Scripture that’s profitable for all to read and understand.

            If we want to properly interpret any passage of Scripture, we must not read it in isolation. We have to start with the context, asking questions like these:

            • Who wrote this?
            • To whom did they write it?
            • What were the circumstances – or – what was the purpose for writing it?
            • Does the passage contain descriptive information that we should learn from, or does it contain prescriptive instructions that we should live by, or both?

            Matthew wrote to a primarily Jewish audience. His goal appears to have been to convince Jews that Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah… that Jesus is the fulfillment of all of God’s plans for the Israelites, from Abraham to the end of time. Matthew is structured in a way that mirrors the Pentateuch, with five major sections. Clearly, his message was for the Jews.

            No, Matthew’s message was not ONLY for the Jews, but it was written with them in mind as his primary audience. As we read it, we need to keep Matthew’s point of view and intentions in mind. Where he uses ideas that Jews would find familiar, we need to be familiar with those ideas in order to understand what Matthew meant. Let’s answer those questions:

            • Matthew (Levi) wrote the gospel of Matthew.
            • He wrote it to a primarily Jewish audience.
            • His purpose for writing seems to be to convince Jews that Jesus is the culmination of all of Jewish history, and God’s plan for humanity.

            As for the last question, we need to think about the passage itself. If Matthew shows that Jesus was giving prescriptive commands for everyone in the world, regardless of location or time, then we should take Matthew’s words to mean that we should live by these commands. If Matthew shows that Jesus was giving descriptive information, we should not turn His words into commands for everyone. Finally, we should look in the passage for any underlying principle that should be applied to all people, for all time.

            In Matthew 12, we see Pharisees confronting Jesus about His disciples picking grain on the sabbath… something unlawful. Pharisees were Jewish religious leaders. Pharisees weren’t part of the Egyptian government, and Egyptians didn’t observe sabbaths as part of the law that God gave to the ancient Israelites through Moses. The context of the confrontation is decidedly Jewish, and entirely in light of the old covenant. Jesus points out that the Pharisees are applying the law imperfectly… He says that even King David did the same, without being accused of being a lawbreaker. He points out the fact that priests worked in the temple on sabbaths, and remained innocent. Clearly, the charge that anyone was breaking the sabbath was dependent on their circumstances. First, they had to be UNDER the law. Second, they had to be actually BREAKING the law… not just the letter of the law, but the intent of the law. By the letter, David and priests and disciples were all worthy of the death penalty. By the intent, none of them should be condemned.

            Neither you nor I are under the Mosaic law. We’re unable to break the law, as it no longer applies to Jews, and it never applied to us. The underlying principle that might be applied to everyone is that we should not operate based on the letter of the law, but live by its intent. What was the intent of the sabbath? According to God, it was a sign of the covenant between Himself and the ancient nation of Israel. We should not pretend that the sabbath is something other than what God described, Lionel. When we pretend that we are to observe sabbaths as the ancient Israelites did, we are applying the letter of someone else’s law, rather than its intent. Many want to suggest that EVERYONE should observe sabbaths… but they were only a sign between God and Israel, and nobody else.

            We have our own covenant, my friend. It is far, far better than the old covenant. There’s no reason to pretend that the old one was ours, and no reason to pretend that the new covenant requires sabbath-keeping.

            Does that make sense?

      • Michael says:

        Hello gentlemen, I placed a comet here some time ago. I do not believe that it ever showed up LOL! I’m a Sabbath keeper who was a Sunday Christian who was actually raised by a Sunday Christian pastor who was my father. He’s the kind of guy who has a master’s degree in Divinity and a honorary doctorate if you know what I mean. Even after much debate over the years an argument with him and his peers they still have not been able to sway me from Sabbath keeping. When I was introduced to it it actually happened by mistake I found a book on Sabbath keeping on a Ledge going until the mall and it radically change my life. I tried for years to disprove it and I couldn’t. There is a ton that I can say on the subject and I really want to be part of this conversation. Currently though the most important statement I must make is referring to Colossians 2:16 which is often used to attempt to prove that the Sabbath is passed away. Unfortunately most of the translations we are reading and America have been tampered with and altered to reflect the translation team interpretation of that verse and its meaning. They have gotten away from actually stating what the versus say and they have begun to put what they believe the verse means. You can trust me 100% on this do the research and you’ll find it… The words “were or was” are not found in the original translations. When Paul wrote this verse he wrote it in a present and future tense. If you look in the original authorized versions of the Bible you will see it. He said these things are a shadow of what is coming, or these things are a shadow of what is to come, and the body that is casting the shadow is Christ. Meaning that the body that should be casting the shadow is the body of Christ. The sabbats and the feast and the festival’s were being kept by Colossians but they were being wrongfully judged by gnostics and unbelieving Jews who wanted them to continue to kill animals in order to keep the festivals. Believers who keep the Sabbath and those who keep the feast in the festival’s do salt in a christ-like joy for manner. I know I have witnessed this myself. As I have visited various Sabbath keeping organizations. In the Torah God commanded the Sabbath’I and the feasts to be kept “forever”, by all Jews, all converts & all staying with them. The disciples kept them & taught that they be kept in a Christian manner. The Sabbath’s are a solid reminder of the freedom Christ has given, and they unlock vital keys to understanding endtime Revelation. [Edited to remove a duplicate reference to a questionable resource] Honestly ask God to reveal truth to you, then read it with an open mind that you may just be wrong. If you still disagree with Sabbath after this, You likely won’t ever convert. Be blessed brothers!

        • Tony says:


          Virtually all comments get published here…just not necessarily right away. I try to respond to each, and sometimes I get very busy.

          As I’ve written before (to you and others), you and I were never part of the Mosaic covenant. For Gentile Jesus-followers to know they must observe a seventh-day sabbath, this instruction must come from God. As there is no such instruction in the New Testament, one must conclude that keeping a seventh-day sabbath, as the Israelites did under the Old Covenant, is not required.

          • Brian says:

            Tony – where does this notion that Christians are not part of the Mosaic Law come from? Paul reminds us of the new covenant that was prophesied. Hebrews 8:10 does not say that the law will be done away with, it says that He will put His laws in our minds and on our hearts. Yes it says it was for the nation of Israel, but Galatians 3:28 tells us there is neither Jew nor Greek. We are all one in Christ. Verse 29 tells us that if we have Christ, we are the seed of Abraham. We are grafted in. Christians are the nation of Israel. The law is not a curse. If we keep the law we receive all the blessings that God promised us. Don’t you want those blessings? You say the new testament is clear, so why are there so many denominations? Why did Peter warn us that a misunderstanding of Paul will lead to lawlessness? 2 Peter 3:16-17

            Do you agree that Jesus was falsely accused? Do you know what the Jews accused Jesus of? What they accused Stephen and Paul of? Changing the law. Preaching against the law. They were falsely accused. It’s right there in the Bible. Deuteronomy 13 gave the Israelites a test to prove a prophet. It says a prophet will agree with the law. And if he doesn’t, they should not believe him. They believed that Jesus was coming against the law, and put him to death because of it. This test is the reason they do not accept him today still, because the Jesus that most denominations portray does not pass the test of a legitimate prophet either.

            Back to Sabbath. God implemented Sabbath on day 7. There was no Jew or Israelite yet. God established this day for all mankind. And when he presented his Holy Days, He did not say that they were for the Israelite only. He said they were for the alien as well. They are His Holy Days. Nowhere does it say that they ended. The only thing that comes close to suggesting that Sunday could be implemented as a corporate day of worship is the incorrect translation of mia ton Sabbaton, to say first day of the week. Jesus rose on the weekly Sabbath. The first Sabbath in counting to Pentecost. It’s right there in Greek but nobody wants to accept it. Sunday was the Roman day of rest, for Sol Invictus, the unconquerable sun. Constantine, Rome, the Catholic church changed Sabbath to Sunday. God made Sabbath Holy, man cannot change this.

            There remains a Sabbath rest and Paul intended for us to remember it. Hebrews 4:9

          • Tony says:


            I get the “notion” that Christians aren’t part of the Mosaic Law from Exodus, where God established His covenant with the children of Israel. Read the text and see for yourself. God didn’t include Ethiopians in the Mosaic covenant, or Phoenicians, or Tishbites, or anybody else. Those whom God brought out of Egypt, and their descendants, were included in the covenant.

            I also get the “notion” that Christians aren’t part of the Mosaic Law from Acts, where this question was directly addressed: whether Gentile converts to Christianity had to also follow the Mosaic Law. Read the text and see for yourself, making note of verse 5.

            I also get the “notion” that Christians aren’t part of the Mosaic Law from Galatians 3, where Paul made it clear that the Mosaic Law was temporary, until Jesus came.

            I also get the “notion” that Christians aren’t part of the Mosaic Law from Romans, where we learn that – and I quote – we are not under the Law.

            It’s not a “notion” that I came to believe by myself, Brian. It’s the clear teaching of Scripture. You wrote that “the Law is not a curse.” Well, you need to do a bit more homework. Paul, in Galatians 3:13, said exactly the opposite. I think I’ll stick with Paul, rather than your opinions or mine. I have no interest in butting into God’s covenant with someone else…I have my own covenant with God, and that’s enough for me.

            You’re incorrect about the accusations against Jesus. Jesus claimed to be God, which is why they wanted to kill Him…so yes, He – being God – was NOT falsely accused.

            When it comes to the Sabbath – or anything else in Scripture – it’s important to read the text. So far, your track record isn’t great. Go read Genesis 2. Dig a tiny bit into the Hebrew and see that God did not do what you imply. The word shabat simply means “to stop.” God stopped working because His work was done. He made no command about observing a parallel sabbath until He made His covenant with Israel at Sinai in Exodus. If you’d like to discuss this in more detail, I’d suggest reading Why Don’t Christians Observe the Original Sabbath and commenting over there. Yes, sabbath was important. No, Christians are not commanded to observe the sabbath in the way that the Mosaic Law demanded.

            Simply put: the Law is obsolete.

          • Brian says:

            Thank you for responding so quickly. I do want you to understand that I shared your same opinion on the law until a couple years ago. Shortly after I was baptized in the Spirit, I was challenged to approach the Bible without preconceived notions. My eyes were certainly opened when I started believing what I read instead of just reading what I believed.

            I use the word “notion” because it’s not the consensus of all God-fearing Christians. And it has not been the opinion of most churches since Acts. I will agree that it is currently the majority, but we all know what the Bible says about following the majority. There was no prophesy that the law would be done away with. There was a new covenant, but it placed that law (Mosaic law in Greek) on our hearts and in our minds. Hebrews 10:16

            You are misunderstanding what Paul is telling us in Galatians 3:13. The curse comes when you choose not to follow the law. This is clearly presented in Deuteronomy 11:26. It’s a blessing for those that choose to follow it. That includes Ethiopians. Moses wife was Ethiopian coincidentally. I challenge you to read through Psalms and see what David says about the law. He certainly didn’t make it sound like a curse. Did Jesus disagree with David? Didn’t God’s Spirit give David those words? Was Paul preaching against David? Against the Law? Doesn’t that make him a false prophet by definition in Deuteronomy 13? Is that not the same law that should be on our hearts and minds? Paul asks a question that we should all take to heart. “Should we continue in sin that grace may abound?” He also answers it for us. “God forbid”. Romans 6:1 Paul does not tell us that the law is done away with and that it is a curse. Again I point to Peter who said that misunderstanding Paul leads to lawlessness. One verse suggesting the law is done, cannot stand up to the countless other verses that tell us to follow God’s commands/Law.

            Sin is defined as “transgression of the law”. 1 John 3:4 That’s Mosaic law in the Greek. What does Jesus need to save us from if that law is no longer in effect? What do we need forgiveness from? Don’t get me wrong. Following the law does not bring salvation, but not following it does bring a curse. All the curses presented to the Israelites are present in churches all across the world. That’s what Paul was referring to, not that the law itself was a curse. John also tells us what it means to love God in 1 John 5:3. Loving God means following His commands, and they are NOT grievous. John also tells us that Jesus is the Word. That means Jesus IS the Law and the Prophets. Rejecting the law is rejecting Jesus.

            What are your thoughts on Matthew 5:17-20? Jesus Himself said that the Law is not abolished. That’s Mosaic law in the Greek. Not one jot or tittle has passed. Are you willing to be called “the least in the kingdom of heaven” to prove your point?

            What are your thoughts on Matthew 7:21-27? Jesus is telling “workers of lawlessness” (that’s Mosaic Law in the Greek) to get away from Him, as in, you didn’t pass the Throne Judgment. Not because they didn’t know Him, but because HE didn’t know THEM. The house built on a rock is likened to being wise to follow the Law. If that one doesn’t put the fear of God in you and make you reconsider your opinion of the law, I don’t know what will.

          • Tony says:


            Thanks for your reply. I’m pleased to read that you understand the Bible to be the source of our beliefs, and not the evidence we dig through to prove our opinions are correct.

            Thanks also for clarification on the term “notion.” I put it in quotes to highlight my point. It’s true that there’s no consensus among God-fearing Christians on the subject of the Law, but that doesn’t change what we see in Scripture. After almost 40 years of discussing theology, I can tell you that there will always be someone who disagrees with virtually anything. The question isn’t whether we can find consensus. The question is, “What does the Bible say?” and “What does it mean?”

            You and I disagree, so far. That doesn’t bother me, as long as both of us are willing to be challenged. Our beliefs should match what we see in Scripture…I’m sure we agree on that. With that said, let’s get back to the data.

            Biblical interpretation isn’t all that difficult. There are a handful of rules, most of which apply to virtually any communication, plus a few that are particular to the Bible. One such rule is known as ‘unity.’ That’s the idea that the Bible, despite having been written by around 40 authors over a period of 1500 years, is essentially one story, superintended by God Himself. As such, we believe that the Bible will not contradict itself. Where there are apparent contradictions, Christians believe that it is they who must misunderstand, rather than that the Bible is wrong. Other rules explain that we should use clear passages to interpret unclear passages, and that we read each passage in its context. Let me explain how these rules keep me from agreeing with you.

            There is no contradiction between the Old and New Testaments, including passages dealing with the Mosaic Law. There are no contradictions between the writings of Peter and Paul, or between what Jesus said and what Luke wrote. If one passage seems to indicate that Christians are under the Law, and another seems to indicate that Christians are not under the Law, we need to work to bring clarity…to dig until we understand what we’ve gotten wrong. When Paul wrote that we are not under the Law, that the Law was temporary until Christ came, and that we have been released from the Law, I have no choice but to believe him. These passages are clear and unambiguous.

            As you can see by reading the many comments above, it’s easy to bring other passages into the discussion. Nobody should dismiss these other passages, of course…they are equally true. The goal is not to prove our point, but to understand the whole of Scripture. So, when someone points out that Romans 3:31 says that we “uphold the law,” it’s important to work to understand what that means. In context, Paul was (clearly) not saying that Christians are to be Torah-observant. If that were true, he would not have also said that the Law was temporary. Instead, we see from the context what Paul meant: that those who live by faith will fulfill the intent of the Law. It’s tedious at times, but every single objection must be dealt with in this way. We look at each passage in context, then compare and contrast them with other passages to get a clear picture. Where a passage is taken out of its original context, it’s usually misapplied.

            For example, you’ve written this a few times: “Mosaic Law in Greek.” With all due respect, that’s irresponsible nonsense. The Greek says no such thing, and anyone with access to a Greek New Testament (that is, everyone with access to the internet) can very easily and very quickly prove otherwise. The Greek word nomos simply means “law,” and it’s a generic word that can be applied in many different ways. None of the passages you’ve mentioned as using “Mosaic Law in Greek” have any word other than nomos or a variant, like anomos (“without law” or “no law”). If you’re going to refer to the Greek to bolster your position, get ready to get schooled…because either you 1) are parroting what somebody else has told you (bad form), 2) have no idea what you’re talking about (very bad form), or 3) are a liar (very, very bad form).

            Now: if you want to say that the context of a passage leads you to believe that the author uses nomos to refer to the Mosaic Law, go ahead. It’s used that way many times in Scripture…but to say that those passages say “Mosiac Law” in Greek is not just incorrect, it’s dangerous and destructive.

            Hebrews 10:16 doesn’t say what you claim. The law written on our hearts is not the Mosaic Law. Galatians 3 doesn’t say what you claim. It says that those who rely on the works of the Law are under a curse. 1 John 3:4 isn’t talking about the Mosaic Law, but about any law. 1 John 5:3 does say that loving God means keeping His commands, but it doesn’t speak of the Mosaic Law. You’re adding that idea to the text, simply because it has the word “commands” in it…then you pretend that John taught that we should obey the Mosaic Law. Bologna.

            You claim that Jesus being “the Word” means that rejecting the Mosaic Law is rejecting Jesus. Again, that’s utter nonsense…and it’s dangerous to people who don’t know better. You’re promoting the same errors that we see corrected in the New Testament in places like Timothy, Titus, Acts, Galatians, and Hebrews. In the strongest sense, knock it off. Do your homework and correct your theology or keep your mouth shut. I don’t say this to be rude, Brian. Those who teach are held by God to a higher standard, and you are undeniably failing to meet that standard. Study to show yourself approved, brother. Until you can make your case directly from Scripture, don’t make your case at all. To do otherwise is to be disobedient.

            What do I think of Matthew 5:17-20? I believe it’s true, of course. I also know that you’ve again spread nonsense here, because the Greek does not say “Mosaic Law” in any sense. Jesus implied that the Law WOULD be abolished, when everything is accomplished. According to Paul, Peter, James, John, Luke, and the whole Jerusalem council, everything had been accomplished. The New Covenant is in force, and the old – being obsolete – is no longer needed. When Paul wrote that the Law was temporary, being needed until Christ came, what else could he mean but that the Law’s purpose had been fulfilled?

            What do I think of Matthew 7:21-27? I believe it’s true, of course. Again, your bologna is showing. The Greek text does not say “Mosaic Law.” Equating doing God’s will with the Mosaic Law is a joke, Brian. Abraham didn’t have the Mosaic Law, but he believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness. Name any faithful man or woman who lived before the Exodus and the same will be true. It’s just wrong to equate God’s will with the Mosaic Law…that would mean that Moses didn’t do God’s will when he went and confronted Pharaoh, for example. Nonsense.

            For the record, I have three final things to say:

            1. Don’t mistake my disagreement, or even my chastisement, as dislike.
            2. Go and do your homework, studying to show yourself approved. Avoid taking a stand when you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m happy to help, but I won’t publish a bunch of nonsense that will confuse my readers. If you’d like to discuss more nonsense, we can move this to emails. Let me know.
            3. While you’re always welcome here, I will not publish another comment like your previous one. It’s simply full of crap. You make claims that are easily proven wrong, make leaps in logic to twist Scripture in an attempt to prove your position, rather than take your position from Scripture, and you suggest (at the beginning of your comment) that somehow you’ve grown to the point that you no longer approach Scripture with preconceptions. I’ve only published this comment because it gives me the opportunity to show what a terrible argument looks like, and how to refute it. Feel free to continue the discussion if you wish…just do it responsibly. Stop making false claims. Stop eisegeting (reading your theology into Scripture) and start exegeting (getting your theology from Scripture).

            I wish you well.

          • Steven Stewart says:

            You should not be on here talking like that
            We must be tolerant to other views

          • Tony says:

            Must we, Steven? Where does this “must” come from? It certainly doesn’t come from Scripture. It especially doesn’t come from the New Testament. Paul told Timothy to watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers. (1 Timothy 4:16). Titus was told that …there are many rebellious people, full of meaningless talk and deception, especially those of the circumcision group. They must be silenced, because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach (Titus 1:10-11)

            Giving you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps you mean that – in humility – followers of Jesus should avoid being overly dogmatic, open to correction, and willing to be challenged to better understand what God has told us. If that’s what you mean, I’m with you.

            Of course, I don’t think that’s what you mean. You say that we must be tolerant of other views. That’s the opposite of what the New Testament teaches those of us who follow Jesus. You’re free to believe, and tolerate, whatever you wish. I’m not. Here’s one reason why:

            I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel – which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:6-10)

            That doesn’t sound very tolerant, does it?

            When someone comes to my website and disagrees with me, I read what they write very carefully. If they better understand the Scriptures in question, I learn from them. If they contradict the gospel that was handed down to us from the beginning, I have a responsibility to point that out. I’m not here to try to please people, but to please God. My work is to help others better understand what the Bible teaches, so they can better trust God with their lives. That’s not going to happen through tolerance of other views. It can only happen when I pass on what was faithfully passed on to me.

          • Serena says:

            Hi! I’m only 15 and I’m really struggling with this law. I get scared that God will get mad if I do my school work on a Friday after sun sent because of the Sabbath. I used to honor it, but it felt law binging. So I tried steering away from it, and now I feel I’m doing something wrong. I know God is a patient and loving God, but I’m scared that He will think that I’m purposely disobey Him and willfully falling into sin. I understand being part of the mosaic law, which I’ve learned we no longer follow—and it’s amazing freedom. However, I do understand the 10 commandments still apply. It’s not 9/10. We must obey all 10. So that’s why I’m struggling with this. I am not saying you’re wrong, because I have really no opinion on it because I don’t know. So, out of 100% respect, can you please explain to me why we follow 9 out of the 10 commandments that are said to never be changed? It would help ease my mind. Thanks so much

          • Tony says:


            Thanks for writing to me! You’ve asked an important question, and I want to ease your mind.

            God commanded certain people to observe sabbaths. I say “sabbaths” and not “sabbath” because there were a bunch of sabbaths. The word ‘sabbath’ mean ‘to rest.’ Not rest because you’re tired, but rest to stop working. In music, a rest is where you stop playing for a moment. It’s like that. There was a weekly sabbath. Like you said, it began on Friday at sundown and lasted until Saturday at sundown. There were other sabbaths… special celebrations where God’s people were to stop what they were doing and pay special attention to their spiritual lives.

            I say “certain people” because God didn’t tell everyone in the world to observe sabbaths… only the ancient Israelites. That’s who He was talking to when He gave the 10 Commandments, and the laws that are related to them. He told the people that He had brought them out of Egypt, and that they were going to be in a covenant (agreement) with Him.

            I’m guessing you’re not an ancient Israelite. Am I right? I’m not. I’ve never been to Egypt. Maybe you’ve been to Egypt, but I’ll bet you weren’t a slave there that God freed and sent toward Canaan. Am I right? Yeah, I’m right.

            The only people involved in the old covenant – God’s agreement with the ancient Israelites – were the ancient Israelites, and any foreigners who wanted to live with them in the promised land. Nobody else was involved in that agreement. Not the Egyptians, not the Chinese, not the Peruvians, not the Canadians. Certainly not you or me. Really. If you read Exodus 20, you can see who God is talking to. Here’s the important question: why would anyone butt into someone else’s agreement?

            God’s covenant with Israel doesn’t involve you or me. No matter what God said to them in that agreement, He wasn’t talking to you or me or the whole world. When I proposed to my girlfriend and asked her to be my wife, I wasn’t talking to anyone else. When I said, “I do” at our wedding, I wasn’t talking to anyone else. It would be weird for someone else to jump into the conversation and say, “So, when should we have the wedding” or “Where will we go on our honeymoon”… right?

            That’s what a lot of people are doing with the 10 Commandments. They’re butting into a conversation they weren’t invited into. They’re pretending that God was talking to them, but He wasn’t. The result of that covenant was the religion known as Judaism. I’m a Christian. The Mosaic Law NEVER applied to me at all… so it’s kinda ridiculous for me to ask HOW to observe the Law, isn’t it?

            Christians have our own commands. Our commands are what Jesus taught. We learn about His commands from reading what He said, and from reading what His disciples learned from Him. Only 9 of the 10 Commandments are repeated in the New Testament. The one that’s missing is the sabbath. Why? Because: the sabbath only pointed to a time in the future when Jesus would come and change things. Now, Jesus has come. He changed things. There are no longer Jewish animal sacrifices in the Temple. There are no longer Jewish rules about ceremonial washing. There are no longer Jewish rules about clean and unclean foods. Why? Because those were symbols of the coming Messiah. When the Messiah came, the symbols were no longer needed. The 10 Commandments never applied to you, and they no longer apply to the Israelites.

            Does that make sense? Judaism and Christianity aren’t the same. Only ancient Jews were to observe the 10 Commandments. Christians only observe Jesus’ commands. Let me know if you have any more questions. Thanks!

          • MICHAEL REESE says:

            I’m a New Testament Christian. The Sacrifice of
            Christ on the Cross payed
            the whole price. It is finished.
            He is the author and finisher
            of my Faith. There is nothing
            I can do to add to what the
            Lamb of God (Jesus) did for
            Me. My rest is in Him,
            That’s really Good News.
            Thank you for the discussion,
            The Old Testament is important, Because of Christ
            I now live in a New Covenant.

        • Steven Stewart says:

          Amen Brother
          I’m going through the same struggle
          Why keep just 9 comandments
          The Sabbath is Gods moral law allways and forever
          We are no longer under the law
          But we keep it to honor our Father in Heaven

          Please email me brother
          I’d love to hear more about your faith

          • Tony says:


            With respect, you should study the Scriptures more. Here’s a passage where you can begin your research.

            Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was, will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts! (2 Corinthians 3:7-11)

            Note that Paul calls the Law “the ministry that brought death,” called it “transitory,” points out that it “brought condemnation,” and can’t compare with what replaced it: the ministry of the Spirit. This is echoed in Galatians 5:4, where Paul clearly spells it out: You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.

            The idea that Christians are to observe the Law to honor God is alien to the teachings of Jesus and His disciples…so it’s alien to the New Testament. Study, my friend, to show yourself approved.

      • Shane Wells says:

        He came to establish the Law not to abolish it

        • Tony says:

          Hey Shane…thanks for commenting. I’d like to see if we can agree, but it’s going to take at least a tiny bit of work. Please tell us: where in the Bible we can find this idea?

          You see, the Law was already established. It had been around for around 1300 years before Jesus was born. I can find Bible verses that tell us that Jesus came to fulfill the Law, of course (Matthew 5:17). Can you find Bible verses explaining your idea? Thanks!

          • Shane Wells says:

            Do not think I come to abolish the Law I come not to abolish but fulfill. WHOEVER DISOBEYS THESE COMMANDMENTS AND TEACHES OTHERS TO DO SO WILL BE CALLED LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN

          • Tony says:


            Thanks for commenting. Here’s a tip: when you post ONLY Scripture, you seem to be saying, “Your error must come from not knowing this bit from the Bible.” I’m not offended, of course…that would be silly. Instead, I’m complaining. My Bible says the same things your Bible says, so this verse is the same in both. What’s missing is your explanation of WHY this verse shows that I’ve misunderstood.

            You see, I believe this verse. Wholeheartedly and unreservedly. I believe it’s entirely true. That doesn’t change my position even a little bit. Why? Because I understand the verse to mean something different than what you see in it. If you don’t share your own thoughts – explain your understanding – then you haven’t helped me, or the millions who will come and read your comment, at all. So, in the interest of having a fruitful discussion about important things, I’ll ask the question:

            What do think Jesus meant when He said that? Keep in mind that Peter, Paul, Luke, James, and a whole bunch of others did not teach that Gentiles (non-Jews, like myself) are bound by the Law. Paul specifically taught that we are not under the Law at all. In light of these facts, it doesn’t appear that Jesus could have been saying that His followers must be Jewish. What do you think?

          • Shane Wells says:

            You are a blind guide of the blind, the Sabbath day is set apart, I belong to no denomination,read the scriptures,I can tell you this which the Lord has given me, the number of the name will be given to false teachers,who will receive the greater condemnation,james says, my brethren, not many should be teachers,you have no fear of the Lord,otherwise you would not be so quick to play with the Word of God.

          • Tony says:

            Mmhmm. I see.

            I really do appreciate you being here, Shane. Your insults mean less than nothing to me, of course…not because I’m convinced I’m right, or because I’m immune to truth, or because I “have no fear of the Lord,” but because your insults can only be meant to hurt. That doesn’t bother me. What would bother me? Why, I’d be bothered if you had presented an explanation that proved mine untrue. You know, if you had made a case from Scripture that I should amend, or even destroy, what I currently believe. Instead of serving me with truth, you’ve only sought to put me down. I’m not even close to being bothered by that.

            Here’s an idea: make your case. Show me, from the Bible, where I am wrong. Prove to me – one who is eager to be corrected – that I need correcting. I’m all ears, Shane. Really: I’m serious. I would owe you a great debt if you were able to show me, from God’s Word, that I am wrong. I don’t believe you will, but I wish you would.

          • Shane Wells says:

            John 5:22-23 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son; That all men should honour theSon,even as they honour the Father.Exodus 20:12 Honour thy Father and thy mother. 1 John 2:3-4And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 1 John 2:6-7 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also to walk, even as he walked. Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which year had from the beginning. The old commandment is the wordwhich yeah have heard from the BEGINNING. I

          • Tony says:

            It’s a start. I appreciate that.

            It’s not enough, though. Again, you post only Scripture. My Bible says exactly what your Bible says, so that’s not very helpful. If you and I have read the same verses and yet come to different conclusions, then we need further understanding. Just rereading the passage isn’t going to cause one of us to change our minds.

            For example: you seem to be saying that 1 John 2 speaks of the Law. Without further explanation, that’s what it looks like. However, when you read vv 6-7 in context, it’s clear and obvious that that can’t be right. Begin in verse 1, and read through verse 8:

            My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

            And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

            Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning. Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.

            I used the KJV to answer you, in case you irrationally mistrust some other version. It happens. Anyway, when you read the passage in its original context, you can see that 1) the “he” spoken of is Jesus (v1), 2) that John isn’t telling them something they hadn’t heard before (v7), and 3) John actually IS writing them a new command (v8). Note verse 6, where John says that whoever claims to live in Jesus must live as Jesus lived. You seem to think that means following the Law.

            Unfortunately, you appear to be wrong about that. Why do I say that? Because I’ve read other parts of the Bible, and understand that they must fit together and that they don’t contradict one another. Jesus (as in Hebrews) is our High Priest, who completed the work that other priests could not complete. Why? Because Jesus is the perfect and final sacrifice, whose death put an end to the entire system of positional righteousness that we find in the Law. How do I know this system is done? Because Paul explains it in undeniable terms in places like Romans and Galatians. How are we to understand Romans 6:14, if not to say that we are not under the Law?

            For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

            Why would anyone follow the 613 commands of a law that’s no longer in force? That can only be an expression of ignorance, or of rebellion. You don’t sound rebellious, so I can only conclude that you don’t know any better. How else are we to understand Galatians 3:23-25, if not to say that we are not under the Law?

            Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

            How could the Bible be more clear? I suppose, if we found a place that said, “No, Shane…you’re wrong about following the Law” that might do it. I could go on, sharing verse after verse and passage after passage that explain that NOBODY, especially not Christians, and especially not a gentile Christian, is under the Law…but I like to keep things simple. As we move forward, please note that I didn’t simply post Scripture. I also explained how I understand it. Your Bible says what my Bible says, so it’s not the text that we lack…it’s our understanding of the text. Please address in a direct manner, if you would, Galatians 3. Please explain why Paul would say that we are not under the Law if we are actually under the Law. The way I see it, either Paul is wrong or you are wrong. How do you see it?

          • G.Love says:

            You see, not only was I lead here by the Lord but also I was looking for confirmation on what I believed but couldn’t seem to confirm by fully regarding the Law and the fulfilment of Christ my saviour. I was looking for answers and I was lead here and specifically to this thread, upon read the to and throwing with shane and yourself Tony the Lord certainly shew me what answers needed although I’ve heard and read this NT doctrine before, but for some reason it resonated more through these chain of comments and replies. I’m glad I stumbled (no, was lead here) …not that we shouldn’t keep the commandments but rather keep the commandments through Christ who had fulfilled the law which was given to Moses; my understanding is if a person of no Christian faith in these times committed; lets say murder he is under the law of the land which is imprisonment or in some states death penalty in stead of producing 3 goats a carrot and a jellysfish to the Archbishop of Canterbury, todays standards the murderer may get a life sentence and be out in 30 years, he’s done his penance and he’s a free man to roam the earth but with out a spiritual repentance in the name of Jesus as a genuine believer this person is still going to hell as those of Moses days under the Law regardless of their offerings, however a man committed murder and was still in prison but truly gave his life to Christ and truly repented of that sin; even if he was sentenced to death in prison he would still have life in Christ therefore received through Grace. I know I’ve most probably gone the long way round to explain being under OT and NT Covenant but there really isn’t any short hand easy way to explain to others that do not understand it the way I do in being not subject to the Law of Moses, I’ve probably even cut it short and more to being under Gentile covenant, Tony thank you in essence for allowing God to use you as vessel in Jesus Name

          • Tony says:


            I’m very pleased to hear that the discussion has been helpful. The key is to study the Scriptures. My opinions mean nothing, unless I’m in line with what the Bible says. I do hope you’ll continue doing your homework on these issues, studying what God has already told us. Have a great day!

          • Shane Wells says:

            The first temptation in the wilderness the Lord said-man does not live by bread alone,but by Every Word that comes forth from the mouth of God. The Lord showed what was profitable and what was not, it seems you are on milk, washing of hands and the like are unprofitable,the Commandments were never abolished like Christians think, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter. Revelation talks of the ones who keep the Commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ,now,if you don’t believe the word, then your discussions will be endless useless debates, at the end of the day, Righteousness sits on a Throne, he has shown us the way of Righteousness,which is obedience to God, we have freedom in Christ, stringent ceremonial Law he showed us was done away with, but not the Righteousness of the Law, the Law is carnal to the carnal mind, but it is spiritual to the spiritual mind, it is not a burden, it is a joy, the love of every word of God makes it easy, the more you question the more of a burden it becomes, you dear your mind that you do not want to obey, so your conscience is seared, God does not want us to obey his voice because we have to, in fear of going to hell, he wants us to obey out of Love and a pure heart.

          • Tony says:

            Come on, Shane…you’re stonewalling. It’s never a good idea to stick to your guns when the evidence is against you. Again you’ve posted only opinions with no Scripture. I’ve been through this again and again and again in the past 20 years, and you’re not giving me anything new. You’re spouting truisms from Scripture, mixed with insults. Try actually dealing with the Scriptures that undermine your position. You don’t have to tackle them all at once, of course…try just one:

            Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

            Tell me: with no insults, with no presumptions of your own rightness, why you think it’s biblical to live by the Law when Paul says that we are no longer under the Law. Good luck!

          • Shane Wells says:

            Proverbs 4:1-2 Hear,ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding.For I give you good doctrine, forsake yeah not my Torah. John 7:16-18 Jesus answered them and said,My doctrine is not mine,but his that sent me. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself

          • Tony says:

            Come on, Shane. Try to keep up. Deal with THIS passage:

            Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

          • Shane says:

            Unfortunately tony,you mistake truth for insults,the truth offends,I did not say obey all 613 I said all that are the moral one’s of the 613,I don’t see why Christians find moral laws a big deal,after all you have no problem with the Sunday Sabbath, so why have a problem with the Sabbath of the Lord, it makes no sense-convince,rebuke,exhort with all long suffering and teaching, for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires,because they will have itching ears,will accumulate unto themselves teachers,and will turn their ears away from the truth,and will be turned aside unto fables,but you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions,do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry.And again-for false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you,who will secretly bring in destructive heresies,even denying the master who bought them,bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their licentiousness, and because of them the truth will be blasphemed.You see you are mistaking Law and Commandments-2 Kings 17:37 And the statues, and the ordinances, and the law,and the commandment,which he wrote for you,ye shall observe to do for evermore, and ye shall not fear other gods.You see there is a difference between law and commandment-christians have a habit of saying we don’t need to obey the law because we are not Jews,but a true Jew is circumcised from the heart,by saying I’m not a Jew I’m avgentile you’re saying you’re not Israel,because Israel are Jews,or if you prefer Hebrews, we are grafted into them not them into us,and if it suited God to cut off the cultivated branch because of disobedience, then what do you think will happen to the uncultivated that is disobedient,the Sabbath was a gift to us,it gives us a glimpse of what is to come,you are saying by your teaching that we don’t need his ways,his commandment is righteousness, the Lord died to save us and honour his father,is it too much to ask for Christians to honour him in truth,they have no problem with the pagan festivals, is all I and others like me can do is shake our heads,and wonder how it all went so horribly wrong for the churches and their followers,l.

          • Tony says:


            I hope you’ve had a good week. I’ve been pretty busy, and am just now catching up.

            >> I did not say obey all 613 I said all that are the moral one’s of the 613

            Yes, you’re correct. I misread that part. I didn’t mean to misrepresent your position.

            >>I don’t see why Christians find moral laws a big deal

            LOL. Christians have plenty of moral laws…they’re simply what Jesus taught. We do find it a big deal when someone tries to convince us of another gospel, which Paul warned about in Galatians. Maybe, if you read Galatians, you’ll begin to see what I mean.

            >>…after all you have no problem with the Sunday Sabbath

            I understand your confusion. Many Christians do erroneously consider Sunday to be “the” sabbath, and that avoiding work on that day somehow pleases God. I don’t share their view, but I understand it.

            Let me ask you a question, Shane. We could go around and around if you wish, but that’s not my intention. Here’s what I’d like to know: in the year 50AD, what would the Apostle John say to a gentile who wanted to please God? Would he tell that person that they had to convert to Judaism? Would he tell them that they must obey not only what Jesus taught but also what Moses taught? Would John tell them that they needed a list of the moral laws from the Torah, to make sure they did what God had commanded?

            What do you think John would say?

          • Shane Wells says:

            I am afraid for you Tony, if you still can’t find the truth in 20 years,you reject the righteousness of instruction,you can’t say I will obey 9 commandments and throw one away, I tell you a truth, we should not obey the ten commandments,we should obey all in the 613 commandments which are moral, what will you say when he says that to you.Anyone who teaches others not to obey is a liar and a thief and is trying to climb over the fence, but those who know the truth enter through him, they accept his righteousness and honour him the same as the Father, salvation is not a cheap road, Christians have made it that way.

          • Tony says:

            I’m very disappointed, Shane. You persist in insulting me, even while pretending to be concerned for me. You prefer to remain in bondage, rather than let God free you. Not once have I asked you to believe me, but again and again I’ve asked you to look to God’s Word and see for yourself what He has said. Be like a Berean, Shane: look to the Scriptures.

            The early church dealt with this issue from the very beginning, where judaizers sought to force gentiles to follow the Law. In Acts 15, we see that this was the subject of an important debate. Those who saw things your way said that the Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses (v5). The apostles then wrote a letter to settle the matter, saying:

            It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things.

            As I’m sure you are aware, in keeping the Law one must keep all of the Law. This was not instruction to keep the Law, clearly. In Galatians 2, the apostle Paul confronted the apostle Peter about his hypocrisy in this matter:

            When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in front of them all, “You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs? “We who are Jews by birth and not sinful Gentiles know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.

            You proudly proclaim that you will obey all 613 commands in the Law. This is foolishness. Are you more righteous than Luke? Are you more righteous than Peter? Are you more righteous than James, and Paul, and Timothy, and Titus, and Andrew, and Philip? You are following the traditions of men, Shane…not the command of God. You purposely ignore God’s Word in favor of your own. How much more clear can the Scriptures be, when we can go there every day and read that we are not under the Law?

            • You are not under the Law. Romans 6:14
            • the Law is a law of sin and death, not of life. Romans 8:2
            • The ‘Righteousness of God’ is now manifested apart from the Law. Romans 3:21
            • So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. Galatians 3:24-25
            • Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. Galatians 3:19
            • Seeking to be justified by the Law severs us from Christ. Galatians 5:4

            No, the Scriptures couldn’t be more clear. Your resistance to God’s Word is, unfortunately, equally clear. You have been lied to, Shane. You have been misled. Worse than that, you have willingly followed those who mislead you. Your allegiance should not be to the erroneous traditions of men, but to God and His Word.

            We can worship the God who is, or we can worship the god we prefer. Please, Shane: be reconciled to God.

            . . . . . . .

            P.S. – I could do this all day. If you want to run away and hide from God’s Word, you are free to do so…but I’m not free to stop proclaiming the entire Word of God. If you want to continue this discussion, I will still be here. I recommend that your next step is to read Galatians, and then explain why you feel comfortable contradicting the clear meaning of God’s Word: we are not under the Law.

            I wish you well.

          • Shane Wells says:

            Tell me this Tony, when the apostle John says obey the commandments,what do you think he is saying. Do you have your version, do you think he was trying to trick us, do you think he was speaking in parables,what do you think he meant? I

          • Tony says:


            I’ll respond to your question about this verse after you reply to my question about Galatians 3:24-25. =)

          • Shane Wells says:

            It may be wiser Tony to read the whole chapter in context instead of cherry picking the verses-if you look at 3:10 Christ showed us the curse was the ritual which cannot save-again-3:13-14-again-3:15-you are annulling the covenant -again -Isaiah 24:5-6 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth and they that dwell therein are desolate :therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men are left.Galatians 3:19 the sin offerings were added because of transgressions til messiah came-I think you are mistaking Torah instruction for ceremonial Law which cannot save, Christ would not throw the moral righteousness in the bin, he has put all things under his feet, now you have to go through him to get to the Father,he is making sure the Father is honoured in truth, as a son would,if you reject righteousness now on earth, what do you think will happen in the kingdom of there is division, he showed us the way, he is the way the truth and the life, one thing’s for sure, you can’t make anyone love every word that came from his mouth with your heart, but some of us do, we don’t look for excuses not to obey,we obey out of Love with a pure heart and a clear conscience,it says, yeah shall bind them on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And again, in those days, I will write it on their hearts and put it in their minds, and I shall be their God and they shall be my people.

          • Tony says:


            I very much appreciate you taking the time to actually address Galatians 3.

            You’re adding to the Scriptures. Note v16, where Paul speaks of Abraham and the promise. The Law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant. What is the Law? It’s the Law. Not part of the Law, but the Law itself. This is clear by the context. When you say that v19 speaks of “sin offerings that were added” you betray your bias. The text doesn’t say that, in English or in Greek. The word is nomos. The Greek word used in Leviticus 4 (where sin offerings are prescribed) is chatta’ath. Not even close. You’re substituting man’s words for God’s Words. When you say that v10 speaks of “the ritual” you betray your bias. The text doesn’t say that, and it doesn’t imply it.

            As I said earlier: the distinction between the civil and ceremonial and moral law isn’t made in Scripture. As we see in v5, Paul contrasts believing with the works of the Law. Verse 10 doesn’t speak of only sin offerings, clearly…it speaks of everything written in the Law. If you fail to do any part of the Law, you are cursed. You proclaim that you will obey all 613 commands of the Law, yet Paul wrote in v11 that you – clearly – cannot rely on the Law to be justified before God.

            When you move from the Scriptures to your own explanation about Jesus, and what He would and would not do, you err. Nobody has suggested that Jesus would throw out moral righteousness. That’s silly…because, in v6 (and other places) we read that Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.” You can talk all you want about your desire to obey…I’m not questioning your zeal. I’m questioning your understanding of the Scriptures. I can’t even begin to count how many people I’ve talked to over the years who were convinced that God wanted them to do something that’s clearly unbiblical, like leaving their wife or living in a homosexual relationship or cheating on their taxes. Zeal is only good if it’s aimed at the right target, Shane. Your zeal is misplaced.

            You may think you’re doing well to obey the Law. Let me suggest that you are not…and that you’re taking the easy way out. It’s much more costly to live as a New Testament disciple than as an Old Testament law-follower. For example: in the old covenant, you owed 10% of your “profits” (crops and livestock) to God. The other 90% were yours. In the new covenant, 100% of what you have belongs to God, and you are only a steward of it. None of it is yours, to do with as you wish. In the old covenant, you owed God the first fruits of your harvest and flocks. In the new covenant, the orchards and flocks are entirely His. In the old covenant, you had to make periodic sacrifices to please God. In the new covenant, you ARE the sacrifice. You don’t even belong to yourself: you belong to Him because He purchased you. In the old covenant you were free as long as you dispatched your duties to God. In the new covenant you are a bond-servant for life.

            You seem to think that obeying the old covenant is some kind of badge of honor, and that you’re doing more – and better – for God than those who do not obey the Law. I can tell you that living by a checklist of responsibilities is much, much easier than submitting all that you have and all that you are to God each morning, not knowing how the Holy Spirit will lead you each day. Remember: the righteous shall live by faith. You are not, based on your words, living by faith. You are living by the Law, and failing. We both know you can’t keep the Law, Shane. Why would you shackle yourself to it needlessly? There is freedom in Christ. If you belong to Christ (v29), then you are Abraham’s seed, and an heir to the promise. The Law can’t give you that.

            Now: will you please address vv23-25? Thanks!

          • Shane says:

            You sound like a very intelligent person tony,but its people like you who thought they were more intelligent than everyine else who perverted the truth,there’s no changing your mind,I feel very sad for you,if you only knew what the Lord has been doing in the earth during the last 19 months-he has chosen his anointed and has been teaching them,scoff as you may,he is fulfilling what he said he was going to do,he does not lie,he is the same yesterday, today and forever,because you don’t see things you won’t believe them,he doesn’t change, he offers you a path of righteousness, but you reject it,I beg you please turn back,obey his Commandments, this is truth,this is what the anointed will preach,come out of babylon, receive him,he’s waiting for you,to comfort you and give you rest-his name is Yehoshua and he is the Son of God.Praise his holy holy name.

          • Tony says:

            Shane, Shane, Shane. Again you resort to insults, rather than addressing the Scriptures. I understand. It’s a defense mechanism. Yes, I’m an intelligent person. That doesn’t mean that I assume I’m right about everything. I’m more than willing to hear your side of things. I’m eager, in fact…but you seem less eager to back up what you believe with the clear witness of Scripture. I’ve been praying for you, and so have others. The goal is not for you to believe as I do, but for both of us to believe what the Scriptures teach.

            It doesn’t matter to me how many times you accuse me of being wrong, Shane. I’m pretty much immune to it. That’s not because I refuse to see the truth, but because I’ve been discussing God and the Bible with people like you and like me for decades. I’ve been called every name in the book, and some that probably never got written down. I’m a heretic. I’m the devil. I’m demon-possessed. I’m an idiot. I’m unspiritual. I’m gullible. I’m unwilling to see the truth. I’m unable to see the truth. It’s pretty funny, sometimes. Here’s what does matter to me: YOU. You matter to me because you matter to God. As I told you before: I could do this all day. Why? Because the truth will set you free. My job is not to convince you believe the truth. My job is to tell you the truth, and it’s your job to believe it. In our discussion so far, the truth I need to tell you is that obeying the Law will do you no good.

            It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith.

            You can dance around it all you want. You can pretend that the Bible says things that it doesn’t say. You can insert your own opinions into Scripture, if you wish…but the truth doesn’t change. The Law was temporary. Now that Christ has come, the Law is no longer needed. This isn’t my personal opinion, Shane. It’s directly from Scripture.

            Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

            The God of the universe is unchanging, with regard to His character…but His interactions with us do change. We are no longer under the Law. Those aren’t my words. They’re God’s Words. You have yet to address them here, and I will patiently wait for you to do so.

            . . . . . . .

            I know it might not be convincing to you, but I’ll give you a glimpse into my own life. I do this not to bolster my argument, but because of what you’ve written. What I’m about to write does not make me right about the Law, so let’s not pretend that my own zeal should convince you, any more than your zeal should convince me. You’ve suggested that I receive Jesus. That’s a kind thing to suggest. I accepted God’s offer of salvation when I was six years old, and have renewed my commitment to Him a thousand times or more since. I have the comfort and rest you speak of…not because being a follower of Jesus “works for me” but because I don’t have to perform spiritual works to remain in a right relationship with Him. I’m certainly not perfect, but I do not waver from my desire to submit to Him fully, to obey Him completely, and to be faithful to His calling on my life. I consider the Bible to be fully trustworthy, and the final word on matters of doctrine and practice for anyone who seeks God. My life is not my own…not my body, not my mind, not my time, not my breath. My goal is simply to be useful to Him.

            Maybe this explanation will help you understand that I do not lack commitment, any more than you do. The problem between us isn’t that you’re willing to obey God and I’m not, of course. The problem is that we see God’s expectations for humanity differently. You think that God wants us to obey the Law given to Moses. I think you should read the New Testament more carefully, and learn that there is a better way to live. It’s not my own way, based on my own ideas, as I see fit. It’s the gospel, handed down from Jesus to you and me. At no time have I suggested that you trust my word, but that you trust God’s Word. Don’t avoid the parts that don’t fit your current understanding, Shane. The whole thing is true, so we should accept the whole thing. I’m sure you would agree, but so far it doesn’t look like it. I’ll leave you with 2 Corinthians 3:6 and following, and hope that you will continue to consider whether you’ve rightly understood the nature of the Law:

            He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant – not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was, will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts! Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away. But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

          • Shane says:

            I answered your question but you didn’t answer mine,you dodged it-1 John 2:3-4 And hereby we do know that we know him,if we keep his commandments.He that saith I know him,and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar,and the truth is not in him.You are an enemy if righteousness, you talk against righteousness, you see the commandments of righteousness are an everlasting covenant,and you can’t change that,these are the things that set us apart,and if you’re offended its because you hate the truth and there is no light in you.

          • Tony says:

            There’s a kind of unofficial rule in these conversations, Shane. You’ve probably heard it a time or two but, in case you missed it, I’ll type it out for you:

            Don’t be a jerk.

            There’s no reason for you to keep insulting me. It doesn’t further the conversation. First, I don’t dodge questions. Second, it’s silly to say that I talk against righteousness. Third, I’m not offended. Fourth, I don’t hate the truth. Finally, there is indeed light in me…whether you can see it or not. You don’t know me well enough to insult me properly, so you might as well stop.

            . . . . . . .

            1 John 2:3-4
            You seem to think that this passage tells Christians to obey the Mosaic Law. It doesn’t. There’s nothing in the text to even suggest it, beyond the word “commands.” John seems to be echoing John 15 here, where Jesus speaks about His commands:

            “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last – and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other.

            When you can find a verse in the New Testament that teaches Christians to obey the Law, let me know.

            . . . . . . .

            While you say that you answered my question, you didn’t really. I asked you to explain why you believe that you should obey all 613 commandments in the Law, despite Galatians 3 telling you (and everybody else in the world) that we are no longer under the Law. You tried to answer it, but you didn’t. You made up some story (same story I’ve heard for years, without substantiation) about dividing the Law into parts…the civil, ceremonial, and moral. I pointed out the fact that there is no such distinction in the text, and said that you were adding to Scripture. How do you respond? Can you find a verse that I’ve missed? It’s not enough to just SAY something about what the Bible teaches, Shane. We must always back it up using the text itself. What you believe, and what you’re trying to get me to believe, is not in the text.

            Please make your next comment about that, and not about my character. I’m sure your fellow readers will appreciate it. In case you need a link: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians+3&version=NIV

          • Shane Wells says:

            John would say, Do not think he came to abolish the Law or the Prophets

          • Tony says:

            That’s an answer, but it’s not a complete answer. First, you’ve used only part of the verse you cite. The rest is where Jesus said that He came to fulfill them, which is the crux of our disagreement. Second, that doesn’t answer the question. The fact that Jesus didn’t come to abolish the Law or the Prophets doesn’t actually tell a Gentile what to do. Would John tell this Gentile that he could be saved by works? Would John tell them that they are saved by grace, but kept by works? Would he say that one must adhere to Judaism to be saved? We see plenty of people in Scripture who ask questions like “what must I do to be saved”…what would John tell them?

          • Shane Wells says:

            A rich man asked the Lord the same question,and what was his answer, he said obey the commandments,paul is not your saviour,Christ is, obey him not what you think Paul might mean, he also said to the rich man, after he said he obeys the commandments since he was young, the Lord said, you are close to the Kingdom but there’s one more thing, give all your money to the poor and follow me

          • Tony says:

            …and there it is. You pit Paul against Jesus. I’ve been waiting for it, of course.

            Simply: you are wrong.

            It’s not enough for ME to say that you are wrong. That would be decidedly unbiblical. Peter called Paul’s writings Scripture. Would he do that if Paul taught the wrong things? No, of course not. Paul went to Jerusalem to double-check with the Apostles that what he taught was right, and James and Peter and John (among others) added nothing to it.

            In other words: you don’t just disagree with Paul, you disagree with Peter and James and John. These three, more than any other humans, knew exactly what Jesus taught and what Jesus meant. They approved of Paul’s teachings, called his writings Scripture, and did not correct him. When you try to say that Jesus was right and Paul was wrong, you simply contradict the clear teaching of Scripture.

            This concludes our current discussion, of course. You and I can continue to disagree, certainly…but we can’t disagree on what the Scriptures say, since we disagree on their authority. If you want to continue the discussion, we’ll need to find some common ground to begin again. I believe the whole of Scripture is true, while you reject the portions you don’t like. Unless you can come up with some reason for me to join you in dismissing Paul, I don’t see a way forward.

          • Shane Wells says:

            I will add, by your last comment saying You were waiting for me to pit Paul against Jesus tells me you have come to cause division intentionally,you are a worker of iniquity,Paul is true, but you twist his words to suit yourself.

          • Tony says:

            Mmhmm. Here are your words: “paul is not your saviour,Christ is, obey him not what you think Paul might mean.” Quite simply: if you don’t believe that what Paul said is as true as what Jesus said, we have no common ground on which to continue this conversation. You say here that Paul is true, but you have yet to address what he taught about the Law. You defer to what you think Jesus said. Come on, Shane: deal with the WHOLE of Scripture.

            The former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless (for the law made nothing perfect), and a better hope is introduced, by which we draw near to God.

          • Mfitumukiza peter says:

            Please read hebrews chapter 4 carefully!!!

          • G.Love says:

            wow…I really feel bad for shane, I really do…sounds to me he is part of the ”hebrew israel cult”, i may be wrong, I hope I’m wrong. Dodging scriptural evidence and insults are big traits of that false egypt rooted movement

          • Shane Wells says:

            You are mistaken, the commandment was from creation,the mark of the beast is to do with Sabbath of the Lord and the tithe, sorry
            friend when you take the word of God to heart you may see.

          • Tony says:

            With respect, you keep making unfounded claims. Where in Scripture can we find this commandment that you say was “from creation”?

            With respect, where in the Bible can we find that the mark of the beast has anything to do with the Sabbath (not a new idea to me, but still unsubstantiated)? While you’re at it, you might explain why that mark’s parallel has nothing to do with Saturday worship.

            Quite simply: you have been misled. If you call yourself a follower of Jesus Christ, your belief system must be based on what He taught. That information comes from the Bible. If your ideas aren’t found in the Bible, the are at best speculative and, at worst, heresy.

          • Shane Wells says:

            Speaking of heresy, point to me where it says in the scriptures the Sabbath was changed to Sunday, give me proof, this is your blog speaking against the word of God, show me in plain English, the Lord says my teaching is easy, show me

          • Tony says:

            Round and round and round. I never claimed that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday, Shane.

            You are a blind guide
            you have no fear of the Lord
            it seems you are on milk
            you reject the righteousness of instruction
            its people like you who…perverted the truth
            You are an enemy of righteousness
            you hate the truth and there is no light in you
            you have come to cause division intentionally
            you are a worker of iniquity
            you twist his words to suit yourself
            this is your blog speaking against the word of God

            Those are your words. I see a pattern. You disagree with me on how to understand the Scriptures. Rather than commend me for my search for truth and try to redirect me, you tell me I’m wrong. When I ask for Scriptures that back up your claims, you provide Scriptures that don’t. When I challenge you on it, you insult me. Sure, you couch some of your insults in pity…but I care for neither. I care about the truth. I’m going to redirect the conversation, and I’m going to make it simple and easy for you.

            The article above is about the sabbath. We all know that the children of Israel were commanded to observe sabbaths, and to do so in very specific ways. Please show the Bible verse(s) where gentile Christians are commanded to do the same. Note that these verses – because they’re instructions for Christians – probably need to come from the New Testament. If they come from the Old Testament, they need to VERY CLEARLY indicate that the commands are for all people, for all time. Whatever verses you choose, you must provide them in their original context.

            That is the task I set before you. You are free to take up the challenge, and to establish for the millions of future GodWords readers the truth of what you claim. However: I will ONLY approve your comments if they address THAT topic, and that topic alone. If you want to move forward, let’s do it in an orderly fashion, dealing with the first things first. You say that Christians should observe the seventh-day sabbath…now prove it from God’s Word. Don’t reply with insults, or verses about people who don’t love the truth. Deal with the issue at hand, responsibly using Scripture to substantiate your position. I wish you well.

      • Robert Mendez says:

        There is absolutely no scripturural proof, at all, that the Seventh-Day Sabbath was done away with. God did not change the Sabbath, Jesus did not change the Sabbath, after all, He kept it, and the Apostle Paul did not change the Sabbath. Show me scriptural proof that the Seventh-Day Sabbath was done away with and that Sunday is the new day of worship for Christians. The word “Law”, is a bad English translation in the Bible. If you look up that word in the original Hebrew, it is “Torah” and “Torah” means “Teaching”, Guidance”, “God’s instructions for living.” It’s a pointer to hit the mark where sin is missing the mark. You need to study the Hebraic roots of Christianity in order to really understand the Bible and God’s true intended meanings of the Bible.
        There are two laws that God gave to Moses. The Ceremonial laws and the Moral laws. The Ceremonial laws were the sacrificial practices for the atonement of sins, also the washing of pots and pans and the utensils and the washing of the garments and one’s self to purify themselves. The Pharisees had later on, added more laws making these laws so legalistic that the average person could not keep them all. So when Christians use the word “Law”, they are actually relating to the legalistic rituals of the ceremonial laws and all the other added laws that the Pharisees had added to it. Jesus, of course, did away with the ceremonial laws, but did not do away with the moral laws. He came to fulfill these laws, not to do away with them. The Moral laws, are the ones that God gave, at Mount Sinai, which are written in the Ten Commandments, that are very much active and apply to all today, Christians and Jews alike!
        It is very ironic, that Christians believe and only apply to only 9 of The Commandments, but do away with one, and that is the fourth Commandment, which states: “REMEMBER the Sabbath, to keep it holy….” Last I checked, the Seventh-Day still falls on a Saturday, not Sunday! I am in total agreement in Michelle’s statement earlier concerning Colossians 2:16. You must read the whole contents of this chapter to understand what Paul was referring to, especially in verse 8 of this chapter. The word, “REMEBER”, in the fourth Commandment, means that The Seventh-Day Sabbath was given for the sake of all Humanity and not for the Jews only, as some Christians believe. The Seventh-Day Sabbath was being kept way before God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai.
        So the question must arise, as to who changed the Sabbath, since God himself, or our Lord Jesus, nor the Apostle Paul did not change it. So, you must go back to emperor Constantine and the Roman Church to get that answer.
        Another book, that I highly recommend that you read is: “Saturday or Sunday, Which is the Sabbath”, by David C. Pack. I pray and hope that this will help you in finding out the truth concerning The Seventh-Day Sabbath, as God had made it to be. Oh, one more thing, if you read and study the whole book of Acts, you will find that both Gentiles, (of non-Jewish descent), and Jews, congregated on the Sabbath day and on Sabbath festivals. No where, is there any proof of Sunday replacing the Seventh-Day Sabbath.

        • Tony says:


          Thanks for your comment. You seem to be arguing against something I haven’t said. I never said that Sunday is the new day of worship for Christians. In fact, I’ve said that EVERY day is a sabbath for Christians. Let me ask you a question…depending on your answer, we might avoid a lot of useless discussion:

          Can you show me where the Bible teaches Christians to observe any sabbath at all?

          Thanks. =)

          • Robert Mendez says:

            Thank you for your reply, and I must apologize that if it seemed to you that I was arguing about the Sabbath keeping. I will give you the scriptures that you asked for showing that the early Christians were already keeping the Sabbath. But before I do that, the word Christian was not used until in Antioch in Acts 11:26. Before that, they were known as either “believers” or followers of “The Way”, Acts 9:1-2. So these Believers, or followers of “The Way”, were already keeping the Seventh-Day Sabbath as per the fourth Commandment of God.
            Acts 13:13-49; 14:1; 18:1-4. Nowhere in the New Testament, did the Apostle Paul tell the early Christians, or the new converts, not to observe the Seventh-Day Sabbath. My question to you is, what scripture, or scriptures, says that the Sabbath is everyday?, since God, from the very beginning, blessed and sanctified The Seventh-Day Sabbath.

          • Tony says:


            Thank you very much. You point me to Acts 13. I’m not sure why, as this doesn’t say that the early church kept the Sabbath as per the Law. Paul and Barnabas went to the synagogue, but they didn’t meet the early church there. They met unbelievers there, and shared the gospel with them. As we can see in v46, they rejected the gospel. This isn’t the church. If you mean that Paul and Barnabas went there to observe the sabbath themselves, this wouldn’t make sense…as Paul wrote many times that we are not under the Law. You might spend some time in Galatians, especially chapter 3:

            Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

            Acts 14:1 falls into the same category, as does 18:1-4. Paul went to the synagogue, to be sure…but there is no indication in Scripture that he went because he was observing the Law. Instead, as we read over and over, he went there to reason with the Jews and share Christ with them. As I pointed out, Acts 13 (which you cite) shows that Paul went there for that reason, and told them he was going to the Gentiles because they rejected God’s message. Paul didn’t stop going to the synagogue to witness for Christ, but there’s no way one can read Romans or Galatians and conclude that Paul thought we should follow the Law.

            I really appreciate you taking the time to write, Robert. I’ve had lots of SDA friends…I spent 16 years living around Nampa, Idaho. That’s where Pacific Press is, and one of my friends was in charge of the printing operation there. I also worked for an SDA man (whom I love) for some time, so I’ve had this conversation again and again with people I care about. The Seventh-Day Adventists are simply wrong on this one, my friend. No matter how many times you appeal to the idea that the sabbath was established in Genesis, you still have to deal with the New Covenant, and deal with Acts 15, and deal with Romans 6, and deal with Galatians 3. At one time, the Law was in force…but it was temporary, until Christ came. Now that Christ has come, the Law is simply no longer needed. It served its purpose in the past, but now it is a burden to those who seek to be justified by it.

            Paul wrote that we are not under the Law, yet you say we are. Let me know how you would reply to Paul’s words in Galatians 3 (above). If you’re tempted to reply with something about the difference between the civil, ceremonial, and moral laws of God, please take a moment to first note that such a distinction does not appear in Scripture. The Law is simply the 10 Commandments, and all 613 commands that come from them. When reading Acts 15, keep in mind that the apostles in Jerusalem specifically did not tell the gentile Christians to observe the sabbath…on the seventh day or any other day.

            What say you?

          • Steven says:

            Hi Tony…..I’ve been been raised a Sunday going to church Christian my entire life and after watching a docu-series called the Days of Noah I got a little twisted up about the command of the Sabath. I started worrying about my salvation and went back and all night about the details. I’ve prayed and studied the very next morning and through prayer it has been revealed to me that when Jesus said “ It is finished” that meant there was nothing else needed to add to what He had done. If we were to “add” to what He had done then it would be a” works” based salvation , which would make dying a brutal death on the cross a side note. It’s a sacrifice that was given to complete the new covenant through Christ Jesus. I’ve read most of the comments on this feed and most have a great argument but ultimately the final conclusion is Jesus dying on the cross in the ultimate sacrifice one and for all because man could not fulfill his part on the OT covenant. Thank you for your blog it just confirmed everything God dropped in my heart.

          • Tony says:


            Thanks for writing. You’re right: when Jesus said “it is finished,” He had completed the work needed to save you and me. Your salvation depends on you believing God, just as Abraham believed God. You can’t add good works to that and call it the gospel. That’s another religion entirely! I’m happy to have played a tiny part in your life, my friend. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you. Have a great day!

      • YaShaYah says:

        Acts 24:11-15 (KJV) Because that thou mayest understand, that there are yet but twelve days since I went up to Jerusalem for to worship.
        And they neither found me in the temple disputing with any man, neither raising up the people, neither in the synagogues, nor in the city:
        Neither can they prove the things whereof they now accuse me.
        But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets:
        And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust.

        • Tony says:


          Thanks for your comment. I’m guessing that you believe this passage to suggest that Paul was Torah-observant at this time in his life. Is that right?

          Here’s the same passage from the NASB, which is a more accurate and directly word-for-word translation of the text:

          When the governor had nodded for him to speak, Paul responded: “Knowing that for many years you have been a judge to this nation, I cheerfully make my defense, since you can take note of the fact that no more than twelve days ago I went up to Jerusalem to worship. Neither in the temple, nor in the synagogues, nor in the city itself did they find me carrying on a discussion with anyone or causing a riot. Nor can they prove to you the charges of which they now accuse me. But this I admit to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect I do serve the God of our fathers, believing everything that is in accordance with the Law and that is written in the Prophets; having a hope in God, which these men cherish themselves, that there shall certainly be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked. In view of this, I also do my best to maintain always a blameless conscience both before God and before men.

          You may note in this passage that Paul had been in Jerusalem – to worship – for twelve days, yet he had not been to the temple or synagogue. Were he being Torah-observant, there is no doubt he would have gone to one, or to both. This passage doesn’t support the idea that Paul believed himself under the law. In fact, it undermines the idea. This is why he wrote so many times that we are not under the Law.

          • Gray says:

            Hi Tony.
            Reading your responses to these comments has made me feel inspired and hopeful. The responses i see you getting make mostly very angry. Let me explain as i think i can speak for so many new believers in Christ on this topic.
            I am utterly exhausted, so very, very tired. I am sick and tired of looking for support in my learning of scripture and all i keep reading is scriptual swordfighting. This constant repeating of individual verses is probably the main reason why people just give up. It seems that many just want to ‘beat’ other Christians in an scriptual argument like its a game!
            I always felt that the bible is an ongoing and developing instruction manual on the simplicity of GODs love and salvation. It is therefore imperative it is read in context and most importantly TAUGHT in context. Thankyou for striving to keep to context.
            I have restarted my scriptual learning by watching and listening to verse by verse ministries. Going through each verse and testing its meaning is a way to find confidence in your learning path. However, when we read these comments is quite frankly scares the daylights out of us as we doubt our path. The consequences of us getting it wrong are terrifying, the consequences are eternal. . I thought giving yourself to christ gave you peace. Its not the unbelievers that take that peace away it seems to be other Christians.

          • Tony says:


            First, thanks for your message. =)

            Don’t give up. Be patient. Our job is not to convince people to agree with us, of course… we’re like gardeners. Sometimes we plant seeds. Sometimes we water the sprouts. Sometimes we harvest. People usually take time to grow into the idea that God really is who they hope He is. In the meantime, we just do what we can. It’s not very often a sprint. It’s usually a marathon. You’re totally on track when you talk about context. In my experience, virtually 100% of the objections I get here on GodWords (and in the many emails I receive) are due to the reader not having the full context of the passages in question. When people change their minds, as they often do, it’s because they simply didn’t know about the other verses that help them understand.

            You’re also correct on another big issue: usually those who call themselves Christians are harder to deal with. They’re convinced that they already have the truth, and have no idea that what they believe is contrary to what’s in the Bible they claim to read. As a church leader, this is a wake-up call. People aren’t being taught well, and they’re certainly not being challenged to back up what they believe. Your comment makes my heart sing, Gray… because you get it. I hope you’re considering how you too can make a dent in the biblical illiteracy that plagues the modern church.

            It’s not like we’re making up new stuff all the time and confusing people, right? We’re simply telling the same old story that’s been told for 2000 years! Sometimes it seems this mountain is too steep to climb, but comments like yours prove a couple of things. First, that there are people out there who get it, and second, that we who do this work are not alone.

            I appreciate you, Gray. Let me know if there’s some way I can encourage you to continue growing, and to help you become an effective gardener. Have a great day!

      • Jay says:

        The verse in Col. is misapplied. The KJV uses the phrase “sabbath days.” Notice the plural word “days.” This verse is referring to the Jewish calendar and its many sabbaths. Here is where Genesis 2:1-3 come in: the word there (rest) is Sabbath in Hebrew. Notice the context of Gen. 2:1-3. At this time, there is no sin in the world. This is key. Again, at the time of Genesis 2:1-3, there is no sin in the world. Therefore, this weekly Sabbath is not a shadow of anything to come. In other words, when sin entered, the is plenty of Biblical evidence that sacrifices pointed to Jesus….these “shadows” point to Jesus. The special days and sabbaths that are mentioned in Col. 2 refer to the special days we see in the book of Leviticus. It is these that were a shadow of the Christ to come because they pointed to Christ. The Sabbath of Gen. 2:1-3 was established in before sin.

        • Tony says:


          For your claims to be correct, several things would need to be true. First, the ancient Israelites would need to draw the same distinctions you’ve drawn…that there is some difference between “sabbaths” and “Sabbaths.” Let me know what your research turns up. Second, Scripture would need to tell us that it’s important that there was no sin in the world at that time. We can’t just make this stuff up, of course…we get our theology from the Bible. Third, you would need to use Scripture to substantiate your claim that Paul was only writing about ‘special days in Leviticus’ and not about God’s command to the Israelites to observe a weekly Sabbath. You see, there are no commands to observe a sabbath, weekly or otherwise, before the giving of the Mosaic Law. The Sabbath wasn’t established in Genesis 2…later Scriptures point to God’s rest in Genesis as the reason for Israel’s rest, but we see no Scriptures where anybody was told to observe a sabbath until Exodus 20. If you find Scriptures that say otherwise, please post them. I would be happy to agree.


          • Jay says:

            First, you’ve misquoted me.

            I did not say that there was a difference between “sabbath” and “Sabbaths”, I actually said that there was a difference between the KJV usage of sabbath days (as seen in Col. 2:16) and the Hebrew for rest on Genesis 2:1-3, which is Sabbath.

            Am I right or wrong?

            Secondly, scripture needs to tell you its important that there was no sin??? Are you reading what happened when Adam sinned? Life before son was perfect, its right there on the Bible. Life after sin was imperfect. Its right there in the Bible.

            What was the remedy for this? The cross. It’s right there in the Bible.

            Am I right or wrong?

            You should research the concept of types and shadows…..it’ll provide the clarity you’re looking for….for example, the Passover ceremony was a shadow that point to the real thing, Jesus Christ.

            Col. 2:16 Is proof enough of what Paul was referring to….do your research on “new moons” and sabbath days and you’ll find that these were aligned with the Jewish calendar.

            New Moon references….look at the following: Numbers 10:10, Numbers 28:11, 1 Samuel 20:5, and Isa. 66:23. The new moons helped with determining months of the year.

            Am I right or wrong?

            You’re looking for scripture to observe Sabbath before Exodus 20 when you have no scripture that speaks against murder before Cain killed Abel.

            Am I right or wrong?

            Wait, didn’t Cain murder his brother? But where was the command against murder?
            The moral laws were made audible to mankind. It wasn’t until Exodus 20 that they were written down.

            Proof? How could God punish Cain for murdering Abel if Cain didn’t know that murder was a sin?

            Think about it.

            It’s clear that Cain knew that it was a sin to murder. Therefore, God’s punishment of Him was just and True. The other moral laws, including the Sabbath, were given audibly. Later they were written down by God Himself.

            Isn’t murder a sin today? So is Sabbath breaking.

            Fact check me….answer those right or wrong questions, and review types and shadows (I Gabe you an example of one already)

            Be easy.

          • Tony says:

            I’m sorry. It’s never my intent to misquote anyone. You’re right: they are different words. The assumption that this difference is significant, however, is simply wrong. There are three words in play here:

            1. The word in Genesis 2 is shabath. It’s Hebrew and means “to stop.”
            2. The word in Exodus 20 is shabbath. It’s Hebrew, is an intensive of shabath, and has two uses in Scripture. The first is the same as in Genesis 2, meaning “to stop.” The second refers to any observance related to God’s stopping, including a sabbath day, the day of atonement, a sabbath year, a sabbath week, or produce in sabbath year.
            3. The word in Colossians 2 is sabbaton. It’s the Greek translation of shabbath.

            In Genesis, there was no observance. There was only God’s work of creation, and God being done with that work. There’s nothing spiritual or religious about shabath…the word simply means that He quit because He was finished. When I’m done writing this response, I will shabath as well. You can observe my stopping if you wish, but I give no command to do so.

            In Exodus, observances were commanded to commemorate God’s stopping. See a partial list of observances above.

            In Colossians, Paul tells believers that sabbaton are shadows of things that were to come, and that the reality (to which the shadows pointed) is found in Christ. Now, to be technically correct, the word Paul uses is the Greek translation of shabbath. The word could mean God’s rest, or it could mean Israel’s observances of that rest. If Paul meant that God’s rest pointed to the future reality of Christ, the text loses meaning. After all, why would Paul tell believers to not let others judge them with regard to God being finished creating? That’s silly. Paul clearly meant the other kind of sabbaton, where the children of Israel observed God’s rest as He had commanded in Exodus.

            The New Moon wasn’t to help keep track of the calendar. The moon itself did that. The New Moon was a festival at the beginning of each month during which fasting and mourning weren’t allowed. There were special sacrifices, family celebrations, and people generally didn’t work during the festival. Paul wrote not to let anyone judge you for observing (or not observing) a New Moon celebration. The New Moon, as he explained, was a shadow of the reality to come. A plain reading of the text shows that the New Moon and religious festivals and sabbath days and dietary restrictions are all in the same category: things that pointed forward to Jesus, and so are no longer needed.

            You believe there was a sabbath observance prior to sin entering the world. That doesn’t hold water. There were dozens (or hundreds) of shabath prior to sin. The word only means that someone was doing something, and then they stopped doing it. There is no more significance to it than that. Saying this predates sin and shows that we should all observe the sabbath as outlined in Exodus is a very, very bad way to make theology. God’s stopping only had meaning because He later commanded its observance. There is no indication in the creation account in Genesis that anyone paid special attention to God’s stopping, including God Himself.

            Certainly there is no sin where there is no law (Romans 4). In Genesis 4 we see God warning Cain to do what is right, and to avoid sin. There must have been a law that Cain knew. When you extrapolate this idea to include the observance of shabbath, and that failing to observe this event is sin, you go far too far. Clearly, there is no mention of such observances until Exodus. Just as clearly, Paul taught that such observances are no longer required, as Christ has come. The command was given for a purpose, and that was completed in Christ.

            In other words, Paul is right. Christians are not – and have never been – commanded to observe shabbath.

            Be easy.

            And you as well, my friend.

      • Bethany says:

        The passage you are quoting from Colossians is speaking directly about pharaises or those that would try to enforce rabbinic law which is adding to the Torah (adding or taking away from Torah is forbidden in Exodus). It is not at all saying don’t do them, it is saying don’t let someone judge you on how you keep the law, the feast, and the sabbath etc. But it doesn’t mean don’t keep it. For example, do not let someone judge you for picking grain, as though that should be considered work, (as the disciples did one sabbath), if you are used to perform a miracle, like healing (such as Jesus and the disciples), then don’t let someone judge you, but if you decide it’s more convenient to go out to eat, or to the mall, or to take a long trip with drive through food stops on sabbath, you’re wrong. Don’t worry if you don’t wash your hands ceremonially three times or have a bag for your matzah at Passover. Don’t worry if you eat a cheeseburger, against rabinic law but not Gods law, but don’t eat pork because that is expressively written not to do. Be careful because teachers are held to a higher standard. God is the same always and He never changes. So, did He change his mind about not changing (rhetorical)?

        The laws God gave are not difficult to keep, and no one person could keep all of them because some are for men, some for women, some for priest, some for soldiers, and so on; regardless of what people think we cannot be both male and female, husband and wife etc. So we cannot keep all the commandments, but we can keep those applicable to our assignment, gender, role etc. Also, all of the ones that involve punishment and retribution cannot be kept because his judges and temple and preist are not here on Earth currently, a requirement, prerequisite really, for any judicial renderings, so we don’t have to stone adulterers or children that curse their parents (the people were actually sinning trying to stone the adulterous woman that Jesus freed of her sin because they didn’t have testimony judged by judges or a priest, put in place by God, to confirm its truth) . We, in fact, shouldn’t exercise capitol punishment (because our system has no involvement with Gods righteous rulings) and we don’t have slaves (though the Bible has been conveniently used to abdicate slave owners of colonial times). In Hosea 6:6 God says he would have preferred mercy over sacrifice and obedience over offerings. He’s always preferred we behave, like any parent, but the spirit of rebellion can be relentless. Pray, seek Yahweh and truth and Yeshua’s sacrifice will not be in vain.

        A lot of people pay attention to the verse where people say Lord Lord we did this and that all in your name and He says “get away from me you workers of lawlessness, I never knew you”. (Matthew 7:23) but they focus on who’s going to hell. Who was really doing the “miracles” these people witnessed and performed? Yeshua said plain as day He never knew them, so it wasn’t Him and it wasn’t The Father. If we focus on that, we see that Satan is deciving many in the church and the body thinking they are doing for God and in His name. However, God says plain as day all throughout the Bible that if you don’t abide in the commandments your prayers are detestable to him. Satan can give someone “the world” as he told Yeshua in the desert. So he can certainly perform a fake miracle. Be vigilant or perish for lack of knowledge. Don’t blaspheme The Most High and say He has changed, something He promised never to do. Repent of sin and follow The Lord with your heart and your soul and your might. May Elohim have mercy on us and may we cleave to His sent savior Yeshua Hamashiach for everlasting life worshipping Him at His feet in His holy righteous presence! Hallelujah Amen

        • Tony says:

          >> The passage you are quoting from Colossians is speaking directly about pharaises or those that would try to enforce rabbinic law which is adding to the Torah (adding or taking away from Torah is forbidden in Exodus). It is not at all saying don’t do them, it is saying don’t let someone judge you on how you keep the law, the feast, and the sabbath etc. But it doesn’t mean don’t keep it.

          There are three problems with this approach, Bethany. The first is that the text itself doesn’t tell us this. The second is that this isn’t the only place where we see that Christians aren’t to be Torah-observant. The third is that you’ve contradicted the text itself. Why would Paul – an educated Jew, trained in the Law – talk about the things of the Law being “shadows” of things that were to come? If we’re supposed to live by the Torah, they wouldn’t be shadows at all, would they? They would be an end unto themselves, rather than symbols that point to future, better things.

          It’s important to take all of Scripture into account when figuring out how things work. You might spend some time in Acts 15, for example. The question of whether new believers were required to observe the Law is directly, specifically, and unequivocally addressed there. Let me know what you think, will you? Thanks!

      • Liz says:

        So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.Matthew 24

        Matthew 5:19
        19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

      • Serena says:

        Thanks for answering my questions. I do however know the Christians have separated the moral, civil, and ceremonial laws. So wouldn’t the 10 commandments be our moral law to follow? Sorry I just get confused

        • Tony says:


          I’m happy to try to help anytime!

          I can’t even begin to count how many times I’ve had this conversation in the past 20 years. Seriously. It’s a lot. Most of the time, there’s some kind of response that brings up what you’ve asked: what about the distinction between the different kinds of laws? I have two answers that I hope will help.

          First, we should look at where we find those laws in the Bible, and examine the context. That’s super important. Who gave the laws, to whom were they given, and under what circumstances? When you read them, you’ll find that God gave them, to the ancient Israelites, and the circumstances were that God was making a covenant with them. That covenant was, essentially, that they would obey Him and He would use them to bless the rest of the world. This started with His promise to bless the world through Abraham, and continued down Abraham’s family (the ancient Israelites) to Jesus. The laws given to Moses were the terms of the covenant He made with Israel. You might notice that while breaking the sabbath could bring the death penalty for an ancient Israelite, we never see any instructions for the death of people outside Israel for not observing the sabbath. The law simply didn’t apply to them. The sabbath was for the Israelites and had nothing to do with the Egyptians or Canadians.

          So, the answer in this first response is simple: it doesn’t matter which of those laws were moral, which were civil, and which were ceremonial. The commands given to Israel were only given to Israel, and only in the context of God’s covenant with them. Nobody else was included, so nobody else was included. Those laws never applied to you or me.

          Second, how should the rest of us live? If the laws Yahweh gave to Israel never applied to anyone but Israel, how should the rest of us live? Should we observe the laws of Judaism? Should we do our own thing? Is it okay to worship other gods? Should we feel okay when we lie, cheat, steal, or murder? Clearly, no. Does that mean we should live by the laws God gave Israel?

          Well… no. Those laws had a purpose. They all pointed to Jesus. When Jesus arrived, the law’s purpose was fulfilled. One comparison might be a picture of an ice cream sundae, and a real ice cream sundae. If a parent wanted to reward a young child for cleaning their room, they might offer a reward. They could tape a picture of a sundae on the wall as a reminder. When the child cleans their room, they don’t get the picture as a reward, do they? Of course not! The picture is there to point to a real ice cream sundae. It’s a symbol, designed to remind the child ‘stay on task.’ In the same way, the sabbath and the rest of the Mosaic law were designed to keep the ancient Israelites on task.

          Galatians 3 is a really important chapter about the Law. In verse 16, the apostle Paul refers to Jesus as “the seed” of Abraham… that is, his descendant. He then explains in verse 19 what the law was for: Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. Do you see it? The law was given UNTIL Jesus had come. Then vv24-25 are the biggies:

          So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

          This is really, really clear… isn’t it? The law was a guardian. Kind of like the picture of the ice cream sundae. Both were useful. Both looked ahead to their fulfillment. When we have the fulfillment, the ‘guardians’ are no longer needed. Not at all, not by anybody. How should we live? We should do what Jesus taught us to do. How do we know that? Because the law’s purpose was to point to Him.

          I hope that makes sense. The idea that Christians should figure out which parts of the Mosaic Law to follow is, quite simply, silly. It’s contrary to what Jesus taught, and His disciples explained that pretty clearly. Here are two more things for you to read. I don’t want you to just trust me, of course. These aren’t my ideas. They come right from the Bible.

          1. I wrote another article: Should Christians Follow Old Testament Laws? In it, I list a bunch of verses from the New Testament that describe how we are not under the Law. You could look up those verses and see for yourself that this is really, really plain.
          2. The question of whether non-Jews should obey the Mosaic Law came up, and was answered, in Acts 15. Check out verse 5: Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.” See what happened then… it’s good stuff.

          I hope that makes sense. You and I were never to follow the Law, and we don’t need it. We can definitely learn from it, but we have a far, far better guide than the Law. We have what Jesus taught, and every person who is born again also has the Holy Spirit – God Himself – living in us, guiding us. The Law could never be better than that.

      • Bryan says:

        I think you are very smart and the one word is very important though ‘remember’ it’s kind of like he thought he wouldn’t have to repeat it if we stayed obedient

        • Tony says:


          You’re right. I am indeed very smart. That’s entirely irrelevant, though. The question is whether Christians should observe the original sabbath, and for that we don’t need to be smart. We only need to be familiar with the Scriptures. To be familiar with the Scriptures, we just need to read them. Where there are questions, we compare the relevant verses. It’s often useful to look at the words the authors used originally, to get a broader understanding of their original meaning. It’s not really that complicated.

          When it comes to the sabbath, the only people commanded to remember the sabbath were the ancient Israelites. You say “if we stayed obedient.” There is no “we.” Neither you nor I are ancient Israelites, so the command has never applied to us. “We” don’t observe the sabbath because we were never told to do so. The Jews don’t need to observe the sabbath today because it’s been fulfilled by Jesus.


      • Julian says:

        Animal sacrifices were prescribed after the fall of man. That is why they point to Jesus. Laws that dealt with washing away sins pointed to Jesus. However, the Sabbath has nothing to do with washing away sins as it was created before sin. My question to you is would slap away any of God’s other commandments as open to interpretation? Well we shouldn’t steal but not because God’s commands it. Just because its the right thing to do. God’s says if you love me, keep my commandments and Paul says faith without works is dead. Yes we are not bound by Mosaic Law. But its pretty obvious that God set the 10 commandments apart from those laws. They were the only ones written in stone.

        • Tony says:


          A good comment, truly. I can’t agree with all of it, but it’s still good.

          The sabbath absolutely has to do with washing away sins. Follow the logic:

          1. God worked. Then He sabbathed… that is, He stopped working. He didn’t rest because He was tired, but because He was finished. That’s what the word sabbath means.
          2. God instituted temple sacrifices. Performing those sacrifices was the primary function of temple priests, of course. Sacrifices were primarily to cover sin until Messiah came. Until Jesus came, there was no end to their work.
          3. Since Jesus came, we have rest from our spiritual work. He is the final sacrifice. He is the final High Priest. Priests in the temple could not sit down, since their work was never done. Jesus, after finishing His work, sat down at the right hand of the Father.
          4. The sabbath was all about one’s work being completed, and Jesus now rests from His work. We who believe in Him have entered into that rest.

          This isn’t a matter of my own personal interpretation. Read the Scriptures, Julian. I’m not “slapping away” God’s command. The only command to observe sabbaths is in the old covenant. The command in the New Testament is to not let anyone judge you over sabbaths. Only 9 of the 10 Commandments are repeated in the New Testament, and sabbath is the one that’s missing. No Christian has ever been commanded in Scripture by God to observe sabbaths. We rest from our spiritual labor every day, not just once a week.

          As for the 10 Commandments being separate from the rest of the Law, you should read the passages in the Bible that talk about that. You know, do your homework. Read Exodus 33-34, especially 34:29.

          When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.

          What? “The two tablets of the covenant law”? That cannot be. You’ve been taught that the 10 Commandments are somehow distinct from the Mosaic Law… that they’re permanent and binding on all people, everywhere. Unfortunately, that is exactly the opposite of what the Bible actually says. God Himself called the 10 Commandments the covenant law. Which covenant? Certainly not the new covenant that Jesus spoke about at the last supper… right?

          Please don’t take my work for it, Julian. Do your own homework and read it for yourself. When you’re done, you might take a moment to thank God for never including you in that covenant, since the new one is so much better than the old. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day!

      • George says:

        Tony, I strongly suggest you erase this whole post and thread. You will be judged heavily on every word, every reply. These people have come to warn you about this, it’s not debatable. I pray you will honor the Lord Jesus Christ and remove this deception and blasphemy. May God be with you. Amen.

        • Tony says:


          With all due respect, no.

          Why won’t I erase my post? Because you’ve given me no reason to erase it. You simply disagree with it. That’s okay. You don’t need to agree with it. Both you and I need to agree with Scripture. I would be in your debt if you were able to use Scripture to show me that I’m wrong. Just SAYING that I’m wrong is a waste of your time and mine. I appreciate very much your warning, and your prayers. Now, if you would, please finish the work you’ve so generously started and help me correct my errors.


      • Jeff says:

        Jesus told us not to worry about many things, one being the world. Why, because he overcome the world. He did give us a warning about not entering into his rest. We are to cease from our works and rest in him.

      • Dean Wilhoite says:

        The sabbath days mentioned in Colossians are not The Sabbath Day. There were many sabbath days that didn’t occur on Saturday and these are the sabbaths that Paul is talking about. God said that the 10 commandments were to given to His people to be observed forever. There is no abrogation of this text found in scripture. Jesus said that he came to fulfill the law. So since He has fulfilled it can we abrogate it at will to fit our own set of rules? No!!!! Sunday was the day to worship the sun god. As an enticement to attract pagans the catholic pope switched the sabbath to please the pagans. For over 400 hundred years Christians observed Saturday as a holy day until the church of Roman changed the day to Sunday .

        • Tony says:


          What you’re saying isn’t new. It’s the same argument that many others make. Unfortunately, it’s a bit like Swiss cheese… there are a lot of holes in it. I will list them briefly.

          1. There’s nothing in the text to tell us what you claim: that the sabbaths mentioned are, or are not, specific kinds of sabbaths. You’re inserting that idea into the text yourself.
          2. You should actually READ what God says… all of it, and not just the parts you like. You should also avoid saying what God has NOT said. The sabbath – and the rest of the 10 Commandments – were given as part of the covenant God made with only the Chinese people. No, wait. That’s wrong. The Phoenician people. No, the Romans. Actually, the covenant was between God and the ancient Israelites… and only the ancient Israelites. Nobody else was included in the covenant, and that especially includes you and me. You’ve taken “ancient Israelites” and turned it into “His people.” That’s a serious error.
          3. No abrogation? Isaiah and Jeremiah prophesied about a new covenant that God would make with Israel – again, not with you or me – and the New Testament makes it clear that the old covenant has been replaced by a new, different, and better covenant.
          4. Sunday is one of the seven days that God created. The fact that some chose to worship the sun on that day has absolutely nothing to do with whether other people can worship the God who created Sunday ON Sunday. Your claim is beyond illogical. It’s foolish.
          5. Nobody switched the sabbath. Popes had nothing to do with it, and it wasn’t done to please any pagans. Read a little history, Dean. As we see in the New Testament, the earliest followers of Jesus met on the first day of the week. This was around 200 years before Constantine (not 400). If the early church worshipped on Sunday (among other days), then you’re clearly off-base by pretending that Sunday worship is wrong, bad, ill-advised, or unscriptural.

          Please don’t believe me. Don’t take my word for it. Do your own homework. Find out what the Bible actually says. Find out what actually happened in history. Don’t mindlessly parrot what someone told you, Dean. Study to show yourself approved. Right now, you have faith in what you were taught. Transfer that faith to Scripture. Otherwise, you’ll have no idea whether you’ve been taught well or taught poorly. The evidence, at this point, shows that you have no idea what you’re talking about. Do the work. It’s worth every minute.

      • Tee Ken says:

        I’m sorry but Joe is more than correct! the scriptures are clear! any true protestant keeps the Sabbath day (Saturday) just as we will again in heaven, Sabbath to Sabbath.. if you need help understanding this without abusing scripture, greek or hebrew, refer to the Papal bulls that clearly explain why they changed the day, again the catholic church! the Pope knowingly changed the day, upon their authority alone, so you either stand with the Pope of Rome bow to the authority of the Roman church, or you come out of her, totally! Here are mine that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Christ.. You do what you want man always does.. but his people are peculiar… Be a protestant or bow to papal Rome… you know the city between the 7 hills? Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy, it was a gift after all created for man and not man for the Sabbath. all the apostles kept the Sabbath Day, and when they spoke to each other and to gentiles the sabbath was a given, they didn’t often speak to the gentiles about the Sabbath because it was a given, that was and is the only real God given day to separate ourselves from the world and repair ourselves spirituality… anyway.. many will never Remember the Sabbath day, for many reasons those reasons will always be flesh and carnal and not spiritual, But wise men build upon rock… it is pretty obvious really but many are lead astray.. many in the churches today are not really taught that much and when you boil it down it amounts to Jesus loves you! do whatever you want! almost as if Satan himself designed it Crowley the evilest man once said “do what thou will shall be the whole of the law…almost what is sown into the “church of today” the rains will come. and faulty foundation will ultimately fail… remember broad is the way but narrow the gate, when looking for a people think smaller rather than larger think the lone voices versus the worldwide broadcasters, Satan uses the church because he is after what the bride is giving birth to, and that is the very elect of God..Brother, sow good seeds!

        • Tony says:

          Tee Ken:

          Thanks for writing. I don’t want to be contrary, but fair is fair… if you’re going to critique me, it seems wise to expect the same in return. Right?

          >> any true protestant keeps the Sabbath day (Saturday) just as we will again in heaven, Sabbath to Sabbath.

          With respect, you don’t keep the sabbath day as God instructed the Israelites to observe it. Not even close. I don’t even have to know you to know this with certainty. Instead, you’ve replaced God’s command with human tradition. You’ve morphed the original commands into something that wouldn’t fly in 1000 BC or 1 AD. I understand the impulse for sabbatarians, but you’re kidding yourself if you think that you’re doing what God commanded.

          In addition, do you really think that sabbaths in Heaven will be exactly like sabbaths in ancient Israel? That seems like a very strange notion.

          >> refer to the Papal bulls that clearly explain why they changed the day, again the catholic church!

          This is silly. The New Testament records believers worshipping on Sunday. When we see that this was the custom, who cares what the Catholic church said 300 years later? Don’t blame popes for Sunday worship. Blame God.

          >> the apostles… didn’t often speak to the gentiles about the Sabbath because it was a given

          Nonsense. If sabbath-keeping is important, Paul would not have written that we’re not to be judged by sabbath observances. Instead, he would have written that we SHOULD be judged.

          A serious question for you: you acknowledge that the issue isn’t really addressed directly… that it was simply taken as a given. In light of the acknowledged absence of support in the New Testament for your position, why do you simply ignore what we do have? Paul’s admonition was to not judge others by whether they observe sabbaths. Why are you judging anyone on this issue? I say this as gently and kindly as I can: that’s hypocritical. Stop it.

          >> Brother, sow good seeds!

          Right back at ya, brother. Do your homework. Bring a better argument. Use God’s Words as the basis for your position, not man’s traditions. Don’t ignore verses that apply. You have much influence in this world, and I hope you take seriously the fact that you’re responsible for what you say, in person or in print.

      • Kermit Williams says:

        The children of Israel is to keep the Sabbath day even till this day .

        • Tony says:


          That sounds good… but is it true? I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to just take your word for it. Can you provide any Bible verses that SHOW that this is true?

    • Daniel Bjorndahl says:

      Jesus did not contradict anything His Father ordered – how else could he say, I and my Father are one? The Sabbath is still Holy – none of God’s Words has ever or will ever fail. Pharisees will quote this verse as an excuse not to obey the sabbath, however I see this verse as protection against the judgment of the Pharisees who believe they can pick and choose which of the ten commandments are still valid. Imagine a church teaching that it’s okay to commit murder! Yet this, the Sabbath, of the ten commandments is perhaps most habitually neglected. Even those who claim a specific day of the week (i.e Saturday vs Sunday) often go out to eat after church, which would be compelling someone else to work on the day of rest. I consider it a blessing to strictly honor the Sabbath.

      Of all the commands in the Bible, I don’t see how “please don’t work for a day” could be perceived as a burden!

      • Tony says:


        While I appreciate your zeal, it’s simply misplaced. To conclude that gentile Christians are to observe the same sabbath that the ancient Israelites observed is to either undo or completely ignore lots of the Bible, and especially the New Testament. The sabbath was a command for those involved in the Mosaic covenant. Your argument is invalid from the start, since gentiles were never included in the Mosaic covenant. Even if gentiles were included, that covenant is no longer in force.

        You can say all kinds of nice things about taking a day off, spending a day in worship, honoring God, and more…but you can’t use the Bible to make the claim that anyone is bound by the old covenant. As we read in Scripture, the Law (that is, the 10 commandments and all 613 laws that came from them) was a temporary guardian, only in force until Christ came. There’s no way around it.

        • Daniel Bjorndahl says:

          Gentiles were included in the Mosaic covenant Numbers 15:15.

          Jesus did not abolish the law and he said so himself. I will attempt to abide by the 613 as best I can. I am covered by God’s grace if I fall, but I have my mind set on obeying God as if he truly were the same yesterday today and forever. I suspect you disagree that Jesus did not abolish the law.

          • Tony says:


            Thanks. Good catch! Unfortunately, when you read the verse in context (as all Bible students should) you will see that this is talking about the nation of Israel, and how foreigners living in their country were to live. This wouldn’t apply to Egyptians living in Egypt, or to Babylonians living in Babylon, or to Chaldeans living in Chaldea. Gentiles were only expected to live as Jews if they lived in Israel. I don’t live in Israel, so this wouldn’t apply to me.

            Beside that, Paul specifically and unequivocally stated that we are no longer under the Law. If you believe that Numbers 15:15 teaches that we are under the Law, how do you explain Paul saying that we are not?

            I would not say that Jesus abolished the Law. The Law had a purpose…a reason for being in force. Jesus fulfilled the Law, which was a tutor – a guardian – for the Jews until Jesus came. I’m sorry to hear that you believe the Law is still in force…whether for Jews or Gentiles. It is not.

            Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. (Galatians 3:23-25)

            You have been misled, Daniel. You are not covered by God’s grace if you fall. You are covered by God’s grace, period. We aren’t saved by grace after we’ve done our very best…we’re saved by grace when we exercise faith by trusting God for salvation. This is a present reality, not a future reality…we’re not saved later on, after we’re done working for our salvation, where God makes up for what we lack. Instead, we are saved now because God is gracious enough to save us regardless of how well we can follow the Law.

            Fortunately, Paul has a direct message for you:

            Brothers and sisters, let me take an example from everyday life. Just as no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case. The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to your seed,” meaning one person, who is Christ. What I mean is this: The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise. For if the inheritance depends on the law, then it no longer depends on the promise; but God in his grace gave it to Abraham through a promise.

            Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was given through angels and entrusted to a mediator. A mediator, however, implies more than one party; but God is one. Is the law, therefore, opposed to the promises of God? Absolutely not! For if a law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly have come by the law. (Galatians 3:15:21)

            You are not under the Law. Please don’t take my word for it. Do your own study of the Bible. Read Galatians and see that the Law, which came from God and did perfectly what He intended, is no longer applicable to anyone. Let me know what you think. I’m praying for you.

        • Robert Mendez says:

          I must totally disagree with you that you say that the Sabbath was a command of the Mosaic Covenant. First of all, God did not make a covenant with Moses, as regard to the Ten Commandments, also known as the 10 statements of God.
          God used the word, “REMEMBER” to keep the Sabbath day holy, as a reminder that the Sabbath was not a new thing establish at Mount Sinai. The Sabbath was already being kept, way before the wilderness experience. And secondly, the Sabbath was not made for the Jews only but for all mankind, as established in Genesis 2:1-2, even before God created Adam. You seem to forget, my brother, that Gentiles are grafted into the root of the Olive Tree, the Jewish roots of Israel, as the Apostle Paul stated in Romans 11:17-24, because of the acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Messiah, so Gentiles are also blessed into the Abrahamic Covenant, as long as Gentiles keep God’s Commandments. Jews and Gentiles are no longer separated, but are one in the Messiah; both blessed in the blessings of Abraham; and both keeping the same Commandments of God in keeping the Sabbath day holy. I don’t know how you can say that Covenant is no longer in force since Jesus himself is our example and kept the Commandments of God. After all, He was in the beginning with God, as stated in the first chapter of John, thus making Jesus, the author, the maker, and creator of the Sabbath. That is why Jesus said, in Matthew 12: 8, that the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath. He is the Master and Owner of the Sabbath. Jesus is the one that Blessed and Sanctified the Seventh-Day Sabbath. Again, I must remind you, that the word Law, is an incorrect english translation. The word is actually, Torah, which means, God’s instructions, His guidance, for Holy and Pure living, and that, my brother, has not been done away with!

          • Tony says:


            Thanks for writing. With respect, you’re using the word ‘remember’ in only one sense: the one you prefer. Your explanation could be right, but it’s much less likely than that God said ‘remember’ as an instruction about the future. If you were going to the store, I might say ‘remember to get ice cream’, right? That’s not an instruction to recall ice cream we’ve eaten in the past, but to remember – in the future – to get some. The commandments in Exodus 20 aren’t simply a call to remember old things, but instructions for the future. Certainly the Exodus command to sabbath pointed to historical events (a remembrance): both creation and the exodus itself, but the command wasn’t anything like “keep doing what you were commanded to do from the beginning.”

            You say that the sabbath was already being kept. I’d like to know where you get this information. You see, the word sabbath means to rest, to stop, to cease. In Genesis, God sabbathed…when He was done creating, He stopped creating. There was no command for Adam and Eve to set aside one day per week to not work. The first command to sabbath comes in Exodus 20, in the context of God’s covenant with the children of Israel. I don’t know why you would say that God didn’t make a covenant with Moses (as their representative)…reading through Exodus, it’s clear that a covenant was made. Exodus 19:5 seems like sufficient evidence to convince anyone. Let me know why you disagree.

            You seem to believe that Christians are part of Israel. You cite Romans 11, but it seems you need to read it more carefully. Paul does not say that Christians are Israel…the whole section shows a stark contrast between the two groups! Yes, we are grafted in. No, we are not Israel. We are not Jews, nor are we to adhere to Judaism. We are Gentiles, and heirs to the promise…not the promise to Moses, but to Abraham. Abraham was not commanded to keep a sabbath, was he?

            Yes, Jesus kept the commandments of God. He is a Jew. I am not a Jew, so the instructions given to the Jews were not given to me. This is clearly shown in passages like Acts 15, where the leaders of the Jerusalem church were asked to settle a dispute: whether Gentiles should be required to follow the Law of Moses. There is no way to read this passage and come away thinking that their answer was “yes.” The same issue came up again and again, and was dismissed again and again. Titus was instructed on this matter, as was Timothy. At no point in the Bible are non-Jews told to keep the Law.

            You say Jews and Gentiles are no longer separated, and you are (of course) correct. This is clear in Scripture. Unfortunately, you apply it backwards. You seem to think that Gentiles should act as the Jews did…but it’s the other way around. The old covenant has been replaced by the new, and Jews should act as the Gentiles do in following Christ. The evidence is abundant, and clear: we are saved by grace through faith, and not by works. Here is one of the many passages that make this clear…it’s Romans 4:4-5:

            Now to the one who works, wages are not credited as a gift but as an obligation. However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness.

            I have no doubt about your sincerity, Robert. Please don’t take my disagreement as disapproval. My goal is to simply point to the Scriptures and help you understand.

    • Milton Kent says:

      Yahushua died on a Wednesday, the day before the high Sabbath came in.
      As the scripture says, Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. That’s 72 hours, you can’t get 72 hours from Friday to Sunday.
      He went into the heart of the earth Wednesday before the sun went down, and rose at the end of the regular Seventh Day Sabbath, which would have Him in the ground for 72 hours, three days and three nights. From Friday to Sunday would be
      (Fri) 1 Night, (Sat) 1 day, (Sat Eve) 2 Nights and (Sun.) at dawn is not even a full day. That Wednesday He was Crucified was a preparation day because the Passover was about to come in at eveing, which made that evening the beginning of a High Sabbath.

      • Tony says:


        I’m not dogmatic about the exact date of Jesus’ crucifixion, and I don’t believe it’s worth arguing about at length. If you back up three 24-hour days from Sunday, what you wrote makes good sense. However: I do believe that when someone makes a claim about biblical events that isn’t substantiated from the text of the Bible, it’s worth noting. You may be right, but you may be wrong…and it’s important that we learn to do our homework well before making claims like you have.

        The problem is that you’re thinking like a 21-century American. To understand what we see in Scripture, we have to learn how first-century Israelites thought. Fortunately, we know how they thought about this. The ancient Israelites used a very flexible word for “day,” and the way they thought about time reflects that. To them, “day” could mean any part of the daylight hours, or a day and night, or a year, or even an undetermined (but finite) length of time. If Jesus was in the grave during any part of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the ancient Israelites would say that it was three days. It doesn’t have to be 72 hours to be 100% accurate.

        The real question isn’t about the exact day or date of Jesus’ crucifixion, but about whether you and I and everyone reading this understands that Jesus died in our place, and that our sins have been forgiven. If we, in response to this good news, turn to God and trust Him with our lives, we will be born again and live forever with Him in Heaven. Have you been born again, Milton?

    • Keely says:

      He didnt die on friday. There were 2 sabbaths that week. Feast sabbath and regular weekly sabbath. very common mistake. Cant get 3 days and 3 nights from friday to sunday.

      • Tony says:


        Actually, you CAN get 3 days and nights from Friday to Sunday. To most modern people, a day begins just after midnight and ends at the next midnight. To the Israelites, a day begins at sunset and ends at the following sunset. What we call Friday (including Good Friday) began at sunset the night before. So:

        Thursday-night and Friday-day was day 1.
        Friday-night and Saturday-day was day 2.
        Saturday-night and Sunday-day was day 3.

        When counting days as they did, we can see why Jesus would say three days and three nights.

    • Mary says:

      There were 2 Sabbaths .day of .preparation was the crucifixion before the evening of Passover ..Christ was the Passover Lamb…they had to get Christ into the tomb before sunset..Passover..he was in the tomb..Wednesday sunset..to Thursday sunset #1 remember 72 hrs he was in the tomb Thursday-Friday#2 Friday-Saturday sunset..#3. ..Christ rose Saturday sunset..everyone was gone keeping the Sabbath, it was early Sunday while it was still dark that Mary Madeline found the stone rolled back..Christ had risen Saturday .. Christ is lord of the Sabbath now.. the Sabbath day never changed..it is the 7th day of the week..one of the Ten Commandments is to keep the Sabbath day Holy..Chris rose to fulfill the law..not to abolish it.. love the lord God with all your heart and with all your soul , and with all thy mind. Thou shall love your neighbor as yourself. God is a Spirit, and they that worship him Must worship him in Spirit and the Truth.

    • Lu says:

      Hi Joe; I am Lu, and I want to say a couple of things.
      1. Yashayah said that he would be in grave for 3 nights, AND 3 days. So Him being buried on Friday will not add up to Sunday being the 3rd day.

      2.. The definition for SABBATH is correct; also you stated that it was SANCTIFIED, BLESSED, & HOLLOWED. Which is correct as well. Saying that,I want to add, of ALL HISS commandments, if you notice, is the ONLY one HE put an importance on , that we should remember it, observe it, and that it is (even today) , a sign between HIM & HIS people. (Ezekiel 20:12)

      • Tony says:


        First, who is this Yahsayah? Isaiah? Certainly you’re not speaking of the Messiah.

        Second, it’s important to interpret the words of Scripture in the way the author meant… not to read them with 21st-century meanings. In my lifetime, phrases like “that’s cool” and “you’re the bomb” have been pretty popular. 2000 years from now, they would make little sense without context. The context of ‘a day and a night,’ as expressed in Scripture, is not “24 hours.” It’s more general than that. A day and a night is a day… which is very flexible. If I told you today was Friday, would you argue that it’s Saturday right now in India? That would be silly. When Jesus said that, He wasn’t saying that He would be in the grave for 72 hours. Or for 71. He was comparing Himself to Jonah, and saying that He would be in the grave for three days. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday… that’s three days. It’s not 72 hours, but Jesus didn’t mean 72 hours. If Jesus was resurrected in the morning, 72 hours prior would have been Thursday morning at the same time. Unless you want to argue that Jesus was put in the tomb on Thursday morning, your complaint about the traditional interpretation has little meaning.

        Finally: it’s easy to say that the terms of God’s covenant with Israel apply to other people, but much more difficult to prove from Scripture. Jesus said that the New Covenant – the one that began the night of His arrest – was not like the old covenant. Paul taught that we are not under the Law, and that nobody should judge another over sabbath days. Peter taught that what Paul wrote is Scripture. I see no way around this.

    • Richard Bekker says:

      Hi good day, interesting to see how they defend the Sabath. I have been a Seventh Day Adventist for many years, but left the church. When you are a SDA, you believe it’s what you have to do. Today I know it is not what I have to do, but what Jesus did. The Bible says, our works are like filthy rags. The ten commandments was given to Israel and it was a covenant between God and them. It was not for us . The Bible says, the law was given as a teacher, till Jesus came – Gal 3:23 -25. The Bible says that if the old one (the law) was good, it would not be necessary for a new one. The Bible also says, it’s not the same as the old one, it’s a better one. One of the main reasons they crucified Jesus, was because He worked on the Sabbath. When they questioned Jesus because he worked on the Sabbath, He said to them, I only do what I see my Father is doing. The Father works all the time, even on the Sabbath. Jesus said to the Farrisiers, aren’t you working, when you preach on the Sabbath day ? (What else do the pastors do, when they preach ) .The Bible says , you either live by Grace (faith) or the law. If you live by the law, you will be judged by the law. If you live by grace, you will be judge by grace. In other words, you have the law or Jesus. I rather will be judge by Grace. The Bible also says , if you break one of the law, you broke them all. A lot of SDA believe that they do not sin, or must not sin to enter into heaven. T hat’s exactly how the Fariseers were thinking, that they do not sin. The Bible says, there’s not even one person without sin. You can not keep the law, that’s why you need Jesus. It’s not about you, its about Him !! Its not what you do, but what He did.
      Does ithis mean that I can go now and sin. No, but I have the Holy Spirit in me, that leads me to the full truth How will I know when I sin , if I do not have the law. There’s a lot of sin that are not mentioned in the law, eg; Use of dirty language, fighting, gossiping, abortion, homosexuality, etc. The word law or commandments are not always referring to the 10 commandments. Most of the time it refers to the Word of God, unless it indicates 10 commandments. The Bible also says; that Aaron, Abraham and many more were saved by faith and not by the law. I am righteous, not because what I do, but what Jesus did and will not be saved by what I do, but what Jesus did.

    • Christina says:

      Hi Joe. I agree with you completely. Only I’d like to point something out to you. I think you will appreciate studying this. Yahshua (Jesus) did not die on Friday. He died on the day before the 1st day of unleavened Bread which is considered a high holy day or Sabbath which in that year would have fallen on a Wednesday. In Yahuahs (Gods) timetable days are from sunset to sunset, and Yahshua died around 3:00 on Wed. He Rose sometime during the Sabbath ( 3 days and 3 nights). The women coming to His tomb didn’t witness His resurrection, because He had already risen by the time they got there early on the 1st day which was probably right after sunset. The only sign given by Yahshua to His disciples the He was the Messiah was that of the sign of Jonah. That He would be 3 days and 3 nights in His tomb. Blessings to you

      • Tony says:


        I don’t know whether you’re aware, but most of what you’ve written is questionable. Scholars disagree on whether Jesus died on the 13th or 14th. The theory you’ve described is mostly an attempt at explaining how Jesus could be in the grave for “three days and three nights.” By moving the day of His death back in time, it *seems* to fit. Of course, that’s not necessarily the case. Three days and nights can be accounted for in other ways.

        Also: with regard to the sign of Jonah, you should probably read Matthew 12 a little more carefully. As anyone can see, it’s the wicked and adulterous generation that was only given one sign. That one sign was enough, of course… but Jesus gave plenty of other signs that He is the Messiah.

        First, He actually told the woman at the well that He is the Messiah. He told the Jews in Jerusalem that His works testified that He is the Messiah. He gave to His apostles many convincing proofs after His resurrection. When John the Baptist wanted to make sure Jesus is the Messiah, our Lord didn’t give him the sign of Jonah. Instead, Jesus listed the things He had done as signs that He is the Messiah.

        Michael W. Smith: Could He Be the Messiah

    • Jeannette says:

      The book of Hebrews explains the difference between “Shadow and Substance”. And in Isaiah 58:13 it says (emphasis added):
      “If you turn back your foot from the Sabbath,
      from doing your pleasure[c] on my holy day,
      and call the Sabbath a delight
      and the holy day of the Lord honourable;
      if you honour it, NOT GOING YOUR OWN WAYS,
      OR SEEKING YOUR OWN PLEASURE,[d] or talking idly;[e]
      14 then you shall take delight in the Lord,
      and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth;[f]
      I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father,
      for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

      I hope that makes sense

      • Cristina says:

        Jeannette, your post makes sense if all we read is this text in the Bible and not the rest of the Bible, especially the New Testament.

        I have come to believe that those who keep pointing to the Old Testament have a spiritual veils that won’t allow them to understand the full picture and what happened when Jesus died for us. As a matter of fact in 2 Corint 3:14-15 Paul says that even to this day when Moses is read a veil covers their heart. What does this mean? To me that means that your hearts aren’t open to the Truth, and the Truth is Jesus.

        Sabbath keeping was an extremely important part of the law in the OT, the punishment for breaking how the Israelites were instructed to keep it, was death. And it wasn’t a matter of only staying home and not turning on your TV, Israelites had to do a loooot of things to keep it, please study it in detail. Are you doing all that?
        As a matter of fact, breaking the Sabbath was one of the reasons they tried to kill Jesus (John 5:16-18). Keeping the Sabbath as well as all the other 600+ laws was the only way to get right with God UNTIL He sacrificed His life for our sins. I’ve noticed that many Sabbath keepers (whom I personally know, not saying its you necessarily) don’t really acknowledge the big change that occurred after Jesus died for us and how our relationship with Him changed entirely.

        We are living under a New Covenant and my opinion is that those who don’t clearly see the GRANDIOSITY of His sacrifice and truly understand the concept of Salvation by Grace ALONE, are not focused on Jesus and continue to be focused on the OT ways which in turn puts all the focus on themselves and their abilities. We can’t do anything for ourselves, and anything that we can do for God comes from Him.

        I will close this very length post by saying that you should pray for discernment, which can only come from the Holy Spirit and study the entire bible. Study Paul’s 13 Epistles and see how the focus changed from the law, before Jesus, to Grace and Faith after his death and resurrection. Jesus came to free humanity from the bondage of law keeping.

        • Tony says:


          Thanks for your reply. I would respond to one small part, if you don’t mind. People have always been right with God in exactly the same way: by believing Him, and acting like it. As we see in a number of places, ‘Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.’ The Mosaic Law never made anyone righteous…ever. It can’t, as we see in the New Testament. It points out our sin, and shows our need for a savior. The Jews weren’t right with God by following the Law…they could only be right with God by trusting Him. If you could follow the Law perfectly, you still might not be righteous. It’s a small distinction, but an important one. Salvation was never by works, as I’m sure you’d agree.

          Let me know your thoughts!

        • Jeannette says:

          Hi Cristina

          You seem to have the idea that I’m neglecting the New Testament in favour of the Old, which is very far from the truth. I actually agree with all you said!

          What I meant in the previous comment was that even the Old Testament taught that Sabbath-keeping was not about slavishly keeping a set of rules, and in their case making the appropriate sacrifices. Or generally “Doing one’s own thing”.

          It’s impossible to separate the two parts of the written Word of God, but when the LIVING Word came He showed us, through the Spirit, what He really meant when He wrote it! As Hebrews 1:1-2 says, He is God’s ultimate revelation.

          I love Paul’s testimony in Philippians 3, how he had everything, humanly speaking, an impeccable pedigree, the best theological education, kept the letter of the Law “Perfectly”… BUT he let it all go for the sake of knowing Christ!

          And in Galatians he enlarges on what he learned – that the true purpose of the Law of Moses was to show us that it is impossible to keep it. That “The law was our teacher to lead us to Christ”.

          But again the Old Testament says that already. That there was One coming called “The Lord our Righteousness”, who would put the true Law – the true spirit behind the outward rules – in the heart through the new birth. (Jeremiah 23:6, 33:16, and 31:32-34. Ezekiel 36: 11:19, 36:26).

          That’s why Jesus was astonished that Nicodemus did not understand the need to be born again – it was THERE in their own scriptures!

    • Richard Gomez says:

      He died on Wednesday. Or he’s not your messiah. He said he would be in the earth 3 days and 3 nights. Last I checked, even if we count partial days and nights, it would only come out to 3 days and 2 nights. So at a minimum he would have to have been in the earth Thursday if we count partial days. I say Wednesday because that’s the day first day that would allow for 3 full days and nights(72 hours). Knowing the possible ways they calculated their holy days(Calendar) most people agree it was either 30 AD or 31 AD, 14th of the first month(Hebrew calendar) in the afternoon. I know the Dead Sea Scrolls have a calendar that puts passover on Tuesdays(3rd day of the week) but seeing as the bible never alludes to the holy days falling on a specific day of the week every year then I can’t go along with it. I was convinced for a while that must have been the correct calendar and that the Jews were keeping the wrong calendar but the more I try to fit it into the Bible the more time I wasted. Notice that the commands for the holy days are all relative from a different starting point and there isn’t a specific day of the week listed for them. If I had just listened to what the Bible said I wouldn’t have wasted a few months with incorrect ideas.

      • Tony says:


        First, it’s nice to meet you. Thanks for commenting.

        >> He died on Wednesday. Or he’s not your messiah.

        With all due respect, this is a very bad argument. Do you really think that anyone who draws a different conclusion is going to Hell?

        >> Last I checked, even if we count partial days and nights, it would only come out to 3 days and 2 nights.

        Count with me… not like 21st-century Americans, but like 1st-century Jews. The Jewish day started at sundown. Jesus was crucified on Friday, during the day. That’s the day that started at dusk on the previous evening, which was Thursday.

        1. Thursday night through Friday afternoon
        2. Friday night through Saturday afternoon
        3. Saturday night through Sunday morning

        The ancient Israelites counted days in specific ways. This is well established. Any part of a day was called a day. A night and a day (in that order, of course) were called a day. The daylight hours were called a day. YOU can pretend that “a day” must be 24 hours in length, but you would be contradicting Jesus and the rest of those in the Bible. Jesus actually WAS in the tomb for 3 nights and 3 days.

        Besides: most commentators don’t believe that Jesus’ intention was to say that He would be dead for exactly that amount of time… rather, He was only drawing an allusion to Jonah’s death and resurrection in the big Joppan fish. Whether He was being precise or not, based on how the Jews counted days, He was right either way.

        Besides Besides: do you really think that anyone who has this wrong is in spiritual danger? If so, that must mean that you think you have everything right. Do you? How many things can one get wrong and still be saved?

    • Tim says:

      Your teaching on the Sabbath is not from the Word, but from satan, the father of lies. You obviously do not trust the Word, trust God. You pick and choose the scriptures you like. You misquote and ignore so many scriptures, it’s difficult to know where to begin. So, I’ll start in Genesis, for this is where it all began,,,, in the beginning.
      When YAHWAH created the Sabbath on the 7th day (evening and morning were the first day second day,,,,) there was not a Jew on the face of the earth. God made the sabbath for Himself, then to be shared with mankind! You will never find a scripture anywhere, where He says “I made it for the Jew.”
      Yeshua, my Messiah, says in Mark 2:27, “Sabbath was made for mankind, not mankind for the Sabbath. Again, it was made for everyone, God’s original plan.
      God gave the seventh day Sabbath to all people, this was very important to Him. He also gave it and His Appointed Times to His chosen people. He also gave them the 10 Commandments to follow, to honor, to obey, and to remember!
      Very important to remember, The Commandments are written in order of precedence. The 4th Commandment is the longest and begins with Remember, the only one that begins with Remember! For God knew man would forget or ignore this important Commandment.
      An often overlooked scripture Isaiah 66:23-24. This is a scripture about 2 events in the new heavens and the new earth. God tells us here that, every month on Rosh Hodesh (the New Moon) and every week on Shabbat (Sabbath), everyone living will come to Worship before Me.
      As for Col 2:16, you need to read the entire chapter, not just pick and choose what you want out of it. Paul is not telling the people not to do Sabbath or Rosh Hodesh, but not to let people condemn you for doing them. He goes on to say don’t engage in self mortification, angel worship and man-made traditions. God’s Sabbath or His Appointed Times are none of these!! They are His Commands, not man-made traditions! These are God made! God never gave any man permission to decide to honor or do away with them!!
      It is not a coincident, that God in His Word in both Isa. and Col. choose Rosh Hodesh and Shabbat, He knew people like you would teach these lies.
      You add to and take away from His Word, rather than trust it. This reeks of antisemitism and replacement theology. You do know Messiah Yeshua is a Jew?

      • Tony says:


        You’re so kind! Thanks for being so straight-forward.

        1. It’s not “YAHWAH.”

        2. God did not create the sabbath in Genesis. To “sabbath” means to cease what you’re doing. God sabbathed because He was finished.

        3. God set aside the seventh day for a special purpose. That’s what it means to make something holy, or to sanctify it. What was that purpose? We find out much, much later. In Exodus, when God made a covenant between Himself and the descendants of Jacob, He commanded them to rest… to sabbath, as He sabbathed.

        4. The command to sabbath in this way only occurs in the context of that old covenant. You cannot find a verse that says that the sabbath was God’s original plan for everyone, as the Bible contains no such verse.

        5. There’s nothing in the Bible to suggest that the 10 Commandments are in any sort of priority order.

        6. Isaiah 66:23-24 is not simply about the new heavens and the new earth. If it were, there would be no Libyans or Lydians, no Tubal or Greece, or other people who had never heard of God. If you’re going to accuse others of mishandling Scripture, you should probably be careful to not mishandle Scripture.

        7. As for Colossians 2, again: if you’re going to suggest that someone else reads the entire chapter (a very good idea, by the way), you should probably be careful to not ignore what it says. Here… let me help you:

        Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

        In case you missed it, those religious festivals, new moon celebrations, and sabbath days are a shadow, not the reality. The only way you can make your case is to ignore the plain meaning of the text, Tim. Let me encourage you. I don’t want to discourage you. Read the Bible carefully, thoroughly, and in context. If you want to observe sabbaths, I’m not going to judge you for it. I’m also not going to let you judge me for not observing sabbaths, as I was never included in the old covenant. You weren’t either… but it’s clear that you will remain unconvinced until you do more homework. Please do… not because I’m right, but because I want you to have all of the joy that I have. It’s clear from your comment that – at this moment, anyway – you’re not very joyous. I’m open to correction, my friend. You might consider providing that correction in the ways that God has commanded in Scripture.

        Have a great day!

    • Yex1212 says:

      The early church did not keep the Sabbath! They gathered together on the first day of the week – Sunday. When Jesus died, the veil of the temple was split or torn apart. This was the entrance to the Holy of Holies. Why did this happen? The Sabbath was the sign to Israel of the Mosaic Covenant (Exodus 31:16-17; Ezekiel 20:12; Nehemiah 9:14). The Mosaic Covenant is replaced with the New Covenant (Hebrews 8), we are no longer required to observe the sign of the Mosaic Covenant. When Jesus died, the ceremonial Mosaic system ended. The Laws of the Mosaic Covenant are fulfilled in Christ. That system included the priesthood and the sacrificial system involving animals. The tearing of the veil from the top to the bottom signified that we no longer needed human priests as a mediator between God and man. That is the message of Hebrews 8:7-13. Sacrifices were no longer needed because Jesus is the ultimate and perfect sacrifice for our sins (Hebrews 10:11-18). He accomplished His mission (John 19:30). The ceremonial Mosaic system ended when Jesus died on the cross for our sins, instituting the new covenant (Matthew 26:28; Luke 22:20; Hebrew 9:15-16). The Sabbath and its trappings disappeared and we now worship on the first of the week. It symbolized a new beginning and new life (Romans 6:6; Galatians 6:15; Ephesians 4:24; Colossians 3:10).

  2. Joe says:

    Thank you for your response. I was taught that the bible reference you quoted talked about Jewish Sabbaths (holidays and Old Testament practices), not Saturday Sabbath.

    If we no longer need to keep the Sabbath, do we no longer need to keep any of the other 9 (of the 10) commandments either? “jesus came to fulfil the law not abolish it.”

    • Tony Scialdone says:


      In discussions like this one, it’s easy to use words that cause confusion. I don’t observe the sabbath as they did in the Old Testament. Why? Because Jesus fulfilled the Law! What is the sabbath for Christians? Look at Hebrews 4:9-10…

      There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his.

      I don’t observe the sabbath on Saturday, or on Sunday. I observe the sabbath every single day, because I have entered into God’s rest. It’s a spiritual rest, just as the priests performed spiritual work in the Temple. I don’t have to perform religious ceremonies over and over, doing never-ending spiritual work to please God. Jesus has completed the work, and our rest is in His finished work.

      It’s sometimes difficult to say these things clearly. I don’t fail to observe the sabbath. I observe it all the time! I rest in Christ all day, every day…that is the true sabbath.

      • Michael says:

        Hey Joe,
        In the original language, what Jesus said was he came to “complete” the law. Study & you will see this is a more accurate translation. Still though fulfill does not mean “delete or do do away with”. This is why he made sure to say “I Did NOT come to change or abolish the law, I came to full fill or “complete” it. To provide what it’s missing, give it life, provide the power, “the icing on the cake”, bring it to pass.
        He via the holy ghost has provided the power for us to “Properly Keep the Commands” in “Love” and not a hard rebellious heart”. That’s why he says “if u live him you “keep the Commands” and they are “Not” burdensome to keep now. Paul and all the diciples make it clear that if you claim Jesus/Yesgua, you “must depart from Sin”. Breaking the “10”, is Sin. The tablets establish what is Sin.

        • Tony says:


          Let’s talk briefly about the Law, and about a Christian’s relationship to it. Read Hebrews 8:13:

          By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.

          Look at this verse carefully. Who is “he”, and what has he done? “He” is God, of course. He made the first covenant obsolete. The Greek verb is PALAIOO, and it’s used in its Perfect Active Indicative form. The perfect tense in Greek is used to describe an action that has been completed in the past, once for all, and does not need to be repeated. The active voice simply refers to the “do-er” of the action, who is God. The indicative mood says that the action is a simply statement of fact, saying that it really has occurred. Let’s put that all together: it was God who actually finished making the first covenant obsolete.

          This first covenant, instituted at Mount Sinai when God gave Moses the 10 Commandments, has never included anyone but the Israelites. Now, it no longer even includes them…because God has finished making it obsolete. We are not under the Law.

      • Keely says:

        Jesus didnt fufilly the law. It say that not one jot or tiddle will be changed until he comes back.

        • Tony says:


          It’s important to make sure that our words actually match what we see in the Bible. Here’s the text in question, which is Matthew 5:17-18:

          Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

          Notice that what you wrote and what Matthew wrote don’t match. Jesus did not say that nothing would be changed until He comes back. He said that no part of the Law would disappear until everything is accomplished. It would be easy to say that this speaks of the end of all things, when Jesus comes back…but that’s not how the disciples thought about it. Jesus (during the Last Supper) said that He was starting a ‘new covenant.’ That would, of course, replace the old one (the Law given to Moses). Peter and James and the other elders, as we read in Acts 15, made it clear that Christians did not need to follow the Law. In Galatians 3, Paul makes it abundantly clear when he wrote that the Law was a temporary guardian, only needed until Jesus came:

          So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

          The Bible couldn’t be any clearer on this subject. Our teachers and preachers, unfortunately, are less clear than the Scriptures they teach from. The only people who were included in the old covenant were the children of Israel. That doesn’t include you or me. Now that there’s a new covenant, nobody is under the Law. In other words, Jesus did accomplish everything while He lived and died two thousand years ago.

    • ellie says:

      The ten commandments were given by God to follow, and if not we are the ones who will suffer the consequences. The Shabbat is a commandment, period. Jesus observed the Shabbat because it is the law. his disciples did because it is the law. why don’t we?. when we don’t, we disobey our Lord.

      • Tony says:


        Thanks for visiting GodWords! How did you find me? I’m always curious.

        The Ten Commandments were given to the Israelites (and the other folks who left Egypt with them) to follow. If we read the Bible carefully, we will see that the Mosaic law was applied to Israel and all who lived in the promised land. In the New Testament – after Jesus’ resurrection – we see that Gentiles were not included in the Mosaic law. This is abundantly clear when you read Acts 15. What happened in Acts 15? Simple: some people went to the Gentile Christians in Antioch and told them they must be circumcised. This is important, as circumcision was the sign of the Mosaic covenant that went with the giving of the Mosaic law. Because this caused a controversy, Paul and Barnabas and some others went to Jerusalem to consult with the Apostles and elders.

        What happened then? Did the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem tell the believers in Antioch to follow the law? No, they didn’t. Both Peter and James (Jesus’ brother) are mentioned by name in Acts 15, telling the Antioch group that they did not need to burden themselves with the Mosaic law. Here are vv 28-29:

        It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. Farewell.

        There you have it. I know that, for some, that won’t settle the issue…but it should. Let me know if you still disagree, and why. Thanks!

        • jon says:

          im not a intelligent man nor academic man im following god and jesus an im trying to change my life i use to rest on a sunday now i rest on a saturday and work on a sunday now i agree with ellie god give us a comamand so we have to keep this i will do every thing jesus did he kept the sabbath so will i, how i founf this site is im trying my hardest to be one with godand jesus and im trying not to get decceived by man so im reseaching every thing about the bible i do it on line as i just carnt get way with books

          • Tony says:


            First, thanks for visiting GodWords. I appreciate it.

            Here’s an item for your consideration: God did not give us that command. The command to keep the Sabbath was given to the ancient Israelites. After Jesus’ death, some of the Israelite Christians insisted that Gentiles had to become Jews before they could become Christians. You can read about this in Acts 15, Galatians 2 & 3, and Titus 1 (among other places). This was an issue in the early church, and it was decidedly squashed by Jesus’ disciples. You can read their conclusions in Acts 15:22 and following.

            Reading these passages shows that Christians were never under the law at all. If you read Galatians 2 and 3, you can see that the Jews were no longer under the law. To suggest that God has given you and I a command to rest on any particular day is to ignore these clear and plain passages.

            You say that Jesus observed the Sabbath, and so you will too. This is clearly an error. Jesus observed the Sabbath in the way it was intended, and got harassed by the Jewish leaders for doing so. They claimed that He broke the Sabbath and, based on what you’ve written, you might make the same claim. Let’s not fall into error by only looking at part of the Scriptures. Let’s take them all together, in context, before we make decisions about how we should live. It’s good that you’re working hard to not be deceived by men…I commend you for that. I don’t want you to take my word for it. Take God’s Word for it. Look at the passages I’ve linked, and maybe take some notes. Christians don’t observe the ancient Israelite Sabbath 1) because we’re not ancient Israelites, 2) because the Law is now obsolete, and 3) because the Law never applied to us anyway.

            Let me know if you have any questions. I’d be happy to provide more Scriptures to help with your research. Have a great day!

          • Diuz says:

            Hello Friend,

            I have a question. When God finished his creation he made the seventh day and he rested. The observance of the Sabbath was from the beginning of creation. Now the promise made to Abraham was that he was going to be father of a great Nation which we now know as Israel. So the Jews started here Adam and Eve weren’t Jews. And it came to pass that all of Gods people kept the sabbath including our Savior Jesus Christ,his disciples, the apostles and the early Christians churches. So if God kept the sabbath and Jesus kept the sabbath why aren’t Christians following Jesus. Instead they choose to follow what man did who changed the day of worship from the seventh day to the first. in revelation 14:12 during the judgment the people of of GOD are clearly distinguished “Those who keep the Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus Christ. Now Jesus Faith in his Father was unwavering and we should also try to practice it as christian and rely on God, whatever he came across he always seeks guidance from his Father. If you dig more into history you will find that Sunday worship was implied by a Roman Emperor in 300 A.D, who wanted to get Christians ,idol and sun worshipers on the same page( Constantine).
            Constantine created the earliest Sunday law known to history in AD 321. It says this:

            On the venerable Day of the sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country, however, persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits: because it often happens that another Day is not so suitable for grain sowing or for vine planting: lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost.ii

            Chamber’s Encyclopedia says this:

            Unquestionably the first law, either ecclesiastical or civil, by which the Sabbatical observance of that Day is known to have been ordained, is the edict of Constantine, 321 A.D.iii

            All the commandments, there is only one relating us to God. Which man, God the Father and God the Son observes.That is the Sabbath. From the Beginning of the Creation. So this is my question if it designed by God why would anyone do otherwise? We are indeed saved by Grace, but how can we keep in check if there is no guideline to help us.

          • Tony says:


            Thanks for your comment. My first response to your question may help you reframe the issue. You say that “The observance of the Sabbath was from the beginning of creation.” That’s clearly not true. The word shabath means “to cease” as in to stop doing something. God did not “observe” a sabbath in Genesis 2. He stopped working, because He was done creating. The only commands in the Bible about observing a sabbath come as part of the Mosaic Law. There are no pre-Law commands to observe a sabbath to honor God’s completion of creation.

            Second, the Jews didn’t start with Abraham. The Jews didn’t start with Jacob, or Israel. The Jews are those from the line of Judah.

            Third, Sunday worship wasn’t created by Constantine. It’s a myth. Yes, he made a law…but that’s not why Christians observe the first day of the week.

            • The early church honored the first day of the week (the “Lord’s day”) because Jesus was resurrected on the first day. John mentions this in Revelation 1:10 when he wrote On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet….
            • Justin Martyr wrote about Sunday worship in 155AD, in his First Apology:

              We all hold this common gathering on Sunday, since it is the first day, on which God transforming darkness and matter made the universe, and Jesus Christ our Saviour rose from the dead on the same day. For they crucified him on the day before Saturday, and on the day after Saturday, he appeared to his apostles and disciples and taught them these things which I have passed on to you also for your serious consideration.

            Ancient Jews would go to the synagogue or temple every day. The seventh day was a day where they did more, but it’s not like they only went on Saturdays. The very early church was comprised of only Jews, who continued worshipping every day. Sunday was a special day, and they observed the Lord’s Day from the beginning.

            Please: don’t believe everything you hear. Do your own homework…you’ll be much better off when you do. I’m not a Roman Catholic, and I have no desire to defend Constantine about anything…but we should take our information about Christianity from Scripture, not from rumors. We see in the Bible that Christians are not under the Law, and that we have no sabbath command. Rather than worshipping on one day each week, we worship every day.

            You ask one final question that’s very important. You ask “how can we keep in check if there is no guideline to help us?”. This is an important part of Christianity. We read many times of our freedom in Christ. We do not share the same spiritual restrictions that the Jews had to observe. We read about the contrast between the Law written on tablets of stone and the ministry of the Spirit. We don’t need an external list of rules…we are indwelled by God Himself!

            Paul wrote that anyone who seeks to be justified by the Law has been cut off from Christ. We have no need of the Mosaic Law (which is the 10 Commandments and everything that comes from them). We have God Himself.

            Let me know if you have further questions.

          • Diuz Tuberi says:

            My Dear Friend,

            Exactly my point, God doesn’t need rest, He did it for us. If the Sabbath was a creation of God and all through the bible it was kept, Including Jesus our Savior. He said the Sabbath was made for men. Than why would anyone would ever want to take away what God created, because what God creates is everlasting and only He can change it. Just like the original plan for men, to live forever and the bible day from sundown to sundown. Now if we try to change it we are becoming like someone who tried to be like God. So we should be like our Saviour and follow what he did. If we dont than we are no longer concentrating on his examples and we are carrying forward what we want to think is the truth

            Thank You.

          • Tony says:

            Scripture, my friend. Scripture. It’s where Christians begin and end. It is the source of our theology, our guide for living, and our indispensable standard for ideas about God. We should use Scripture, and not our own ideas, when we talk about who God is and what God wants. When you say things like “all through the Bible it was kept” and “only He can change it” and “the original plan for men” you show that you are unaware of what’s actually written in Scripture. For example: the original plan for men was Jesus, the savior. Revelation 13:8 tells us that Jesus (the Lamb) was slain from the creation of the world. THAT was the original plan. Jesus didn’t die because Adam and Eve derailed His plan. God knew that we would sin long before He created us, yet He created us anyway. THAT was the original plan.

            You say we should be like our Savior, and follow what He did. Should I then be crucified for the sins of humanity? That’s what He did, right? Of course that’s a silly notion. We aren’t called to do what He did. We’re called to do what He commanded.

            Now: how do we know what He commanded? Because His followers wrote it down for us. Scripture. Scripture! That’s where we learn how Christians should live. Did Jesus’ followers provide any information about how gentile believers (Christians that aren’t Jews) should live? Of course they did. Look, for a strong example, at Acts 15. Nobody can read this passage of Scripture and conclude that God intends for gentiles to obey the Law of Moses. You say that “only God can change it,” and you’re right…but you’ve missed the fact that God Himself did change it. There was an old covenant, made with the children of Israel. Then, throughout the Old Testament, God spoke of a new covenant that would take the place of the old. Jesus’ closest friends and disciples taught that the new covenant had arrived. That’s why John the Baptist preached that ‘the kingdom of God is at hand.’ That’s why Paul taught that the sabbath was a shadow of things to come, and that we don’t need the shadow because we have Christ. That’s why the Apostles in the Jerusalem church (Peter, James, John, and others) told gentile believers in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia that they did not need to follow the Law. God DID change it, as we see in Scripture.

            You ask a good question: why would anyone ever want to take away what God created? I’ll ask you a parallel question: why would anyone want to keep what God has set aside? When you go to the market and look at the fruit, you don’t ask “is THIS the fruit I’m not supposed to eat?”. You know that you aren’t in the garden of Eden, so the question is silly. In the same way, we know that we are not under the old covenant. Because Jesus’ followers were inspired by God to write, we have all of the information we need about this subject. We simply have to read it, preferring HIS thoughts to our own. Here is a passage from 2 Corinthians 3:

            Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was, will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!

            Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away. But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

          • Diuz Tuberi says:

            Yes of Course Only in the scriptures : Isaiah 8:20
            To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
            We find in Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.(This also in Mark 13:31 and Luke 21:33).
            So on the account of creation Genesis 1:26-27
            Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

            From Creation God wanted Man to be like Him that includes Eternal life. Adam and Eve was even granted a free pass in a life without the knowledge of sin but Our Almighty God Couldn’t take away their freedom of choice.

            Genesis 2:16-17 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

            Of course God Knew Eve and Adam was going to be tempted and fail so why didn’t he take away the tree of knowledge??? It is because he loved them, because if He did than don’t you think he would be controlling and that is not Love. We need to look at ourselves for this point, If Some takes away our freedom of choice we won’t like it and we feel unloved, even wars are being Fought for liberation of freedom.

            1 Corinthians 13:4-8,

            6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

            If God love’s in John 3:16 is to give up his only begotten Son to die for Us. Than his love is true, trusts in us and also hopes for us. Even though Adam had failed God, God’s love didn’t fail because Revelation of 13:8 Jesus chose to die for our Sins from the beginning.

            If what you suggest is true than we were created to die. And that doesn’t sound like Love don’t you think. Even Satan faulted and he took 1/3 of the Angels did that stop God from Giving the freedom of choice. He let them choose for themselves.

            He didn’t create man to die instead he created a way out for us, Ezekiel 18:23 Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” says the Lord God, “and not that he should turn from his ways and live?

            In Mathew 5 Jesus said

            17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

            19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

            Exodus 31:18 When the LORD finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the covenant law, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God.

            This is not Moses’s law, God wrote it down with his Fingers, It directly appeals to our morals. God wrote it for Moses to keep, It was not for Him.

            Deuteronomy 6:6-7 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up

            You failed to mention in acts chapter 15 that the Council letters to the gentiles also mentioned: 29 You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality.

            Now we see in James 2:10 – 12 “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. For He who said, ‘Do not commit adultery,’ also said, ‘Do not murder.’ If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.”




            Here the Scriptures talks about People who choose 1 John 2:4-6

            4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
            6 HE THAT SAITH HE ABIDETH IN HIM OUGHT HIMSELF ALSO SO TO WALK, EVEN AS HE WALKED.(Very Important: It is not dying on the cross as you had pointed out but to do as he did follow him ways )

            Luke 9:23 And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

            And During our Judgement in Revelation 14:12 12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

            Why Should we keep the Law if we are not saved by the Law ??

            If we have Faith in God’s Grace and we choose what we want to do than we are not letting God take control of our lives but we choose when to let him in.
            Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.

            It all Come down to Love
            Galatians 5:13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

            37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
            38 This is the first and great commandment.

            John 14:15, “If you love Me, keep my commandments.”

          • Tony says:


            Thanks very much! You’ve done a LOT of work here, and I appreciate it. I’ll try to respond to each part, and try to keep my reply short enough to be readable.

            The key to understanding anything, but especially the Bible, is to be aware of the context. For example: the Bible tells us that Jesus wept. It would be wrong of me to say (in a serious manner) that this passage refers to Jesus weeping over the World Cup results. The ONLY way to understand Jesus’ weeping is in its original context. The passage is found in John 11, where Jesus’ friend Lazarus has died, and Mary and Martha were grieving over their brother’s death. Taking “Jesus wept” in any other sense would simply be wrong. Building any doctrine or theological concept on an out-of-context passage is a huge mistake.

            What is the context of Isaiah 8:20? It’s a warning to Israel against consulting mediums and spiritists. Talking about this verse in any other context is a bad idea.

            What is the context of Matthew 24:35? Well…the context would certainly include the previous verse. We can’t clearly understand what Jesus meant without the context: the setting, the audience, and so on. In that passage, Jesus is speaking about the coming judgment of Jerusalem in 70AD. He tells His disciples Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Then, after He said that, He said “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” We must take His words in their original context to understand how He meant them. To illustrate the point, imagine that the context was that Jesus had just mentioned that He was hungry, and then said that His words would never pass away. Those same words would have a completely different meaning, wouldn’t they?

            Reading each passage in context isn’t just a good idea. It is the key to understanding…period. EVERY SINGLE TIME we refer to a verse, we should make sure that we’re not removing it from its context to pretend it means something that the writer didn’t intend. That’s one source of really bad theology.

            On to Genesis. You seem to be saying that God’s original plan was for mankind to be sin-free, that we were always supposed to live forever, and so on. We know from Revelation 13:8 that Jesus was ‘slain from the foundation of the world.’ Those two ideas can’t be reconciled, so one of them must be wrong. Jesus’ death was part of the plan, before anybody sinned. God wasn’t surprised that Adam and Eve disobeyed…He knew they would, but created us anyway. You’re reading Genesis and extrapolating to make it say something that it can’t say: that the plan was anything other than what actually happened.

            You say that God didn’t create man to die. Let me ask you: does God know the future? If not, we need to chat about that. If so, then God created people that He already knew would reject Him. Right? The idea isn’t that God takes pleasure in anyone’s death (as you rightly point out) but that God clearly takes pleasure in creating beings who are free to choose whether to respond to His love.

            How can we understand Matthew 5:17? The key to the verse is what Jesus meant by “fulfill.” The Greek word He used is pleroo. The word has two meanings. Which one is the one He used? The first is ‘to supply liberally’…that is, to be generous, as in filling a cup to the brim. That doesn’t seem right, since Jesus wasn’t generously supplying the Law and the Prophets. They had already been given in full measure. The other definition seems to fit just fine. It is ‘to complete.’ Let’s look at the verse again, using this definition:

            Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to complete them.

            This is why Paul wrote that the Law was a temporary guardian, until Christ came. The Law was a “shadow” and not the reality. We have the reality in Jesus. Now that Jesus has come and fulfilled the Law and the Prophets, we no longer need that guardian. It’s also important to note that Jesus didn’t say that He came to fulfill only the “ceremonial Law” and leave the “moral Law.” When someone said the Law and the Prophets, they spoke of the entire Jewish Scriptures. Jesus fulfilled them all.

            What is the context of Deuteronomy 6, where God gives the Law? Simple: God was talking to Israel. He wasn’t talking to Sumerians, or Chaldeans, or Edomites, or anyone else. Last night I told my wife that she’s my favorite person. I wasn’t talking to you, was I? Certainly you’re a nice person, but the context of my comment was that she is my favorite. In exactly the same way, the context of Deuteronomy matters. We can only understand Deuteronomy when we read it as it was written, without extrapolating, without pretending it says something it doesn’t say. God was talking to the children of Israel, who were going to enter the promised land, who had been slaves in Egypt. To know that this is so, you only have to actually READ Deuteronomy 6. The commands God gave that day never applied to you or me…period. Let’s not pretend that they did.

            When you talk about Acts 15, you’re making my point for me. What was the dispute about? Read it in context: look at verse 5. Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.” Isn’t that the crux of our disagreement? It seems so. Who wrote the letter? Christians, surely. Apostles, certainly. What else? They were also JEWS. They knew the Law. They knew that whoever fails to keep the whole law was guilty of breaking the whole law. Why then, if the gentiles in Antioch were to be Torah-observant, would they only tell them to do four things mentioned in the Law? Were they purposely trying to make these new Christians fail? Of course not. They were settling a dispute. Some said that gentiles must be required to keep the Law, but the council at Jerusalem clearly and obviously and unequivocally disagreed.

            What is the context of Romans 3:31? Paul contrasts two laws: the law that requires works and the law that requires faith. Obviously, he means for all to adhere to one law (faith) and not the other (works). This entire section of Romans teaches that righteousness does not come from obeying the written Law, but by faith alone. Look ahead to Romans 4:5 and see: Now to the one who works, wages are not credited as a gift but as an obligation. However, to the one who does not work but trusts God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is credited as righteousness.

            You seem to say that 1 John teaches that obedience is what saves us. Clearly, obedience is important. We should obey. However: just as clearly, the New Testament teaches again and again and again that salvation is not by works, but by grace. Our salvation is not based on our ability to be faithful, but on God’s eternal and unchanging and unfailing faithfulness. What is the context of 1 John 2:4-6? Maybe you’ve misunderstood because, again, you’ve taken these verses out of their context. Look at the previous verse: We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. John isn’t saying that we are saved by keeping His commands. He says that we can tell who knows Christ by who actually obeys Christ. Those who disobey, or hate their brother or sister, do not really know Him. Taken out of context, this sounds like John taught that obedience is the basis for salvation. Taken in context, John is teaching that we can identify those who are His by whether they obey or not. Don’t take Scripture out of context!

            You ask “Why Should we keep the Law if we are not saved by the Law?” That’s a good question, but a better question is whether the Law ever applied to anyone outside of ethnic and national Israel. The answer is that it did not, so the whole conversation is a bit silly. The Law that you say we should obey was not given to us, never applied to us, and is shown again and again in the New Testament to not be an issue for gentile Christians. Why should we keep a law that never applied to us? Simple: we should not. We should keep the law that was given to us. That is the gospel, not the Torah.

            I know this is long, but I wanted to show you the respect due to someone willing to take the time to write so well. 2000 years is a long time…long enough for lots of unbiblical ideas to spring up, take hold, be developed, and lead many astray. With respect, you have been led astray. What you have written is not what the Scriptures say. My goal is not to discourage you, of course. My goal is to help you redirect your passion for God away from obeying someone else’s laws to abiding in Christ, walking in the Spirit, and having full communion with God. As Paul wrote: we are not under the Law. Study the Scriptures, my friend. Don’t take my word for it, and don’t be afraid to question what you have already been taught. Ask God to help you understand each passage in context, as the author (both God and His writer) intended.

          • Diuz says:


            Hello Tony,

            I cannot Find a reply Link to your Latest Comment. Your reply is interesting because you seem to be Implying that God becomes different for different races.

            I think we both agree on this 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: So The Bible is there to help us and to show us the way.

            And God nor his Word Does not Change:

            Isaiah 40:28
            Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.

            Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

            Malachi 3:6 “For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.

            Revelation 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”

            Psalm 119:89 Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.

            Isaiah 40:8 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

            1 Peter 1:25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.

            Now you have suggested That The ten Commandments is for the Israelite only

            “That’s a good question, but a better question is whether the Law ever applied to anyone outside of ethnic and national Israel” and ” What is the context of Isaiah 8:20? It’s a warning to Israel against consulting mediums and spirits.”

            But the Bible say’s :

            Romans 3:29-31
            29 IS HE THE GOD OF THE JEWS ONLY? is he not also of the gentiles? YES, OF THE GENTILES ALSO:

            GOD’s Ten commandments really covers our morality and how we should live to choose what is right and what is wrong. It points out what sin is: No matter where we look for how not to sin it all come’s back to God’s Commandments.

            So my point in acts 15: the letter addressed to the Gentiles mentions food offered to idols and sexual Immorality it point back to the Commandments. Food offered to idols this point to the first commandment Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. and Exodus 20:14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. You might Argue that fornication is not adultery but in Genesis 2:24-25 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.”

            So Sex is only right when we are married and become one. also in 1 Corinthians 7:8-9 it talks about sex in marriage.

            So 1 John 2:3 Says this: By this we can be sure that we have come to know Him: if we keep His commandments.

            Ecclesiastes 12:13 The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.

            So was Gods law against sin intact from the beginning ? Yes, of course. Isaiah 14:12–15: (Satan Wanting what God Has and to become worshiped be Like God). God is the Creator and His Commandments States that Clearly He is the Only God. But if there was no commandment would Satan have sinned? Would you or me be sinful and need saving. Of Course not, if there was no Law than we would be sinless and if we are sinless than we don’t need saving and don’t acknowledge Jesus Christ .

            We see in the book of John this become clearer that we are saved by Jesus who took away our sins but it also warns if you sin or break the law you do not know him

            John 3:4-6 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. 5. And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin. 6. Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

            (So we can establish that sin is breaking the law)

            :4 If anyone says, “I know Him,” but does not keep His commandments, he is a liar, and the truth is not in him

            Romans 7:12 So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.

            I don’t about what you think about this but it is very simple to me. Now King David was led astray most of the time but he always seeks God and knows that God’s commandments will straighten his path again.

            Psalm 119: 172-176

            172 My tongue shall speak of thy word: for ALL THY COMMANDMENTS ARE RIGHTEOUSNESS.
            173 Let thine hand help me; for I have chosen thy precepts.
            174 I have longed for thy salvation, O Lord; and thy law is my delight.
            175 Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee; and let thy judgments help me.
            176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek thy servant; for I do not forget thy commandments.

            So The Sabbath in the bible:

            The Sabbath was created by God during creation it was part of God’s creation and he sanctified it and blessed it.

            Well if God Rest’s on the Sabbath and he blessed it don’t you think we should do the same too(Not bless the Sabbath, only God can do that ) We should respect and honour God ?

            Well if He loved us so much and did so much for Us, why would you ever want to do otherwise.

            Matthew 22: 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

            John 14:15, “If you love Me, keep my commandments.”

            So as I have earlier stated. It is all about Love……

            So this is My Point If you Worship on the Sabbath we are acknowledging God and His Creation, we acknowledge we are sinful by referring to the commandments and we need Jesus.

            So if we worship on Sunday we are acknowledging what man has created and if we try to Justify it, we will always fall short. And if we Choose another day to worship we are acknowledging our own theories to lead us astray and others who listen to us astray.

          • Tony says:


            Yes, you are correct. I AM saying that God deals with different groups of people differently. That much is obvious from the Bible. For example: the children of Israel were His “chosen people” and no other people were included. He dealt with them differently, right?

            Yes, you are correct. I believe the Bible 100%, and God’s Word does not change. However, it’s not I who claims that the 10 Commandments were only for Israelites…God Himself said it. All you have to do is read Exodus 20 to see this for yourself. It’s right there, over and over. God didn’t bring the Chaldeans or the Chinese or the Phoenicians or the Ethiopians out of Egypt, so they weren’t included in the covenant. Later, when people started following Jesus, His disciples made it clear that converts to Christianity did not also have to convert to Judaism, and did not have to follow the Law. God’s Word does not change, but while all of it was written FOR us, most of it wasn’t written TO us. We’re witnesses to what happened in history, but we were never involved in God’s covenant with Israel. Instead, we are “children of the promise” and heirs of Abraham, who came before the Law.

            Again, you seem to misunderstand what “sabbath” means. It means “to stop.” There was no ‘the Sabbath’ in Genesis. There was only ‘sabbathing’ if you will…stopping. There was no command. There were no rules. There was no Law. God blessed the seventh day, but there was no instruction that others should do the same. When the Law was given, it referred to God’s “stopping” as the foundation for the sabbatical regulations…but the Law was only given to the Israelites.

            Again, I will point you to Acts 15. As you’ve mentioned, failing to obey the Law in one matter means you have broken the entire Law. Because this was so, there’s NO WAY the Apostles would have written what they did. They did not tell the Gentile Christians to obey the Law, as anyone who reads it as it is written can see.

            With respect, my friend: you are trying to prop up an unbiblical idea. As stated again and again in Scripture, we are not under the Law. It was a temporary guardian, until Christ came. Now that He has come, we no longer need a guardian. Until you find some way to re-explain that passage, you won’t gain any ground here. I’m open-minded and waiting, but nobody has succeeded in providing a rational explanation yet. Maybe you’ll be the first!

    • Richard Bekker says:

      Correct, the 10 commandments were given to Israel and not for us and that’s why Jesus came to give us a new law. If you keep the law , you will be judge by the law. It’s not what you do, it’s what Jesus did and that’s why He is the end to the law.

  3. Ya'kar says:

    The Sabbath is the 7th day of the week.It was Paul’s custom to keep the Sabbath .Now if the Sabbath was done away with then Paul preaching on the Sabbath was vanity.We are still living in the new testament.Also scipture says lawlessness is sin.So besides Gods commandments what law are you keeping?

    • Tony says:


      The Sabbath is, for the Jews, the 7th day of the week. Paul, being a Jew, grew up observing the Sabbath. This much is obvious.

      What’s less obvious is what you call “Paul preaching on the Sabbath”. Could you point to some specific Bible verses where Paul is preaching on the Sabbath, so we can look at them together? I’ve noted Colossians 2, where Paul tells us that the Sabbath day was a ‘shadow of things to come’, and that ‘the reality is found in Christ’. I’m not sure how he could be more clear, but I’m open to correction. Thanks, in advance, for posting the Bible verses that will help me see your point. You might start your research project with a few of Paul’s verses listed here: Should Christians Follow the Old Testament?.

      You asked, “besides Gods commandments what law are you keeping?”. That’s a good question. I’ve answered it, at least in part, here: Should Christians Live by the 10 Commandments?. Let me know what you think.


      • Michael says:

        Hey Tony,

        Paul & Jesus made it clear that we who chose to follow Christ are now the true Jew & the true Israel. That’s why he said no longer go to the Jews but go to the gentiles, because they rejected him. The non Jews saw him for who he was and wanted to follow him to learn the truth path to the father. In the Torah the Jews were the representative s of the Father, so his perfect will for “Mankind” was given to them, but once they rejected him, and stoned Stephen, the right transfered to anyone who would follow. The 10 are his “guideline” for living. Think for a minute… If the Jews had completely excepted Messiah as king, we all know The father would have used Rome to crucify him alone, but they would have as Jews continued to keep Sabbath, and anyone who came to Christ would do the same. Or would we be a split family… Where one kid fellowship s on Sat & the other on Sunday lol. No, it makes no sense. Paul affirms it by saying there is no loner Jew, nor Greek, but one new man in Christ! Using the argument the the “10” was for Jews is not strong. We are Israel.

        • Tony says:


          We are children of the promise (Galatians 4). We are not Israel in the sense that we have replaced the Israelites…this is a grave error. We are heirs to the promise God made to Abraham. Look at Romans 9:6-8

          For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham’s children. On the contrary, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring.

  4. kcm says:

    Matthew 5:17-19
    17- Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. (This verse alone proves that Jesus didnt’ destroy any law, or take away any law, when he died on the cross.)

    18- For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. (This verse is saying not even one jot, smallest hebrew letter, or one tittle, smallest hebrew word, can pass from the law of God.) God says not even one jot can pass from the law, and your telling me that the sabbath, one of the laws, is no longer necessary and out of date? That’s a very dangerous thing to say since God has said nothing can pass from the law, especially one of the very commandments.

    19- Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

    So before you deny what I’m saying, take these verses into consideration. You can see God is very serious about his law. Anyone who changes it will have to have an answer to God.

    • Tony says:


      I have indeed taken these verses into consideration. Let’s look at it closely.

      Before we do, however, let’s admit something important. The “old covenant” was between God and the children of Israel. Right? This covenant didn’t include, for example, the Egyptians or the Persians or the Greeks. Those of us (like myself) who have no Hebrew heritage have no part in this covenant at all. We never have, and we never will. So Jesus’ words about the Law are only meaningful in the context of the Law, which was part of the covenant that God made with the Jews.

      Moving on. You say that Jesus didn’t destroy, or take away, any law when He died on the cross. You’re EXACTLY RIGHT. He did not. What He did instead is FULFILL the Law. How do we know this? From what Jesus’ earliest followers taught. Here’s a good verse (one of many) that shows us this is true:

      So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. (Galatians 3:24-25)

      How about this one?

      But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code. (Romans 7:6)

      Seems pretty clear to me. I can show you a bunch more, if you’d like. The plain and simple truth of the New Testament is that Jesus fulfilled the Law…in fact, the Old Testament is all about Jesus. Most of the regulations in the Mosaic Law pointed to Jesus. Where did I learn this? Among other places, in Colossians 2:

      Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. (Colossians 2:16-17)

      I hope that explains things a bit. You’re wise to use ALL of Scripture…I sincerely appreciate you bringing those verses to the conversation. Matthew 5 is as true as Romans 7 or Colossians 2, of course. They don’t contradict each other. In Matthew 5, Jesus is not explaining that the Law would never go away…only that it wouldn’t go away until it was fulfilled. Jesus fulfilled the Law, so we see this:

      Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. (Galatians 3:19)

      Let me know if there’s more I can do for you. Have a great day!

      • Michael says:

        Hello Sir, great argument. I am a 7 day keeper as well. I’ve attempted to disprove the need to with no success lol for many years now. I woul love to debate here or by email with you. I am not harsh or close minded. To start though, I must point out something to you. The Bible translation you are using for Colossians 2 is fully incorrect. It was pointed out to me by a gentleman who was neutral on the subject. I’ve looked at the translations and found this to be true. I researched this one passage for years lol. It actually states, a shadow of things “to” come. Not “were to” come. After looking at this for some time myself I realized and I was told buy actual Sunday keepers who are scholarly that over the years since the majority of Christians we’re convinced that the need to keep the Sabbath in the festival’s had passed away, the Bible translators began to insert “were” . Which never should have been done they took it upon themselves to alter scripture to give the meaning that they all feel is the correct meaning. So the verse actually reads let no one judge you in keeping Sabbath or festivals Etc… As of these are a shadow of the things that are to come or the things that are coming. Trust me if you do a study yourself into the Hebrew Greek with an open mind you will see this for yourself. There isn’t Highly Educated Sabbath keeping organization called the United Church of God. They wrote a book called Sunset to Sunset. It’s pamphlets eyes and a very interesting read historically you would probably enjoy it even if you are not a Sabbath keeper. But it lays out a lot of the true history of Sabbath keeping. In this book they tell you that if this verse in Colossians is kept in its proper and correct context then what the apostle was actually doing was telling people not to allow themselves to be judged for keeping the Sabbath and the festivals in a christ-like manner. Because these things are a shadow of what is to come. This organization unlike the Seven Day Adventist who I know very well believe that we should still as Christians beekeeping the festivals in the fees throughout the year as it ties us into our Christian judaic Heritage. And continually keeping the festivals in the feast in a Christian manner of course not killing animals or anything like that LOL causes you to see Christ in a deeper manner than you can possibly imagine and it also reveals Secret After secret about in time prophecy. I’m not a member of their church but I did study some of their Doctrine and found it to be extremely accurate. After studying almost all of the Bible translations I find the safest to use in the ESV. I actually found in one of the study Bibles that they pointed this out about Colossians. They fairly stated that this verse is one of debate for which day should be kept as the Sabbath and they worded it correctly. Must other versions will go with switching the tents that the Apostle actually wrote down with his own hand. The Apostle wrote down these things are a shadow of what is to come or a shadow of what is coming, he did not say these things are a shadow of what was to come or these things were a shadow of what was to come. I hope this makes sense please look into it for yourself and let me know what you find. If you take a very close look into New Testament scripture you may find that there are truly no verses that delete the 7th Day Sabbath. Think about it, all of the other nine are still binding principles that a Christian has to practice why would God delete the fourth??? He wrote them and stone with his own hand. And yes Jesus did fulfill and if you look closer what he really said was that he completed the law. Fulfill their means to complete or to finish. He did it by removing the ceremonial law which was based around blood sacrifice. But we know 100%by the testimony of all Paul’s letters and by the testimony of Jesus and by the testimony of John the Revelator. That the moral ethical law has not in will not passed away. Jesus supplied the actual Power by way of the Holy Spirit to go inside of us and to actually help us to keep the moral and ethical laws the way they are supposed to be kept in love toward man too kind and towards the father. Which is why he states that all the Commandments hang upon these to love your neighbor as yourself and love the Lord your God with all your heart and all of your mind. Please have an open mind and look into this. Be blessed!

        • Tony says:


          It’s nice to hear from you!

          I’m going to spend some time in research, so I appreciate your input. Let’s say for the moment that you are correct. What does that mean? Does it mean that we are to observe a seventh-day sabbath? Keep in mind that prior to the Mosaic covenant we see no command about keeping a sabbath. When God made the Mosaic covenant, it certainly didn’t involve anyone outside of the children of Israel and converts to Judaism. There’s no New Testament command to Gentile believers to observe a sabbath. Seeing that these are true, on what basis could someone claim that Christians are to follow the Law of Moses and observe a seventh-day sabbath? I see no biblical warrant for it. If you want to observe, that’s between you and God. If you want to convince others to do the same, you’ll need to provide evidence that this is what God commands.

          As for the rest of your message, I would take issue with a few minor things. First: the kingdom of God does not involve secrets. The point is to spread the word, not to hide it. There are mysterious things, certainly…things we don’t fully understand. There are no secrets in Christianity. That’s more in keeping with Gnosticism than with Christianity. Second: you talk about what Paul actually wrote with his own hand, as if you’ve seen it. You haven’t. None of us have. You’re on very shaky ground when you say things like that, Michael. It takes away your credibility, which nobody wants. Third: “the other nine” aren’t binding. They’re the Law…you know, what God wrote on tablets of stone and gave to Moses? Look at Exodus 19:1-8, taking note of this phrase: These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites. This wasn’t for the Chinese, or for the French, or for the Egyptians. The Law was given to the Israelites…period. You and I are not included in that covenant, so the 10 Commandments have never applied to us. If you’d like to read a bit more on that, I’ve written about whether Christians should live by the 10 Commandments. Finally: you may feel comfortable making a distinction between a moral law (given by God to Moses for the Israelites) and a civil or ceremonial law (given by God to Moses for the Israelites), but I’m not comfortable with that. The 10 Commandments are the Law, and the basis for the rest of Judaism.

          So, for the moment, we’re not going to agree on whether to keep a seventh-day sabbath. Still, I wish you well. Have a great day!

  5. ES says:

    – Yes Paul was a Jew. But he converted didn’t he? Aren’t Christians those who believe that Jesus Christ is their Savior and follow Christ? Is that not what Paul did? Paul was a convert and he still kept the Sabbath.

    -Yes, God made a covenant with the nation of Israel. But today we still keep those commandments. Do you not withhold from murdering, or worshiping other Gods, or stealing, or coveting other people’s things, or keeping statues or images of Jesus and God? If you do, why not keep the other commandment listed among these, which is keeping the Sabbath day? James 2:10

    – Jesus kept the Sabbath day. Except in those instances where he did not he was doing God’s work and healing people. But that is different than not keeping Sabbath all together, and engaging in activities such as watching TV, or cooking, or doing other worldly things.

    – Also, God made the Sabbath holy, and there are biblical examples of how the Sabbath can only be on THE Sabbath day, and not any day we choose. There is a bible passage that tells of how Moses told the people of Israel not to collect more grain than a day’s worth. However, some people disobeyed and collected twice as much so they would not have to return the next day, I believe. Then their food became rotten. But when they were picking their food on Friday, the day before Sabbath, Moses instructed them to pick twice as much so that they would not work on Sabbath. And the food did not rot, because it was for the Sabbath day. Sabbath is not about setting any other day of the week for God. It is doing it how God commanded it. We cannot do things our way, as God has shown with Cain and Abel. Abel brought the proper offering, while Cain chose to bring fruit. The fruit was the best, BUT it was not what God had asked for. God made the Sabbath day holy, and therefore we should keep.

    Another example of how disobeying God’s way of doing things is dangerous: Leviticus 10: 1-2. The sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu died because they presented to the Lord a strange fire that he did not command them to.

    Also, in the book of Revelations, it says that we should pray that we do not have to flee during winter time, or Sabbath day. Why does he keep mentioning it, if we are not commanded to keep it anymore?

    I do not say these things as if to judge. I myself am guilty of not keeping the Sabbath and I have to pray earnestly for forgiveness.

    • Tony says:


      Yes, Paul was a convert. No, Paul did not keep the Sabbath. Sabbath-keeping involved much, much more than simply going to synagogue on Saturday. It involved a great number of restrictions, guidelines, and instructions. To suggest that Paul kept the Sabbath after becoming a follower of Jesus Christ is to ignore both Acts 15 and much of Paul’s own words…especially those words about the law.

      Yes, God made a covenant with Israel. No, we should not run around breaking the Ten Commandments. Putting the two together and suggesting that the Mosaic Law is binding on Christians is more than a stretch…it’s an error. The Law says that violating the Sabbath was punishable by death. Jesus violated the Sabbath (as outlined in the Mosaic Law) and yet was innocent. Why? Because He knew the REAL PURPOSE of the Sabbath. It was an ancient ceremony that pointed forward in time to His own life, death, and resurrection. As Paul pointed out: why observe the shadow when we have the reality?

      Yes, Jesus kept the Sabbath…but not in the way the Law was written or understood. Let’s not pretend otherwise. Let’s also not pretend that gentiles were EVER part of the covenant that God made with Israel. They were not. So gentiles (non-Jews) never had a Sabbath in the first place.

    • Jay says:

      God also made the Temple of Solomon Holy…………..

      How did that work out?

      How did Adam honor his mother?

      If you wanna worship on Saturday go ahead. But leave Christians who go to church on Sundays alone. You turn the Gospel of Christ into a works salvation when you start condemning people to hell for what day they go to church on. There is flat out not one single command in the New Testament after Christ’s crucifixion to observe the Sabbath. I’m not going to play games where we twist the word “commandment” into the 10. Paul writes about murder, stealing, homosexuality and the lot by their specific names and NEVER names the Sabbath specifically unless its in a unflattering manner.

  6. Jessica says:

    From the text you pointed out in Colossians, I am guessing I can also practice any religious festival pertaining to any religion?

    • Tony says:


      What a great response! I laughed when I read it. =)

      Context is important. If you can read Paul’s letter to the Colossians and conclude that, you have an amazing imagination. No, that’s not what I’m saying. From the text I pointed out in Colossians, “these” (the religious festivals that Paul refers to) were clearly Jewish religious festivals that pointed to Christ. They – specifically – were a shadow of the things to come. Now that Christ has come, we no longer need to observe the ceremonies that pointed to him. After all, the reality is better than the shadow it casts, right?

      If we’re going to take the Bible seriously, it’s important to actually take it seriously enough to read more than a few words at a time. Let me know if you have any further, or funnier, questions.

  7. Danielle Johnson says:

    The Sabbath was and is to rest from physical work so one can focus on become closer to God Spiritually.

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for visiting GodWords! I appreciate hearing from you.

      Let me encourage you to think a bit more about this subject. You say that the Sabbath is for resting from physical work. That’s a common idea, but it doesn’t match what we read in Scripture. Here are some verses for your consideration:

      And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. Genesis 2:2

      Why did God rest? It certainly wasn’t because he was tired! The Hebrew word SHABATH is translated into English as “rest”, but it’s not the kind of rest we do when we’re out of energy. Think of it more like a musical rest…it more literally means simply “to stop”. God didn’t rest from His labor because He was tired, but because he was DONE.

      Then the Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy.'” Exodus 31:12-13

      The Sabbath wasn’t put in place because people need a day off. It was to be a SIGN to the Hebrews to remember God, who provides for us both physically and spiritually.

      God created very specific guidelines about how the Sabbath should be observed, to make sure they got the point.

      Fast-forward around 1500 years, and see what Paul wrote in Colossians 2. Remember that…
      1) this is as true as Genesis 2:2,
      2) Paul was a Pharisee and an expert in the Law, and
      3) Paul is providing information about the nature of the Sabbath:

      Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

      See it? The Sabbath is a shadow of things to come. It’s not the reality, but it points to the reality. The reality that the Sabbath points to is REST…not to physically recharge, but to rest like God rested. Before Jesus, spiritual work was required to be in good standing with God. There were all kinds of sacrifices and observances, and they were only in place temporarily. Now that Jesus has come, we find our SHABATH – rest from our spiritual labors – in Him.

  8. Danielle Johnson says:

    And the Sabbath is specifically listed as the seventh day many times in the Bible.

  9. sylvia says:

    Gen 12 the promise was given to Abram. We know he followed God’s commandments, ordinance and statutes. Gen. 26:5 (given before Mt. Sinai even). In Gen. 15 Abram wanted a guarantee, He gave it to him, walk between the pieces now there is a death penalty attached to breaking it. Exod 19:3 God gives proposal, v. 4 they accept (“I do”) Exod. 19:4-24:11 is the Book of the Covenant. In v. 19:3 He was going to make them a nation of Kings and priests. They broke that Covenant that’s when they were given the Book of the Law. Attention to detail is everything, God wrote the Book of the covenant with his own finger, both sets of tablets. Moses wrote Book fo the Law with his hand. Deut. 10 and 31, respectively. The Book of the Covenant was in the Ark fo the Covenant and the Book of the Law was on the outside of the Ark. The Book of the Law was a witness against them and is what was nailed to the cross in Colossians. The Book of the Covenant is what was written in the First tablets AND in the second set. First set broken, picture of broken first Covenant. They were under the Book fo the Law/tutor/schoolmaster until “*Shiloh come” *Gen 49:10. Now instead of being a nation of kings and priests, they are a nation with priests. God was gonna kill them and start over with Moses until Moses mediated on their behalf. Hebrews and Galatians is very easy to understand once you grasp this. “r if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious.” 2 Cor. 3:11. The Book of the Law (the Levitical priesthood) is what was fading away and it was glorious because it kept them from being wiped out under Yahweh’s wrath. That which remains is the Book of the Covenant, those include His dietary laws, Sabbaths (day 7 per scripture, it is a sign FOREVER, scripture say’s forever, without end) and His feasts. If one would just look up the history of where the Christian holidays come from they will find with absolute certainty that they are of pagan origin. Mixing unholy and putting God’s name on it is what broke the Covenant in Exodus 32..the Golden Calf…they called it by His name and were having a feast for Him the next day….just what Christianity is doing today. The second Book of the Covenant, which contained the same thing (Deut. 10 same writings) are put in the ark of the covenant, which is a picture of His Torah/Instructions/law if you must call it that, IN OUR HEARTS Jer. 31:31. The Sabbath was changed to Sun – day by the Catholic Church in honor of the ‘venerable day of the sun” Sun god worship. He gave us such a pretty picture within the scriptures, just in case you don’t want to spend time actually looking up the original words. We sinned, he spared us, shed blood to bring us out of sin (Moses brings them out of Egypt/picture of our Savior). HE then brings them to Mt. Sinai at Shavuot (Pentecost) and gives them a wedding contract/New Covenant/Instructions. The sin, He spares them and gives them a New Covenant, containing the same things because they are from the promises to Abraham in Gen 12 and since He swore by Himself because there was none higher, we can’t break that. We’re not a party to that, Only He is. Yahshua comes and puts the blood on their heart in order to allow us to enter into the New Covenant and follow Him as He has always intended. We are all responsible to study for ourselves, don’t take mans’ word for it or follow religiosity, man’s doctrines, theology written by men….He gave us His word and you don’t require a theological degree to be able to understand it. If you are basing your eternal salvation on it, doesn’t it warrant studying this out.

    • Tony says:


      I appreciate you taking the time to write so much. I also appreciate your desire to understand the whole of Scripture. There are a few points on which we disagree, to be sure. I’ll outline a few here, and await your reply.

      1. A covenant only applies to the involved parties. When God made the covenant with Abraham, it did not include the Chaldeans (for example). When God made the covenant with Israel, it did not include the Hittites (for example). I see no Scriptural reason to insert myself into God’s special relationship with someone else. Therefore, I see no Scriptural reason to live by the covenants that don’t include me. You may claim that everyone is bound by the Abrahamic covenant, but that’s not Scriptural.
      2. A good bit of evidence that we’re not under the Law is the Sabbath. Sabbatarians claim that the sabbath is permanent, yet Paul (in Colossians 2) clearly tells Christians to not let anyone judge us with regard to Sabbaths. You appear to be judging others in contradiction to this clear passage, which is a pretty good reason to reject your logic about the Sabbath in general. No offense intended, of course…but if we’re going to trust Scripture, we need to trust it all.
      3. You say that dietary laws are part of what remains. I have no problem with people who want to eat wisely. I do have a problem with people who tell me that God says to eat one thing and not another. After all, doesn’t 1 Corinthians 10:25-26 say to eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, for, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.”? Of course it does. Remember that Corinth wasn’t Jerusalem, and was a port city…there were undoubtedly meats in the market that would have been prohibited under the Law. With respect, your claim is invalid.
      4. The early church met on the first day of the week to commemorate Jesus’ resurrection. I’m not Catholic, so I have no reason to defend them…except that Scripture and history tell me that you’re wrong. The Sabbath wasn’t changed by Rome to honor any sun god.

      Again: I heartily appreciate your interest in living for God. Let me recommend that you do a little more homework, to make sure you’ve understood the whole of Scripture. It appears that you’re only including the parts with which you already agree. If you include every part, and change your beliefs to match, you will undoubtedly be better prepared to live as God intends. Let me know if you have any other questions. I wish you well. =)

  10. sylvia says:

    The Sabbath, yes, it was a day of rest. The 7th day was set aside, sanctified and made holy. Also, it is a sign between God and Israel forever. New Testament believers have to ask themselves, who was the New Covenant made with? Jer. 31:31 “Behold the days will come when I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel (northern tribes, scattered) and the House of Judah (northern tribes, scattered)see Hosea 1, they are scattered and intro to James, to the 12 tribes in the diaspora..). The Sabbath is like wearing our wedding ring, it is an ‘owth’ aleph vav chet Strongs #H226 “a sign, a signal, a distinguishing mark,..” (hmm, a mark.. could the Beast’s ‘mark’ be that of moving God’s holy day to Sunday, that part is just conjecture, but worth consideration since the enemy plagiarizes God’s work) and and comes from root H225 which means “to consent, to agree” to a Covenant perhaps. So the Roman Catholic church moved the Sabbath to Sunday without any scriptural authority, the admit to it, just look it up. It is not just a matter of ‘rest’. Also, Isa. 58:13-14 gives us a little more insight, “If because of the Sabbath, you turn your foot From doing your own pleasure on My holy day,And call the Sabbath a delight, the holy day of the LORD honorable,And honor it, desisting from your own ways,From seeking your own pleasure And speaking your own word, Then you will take delight in the LORD,And I will make you ride on the heights of the earth;And I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father,For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” All things we need to consider. Blessings to you all and Happy Berean-ing

    • Tony says:


      Thanks (again) for writing.

      >> could the Beast’s ‘mark’ be that of moving God’s holy day to Sunday, that part is just conjecture, but worth consideration since the enemy plagiarizes God’s work

      Nope. I’ve read plenty of SDA literature on the subject, and had numerous conversations about it with SDA friends. This idea comes from a stunted view of Scripture. First, we are not limited to worshipping God on one day each week. In fact, while the first believers met specifically on “the Lord’s day” (the first day of the week, which is Sunday), Acts 2 tells us that they met every day! The idea that God has a “holy day” ignores Jesus’ finished work on the cross. The Sabbath pointed to Jesus, and is not a legal restriction for believers.

      >> the Roman Catholic church moved the Sabbath to Sunday without any scriptural authority, the admit to it, just look it up.

      See above. This is a silly argument, to be honest. Even a tiny bit of homework, looking in Scripture alone, undoes this conspiracy theory.

      I wish you well.

      • phillemon Lazarus says:

        i like your comment and i agree with your points.anyway i have a question as i’m begin believer and i’m still observing the bibles verse to know the truth.

        my question,as we live now on this earth does God resting?why i’m asking this question is because the purpose of God to create the earth was to make it paradise,by then the earth is no longer paradise because of Adam who disaobey God’s instruction.

        my second question is why the bible says the sabbath day is the shadow of things to come?

        indeed i believe that keeping sabbath day is not legal restriction for believers because the earth is not yet paradise but is the shadow of things to come when the kingdom of God come on earth when Jesus coming back.

        • Tony says:


          Thanks for writing! I’m happy to hear that you’re now my brother in Christ…welcome to the family! Let me commend you for asking questions, and studying to learn the truth. That’s excellent!

          You ask a good question about God’s rest. There are a couple of things in the Bible that might help you understand better.

          1. We read in Genesis 2:1-3 that God “rested.” That doesn’t mean that He was tired, but that He had finished creating. The word shabath means to cease, or stop. Here are the verses: Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. Do you see? He’s still resting from that work, as He has not begun it again.
          2. In Revelation 13:8, Jesus is described as the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world. That means that Jesus’ death on the cross was planned before anyone was created, and before anyone sinned. You say that the purpose of God’s creating was to make paradise, but the Bible tells us that this can’t be. God knew before He made us that we would need a savior, and then He created the world. Paradise was available, but God knew that Adam and Eve would reject His authority.

          You ask another good question about the shadow of things to come. A “shadow” in this sense is like your own shadow: it looks a bit like you, but it’s not actually you. Here’s what Hebrews 10:1 says: The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming – not the realities themselves. A shadow is directly related to the thing that makes it, but it is not the real thing. The Law (the 10 Commandments given to Moses, and the laws that came from them) looks a bit like God’s plan for all humanity, but it is not God’s plan for humanity. As Paul wrote in Galatians 3:24 tells us, the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. The Law was a dim picture of a greater future reality. In exactly this way, the sabbath was a dim picture of the greater reality of life with Jesus. It’s also a dim picture of Heaven, where we will rest with God forever.

          Does that make sense? Let me know if I’ve created more questions.

          How are you studying the Bible? Do you have local believers to learn with, or are you studying on your own? I’d like to help you find some mature brothers and sisters in Christ, if you don’t have a community of faith.

  11. Alexandra says:

    In Matthew 24 when Jesus predicts the end times He says something very interesting : Matthew 24:20 And pray that your flight may not be in the winter or on the Sabbath. (NKJV)
    So the Sabbath is still valid because even in the end times when we have to run for our lifes Jesus says pray that it won’t be on the Sabbath.

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for your thoughtful reply! I appreciate it when my readers check me against Scripture. Let’s do a little digging, okay? Jesus is talking with His disciples, answering their questions. When He said, for example, No stone will be left on another, was He talking about some far-future event? Nope. This isn’t addressing ‘the end times’ as in ‘the end of the world’. This speaks of what happened in 70 AD, when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem. When Jesus told His disciples to watch out, to not be deceived, to pray, and to be skeptical of false Messiahs, He’s actually warning THEM.

      When Jesus said that He would ‘come on clouds’, He isn’t talking about riding a blob of water vapor…He’s using established imagery from the Old Testament. For example, we see this imagery in Isaiah 19:1. Coming on clouds speaks of God’s judgment, not Jesus’ second coming. If we read further in Matthew (2 chapters ahead) we see in verse 64 that Jesus repeats this prediction of judgment, saying to Caiaphas and those who condemned Him that they would see God’s judgment.

      The typical modern interpretation of the verses you cited is that Jesus was talking about “the rapture”. This is where Jesus comes back to earth on a cloud, but doesn’t actually touch the ground. The theory is that He would then take Christians to Heaven…and then come back at another time to judge the world. This isn’t the historic position of the Christian church. The idea that Jesus’ second coming and the end of days are two different events is relatively new, having been taught in the mid-1800s for the first time. Before that, Christians believed that Jesus would come back once, and that He would judge the world at that time.

      If you read Matthew 24-26 with these things in mind – Jesus’ audience, the historic position of Christians, and God’s judgment in the form of the destruction of Jerusalem, you may come to agree with me. If Jesus spoke of something that happened in 70 AD, He was addressing Jews who would still be alive at that time and still be observing the Sabbath. That doesn’t mean that we are to live by the Mosaic Law and observe the Sabbath in the way that ancient Israelites did.

      What are your thoughts? I wish you well.

    • Brandon Yurk says:

      Hi Alexandria,

      I struggled with this verse myself until I read a book called Discovering the New Covenant, by Greg Taylor. He was an SDA that tried everything to disprove “Sunday worshippers” but in his search to to do so found something completely different in the scriptures.

      His stance on the verse you’ve quoted was that it was the ultimate proof that the Sabbath was still binding, until he came across this scripture. Nehemiah 13:19 would show that Nehemiah made a decree to enforce keeping the Sabbath holy by shutting the gates and letting no one in or out until Sabbath was over. This decree was more than likely still in effect at the time of Christ. So, Jesus, in His love for the saints, says this because once Jerusalem is ransacked and destroyed there’d be no escape for them since the gates would be shut and no one allowed to leave or enter. They’d basically be sitting ducks. The first Christians would be stuck in the city and killed along with everyone else because the Jews would still be adhering to Sabbath keeping even if they weren’t. Jesus wanted them to pray that they would have an escape route.

      I’m paraphrasing on what he wrote but it was such an eye opener for me and hopefully this helps you see the other possibility on what Jesus was talking about.

      If you get the chance I’d encourage you to read this book (which is actually Greg Taylor’s testimony) and work your way through the entirety of it; it’s only 162 pages, but so powerful.

      In Christ,

      • Tony says:


        I appreciate this post. I also appreciate hearing about Taylor, who did his homework. Unfortunately – based solely on your explanation of his discovery – it doesn’t make sense to me. Yes, it seems possible that Nehemiah’s actions were still taken several hundred years later. No, this doesn’t seem like a ‘sitting duck’ situation where the city gates would trap people. An invading army would have to be trapped inside with them, which wouldn’t go unnoticed.

        Either Jesus was speaking of a near-future event or a far-future event. If it was a near-future event, He was speaking of the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. In that case, the army came from outside, contradicting Taylor’s idea. If it was a far-future event – something yet to happen – there would need to be city gates there for people to be trapped by them. There aren’t any gates like that in Jerusalem today, and it’s unlikely that they’re going to recreated such defenses in the future.

        I’m happy to hear about Taylor’s homework, though. I spent much of my life in SDA territory, where it was common to hear that Sunday worship is the Mark of the Beast. I’ve had many Adventist friends, and have only love for them as a group. Their obsession over end-time prophecy, dietary laws, and sabbath-keeping all come from the same source: improper handling of Scripture. This has led them to be, generally speaking, a very legalistic group that is confused about Christianity. Anytime I hear about one of them “coming out” to a more orthodox view of Scripture, I’m happy…for them and for those with whom they have influence. Thanks for letting me know about him!

  12. Harriet Meaders says:

    The belief that Jesus, or Joshua, which was most likely his real name, is based on a virgin birth in Isaiah. However, in the original Hebrew/Aramaic text the word virgin does not appear. There were two words in that language, alma and betula, one meaning virgin and the other young woman. The word in the ORIGINAL text before the Greeks translated it was “young woman” and was referencing the coming of the child of the prophet Isaiah. But it was later changed to make Jesus’ birth a virgin one thus proving he was the Messiah. Many other Old Testament chapters were also changed by the Greek translation . I have read both and have seen the differences.

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for writing! I’ll try to do your comment justice.

      >> The belief that Jesus, or Joshua, which was most likely his real name, is based on a virgin birth in Isaiah.

      I’m sorry to contradict you right away, but this isn’t the case. The belief that Jesus was born due to the miraculous circumstance of Mary being a virgin comes from the eyewitness accounts of those who knew Jesus and His family. Specifically, this is written in passages beginning with Matthew 1:18 and Luke 1:26. While it’s clear that Jesus’ disciples considered His birth to be the fulfillment of the prophecy found in Isaiah 7:14, that’s not where Christianity gets the idea. Take note of Luke 1:34, where Mary asks this question after hearing that she will give birth to the Son of God:

      “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”

      The question would make no sense if she wasn’t talking about virginity, would it? Of course, I haven’t dealt with the Isaiah passage, have I? That seems fair, since you haven’t dealt with Matthew and Luke. =) Keep in mind that Matthew was an eyewitness to Jesus’ family and ministry, and that Luke was a doctor.

      >> The word in the ORIGINAL text before the Greeks translated it was “young woman”…But it was later changed

      If you’re going to refer to the original text, you need to be honest and do some homework. The Hebrew word is ALMA, and it was never changed. In that culture, a young woman was normally a virgin…so there would be little need to make the distinction. I’m not saying that ALMA means virgin. I’m saying that the implication of virginity is likely. Context is important.

      >> Many other Old Testament chapters were also changed by the Greek translation.

      I’d love for you to point these out. The Jews who painstakingly translated the Septuagint might disagree with you. In other words: show me.

  13. Misty says:

    I’m not wanting to discuss my questions in an open forum. Would you consider emailing me please?

  14. Sarah says:

    What I’ve come to understand through lots of prayer and studying is that Jesus fulfilling the law didn’t mean that it wasn’t applicable anymore. Instead, it means that Jesus was filling a gap that we simply can’t fill on our own. Without Jesus we can’t be forgiven of our sins. There is no room in the law alone for the fact that we are imperfect creatures and we do make mistakes and we do fall away. With Jesus this missing link is fulfilled and now through Jesus we are able to have access to the Holy Spirit which can guide us and show us HOW to obey the law and give us the DESIRE to obey the law.

    As we grow in our walk with God we come to a place where we simply DESIRE to do what pleases Him. We’ve been specifically told in the commandments (and many other places throughout the Bible) that the Sabbath day is a holy day to commune with God and that it is (specifically) the 7th day of the week.

    I think of it like this: If my husband has a favorite meal that he absolutely loves and I know he does then I will make this for him, especially if he asks me to. Not because I feel OBLIGATED to, but because I love him and it makes him happy.

    So going into the Sabbath I remember that God views the 7th day of the week as something special and we know that to be the case from the creation, not from the 10 commandments. I love God and I know He doesn’t change so nothing has changed as far as that goes. He still views the 7th day of the week as a special and sacred day.

    Now, as I’ve started observing the Sabbath I’ve come to understand much more about it. When Jesus came and did certain things on the Sabbath that the Pharisees viewed as dishonoring he was trying to CLARIFY what the Sabbath is really about because the people had gone completely out of left field with it. What He clarified is that the Sabbath is a day in which we are to commune with God (Jesus) and not a day to set specific rules and regulations that you think about more than God. By focusing more on the rules and regulations than you do on God you’re doing the very opposite of what God wants you to do on that day — which is to remove as many distractions as you’re able to from your life on that day in order to focus on God.

    What I’ve been lead to by the Holy Spirit in the time I’ve been observing the Sabbath is that this doesn’t mean that if you have to change your kids diaper you’re not observing the Sabbath. What it means is God is giving you THE GIFT of setting all the earthy things aside for ONE DAY, one very special (and specific) day per week. These are the things that don’t matter in eternity, the things that are superficial and the things that we simply don’t NEED to do that day but can put off for another day. It’s a gift because it is SO FREEING to have that day with God. I grow so much in God on the Sabbath day it’s amazing. I can’t attribute it to anything but the fact that that day has been made (and will remain) holy because God said it was so and nothing can change that.

    All that being said you can worship and commune with God any (and hopefully every) day of the week! The more the better! But, nothing can remove replace the Sabbath being the 7th day of the week BECAUSE GOD SAID SO and that’s enough for me to continue observing it (and truly treasuring it) every week.

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for commenting. It’s important to think carefully about such things, to make sure we haven’t misunderstood. We should be like the Bereans, who didn’t just swallow what Paul taught them. Instead, they went to Scripture to double-check him. I always appreciate it when others, like yourself, do the same to me. It’s very encouraging!

      The Mosaic Law was given as part of a covenant between God and Moses, who represented the Israelites (Exodus 24). I’m sure you would agree that this covenant did not include the Babylonians, or the Edomites, or the Chinese. Do you have some reason for presuming that God included you and me in that covenant? I see no reason.

      What do you think Paul meant when he wrote 2 Corinthians 3:7-11?

      Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was, will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!

      Paul contrasted the Law (the 10 Commandments, written on stone, and all of the other regulations that went with the covenant) with the ministry of the Spirit. Note that he wrote of the Law as transitory, bringing condemnation. Not only did God’s covenant with the ancient Israelites not include you or me, it no longer includes Jews. God has a new covenant with His people, and it’s more glorious than the previous covenant.

      You can claim that you’ve been led to your conclusion by the Holy Spirit, but I’m not buying it. I mean no disrespect, of course…only that what you claim as revelation contradicts what you and I read in Scripture. There’s a reason that first-century Christians worshipped on Sunday, rather than on Saturday. The Sabbath had been fulfilled, and their actions show that they understood this. While there’s nothing wrong with setting aside one day per week to focus on God, there is indeed something wrong with the suggestion that God demands it, or expects it, or has even asked us to do so. I’m pleased that you celebrate a sabbath, and that you find it spiritually beneficial. Others might want to do so as well, and I would recommend that they give it a try. What I don’t recommend is contradicting Scripture to say that Christians are to observe a weekly sabbath because God says to…because that’s clearly not what has happened.

      What do you think?

  15. Sarah says:


    Thank you for your reply!

    As far as 2 Corinthians 3:7-11 goes you need to really look at the entire chapter before drawing conclusions. I really dove deep into that chapter last night with my husband and prayed about clarity on it. Because here’s the thing, like you said, our conclusions can’t contradict the scripture and scripture can’t contradict scripture. I’m looking at Matthew 5:17-19 and our understanding of 2 Corinthians 3 simply CANNOT contraction that scripture. I know you’re going to say that by fulfilling the law Jesus abolished it, but doesn’t that mean that He’s contracting himself when he says “For verily I say unto you, TILL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS, one jot and one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” He’s not talking about the fulfillment of the law on the cross, he’s talking about the fulfillment of GOD’S ENTIRE PLAN, meaning to the end of time here on earth.

    Knowing that, it simply cannot contradict what Paul is saying in 2 Corinthians. That scripture also can’t contradict what Paul says in Romans 3:28-31 where Paul tells us that yes we are justified by faith, but NO that does not mean the law is made void. So after really diving deep into that piece of scripture it has become clear that it actually is talking about the veil being removed from the law. Here’s what I mean…

    The law was basically given before they were told HOW they were able to fulfill the law. They NEEDED to understand in all the time before Jesus that they simply cannot fulfill God’s law without God. Period. Here they are begging for a king, begging for law and order, practically begging to go back to Egypt because it was better in their eyes. And God says, Okay, sure you want law, I’ll give you what I expect of you. You simply can’t do this on your own, but you’re going to try because you’re a rebellious people. lol

    So what changed when Jesus died for our sins was that we were first of all covered by God’s grace through our faith in Jesus so that if we should make a mistake and disobey the law we would be forgivven (there was no room in JUST THE LAW for that). We were also finally able to received the Holy Spirit, God’s internal guidance on everything in life, including the law.

    So in 2 Corinthians 3 Paul is describing how the law COULD NOT be followed on it’s own. There was a veil over it which the people could not see this (2 Corinthians 3:13-16). So they scrambled around making assumptions on how to obey the law and they were basically running in circles because the law wasn’t made for unbelievers, it was made FOR BELIEVERS IN CHRIST. This is why in 2 Corinthians 3:3 he talks about this law now being written not in stones anymore, but ON OUR HEARTS.

    All that being said yes, I believe the law is for us because we are told that God is for not just the Jews but also the Gentiles (Romans 3:29). We are God’s children, we’re adopted into the family! 🙂

    But here’s the thing. I don’t believe that anyone is going to hell for not observing the Sabbath. The Bible says if you’re a follower of Christ and are truly saved then you are covered by faith. But these are just things that we do because we know they’re right and God has given us a precious glimpse into what He doesn’t like and I personally am going to try to steer clear of those things. We also now have the natural DESIRE to do these things as the Holy Spirit works on us.

    I do think, however, that so many Christians are missing out on something really special by not spending time with Our Heavenly Father on that day. Sunday was actually a Roman Catholic invention that spread down over time to the Protestant side of it. Am I going to do something just because the Pope said it was true? Ha! Have you seen anything that the Pope has been saying lately? Things like Jesus failed on the cross and that it doesn’t matter if you’re Buddhist or whatever because all roads lead to God. Do I want to do something just because someone that says those things said so? Absolutely not, quite the opposite. I want to know what his intentions are in changing the day of worship to Sunday, and frankly I think I’d take God’s Word over his.

    But thanks for your reply, it’s much appreciated. I do hope you will at least pray about this. I’m not sure if you already have. But it never hurts to ask God directly. 🙂

    • Fernie says:

      Was hoping for a reply from Tony :(. This guy has a counterpoint for everything somebody posts about the Sabbath and I love learning! He seems very knowledgeable. But I’m still left confused.

      I have started this journey recently, so with the little knowledge that I have, I do agree and feel the same way you feel though. I observe the Sabbath not because it’s a law that MUST be followed but because I know God is pleased with it. By pleasing God, I’m *not* earning my grace or getting any special treatment, but it’s just something extra that I do to honor Him.

      • Tony says:


        I’m sorry for being absent. I’ve been sick for much of this year, and haven’t been able to keep up. Yesterday’s flurry of activity sure caught my attention, though! =)

        I don’t know if I can clear up your confusion, but I will try. It’s really very simple: I’m not Jewish. Because I’m not Jewish, God’s covenant with the Jews does not include me. Never has, never will. I’ve never made a wave offering, never been immersed in a MIKVAH, etc. I don’t wear a phylactery. My bathrobe has no tassels on it. I don’t tithe to feed the Levites. I don’t do any of the things that God commanded the Jews to do in the context of His covenant with them, because I have no part in that covenant.

        I am, instead, a Christian. Like Titus, I have never been a Jew. Any discussion of whether I should observe any part of God’s covenant with the Jews is simply out of bounds. Inserting myself into God’s relationship with someone else isn’t how to please Him. Instead, I should (a la Matthew 28:18) obey everything that Jesus commanded. Quite simply, I do not believe that God is pleased by our observance of Jewish Law. He is surely pleased by our desire to please Him, but – for example – not wearing a garment made of two kinds of fabric is no way to honor Him. A fair amount of the New Testament was written to counter the notion that Christians should observe any part of the Mosaic Law. Discussing HOW we should follow that Law is silly when we see that it need not be followed at all.

        Does that make sense? The Laws that God gave the Jews are largely irrelevant to followers of Jesus.

    • Sarah says:


      Thanks for your reply. It can be confusing when we as the Body of Christ are so torn on these topics. 🙁 But praise God that none of these issues are salvation issues, so long as we have Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

      I think of the Sabbath as a gift of rest from our weekly grind. God is giving us permission to set aside the work we do each week to focus on Him. I think that’s such a blessing.

      I will say though that one thing God has led me to recently concerning all of this is that He is the BEGINNING and the END, right? How symbolic is it that Jesus came to fulfill that in view of our week too? He is the BEGINNING (Sunday, as many consider the Lord’s Day) and the END (Saturday, Sabbath). I think that’s pretty beautiful. One Pastor I met put it in a way that I think is how we all need to look at it: “Saturday is the Sabbath, the day of rest; but Sunday is the Day of Work FOR THE LORD.” I love that!

      So as my family grows to learn more I’m starting to see that the best way to observe the Sabbath (for our family, it may be different for others) is at home with our family. We have just started to observe communion together at the start (Friday evenings) which is a wonderful way to remember Jesus is the reason we are all here. Since talking to the pastor I mentioned above we are considering also searching for the right church to attend on Sunday. So we can rest and fellowship with God and each other on Sabbath and then fellowship with others on Sunday. It’s a new idea for us so we’ll see how it goes, but it’s a fresh perspective. I believe God led us to this revelation about Him being the BEGINNING (of the week) and the END as well. We’re still praying on and exploring the idea as of now, but it sounds pretty God-honoring to me. 🙂

      If you have any questions, Fernie, I’d be happy to help you with what I can. I know I don’t have the same perspective as Tony, but I’m happy to share what I’ve learned. Our family has only just been observing the Sabbath for less than a year so we are very new to it and still learning how best to honor God and keep it holy. But I’ll do my best to answer any questions. 🙂

      Another excellent resource is Michael Lake of Biblical Life TV. He has an amazing way of connecting the Old Testament with the New and showing how God has foreshadowed Jesus from the very beginning, from each prophet and Old Testament apostle to the Biblical feasts and how each of them point to Jesus and how he fulfills them. It’s amazing. We love to watch his sermons on the Sabbath too. The Biblical Feasts series isn’t on Youtube, only on audio.

      I hope that helps and may God bless your walk with Him Fernie!

      • Tony says:


        I very much appreciate your kind attitude. It’s very refreshing. Most who comment here are kind, but I thought it worth mentioning. Thank you. =)

        >> I think of the Sabbath as a gift of rest from our weekly grind.

        That’s not how God thinks of it. Here are God’s words, explaining what Sabbath is:

        Then the Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy. (Exodus 31:12-13)

        We should want to do all that God asks of us. It makes sense that, before doing so, we should first understand what He asks of us. Scripture is our friend in this regard. The Sabbath was never about being tired from working. It was about being done working. God was done working after six days, so he stopped (SHABATH). He wasn’t worn out from his labor…He was simply finished. The instructions in Exodus 31, that the Israelites must observe God’s Sabbaths (plural, not singular) as a sign between them and God, had nothing to do with regaining strength after working hard. That may be a by-product, but that’s not the purpose. The purpose was so that the Israelites would know that they belong to God. As I mentioned in the original article, priests in the Temple could not sit down. That would be ‘sabbathing’. They stood all the time because their work was never finished. Jesus, who is our High Priest, sat down at the right hand of the Father because His work was done.

        It’s not just Paul who explains that “we” are no longer under the Law. God Himself explained it in Exodus by explaining that the Law was part of a covenant between Himself and the children of Israel. Christians aren’t the children of Israel, we are the children of Abraham…people who live by faith. We see these same principles throughout Scripture, including in the New Testament…places like the Gospels, Acts (written by Luke) and Galatians (written by Paul) and Hebrews (author unknown) and attested by others like James and Peter.

        While there’s nothing wrong with taking a break, it’s a mistake to read Exodus 31 and pretend that it ever applied to anyone but the Israelites, and it’s a mistake to suggest that believers today should observe those sabbaths as an act of obedience.

  16. Sarah says:

    I have to share one more thing that came to me just this morning. Then I’ll stop bugging you about it! lol

    I was reading Exodus this morning and came to the part in 39:35 and 40:3, 20 where the ark of the covenant is referred to as the ark of the testimony (KJV). In this the 10 commandments stand apart from the rest of the law because they are placed in a special and holy box to bear testimony of them.

    Now the Holy Spirit is referred to as bearing witness for Jesus Christ or bearing the testimony.

    The ark of the testimony represents what is now the Holy Spirit within us.

    Here’s an analogy of how it works: Let’s say I’m going to a friend’s house for dinner. I make up a list of all the things I don’t like to eat for her to make sure she doesn’t make them. She takes a look at the list but doesn’t really memorize it and she sets it aside. Let’s say that hypothetically green beans are on the list. If I’m not there in the room when she’s making dinner then she could go ahead and make green beans without remembering that I don’t like them. Now, let’s say I get there before she starts making dinner. As she starts dinner I notice she’s pulling out green beans to make so I remind her that I don’t like green beans. She says, “Oh yeah! I forgot” and goes ahead and makes something else. I stop her in her tracks from making something I don’t like because I’m right there with her.

    This is what the Holy Spirit does for us. This is why the testimony is written on our hearts (2 Corinthians 3:3), because we have the ACTUAL person to remind us what they like and don’t like and NOT JUST THE LIST.

    Back to the analogy: Whether I am in the room with my friend as she makes dinner or just the list I gave her doesn’t change what I like and don’t like. The only thing that changes is that I’m there to REMIND her in person.

    Likewise the what God likes and doesn’t like doesn’t change, but now he is right there within us to remind us when we are about to go astray.

    • Ed Edwards says:

      Greetings Sarah, I like your replies about Sabbath keeping altho I am not fully convinced yet. What do you believe scripture says about hell? Destruction or everlasting torment? What is your interpretation of the mark of the beast and the “rapture”? Thanks, Ed Edwards.

    • Sarah says:

      @Ed Edwards

      That’s a lot of questions to answer in a comment! 🙂 But, to answer as concisely as possible…

      I am honestly a bit torn on what to believe about hell as far as it being eternal or not. When I read scripture I see many cases where it talks about things like the body and soul being DESTROYED in hell (Matthew 10:28) and that those who don’t believe will PERISH (John 3:16) which are words I associate with having an end. But then there are verses like Matthew 25:46 where Jesus says there are those who will go into everlasting punishment that does make it sound eternal. Is it possible there are different outcomes for different unbelievers? I really don’t know. It’s a topic I haven’t quite been able to understand entirely and I haven’t been led to anything in particular by the Holy Spirit yet, so I just don’t know.

      For the Mark of the Beast that’s one my husband has a few theories on but I don’t personally have too many theories on what exactly it will be. One thing I have noticed about the Mark of the Beast though is that the Bible says that “he [the second beast] causeth ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads.” (Revelation 14:16). This makes it sounds like something we can’t avoid. HOWEVER, we can HAVE VICTORY over it (Revelation 15:2). And I know that we have victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57). Could this be connected?

      When it comes to the rapture I do not see the pre-trib rapture portrayed in the scriptures. A lot of pre-trib believers use 1 Thessalonians 4:17 as really the only verse they can point to “prove” pre-trib. But when you read that in context it’s really just a means of giving comfort to those who have lost loved ones and re-assuring them that they will meet them again one day. There are parables about wheat (believers) and tares (unbelievers) which clearly describe the tares being destroyed first (Matthew 13:30) and then Matthew 24 Jesus describes us going through a tribulation period in the end. I will tell you one thing I’m sure of though. Whether it’s pre-trib, post-trib, post-wrath, God will protect those who are covered in the blood of Jesus, just as He did for Passover, He will do the same for those who are His children. Will it be easy for us? No, but we are covered by the blood of Jesus! Praise God! So, as my husband would say…”pray for pre-trib, but prepare (spiritually in particular) for post-trib”. 🙂

      I hope this helps. What are your thoughts, Ed?

      • Jay says:

        1 Thessalonians is clearly not the only verse pre-tribbers can use.

        Try Rev 4 which mimics exactly what Paul wrote compounded with the fact that the Church is mentioned all the time before then and never again until Rev 19.

        Try accounts like Enoch, Elijah, Moses and Lot where people are removed from death or judgment.

        That’s just for starters.

        • Tony says:


          First, thanks for chiming in. I appreciate it.

          You’re not trying to use Enoch and Elijah to support a pre-tribulation rapture, are you? Because that would be…well, silly. Moses died in Moab, and was buried in Moab (Deuteronomy 34:5-6). We have no information in the Bible about Lot’s death, so you must be talking about God saving him from death in Sodom. That’s equally silly.

          Can you provide some evidence – from Scripture itself – to show the relationship between these men and a pre-trib rapture? I have my doubts, but I’m willing to listen.

  17. William says:

    Interesting post. Allow me to posit my own viewpoint for consideration:

    First we need to understand the nature, and timing, of the new covenant. In Hebrews 8:13, we read:

    [Heb 8:13 ESV] 13 In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

    This verse is frequently used by Christians to assert that the new covenant has come and the old has passed away, including the Torah associated with the old covenant. Oddly enough the word covenant isn’t even in the original greek here—it was added by translators. Beyond that even when the old covenant passes away, it does not mean the Torah will pass away, as we shall see.

    Let’s look at the passage from Jeremiah 31:

    [Jer 31:31-34 ESV] 31 “Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the LORD. 33 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”

    This passage, unfortunately, completely destroys the argument of Hebrews 8:13. There are three major points to note from the passage:

    1. The party to the new covenant is the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It is not with gentiles, not with the “church”, not with Christianity!

    2. Torah (God’s law or instructions) is still central to the new covenant. The hebrew word behind the english word law in this passage is Torah. In fact, the Torah will be written on our hearts such that we observe it naturally.

    3. The conditions for the new covenant are not met, indicating the new covenant is NOT IN EFFECT yet. Note that people will no longer need to be taught to know the Lord, because EVERYONE will know him, from the least to the greatest. This is something that will happen in the messianic age, still to come. In fact, read some of the surrounding context in Jeremiah to see that this is absolutely descriptive of the messianic age.

    Thus, simple logic shows us that the quote of Jeremiah in Hebrews 8 was misappropriated. Christians seem to, whether consciously or subconsciously, equate the “new testament” to the new covenant, but that is clearly a mistake. The new covenant is still in the future.

    This passage informs us that whether current covenant or new, Torah is vital.

    Now, Christians like the author of this blog will also say that Torah wasn’t given to them. That is correct. There is perhaps an argument to be made that non-Jews aren’t bound to observe the Torah. However, if you believe Paul’s writings to have been appropriately included in the Christian canon, then you have to take him at his word when in Romans 11 he describes gentile believers as being wild olive branches grafted into the cultivated olive tree of Israel. If this is so, what sort of fruit will those grafted in branches produce? Bananas? Nope, the same exact fruit as the native branches. If one is grafted in, one because as much a part of Israel as the native Israelites, and thus should follow Torah as well.

    That’s tough for Christians because they don’t seem to love God enough to obey him. (Or have been taught they don’t need to and simply accept that without doing their own research.)

    This would include Sabbath, the topic of this article. For the Sabbath is everlasting:

    [Exo 31:14-17 ESV] 14 You shall keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you. Everyone who profanes it shall be put to death. Whoever does any work on it, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. 15 Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day shall be put to death. 16 Therefore the people of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, observing the Sabbath throughout their generations, as a covenant forever. 17 It is a sign forever between me and the people of Israel that in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.'”

    • Fernie says:

      Thank you for your input! Now I am more confused! Heheh I guess I need to learn more.

      Can’t wait for Tony’s input on your comment

    • Fernie says:

      I still have a question that I hope you can help me understand.

      In Exo 31:14-17 ESV that you quoted (and in verse 13), says that the Sabbath to be used as an instruction to be given to Israel and that they should keep from generation to generation. This still is pointing to Israel and not everyone.

      So you are saying that we (assuming you are Christian :P), Christians, should follow the Torah (commandments and all the other “613” commands)?

      If so, how can we explain these verses?
      Colossians 2:16-17
      16So don’t let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new moon ceremonies or Sabbaths.17For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. And Christ himself is that reality

      Romans 7:6
      But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.

      Romans 3:28
      28 So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law.

      Galatians 3:24-25
      24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

      Sorry in advance for the pasting of the verses, I’m still trying to learn all of this and I keep verses of “pro” vs “con” for whether we should keep the commandments and commands or not ^^

      Hope you can shed some light! Thank you for the time 🙂

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for your comment. I’ll try to be brief.

      >> covenant isn’t even in the original greek here—it was added by translators.

      Yes, that’s true. The word for covenant – DIATHEKE – doesn’t appear in verse 13. It does, however, appear in verse 6, verse 8, verse 9, and verse 10. Translators obviously included it in verse 7 and verse 13 for clarity. Let’s not make any suggestion that might be understood to mean ‘this idea isn’t in the text, but translators inserted it anyway.’

      >> The party to the new covenant is the house of Israel and the house of Judah.

      Reading Scripture in context is fun, isn’t it? =)

      >> Christians like the author of this blog will also say that Torah wasn’t given to them. That is correct.


      >> grafted…fruit…Torah

      This is what’s known as a non sequitur. The phrase means “it doesn’t follow.” First, grafting. Yes, Gentiles are grafted in. Yes, healthy grafted branches will bear fruit. Your understanding of the analogy is problematic, though. A wild olive branch will only ever bear wild olives. It can never bear domesticated olives. When you graft a branch onto a tree, it doesn’t change its nature. It is what it was before, but connected to a different trunk. The olive tree can be a symbol for the people of Israel, but it is not only that. It also is used in Scripture to represent peace, righteous people, and more. Being grafted into the olive tree does not necessarily mean that Gentile Christians are a part of Israel, but it certainly means that we are a significant part of God’s plan to save humanity. Second, fruit. What kind of fruit was Israel intended to bear? Not observance of Torah, certainly…that could only be a means to an end. Israel’s fruit is to be a blessing to all nations. Why were some branches cut off? Because they were disobedient. Why were Gentiles grafted in? Not because of obedience, but to do in the world what the disobedient branches did not do. The idea is not to be Jewish, but to be a ‘child of Abraham’…that is, to live by faith. Finally, Torah. Paul makes it clear in Galatians 3 that the Law is a curse. He wrote, “So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.” In the last verse, he concludes his explanation of the Law with these words:

      If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

      Note that we are not Moses’ heirs. We are heirs of the earlier promise. Gentile Christians were never part of the covenant with Moses, but we are children of Abraham because we live by faith.

  18. William says:

    One thing I apparently failed to do clearly in my original comment is to point out that Hebrews 8:13 was the conclusion provided by the author after quoting Jeremiah 31:31-34 in Hebrews 8:8-12. Sorry about that but hopefully anyone who actually looked at Hebrews 8:13 saw the quote from Jeremiah just before.

    Here’s the bottom line, as far as I am concerned. The Jeremiah prophecy proves that Torah is central to both the old (Sinai) and new (Future) covenants. Thus, if Paul is really teaching that Torah has been abolished, he was simply wrong.

    The early followers of Jesus continued worshipping in the synagogue. They were called Nazarenes and/or Ebionites, were simply another sect within Judaism, and many or most of them actually rejected Paul’s writings completely. By the fourth century however, the Roman gentile churches greatly outnumbered them, had abandoned Torah, and were practicing things that had no basis in the teachings of Yeshua. These people determined the Christian canon, and Paul was NOT unanimously included. The way I see it, the HAD to include Paul because he was the only one who could be twisted to justify their current antinomian practices.

    As I see it, there are only two possibilities when it comes to Paul, and I believe it is very easy to prove it:

    1. He is misunderstood and was NOT teaching against Torah.

    2. He was a false apostle and WAS teaching, incorrectly, against Torah.

    If we agree that Christianity has its root in Judaism and we accept the “old testament” (I hate that term), then we have to accept the simple truth of Jeremiah 31, that Torah is central to both the old and new covenants. That *should* be enough to prove Paul is either misunderstood or wrong, but it is rarely enough because Christians read their new testament back into the old rather than reading it as a continuation of the old. If you learn the Tanakh first and then let it inform your interpretation of the NT, then you would naturally come to different conclusions.

    So, let’s show from the new testament how logically Paul cannot be teaching that Torah has been abolished:

    First, consider the definition of sin. What is sin exactly? Here’s a simple definition from the NT:

    [1Jo 3:4 ESV] 4 Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.

    Sin is lawlessness. Simple, but profound to a Christian who has been taught that the law has been done away with.

    Paul himself echoes this in Romans:

    [Rom 5:13 ESV] 13 for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law.

    What he is saying is basically “there is no sin without a law to define it.”

    So at this point it should be clear that sin is breaking God’s law (Torah).

    Now consider this verse from Romans which is another popular anti-law verse used by Christians:

    [Rom 6:14 ESV] 14 For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.

    Christians key in on the “not under law” part to abolish Torah, and yet Paul follows this up with:

    [Rom 6:15 ESV] 15 What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!

    Paul says we don’t have a license to sin under grace. If we shouldn’t sin, and sin is braking the law, then obviously this is a mandate to follow the law. Logic allows for no other conclusion here.

    In fact, the ONLY author in the entire NT that anyone can interpret as having justified the abolishment of Torah is Paul. (And maybe the author of Hebrews if it wasn’t Paul, but many attribute it to Paul.)

    There were 12 apostles who actually walked with Yeshua during his ministry. They all continue to observe Torah and teach others to do so. In acts we have recorded an example of conflict between the Apostles and Paul because rumors were circulating that he was teaching against the law:

    [Act 21:18-24 ESV] 18 On the following day Paul went in with us to James, and all the elders were present. 19 After greeting them, he related one by one the things that God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry. 20 And when they heard it, they glorified God. And they said to him, “You see, brother, how many thousands there are among the Jews of those who have believed. They are all zealous for the law, 21 and they have been told about you that you teach all the Jews who are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children or walk according to our customs. 22 What then is to be done? They will certainly hear that you have come. 23 Do therefore what we tell you. We have four men who are under a vow; 24 take these men and purify yourself along with them and pay their expenses, so that they may shave their heads. Thus all will know that there is nothing in what they have been told about you, but that you yourself also live in observance of the law.

    The believers in Jerusalem were all zealous for the law but were hearing that Paul was teaching against it. They insisted Paul take part in a Nazarite vow in order to dispel the rumors. (Read further and you’ll find that Paul couldn’t even get that right and it was part of the reason for his detention.)

    The bottom line is that the entire Tanakh (old testament) is about Torah from Exodus onward. The Israelites accepted it and said they would do what God asked of them. God promised blessings for observance and curses for disobedience, and that set the stage for everything that occurred from there on. Nowhere is there a hint that Torah would ever be abolished, and Jeremiah 31 shows Torah to be a continuing vital component of a future new covenant.

    Then Yeshua comes and is perfectly Torah observant, and clearly teaches it to others in Matthew 5:17-20. So you have complete Torah continuity up to and including Yeshua, but Christianity places Paul above Yeshua and says the Torah no longer applies because Yeshua fulfilled it. Ask yourself, if fulfillment of something means it no longer applies, what is the difference between that an abolishment? Nothing! Yeshua said he wasn’t coming to abolish the law and prophets, and yet that is what Christianity has done!

    Think about it in modern legal terms. Whether a law is overturned (abolished) or expires (fulfilled and no longer applies), what is the difference? The law no longer needs to be followed, and there is no consequence to not following it. There is no difference.

    Yeshua says clearly in Matthew 5:17-20 that the law and prophets will remain unmolested until heaven and earth pass away and ALL (meaning all prophecy, much of which is still to come) if completed. He then follows that up by stating that anyone who breaks the least of the commandments and teaches others to do so will be least in the kingdom of heaven. There is no getting around the clear meaning of his words.

    Once you wrap your head around all of this, and believe me it was excruciatingly painful and took a long time for me to accept, then you are left with the question of what to do about it. I’ll be honest and admit that I haven’t quite figured that all out yet. There are those who say Torah was given only to Israel, and that gentiles who want to follow the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob can observe the instructions given by God to mankind in the scriptures before Sinai. Personally this does not resonate with me, but it is logical so I haven’t ruled it out. I am personally drawn to learning to observe Torah.

    Your response contained the phrase “assuming you are a Christian”. At this point I would no longer claim that label for myself, primarily because I believe 1) Christianity to be far from the truth, and 2) Yeshua did not come to establish a new religion. I don’t know what to call myself at this point, but I actually worship in an orthodox synagogue on Shabbat for the time being (been attending for only a couple months). Unfortunately I learned the truth, and it carried me right out of church, through hebrew roots/messianic judaism for a bit until I realized that wasn’t the answer either, and now the synagogue is sort of my only option 🙂

    That probably seems radical and bizarre to a Christian, but given enough time I could explain my journey and how it has taken me there. Feel free to contact me offline at wtl at outlook dot com.

    • Sarah says:

      I just have to follow up here, especially for Fernie, because while William has a lot of wisdom here that is very helpful, I think there’s some things that are way off base.

      First of all, to abandon Jesus in order to follow Torah is exactly the opposite of what you should do. In no way CAN you fulfill Torah without Jesus. He (and with guidance of the Holy Spirit that Jesus has sent to us) gives us the strength and discernment to be able to know right from wrong. Following Torah is good, but we simply CANNOT do it without Jesus. That was what Jesus meant by saying he came to fulfill the law. We needed something more than ourselves to be able to follow God’s law, and that something was Jesus and only Jesus.

      Also keep in mind that many of those laws in Torah had to do with preparation of their sacrifices, which is fulfilled when Jesus became our Perfect sacrifice. The laws which Aaron and his line had to perform to prepare the offerings obviously can’t be performed now since we don’t make physical sacrifices anymore because: 1) Jesus became ALL OF our atonement offerings and 2) God was very clear that there was ONE PLACE where these offerings could be made and that place no longer exists.

      Following God’s law does not provide salvation, only Jesus can do that. But following God’s law does enable us to be closer to God because sin draws us away from God because He is so holy and perfect, and sin was defined in the Torah.

      Also I firmly believe that Paul is greatly misinterpreted, NOT a false prophet. The Bible we have today (I use KJV) is inspired by God entirely but it cannot be understood properly if we look for what we want in it, take snippets that fit our needs, and in turn contradict other portions. Our understanding with the New Testament has to fit with what God ordained in the Old (Old not meaning done away, but meaning of-Old or been around a long time). So when we are trying to find the truth, remember that the pieces MUST FIT TOGETHER. It’s a life-long journey, which is how God designed it — so we would be continually seeking Him out. It wasn’t to confuse us, but to draw us nearer to Him. Not only that, but false teachers are out there whose intent IS to confuse us. We need the Holy Spirit to discern that, and like I said above we can only have the Holy Spirit through Jesus.

      And yes, we ARE a part of Israel because we are grafted on to the tree of Israel (Romans 11:16-21). When branches from a fruit tree are grafted onto another tree, are they still two trees? No. They are ONE tree.

      The term Christian simply means follower of Christ and is not a bad term to use, it’s even used in the Bible; although it is used quite loosely now, that doesn’t mean it can be taken from you. Those who are grafted onto the tree the only way they can be, through Christ (Christians) are now apart of Israel, and therefore are apart of the covenant with God. You will also notice in the Romans passage above that God does not spare even the native branches (those who are born by blood into Israel) when they do not follow Him (Christ), which means those who do not follow Christ are no longer apart of SPIRITUAL Israel (God’s chosen people). To be clear, those who are born into Israel and DO follow Christ are still apart of God’s chosen people, of course. Things look differently now that Jesus has fulfilled the sacrifice as our Perfect Lamb. But that needed to happen because sin is so prevalent, there weren’t enough ordinary lambs in the world (and enough time to sacrifice them) to atone for all the sin in it.

      I hope that helps a little more. I know it’s not an easy thing to accept, since so many have been led astray with this doctrine, and now those who are Christian and chose to follow the law are in the minority. But you are doing exactly what God wants you to do, following the guidance of the Holy Spirit and not just accepting something you’re told. So really and truly, while talking to other Christians is important, talking to God about it is the most important thing you can do when it comes to these convictions you feel.

    • Tony says:


      >> Here’s the bottom line, as far as I am concerned. The Jeremiah prophecy proves that Torah is central to both the old (Sinai) and new (Future) covenants.

      That’s great for Jews, but what about us Gentiles? Remember your claim that the New Covenant doesn’t include non-Jews…so what’s your point? You seem to be inconsistent here.

      >> Thus, if Paul is really teaching that Torah has been abolished, he was simply wrong.

      You’re certainly entitled to your opinion…but your opinion of Paul’s writings conflicts with Peter’s perspective on Paul’s writings. Peter clearly and plainly considered them to be Scripture. When one of Jesus’ original disciples explains that something is in accord with what Jesus Himself taught, I’m going to take that as the truth. Therefore, if – as you suggest – Paul was wrong, then Peter too was wrong. I mean no disrespect when I say that your opinion on Paul’s teaching about is simply bad.

      Paul wrote this in Galatians 3: So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. Clearly, we – that is, those who are in Christ – are no longer under the Law.

      Furthermore, your understanding of the early church’s relationship to the Law is seriously flawed. Yes, many of the believers in Jerusalem (and in some other places) continued to be Jewish, and to observe much of the customs of Judaism. However, you fail to include Scripture in your analysis. Paul’s letter to the Galatians (you know, the letter where he explains that Christians are not under the Law) was written in part because they were sometimes considered less than righteous because they, being mostly Gentiles, did not observe those Jewish customs. Paul wrote to them to explain that this was not a moral failure on their part, and that walking by faith made them as righteous as Abraham. Note that Abraham did not have the Law, yet he was considered righteous. Peter wrote that Jews and non-Jews alike were saved in the same way: by believing God. Your theory that Christians need to follow Torah is contradicted again and again and again throughout Scripture…from Genesis to Revelation. It simply cannot withstand scrutiny.

  19. William says:

    I composed my last comment rather hastily, and apologize for the typos! I also feel that perhaps I did not explore one of the questions as much as I should have, that being the question of whether gentile believers need to observe Torah.

    Christianity by and large says nobody needs to follow Torah, even Jews, because Jesus fulfilled it and put it to rest. I am firmly opposed to this idea based on Jeremiah 31:31-34, Matthew 5:17-20, and many other passages where Yeshua teaches and demonstrates the need for Torah. Matthew 7:23 for example is a good one that I haven’t yet mentioned, or the parable of the rich man and Lazarus is a really good example (I think that’s in Luke 16).

    However, whether gentiles are obligated to Torah is a question I haven’t yet answered for myself. I personally am drawn to Torah. After spending 40 years as a Christian, confused by the tangled mess of Christian theology, I finally got off my lazy rear and started really seeking the truth, and it has led me to places I never imagined I would go. As a result, my love for God has been strengthened immensely, and I am seeking to know exactly what He would have me do.

    I find this passage in Isaiah particularly interesting:

    [Isa 56:1-8 ESV] 1 Thus says the LORD: “Keep justice, and do righteousness, for soon my salvation will come, and my righteousness be revealed. 2 Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who holds it fast, who keeps the Sabbath, not profaning it, and keeps his hand from doing any evil.” 3 Let not the foreigner who has joined himself to the LORD say, “The LORD will surely separate me from his people”; and let not the eunuch say, “Behold, I am a dry tree.” 4 For thus says the LORD: “To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast my covenant, 5 I will give in my house and within my walls a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. 6 “And the foreigners who join themselves to the LORD, to minister to him, to love the name of the LORD, and to be his servants, everyone who keeps the Sabbath and does not profane it, and holds fast my covenant– 7 these I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer; their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” 8 The Lord GOD, who gathers the outcasts of Israel, declares, “I will gather yet others to him besides those already gathered.”

    The “foreigner” in this context refers to non-Israelites. Isaiah speaks of Non-Israelites who seek to know God, who are afraid they have been separated from God because they are not part of His people, being assured they have a place amongst His people that SURPASSES that of the native born: “I will give in my house and within my walls a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off.”

    Further, we must consider that the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom who were exiled to Assyria never returned to the land. God promised to make Abraham into many nations, and those ten tribes migrated throughout the world. I do not subscribe to the typical two house theology of the hebrew roots movement, but there is no denying the fact that there are people in the world with Israelite heritage that aren’t aware of it. Who is to say whether a gentile today is truly a gentile?

    For these reasons I am drawn to full Torah observance, because my love and devotion to my Creator encourages me to be obedient to Him to the greatest extent possible. Hope that helps!

    • Fernie says:

      William, you know… When I read Jeremiah 31:31 that you quoted, I understood that it was describing exactly the Holy Spirit.

      I started watching a video on YouTube about Jesus in the Old Testament, and this Israelite said the same thing that I thought! https://youtu.be/PVItBigi7xs?t=1995

      Doesn’t the last part of verse 33 rings a bell?
      “I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts.”

      Who are the neighbors and brothers of Judah and Israel?
      “And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest”
      Don’t you think it’s all of us, brothers of the same Father? From the least of them to the greatest.

      Also the last sentence of verse 34,
      “I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”
      Doesn’t that sound like Jesus to you?

      At this moment I can’t see how this excerpt did not come to fruition when Jesus died for our sins and gave us the Holy Spirit.

      What are your thoughts?

  20. William says:

    Sarah I have nowhere advocated abandoning Yeshua! It is my belief that you can believe in Yeshua as messiah, and still be acceptable in the synagogue, as long as you don’t elevate Yeshua to the place of YHWH.

    I think you have made an assumption that going to synagogue means I have abandoned Yeshua.

    • Sarah says:


      I apologize if I misinterpreted your comment. I think I gathered that from your comment on not considering yourself a Christian but rather attending an Orthodox synagogue, who do not teach that Jesus is the Messiah. I just think there’s a danger with going to a non-Messianic synagogue because you start veering more towards the law being more important than Jesus. Do you know what I mean, or am I completely off base?

      My family is having a hard time finding a Sabbath and Torah keeping congregation as well and so I completely sympathize with that. We just recently found a Messianic congregation we are going to try next Sabbath so I can definitely understanding being led in that route. But this particular congregation we found doesn’t seem to believe (according to their website) that the Gentiles have been grafted on to the tree of Israel through Christ, which I wholeheartedly do. So it’s still not just the right fit for us. :- But it might be better.

      My husband and I are also starting to wonder if God is driving more of us in these (what appear to be) last days who have been led to this truth to planting churches/congregations that won’t be afraid to teach the truth. What do you think? There’s so few out there but I’m seeing more and more people waking up and craving the truth rather than just having their ears tickled.

      Thanks for understanding, sorry for misunderstanding your comment. I’m glad that i misunderstood you though and that wasn’t what you meant. 🙂

    • Sarah says:

      I’m sorry, I also missed your comment on not elevating Yeshua to the place of YHWH. Do you not believe in the Trinity? Or do you believe that YHWH is the Father rather than the name for God as all three persons of the Trinity?

      I understand YHWH to be One God but presenting Himself in three persons as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Kind of how I am one person but have a Spirit, Soul, and Body. Is that how you see it too, or no?

    • Tony says:

      >> It is my belief that you can believe in Yeshua as messiah, and still be acceptable in the synagogue, as long as you don’t elevate Yeshua to the place of YHWH.

      This is unfortunate. Yeshua is YHWH. He is not simply a man, by whom God would save Israel. He is God Himself. Anyone who does not believe that Jesus is God is in error, ignoring the truth of Scripture for their own preference. Even the Jewish leaders of that day understood that Jesus was claiming to be God.

  21. William says:


    I feel like my response will be very lengthy. I almost hate to post it here as we’re veering off-topic. But, since at least one other person (Fernie) is following the discussion, I feel anyone who might be observing should benefit from it. I almost wonder if we should somehow take it off site. I sort of feel it might be disrespectful of this blog’s ownership to hijack his article for this discussion, but then we ARE discussing things that stem from our viewpoint on the original topic of the article, which we see much differently than the blog author.

    I’ll start composing a response offline and see what you and Fernie think about continuing here. Anyone else lurking feel free to reply as well.

    What I will say for now is this–I think it’s fantastic that so many people seem to be waking up to Torah. I kick myself every day for taking so long. I first got my glimpse into Christian error 30 years ago, when I dug into the origins of Christian holidays and lack of Sabbath observance. I unfortunately did not follow through and continue seeking the whole truth, and spent another 30 years drifting through Christianity knowing I wasn’t quite in the right place. I hate that I took so long to really dig, but am thankful that I eventually have.

    My understanding today is much different than it was when I started my current journey a couple years ago. I am nobody, and completely underserving of any sort of attention from God, but yet I feel as though he has distinctly led me in a very orderly path, confronting me with truths I was able to handle when I was able to handle them. There are things I have come to believe today that I would not have been able to handle in the early stages of my journey. That makes me somewhat hesitant in a way to start throwing out ideas that I remember I wouldn’t have been able to accept without taking the long journey through each new truth. But then I’m also not one to hide something just because I think it’s controversial. I would just ask that you be sensitive to the fact that the journey to truth can be a gradual one, with one truth building on another in a progressive fashion. I might say something you can’t accept right now, but may come to later. That has happened to me countless times along the way.

    When I talk about my journey with others, I start with the definition of sin. It was that simple truth that allowed me, after months of sleepless nights wrestling with Torah vs. Paul, to accept that lawless Christianity is far removed from the truth. For a long time I was obsessed with coming to grips with exactly what Paul meant–so much of what he wrote seems clearly anti-law that I felt it would take years for me to be able to come to terms with it all. I literally woke up in the middle of the night one night with an epiphany–I had already been over scripture which easily proved that Paul couldn’t be teaching the abolishment of Torah, (or if he was he was wrong), and suddenly I realized I didn’t really need to figure Paul out after all. From there each step forward has come in its own time. It’s really been very strange.

    I commend you and your husband for being like me and seeking the truth. What I have constantly told myself is that I have to follow the truth wherever it leads, and I must avoid cementing my mind solidly on any particular aspect of my understanding prematurely, and even when I’ve pretty much proven something solidly to myself, I remind myself that if someone smarter than me comes along and disproves me, I have to be open to being wrong and reforming my understanding.

    So, as I compose some thoughts offline, let me at least get you thinking with this:

    I have discussed above Jeremiah’s prophecy of the new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34). I think the passage clearly indicates that conditions have not been met for the new covenant to be in effect. Clearly the passage describes a future state where everyone knows God, from the least to the greatest, and nobody needs anyone to instruct him on how to know God. This obviously has not happened. (I do think that some of the writers in the NT believed that it was imminent, but here we are nearly 2,000 year later and obviously this new covenant is still in the future.) When the Messiah rules from Jerusalem and the entire world is forced to acknowledge God, is when I believe the new covenant will arrive, and when we will obey God completely and naturally. (How else will the universal peace of that future time be possible?)

    That leaves the Sinai covenant still in place between God and Israel. If so, the same conditions still apply today as did some 3300+ years ago when it was accepted, and no new requirements have been or can be introduced. How can one say that a Jew following his covenant with God is condemned without faith in Yeshua? Where in Torah is the requirement for a Jew to have faith in a/the messiah for one to be righteous before God?

    • Sarah says:

      First to address Paul. I do not believe what he says is anti-law, but rather it is how people have interpreted it because it’s what they want to hear. I don’t know if you’ve heard of him, but Michael Lake has been given a real gift for research and connecting the dots between the Old and New Testaments. You should check out a few of his sermons; in particular his Eating God’s Way book/DVD talks a lot about the scripture that supposedly contradicts the law. I think it’s very helpful. It’s mainly about clean vs unclean, but it’s also helpful for a lot of the scripture that can sound contradictory. He also dives deep into WHO Paul was talking to in context and it helps to gain a better understanding of what he meant by various things he said.

      The one thing I think did happen with Paul and the other apostles in the New Testament is that they elevated LOVING GOD (Jesus being apart of that Trinity based on verses such as John 10:30 and 1 John 5:7) above following the law. As we grow in our walks it’s been my experience that wanting to follow the law seems like a natural progression the more you love God. Even those Christians who don’t believe the law is still valid typically know right from wrong based on God’s law (even if they won’t admit it).

      As far as Jeremiah 31:31-34 I will have to pray and meditate on it more. I can see how it sounds like future-tense in verse 34. However, I do believe that the law has been written on our hearts when we have the Holy Spirit (Romans 2:15). Is it possible that this new covenant could happen in phases? Perhaps verse 33 is the first phase where we are now the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), and phase 2 happens in verse 34 where we are in New Jerusalem? Just a theory.

      You might say that it can’t be written on our hearts yet if so many people don’t appear to be drawn to observing the law. But more and more people every day are feeling that conviction and just because some people choose to IGNORE it, doesn’t mean it’s not there (God gave us free will and I believe we always will have that). For many years I always felt this stirring in my heart, wondering why the law wasn’t followed anymore, in particular the Sabbath on the surface, since I was more exposed to the 10 commandments than the rest of the Torah. Just because people don’t obey what their hearts tell them, doesn’t mean it’s not there.

      Now, for the topic of being condemned without faith in the Messiah (Jesus). First, the Torah isn’t the only Word of God. While I do agree that the law isn’t abolished and it is important, you have to look at more than just the Torah, you have to look at His Word as a whole for the answers. I do believe you do that, but I’m just saying because of your asking “Where in Torah is the requirement for a Jew to have faith in a/the messiah for one to be righteous before God?” Even those Jews who do not believe in Jesus have the Tanakh as a guide, not just Torah.

      Here are a few verses in only the Old Testament which I believe point to it being a requirement to have faith in Messiah (Jesus). I won’t quote the whole verses, just point to them and why I believe they’re important:
      – Isaiah 9:6 – Tells us that this Son that is given IS The Mighty God and The Everlasting Father
      – Psalm 2:12 – Tells us if we don’t “Kiss” the Son that we will perish.
      – Psalm 41:9, Psalm 22:14-17, Zechariah 12:10 – Examples of the prophecies sounding First Person, as if God himself is this Messiah.

      Now…if God is the Messiah, the King, the Everlasting Father, how can that NOT condemn those who don’t believe in Him? Those who don’t believe in this Messiah that the Old Testament speaks of, also don’t believe in the one true God because this Messiah would be God essentially sending HIMSELF to save us from ourselves. No one else would do.

      Not only that, but in the Torah it does command that it’s necessary to atone for your sins and transgressions with specific sacrifices. Without these sacrifices you were condemned to not go near the temple (or near to God). In some cases, you were even cut off from Israel altogether. Is this not a shadow of what was to come with those who reject salvation through the Messiah? Those whose sins are not forgiven simply CANNOT be close to the Almighty and Holy God. Since the temple was destroyed there is no ordained place for this to happen. I don’t believe this is any coincidence of course, since the only sacrifice God will accept has already been brought to the altar.

      Thanks for hearing me out and I do thank you for sharing your views as well. And yes, I also apologize to Tony for veering off topic here on his page. Not sure where else to continue the conversation though! lol

      • Tony says:


        There’s no need to apologize for discussing such important ideas anywhere on my website. =)

        >> First to address Paul. I do not believe what he says is anti-law, but rather it is how people have interpreted it because it’s what they want to hear.

        Paul certainly wasn’t anti-law. He was, however, pro-clarity. He understood why the Law was given, its purpose, and its duration:

        1. Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come.
        2. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith.
        3. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

        I’m not sure how anyone can misinterpret this. If Jesus is the Christ, then the Law – a temporary guardian – no longer applies. How else might read Paul’s words?

    • Tony says:

      >> Where in Torah is the requirement for a Jew to have faith in a/the messiah for one to be righteous before God?

      I know of no place in the Torah that explains specifically that one must believe in the Messiah to be righteous before God. However: the entirety of the Old Testament, beginning in Genesis 3, points to Messiah. Everything from the Temple to the vestments to the sacrifices to the Sabbath were physical realities pointing to a future spiritual reality. This is why Jesus explained that the Law and the Prophets spoke about Himself. Torah is not an end in itself…it is a means to an end. That end is what people of faith – those listed in Hebrews 11, for example – looked forward to. Torah observance was preparation. As Paul explained (you know, Paul…the guy that Peter claimed wrote Scripture), the Law was a tutor or guardian, designed to be temporary until the coming of Christ (Messiah). Believe what you wish, but let’s not pretend that your beliefs in any way line up with Christianity as it’s outlined in Scripture, or as it’s been understood by faithful believers since Jesus’ death. To be blunt: Torah doesn’t say to believe in Christ…but it does say to believe God, who explained that there would be a Christ.

      >> How can one say that a Jew following his covenant with God is condemned without faith in Yeshua?

      For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. (John 3:16-18)

    • William says:


      Tony has seen our discussion! If he’s cool with the ongoing discussion here on his article, as it seems, I’ll keep it here.

      The new covenant is said to NOT be like the one made at Sinai which Israel broke. I believe this indicates perfect Torah obedience is the hallmark of the new covenant. If the Torah is written in our innermost parts we shall live it perfectly. If the holy spirit writes the Torah on our hearts today, why is Christianity such a fractured mess of differing doctrines and virtually NO acknowledgement or regard for Torah. There is most definitely more breaking of Torah in Christianity than observance. No, during the new covenant ALL will know him, from the least to the greatest, and naturally be perfectly obedient. I don’t think it can be a gradual thing. I do, however, believe that people awakening to Torah is an indication of progress toward the eventual new covenant. Whether it is near or still far off I don’t know.

      So if the Sinai covenant still stands, nothing has substantially changed relative to how Israel should live or have a relationship with God. Further, they do have a solid belief in the Messiah. They just don’t acknowledge that Jesus was that Messiah. Christians who do believe Jesus is Messiah base that partly on the expectation that he will return to set up the messianic kingdom. It’s not a belief in a Messiah who has accomplished all of the messianic prophecies, but a belief that he WILL at some point do so. Jews have that same expectation, they just largely aren’t convinced it will be Jesus. Part of that is the abominations the church has perpetrated under his name. If Jesus returns today and fulfills those messianic kingdom expectations, what observant Jew on earth will refuse to accept him then?

      And yet if you believe that there is a requirement to have faith in Messiah in order to be redeemable, the Messiah who you have named, even though he hasn’t fulfilled all of the messianic requirements, then you make practically all of Israel to be doomed. In fact, you have to believe that there was a day in 30 a.d. where a Jew who loved his God and obeyed him to his fullest ability woke up that morning with a place in the world to come, but went to bed that night damned to hell, without ever changing a thing about his faith.

      Regarding the indications of required faith in Messiah in the Tanakh you have proposed, let’s look at those:

      [Isa 9:6-7 ESV] 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.

      The first thing I would draw your attention to is verse 7. The accomplishments of this mentioned individual is he will rule and establish peace, on the throne of David and over David’s kingdom, and this kingdom will be everlasting. Regardless of what you understand verse 6 to mean, Jesus has not yet fulfilled the expectations provided along with it. So if this is a prooftext, to someone who is a member of the community which has been Torah observant for millennia now it is a prooftext against Jesus as Messiah (for now at least.)

      Beyond this, there are other problems with the Christian interpretation of Isaiah 9:6. For one, assuming that the naming indicated is proof that the Messiah is God is problematic. Hebrew names are significant. Elihu for example is a Hebrew name meaning “My God is He”. Does that make all people in scripture with this name Deity? Nope.

      If you really want to get in depth in this text, look at the Strong’s data for the word “el” which is here translated as God. It is a shortened version of the word “ayil” meaning ram, pillar, door post, jambs, pilaster, strong man, leader, chief, mighty tree or terebinth. Strong’s gives the definition of “el” as “strength; as adjective, mighty; especially the Almighty (but used also of any deity):—God (god), × goodly, × great, idol, might(-y one), power, strong. Compare names in ‘-el.’” Further, throughout scripture the term “god” is applied to men of strength or authority. It is not a term exclusively used of the one true YHWH.

      [Psa 2:12 ESV] 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

      This is the last version of Psalm 2. It doesn’t specifically mention belief, just a vague kiss the son lest he be angry. I don’t see any particular faith or belief implied here either explicitly or implicitly.

      Further, in Psalm 2 we have the same problem of expectation of accomplishment, for we see:

      [Psa 2:7-9 ESV] 7 I will tell of the decree: The LORD said to me, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you. 8 Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession. 9 You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.”

      Here again, Jesus has not yet fulfilled these expectations.

      [Psa 41:9 ESV] 9 Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me.

      I don’t get the messianic implication in the above verse at all.

      Psalm 22:16 doesn’t actually say anything about pierced hands and feet. The key hebrew word in the verse is Kaari (like a lion). I believe there is one fragment (and just a small partial fragment), where this word looks like it could read Kaaru rather than Kaari. That fragment is used to justify changing “like a lion” to “pierced”. However, there are two problems: 1) The hebrew word they want it to be is actually Karu, not Kaaru, and 2) Karu means to dig or excavate, and there are other words much better suited to denote pierced.

      Zechariah 12:10 has some issues as well.

      [Zec 12:9 ESV] 9 And on that day I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

      The preceding verse and others before it indicate the future battle before the messianic era. Armageddon if you will.

      So basically in these verses you see as potentially requiring faith in the Messiah, (which personally I don’t see), you also see conditions attached that haven’t been met.

      Can you see how to the unbiased mind the Jewish position might look a bit more thoughtful than the Christian one? 1) They absolutely do have faith that a Messiah will redeem them, but 2) Jesus hasn’t yet fulfilled the expectations attached to this Messiah so they can’t name him as said Messiah (yet.)

      Yet Christianity condemns them to hell for this.

      • Tony says:


        >> So if the Sinai covenant still stands

        The Sinai covenant no longer stands.

        >> And yet if you believe that there is a requirement to have faith in…the Messiah who you have named…you make practically all of Israel to be doomed.

        This is a reasonable thing for a Christian to believe.

        First: how can a Jew be forgiven of their sins without a temple? Leviticus 17 clearly indicates that a sacrifice is required. Jews don’t believe that Jesus is the Lamb of God…so how, in Judaism, are sins forgiven? The answer is that they simply are not forgiven, because they cannot be. Of course, Christians believe that Jesus’ death paid the full penalty for the sin of all mankind, so we believe that the sins of Jews are paid for. What do you believe?

        Second: Jews don’t really believe that they need to be saved from anything, or to anything. Their Scriptures have little about any afterlife, and they generally consider forgiveness of sin to be accomplished by balancing sins with good deeds. This, of course, was contradicted by Peter in his sermon at Pentecost:

        Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. (Acts 2:36-38)

        Clearly, Peter – a Jew – taught other Jews that one must be a follower of Jesus to be saved. This is echoed, of course, in other passages of Scripture like John 1:9-13:

        The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

        There are other passages, of course, but these should suffice. You seem to believe that Jews don’t need to believe in Jesus to be saved. Clearly, Peter and James and John and Paul and the rest of the apostles would disagree with you…or they wouldn’t have bothered sharing the gospel with their friends, neighbors, and relatives.

    • William says:


      In response to Sarah you quote Paul. Paul is the ONLY NT writer who can be interpreted to say the law has expired, or no longer applies, or any number of similar ideas that all effectively abolish the law as Jesus said he was NOT doing.

      Yet going back to Jeremiah 31 and the promise of a new covenant, which has been quoted probably more than once by me here already, we see that said new covenant is still Torah centric, and that it is not yet in effect (it’s still future.)

      Sin is lawlessness (1 John 3:4). If the law no longer applies, there is no more sin. The 10 commandments don’t apply to us any longer. All we need is faith in Jesus and it really doesn’t matter what our lives look like.

      This runs contrary to the entire revelation of God to mankind when you read the bible from front to back. The OT is all about Torah from Sinai forward, and the blessings for obedience, curses for disobedience, and the pleadings of the prophets for the people to hold up their end of the covenant. Then comes Jesus who specifically says he isn’t here to abolish the law, and that anyone breaking the least commandment or teaching others to do so will be least in the kingdom of heaven. The apostles have problems with Paul when they hear rumors that he is teaching against the law.

      As I’ve said over and over again, not just hear but anywhere I discuss this, either Paul is misunderstood to be teaching the law no longer applies, or he’s simply a false teacher. For if sin is lawlessness, and yet Paul tells us grace doesn’t give us a license to sin (Rom 6:15), then he is most certainly upholding the law’s ongoing applicability. When he later says the law is a curse, or a schoolmaster we no longer need, he’s either dead wrong or misunderstood. I find it a bit hard to misunderstand some of those assertions he makes, but they cannot stand in light of the entire rest of the Canon which takes the opposite view.

      Psalm 119 is a beautiful tribute to the Torah and includes refrains such as:

      [Psa 119:151-152, 160 ESV] 151 But you are near, O LORD, and all your commandments are true. 152 Long have I known from your testimonies that you have founded them forever. … 160 The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.

      You may want to argue, as many do, that Paul is speaking to gentiles who aren’t bound to Torah. It is true that Torah was given specifically to the descendants of Jacob, and not to anyone else. However, there are real problems with this including:

      1. If Paul is speaking exclusively to gentiles, the law NEVER applied to them to begin with. There is no need to explain that it was a schoolmaster that is no longer needed, because it was never needed in the first place. There is no curse from the law on the gentile, because the gentile was never subject to the law. It makes absolutely no sense for Paul to do away with a law that never applied to start with.

      2. Paul does away with any sort of jew/gentile distinction in Romans 11. The wild olive branches grafted into the cultivated olive tree of Israel are not going to bear different fruit than the original branches. If they are one with Israel, they are bound to the same covenant as Israel. See also Galations 3:28 where he again abolishes any distinction. Thus he is abolishing the law, if that is what he is doing, for all.

      3. There are passages such as Isaiah 56 that clearly show how God accepts gentiles into his covenant, because they follow his commandments.

      • Tony says:


        >> Paul is the ONLY NT writer who can be interpreted to say the law has expired…

        I’m sorry to be so contrarian, but you are wrong. Aren’t Peter and James and Luke New Testament writers? Of course they are. What’s that got to do with anything, you might ask? Simple: they, along with the other brethren, heard and approved of Paul’s message. Luke records, in Acts 15, that God had chosen Paul Himself. Did God make a mistake in choosing someone who would be so wrong about the Law? The Holy Spirit spoke to Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen, and Saul and told them that Saul and Barnabas should be set apart for His work. Peter considered Paul’s writings to be Scripture…that includes Galatians, which you dispute. In most of his writings, Paul calls himself an apostle, appointed by Jesus Himself. If what Paul taught wasn’t accurate, the early church would have rejected him outright. In fact, Jesus Himself would have rejected Paul. You may remember that Paul founded the church at Ephesus, and taught them much. Look in Revelation 2:2 and see that Jesus commends that church for being discerning, and not tolerating false apostles. Your claim that Paul is the only New Testament writer who believed that the Law had expired is entirely without merit. Everyone who heard Paul’s message, including the leaders in Jerusalem and the entire church at Ephesus and Jesus Himself also approved of what He wrote. That’s the very reason that some of his writings are included with the other inspired writings that make up the New Testament.

        >> The 10 commandments don’t apply to us any longer. All we need is faith in Jesus and it really doesn’t matter what our lives look like.

        The 10 Commandments never applied to Gentiles. They were given to Israelites as part of God’s covenant with them. Of course, your claim above is a non-sequitur to Christians. It doesn’t follow that how we live is irrelevant. We have the Holy Spirit, dwelling in us, to guide us in all that we do. Paul wrote this in 2 Corinthians 3: You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. He went on to write this:

        He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant – not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

        The covenant that Paul taught about – that was approved by virtually everybody in the early church – is a covenant of the Spirit, not of the letter. Christians are not antinomians (as the New Testament makes clear)…we are not without law. We are simply without the Mosaic Law. There’s a huge difference, and Peter and James and John and the rest agreed with Paul and considered his word to be God-breathed. You should consider it God-breathed as well.

    • William says:


      Let’s deal with one thing at a time. First, you say the Sinai covenant no longer stands. Please explain how the context of Jeremiah 31:31-34 allows for this to be the case.

      Even the writer of Hebrews, in 8:13 says “And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.” as if it hasn’t vanished yet, but soon will. I believe the writer was fully expectant to see the return of Jesus and the institution of the messianic age which is a condition of the Jeremiah 31 passage he quotes immediate beforehand.

      And regardless, Jeremiah 31 clearly shows Torah is central to both the old and new covenants. In other words, Hebrews 8:13 doesn’t say Torah is passing away, but that the old covenant is. The new covenant is ever bit as Torah-centric per Jeremiah 31 as is the old. (Not to mention it is made with the two kingdoms of Israel, and NOT with gentiles or the church.)

      • Tony says:


        Okay, let’s deal with one thing at a time. I’m not going to dispute with you about Jeremiah. Commentators have struggled over the very items you’ve outlined, and I’m not fully resolved on my understanding of it either. Let’s deal with the one thing that I keep bringing up, that you keep rejecting: Paul. I’m not sure how anybody could read Galatians 3 and come away with any other conclusion than that Paul taught the Law no longer applied to anyone. Here it is again:

        Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

        The Law – the Mosaic Law, as verse 17 makes abundantly clear – was our guardian until Christ came…and we are no longer under a guardian. If you have another interpretation, I’m all ears. If you reject Paul’s words as inaccurately explaining the Christian’s relationship to the Law, no other discussion is necessary. Unless we can agree with Peter and James and the rest that Paul taught the truth, we have no common ground on which to continue. What do you believe about Galatians 3?

    • William says:

      I start with Jeremiah 31 because it’s the promise of the new covenant, and it very clearly denotes that Torah is still central to said new covenant, and that there are conditions associated with it which haven’t been met.

      You want to start with Paul, but if Christianity is founded in a continuing revelation of God’s plan that began with the covenant at Sinai, then Jeremiah 31 is crucial and informs us about the new covenant. This new covenant comes well before Paul, and thus Paul cannot contradict it without being wrong.

      We can talk about Paul but you need to deal with Jeremiah which precedes Paul. I find Jeremiah very easy to understand. Why should we dive right into Paul without understanding the initial promise of the new covenant?

      • Tony says:

        The “old covenant” is the Mosaic Law. Gentiles were never a part of that covenant. The “new covenant”, according to you, hasn’t happened yet…so Gentiles aren’t a part of that either. Do I understand what you’ve already written?

        I don’t really start with Paul. I end with Paul. He was the apostle to the Gentiles…which is me. Certainly all of Scripture was written, and has been preserved, for our benefit…but not all of it was written to us. The Mosaic Law never included the Chinese, or the Egyptians, or the Chaldeans, or the Americans. Only the Israelites. I have no business inserting myself into a covenant that God made with someone else, and neither do you.

        >> This new covenant comes well before Paul, and thus Paul cannot contradict it without being wrong.

        1) Which is it? Has the new covenant arrived, or not? Earlier you said no, but you keep suggesting that it has. Could you clarify? 2) No, Paul doesn’t contradict anything. If he had, the rest of the apostles (you know, those people who approved of what Paul taught and wrote) would not have approved of what Paul taught and wrote. Who was in a better position to catch Paul’s supposed errors than Jews who traveled with Jesus throughout His entire ministry? Who better to tell Paul that he was wrong about the Law than Peter and James and John? Not me, and not you. No, Paul was not wrong.

        >> Why should we dive right into Paul without understanding the initial promise of the new covenant?

        I have no problem dealing with any passage of Scripture, of course. However: because your understanding of Jeremiah seems to be a bit unorthodox, I sought to avoid going down a rabbit trail. One of the key principles of biblical interpretation is that the clear verses should help us interpret the unclear ones. If you and I differ on Jeremiah, which I personally haven’t settled for myself, it seems better to deal with another passage. Galatians 3 seems very cut and dried, so I thought it would be easiest to spot our differences there. Regardless of what you and I think about the New Covenant, Paul was approved by everybody who counts…so I’d like to hear you explain your conclusion. Was Paul wrong when he wrote that we are not under the Law, or was Paul right?

        For the record, in case you had any doubts: I love this stuff. At no point should my disagreement with you be mistaken for animosity, or dislike, or anything negative. I appreciate you being here.

      • Evelyn says:

        I agree 100%
        If we cannot understand Jeremiah, why do we jump to Paul?
        Have a blessed Sabbath

        • Tony says:


          It’s not that we can’t understand Jeremiah. We can. It’s that a lot of people assume that it means something it doesn’t mean, and – sometimes – the shorter route is to use the passages that have fewer disagreements. When we read Jeremiah 31, it’s abundantly clear that God is not speaking to the whole world, but to Israel. In fact, the word “Israel” is found 14 times in that chapter alone, plus references to Jacob (Israel), Ephraim, Ramah, Rachel, Judah, and so on. Jeremiah’s prophecy about a new covenant does not mention you or me. We are not Israel.

          We ARE included in the new covenant, of course. The problem with using Jeremiah to argue the point is that nobody found out that gentiles would be included until Peter’s vision in Acts, and his trip to the home of Cornelius.

          Does that make sense? The whole Bible is the word of God, but not all of it was written to you or me or the Egyptians or the Canadians. The command to observe sabbaths was only given to ancient Israel, in the context of living in the promised land. That has never, and will never, apply to anyone else… period.

    • William says:


      Okay, lots of stuff to address here, so this will probably take some time to compose, and will be long.

      To start with, let me start with this statement from your response:

      >> This new covenant comes well before Paul, and thus Paul cannot contradict it without being wrong.

      1) Which is it? Has the new covenant arrived, or not?

      The above was simply a typo. Unfortunately I am not immune to them. My statement was meant to communicate this:

      This new covenant PROMISE (Jer 31:31-34) comes well before Paul, and thus Paul cannot contradict it without being wrong.

      I was not saying the covenant arrived before Paul, rather the promise. Thus Paul has to build on this foundation along with everything and everyone else, rather than contradict it.

      Imagine you’ve never read the Bible, so you sit down to do so. You get to Exodus and you read of the Sinai covenant. You understand that the covenant was given to a specific people, and that it contained God’s instructions for living a righteous life.

      So then, you continue reading, discovering various words of wisdom and song, some of it prophetic. You discover a history of God’s chosen people alternately describing their prosperity in the promised land while they upheld their covenant with God, and their exile and punishment when they did not. You discover the prophets who continually exhort the people to return to obedience, along with many prophecies of a messianic kingdom to come during which there will be universal peace, restoration of Israel to the promised land forever, universal knowledge of God, etc.

      So then you come to Jeremiah, and in chapter 31 you encounter yet another prophecy of this coming kingdom. Along with it is a promise of a new and better covenant, one in which God’s instructions (Torah) are written on our hearts. The universal peace of the messianic kingdom is the outcome of perfect obedience to God. This new covenant is NOT LIKE the old one which Israel broke, because it will be unbroken. Nobody will need to be taught to know God, because everyone from the least to the greatest will know Him, because he will be present in the rebuilt temple, and his messiah from the live of David will rule his kingdom.

      This passage is not at all difficult to understand if you read the scriptures chronologically. It is very clear when this new covenant comes, and that date is still in the future.

      So then we read on, and Jesus enters the picture. He says things like:

      [Mat 5:17-20 ESV] 17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

      This is in perfect harmony with everything encountered chronologically in the Bible so far. Everything so far has been about Torah. The clear meaning of the above passage is that Torah is still in effect. Break the least commandment and teach others to do likewise, and you are the least in the kingdom of Heaven. The Torah will be unmolested until ALL is accomplished. The messianic mission has not been accomplished, for there is plenty of prophecy that remains yet to be fulfilled.

      There is simply no reason for the reader who hasn’t yet encountered Paul to twist the word fulfill into something that literally does not fit the context of this passage, for the definition you propose for fulfill is effectively the same as abolishment, which Jesus clearly states he was not doing. In legal terms, whether a law is overturned (abolished), or expires (no longer applies), the end result is exactly the same: there is no more need to obey, nor consequence for disobedience.

      The context, which includes the exhortation to avoid breaking the least commandment or teaching others to do so, doesn’t allow for your definition of fulfill. The proper definition of fulfill which fits in this context is:

      “to perform or do, as duty; obey or follow, as commands.” (Dictionary.com definition #2)

      We can see this echoed in many other of Jesus’ words, such as:

      [Mat 7:21-23 ESV] 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

      Okay, so at this point, with a chronological reading, everything is in beautiful harmony, and is crystal clear. The expectation of obedience to God’s law could not be more obvious.

      Let’s talk about the jew/gentile distinction for a moment. First of all, despite the fact that Israel is specifically the descendants of Jacob, there have always been people who are part of Israel who are not related by blood. There was a mixed multitude who came out of Egypt. They were not all native Israelites. Torah specifically states more than once that the same law applies to the native born and the stranger/foreigner among them. Isaiah 56 clearly discusses non-Israelites receiving the same promises for obedience. There is a distinction between God’s people and the nations, but God’s people are not all direct descendants of Jacob.

      Further, Paul himself obliterates the jew/gentile distinction with the olive tree illustration in Romans 11 as well as in Galations 3:

      [Gal 3:28 ESV] 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

      So Paul is effectively teaching that we are all one, whether native jew or not, and thus whatever standard there is applies to everyone. Thus, if he is truly teaching the law is done away with, and he is actually correct, then the law is done away with for everyone.

      But if he is in fact teaching against the law, it flies in the face of everything I have read so far chronologically. And in a big way! Not just some minor sort of conflict, but a complete 180 degree departure from everything that has preceded him.

      A reasonable person would at this stage question Paul, not embrace him and then try to re-evaluate everything he has already discovered in God’s Word in light of these drastic changes.

      Suppose Jesus, a devout Jew, perfectly Torah observant, born into the community of God’s people who had been living for some 1300+ years under their covenant with God (at times righteously and other times not so much), was, as you assert, come to do away with the law. You’re talking about a major sea change for the Jews. I mean for over a millennia they’ve been living Torah, and now comes a Jew, a teacher, to basically overturn their way of life and replace it with a new faith-only lifestyle. How does he ease them into this? He tells them to obey even the least of the commandments! Yep, that sounds like the most logical way to teach of the impending momentous change that will free his people from this 1300+ year old curse. (I say curse sarcastically because Psalm 119, the longest book in the Bible, is nothing but one long song singing the praises of Torah. It obviously was not considered a curse.)

      I’ve had people try to tell me that in Matthew 5 he was teaching Torah observance because it still applied, until his death and resurrection. Okay, so not only was he focusing his teaching on Torah observance within maybe a year or two of it passing away, but then during the 40 days he spent with his disciples after his resurrection, where exactly is his teaching them to stop living under the curse of the law? Did he forget? Perhaps he did, so he had to convert Paul so he could go back and rectify his critical omission?

      So you see, while you may assert that you do not start with Paul, you absolutely do. He is the one and only writer who can be interpreted to be teaching against the law.

      We have historical attestation that many of the early followers of Jesus rejected Paul:

      “Those who are called Ebionites agree that the world was made by God; but their opinions with respect to the Lord are similar to those of Cerinthus and Carpocrates. They use the Gospel according to Matthew only, and repudiate the Apostle Paul, maintaining that he was an apostate from the law. As to the prophetical writings, they endeavor to expound them in a somewhat singular manner: they practice circumcision, persevere in the observance of those customs which are enjoined by the law, and are so Judaic in their style of life, that they even adore Jerusalem as if it were the house of God.” (Irenaeus, about 180 A.D. in Against Heresies 1.26.)

      I was honestly a bit taken aback that you presented Revelation 2:2 as a defense of Paul. When I work through Paul throughout the NT writings, I draw the exact opposite conclusion from Rev 2:2.

      Here’s how I see it:

      [Act 1:21-22 ESV] 21 So one of the men who have accompanied us during all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 22 beginning from the baptism of John until the day when he was taken up from us–one of these men must become with us a witness to his resurrection.”

      First off, here are the requirements for being an apostle. These were discussed when replacing the departed Judas with Matthias. They chose between candidates who had been disciples of Jesus from his baptism onward.

      [Act 9:26 ESV] 26 And when he had come to Jerusalem, he attempted to join the disciples. And they were all afraid of him, for they did not believe that he was a disciple.

      Clearly there was distrust here. And for good reason—Paul had been persecuting and murdering believers.

      [Act 19:1, 8-10 ESV] 1 And it happened that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul passed through the inland country and came to Ephesus. There he found some disciples. … 8 And he entered the synagogue and for three months spoke boldly, reasoning and persuading them about the kingdom of God. 9 But when some became stubborn and continued in unbelief, speaking evil of the Way before the congregation, he withdrew from them and took the disciples with him, reasoning daily in the hall of Tyrannus. 10 This continued for two years, so that all the residents of Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks.

      Here we have Paul arriving at Ephesus, the largest city in Asia at the time, and attempting to preach in the Synagogue for three months. He was rejected there, and moved to an academic environment for two years. So, at a minimum, 2 years and 3 months he was at Ephesus, and all of Asia heard him. Thus he was widely known throughout Asia.

      [Act 21:18-24 ESV] 18 On the following day Paul went in with us to James, and all the elders were present. 19 After greeting them, he related one by one the things that God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry. 20 And when they heard it, they glorified God. And they said to him, “You see, brother, how many thousands there are among the Jews of those who have believed. They are all zealous for the law, 21 and they have been told about you that you teach all the Jews who are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children or walk according to our customs. 22 What then is to be done? They will certainly hear that you have come. 23 Do therefore what we tell you. We have four men who are under a vow; 24 take these men and purify yourself along with them and pay their expenses, so that they may shave their heads. Thus all will know that there is nothing in what they have been told about you, but that you yourself also live in observance of the law.

      Paul returns to Jerusalem and meets with James and the elders. After politely hearing of Paul’s success, they dive straight into the problem they have with him. They point out the tens of thousands of believers in Jerusalem who are all zealous for the law. What? Wait, the law was done away with, why do they care about it? But they do, because the problem they are confronting is this rumor that Paul has been teaching the Jews amongst the gentiles to forsake the law. (And obviously he has!) They insist that he take part in a Nazarite vow in order to demonstrate to the believers in Jerusalem that he is still observant of Torah. Interestingly, as you read on you find that Paul proceeds to do so, and sponsors the sacrifices that are part of the Nazarite vow. What? How on earth are Jesus’ disciples participating in any sort of sacrifice since Jesus was the ultimate and final sacrifice?

      Okay, so far we see the disciples were afraid of Paul and didn’t think he was a true disciple, then Paul goes off to Ephesus for an extended period of time and all of Asia hears his teaching, then he comes back to Jerusalem and is confronted by the local assembly about this rumor he has been teaching against the law, and is required to take action to dispel such rumor.

      What happens next?

      [Act 21:27-30 ESV] 27 When the seven days were almost completed, the Jews from Asia, seeing him in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him, 28 crying out, “Men of Israel, help! This is the man who is teaching everyone everywhere against the people and the law and this place. Moreover, he even brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place.” 29 For they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple. 30 Then all the city was stirred up, and the people ran together. They seized Paul and dragged him out of the temple, and at once the gates were shut.

      Wow, the Asian Jews, the people who know him very, very well because he’s just spent 2+ years teaching amongst them, see him in the temple and cry out for help because here is the very man who has been teaching them against the law, defiling the temple in Jerusalem. Further, they accuse him of bringing a gentile (Trophimus) into the inner courts were by law he is not allowed.

      Paul is detained, for being a law breaker, and there is additional fascinating insight into his mind when he eventually stands before the sanhedrin, notes the mix of Sadducees and Pharisees present, and then exploits one of their most rancorous disagreements (resurrection of the dead), lying about the true reason he was detained in order to divide and conquer and escape to Roman protection. (And all this after insisting to his people in Acts 21:10-13, before coming to Jerusalem, that he was prepared to die at the hands of the Jews in Jerusalem for his faith.)

      At this point it is interesting to contrast Paul’s experience with the detention of the Apostles in Acts 5. When the apostles are detained, an angel sets them free and instructs them to return to the temple and continue teaching. They are re-detained, but Gamaliel (supposedly Paul’s teacher) releases them, arguing that they’ve done nothing wrong and will simply fade into obscurity along with other false messianic claimants, or they could be doing God’s work in which case the sanhedrin should not interfere with them. Wow, that’s powerful. How can they be released in this manner? Well, the simple fact is they weren’t breaking the law (Torah). They were observant, thus they hadn’t done anything wrong other than preaching that Jesus was Messiah, which wasn’t against the law but was simply something the Jewish leaders of the time didn’t want to hear.

      But Paul’s case goes completely differently. In fact we don’t know that he was ever released. The last thing we know of Paul is that he was languishing in prison.

      We also know the apostles didn’t come to his defense:

      [2Ti 4:16 ESV] 16 At my first defense no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me. May it not be charged against them!

      Even more telling, we also know that all of Asia abandoned him:

      [2Ti 1:15 ESV] 15 You are aware that all who are in Asia turned away from me, among whom are Phygelus and Hermogenes.

      Interestingly, we have no recorded instance of the Apostles referring to Paul as an Apostle. Paul refers to himself as one many times, and his traveling companion and historian Luke once refers to both Paul and Barnabas as apostles. Paul and Barnabas were both at Ephesus interestingly, so we have apostles (plural) Paul and Barnabas at Ephesus.

      Just how many Apostles are there? Revelation 21:14 may give us a hint:

      [Rev 21:14 ESV] 14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

      Hmm, so Paul and perhaps Barnabas are Apostles #13 and #14?

      So I get through all of the above, and then read Revelation 2:2:

      [Rev 2:2 ESV] 2 “‘I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false.

      Uh oh, who exactly fits this description of false apostles now? Who is it that we know couldn’t convince the Jews in the synagogue of Ephesus? Who do we know was rejected by ALL of Asia? Who was so indefensible that even the real Apostles wouldn’t defend?

      What is the evil in Rev 2:2? Sin! What is Sin? Lawlessness! (1 John 3:4). Who was teaching people to forsake the law in Ephesus? Paul!

      So you see, if you take in the progressive revelation of God to mankind from Genesis forward chronologically, Jeremiah 31 makes absolutely perfect sense. I come back to Jeremiah 31 because it utterly destroys the idea that the new covenant is Torah-free, or that it has even yet come. It is only when you get to Paul that problems and contradictions arise.

      Interestingly many Christian scholars agree that Jacob’s prophecy about Benjamin (of which tribe Paul was a member) applies to Paul:

      [Gen 49:27 ESV] 27 “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf, in the morning devouring the prey [persecuting and killing believers] and at evening dividing the spoil [sowing confusion].” (Brackets contain my interjection.)

      I also love this type of discussion and do not bear any ill will toward those who disagree 🙂 Iron sharpens Iron.

      • Tony says:


        Yes, that was long. I appreciate you taking the time, but let me suggest that some critical editing for brevity might be helpful to other visitors who will read comments in the future. =)

        I believe I understand you to be saying this: Torah is a necessary part of the old covenant, and will be a necessary part of the new covenant (when it finally arrives). Here is my response to that: so? Gentiles were never part of the old covenant, so the Torah written on stone never applied to them. If the new covenant hasn’t arrived, then the Torah written on hearts doesn’t apply to them either.

        That being so, the only way I can imagine one would logically conclude that Gentiles need to observe Torah is that they believe Torah is the only path to salvation. You mention the Ebionites, to suggest that some early Christians rightly rejected Paul as a heretic with regard to the Law. That’s great…except that the Ebionites were considered heretical* by the early church for holding this very view! That means that early Christians did not reject Paul…only specific heretics did. Again I point you to Acts 15:

        Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.”

        This seems to be what you’re saying as well. That makes you – historically speaking – a ‘judiazer’ and in need of correction. Certainly you don’t need correction from me, but correction from Jesus’ own disciples seems fitting for one who calls himself a Christian:

        Peter got up and addressed them: “Brothers, you know that some time ago God made a choice among you that the Gentiles might hear from my lips the message of the gospel and believe. God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. He did not discriminate between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith. Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.” (Acts 15:7-11)

        Note as well that this entire section of Scripture was brought about by a discussion very similar to this one: Certain people came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the believers: “Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved.” This brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute and debate with them. So Paul and Barnabas were appointed, along with some other believers, to go up to Jerusalem to see the apostles and elders about this question. (Acts 15:1-2)

        You keep claiming that Paul is the only NT writer to teach that we are no longer under the Law. That’s a fiction, William, and Acts 15 proves it. Some claimed that we must follow the Law to be saved, so Paul and Barnabas went to see the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. According to Luke, here is the response that Peter and James and the “the whole church” wrote to the Gentile believers in response:

        The apostles and elders, your brothers,

        To the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia:


        We have heard that some went out from us without our authorization and disturbed you, troubling your minds by what they said. So we all agreed to choose some men and send them to you with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul – men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore we are sending Judas and Silas to confirm by word of mouth what we are writing. It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things.

        Farewell. (Acts 15:23-29)

        That might not settle the issue for you, but it should. Paul is not the only NT writer (nor the only authoritative voice in the early church) who taught that Gentiles need not follow Torah. Along with Paul are – to name only a few – Peter and James and Luke and the Holy Spirit. I mean no offense when I say that if you don’t believe them, I would find it hard to consider you an actual follower of Christ.

        To put it simply: your view, that Christians should observe Torah, is decidedly unbiblical.

        Have a great day, William!

        * Your mention of the Ebionites, and of Irenaeus, suggested that you might be interested in my growing collection of ancient religious texts. You can, for example, read all of Irenaeus’ Against Heresies there, if you wish.

    • William says:


      There are two confusing responses running throughout your replies.

      1. “The Sinai covenant no longer stands.”

      2. “Gentiles were never part of the old covenant, so the Torah written on stone never applied to them.”

      (And might I add the Torah was not written on stone. Only the 10 commandments, a teeny tiny fraction of the Torah.)

      I’m primarily dealing with #1, which is disproven by Jeremiah 31. My entire emphasis on Jeremiah 31 is showing that Torah is central to both the Sinai and future covenants. Do you agree? If so, then we can avoid this particular part of the discussion, and agree that for Israel at least Torah is still central to the covenant, and the new covenant as well, which is still in the future.

      Hebrews (chapter 8 quotes Jeremiah 31 and then concludes that the old covenant is getting ready to pass away), then must only apply to Jews, because the covenant that is getting ready to pass away only applies to the Jews, as is the case for the new covenant to follow.

      Let’s presume perhaps the gentiles as you say aren’t bound by the Sinai covenant and God’s instructions. But let’s at least correct your assertion that the Sinai covenant no longer stands, since Jeremiah 31 clearly doesn’t support this.

      Let’s look at Acts 15. The summary of the debate reads thusly:

      [Act 15:19-21 ESV] 19 Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God, 20 but should write to them to abstain from the things polluted by idols, and from sexual immorality, and from what has been strangled, and from blood. 21 For from ancient generations Moses has had in every city those who proclaim him, for he is read every Sabbath in the synagogues.”

      What is the point of mentioning Moses, mentioning that he is taught in the synagogue every Sabbath? It’s completely superfluous unless the idea is that the gentiles coming into the faith will learn Torah as they go along. They don’t have to be immediately circumcised, and expected to be fully observant without a learning process. These believers attended synagogue and learned Torah there. Why do I take this to mean such? Well, immediately before there are in fact four Torah-based stipulations made, so there are in fact expectations made of these gentiles. Why any stipulations if the law didn’t apply in any way? Just let them join by faith and forget any requirements! Torah doesn’t even apply to them!

      If there are no dietary laws binding upon gentiles, why on earth would they dream up this requirement to abstain from things polluted by idols, or from strangled animals and blood. Those are purely Torah laws. It seems to me they started with the most common sins practiced amongst the gentiles of their day. In essence they are advising the gentiles to start with the most problematic and widespread sins first, idolatry and sexual sin, and learn more Torah as you go.

      Let’s face it, they weren’t sinning if the law didn’t apply to them. But they were sinning indeed and needed to stop.

      Further problems arise when you factor in the already discussed passages from Rom 11 and Gal 3 where Paul eliminates any distinction between jew and gentile. If there is no distinction, why a distinction in covenantal expectations?

      Paul should have instead embraced the distinction and made it clear that he was teaching against Torah only to gentiles. However, we see in Acts 21 that wasn’t the case. The apostles confronted him because he was teaching Jews against Torah. The Asian Jews cried out against him because he was teaching Jews against the law.

      So the inescapable conclusion here is that even we allow that gentiles were not bound to Torah in any way, (which is unsupported by my analysis of Acts 15 above), we still have Paul teaching Jews against the law, in direct violation of the clear understanding that at least for Jews, Jeremiah 31 clearly shows Torah as central to both the Sinai covenant and the one to replace it.

      That still makes Paul a false teacher.

      As for your opinion of the early believers, it is known that the earliest followers of Jesus continued to worship in the synagogue and observe Torah, and it is known that there were a mix of Jews and Gentiles.

      However, let’s presume your jew/gentile distinction, and suppose that perhaps the believers in Judea were all Jews still rightfully under their covenant. The Ebionites were a Jewish sect, so why would Irenaeus label them heretics? They’re Jews! You’ve argued that gentiles were never under the covenant, which I’ll allow simply for the sake of argument, but Jeremiah 31 specifically details that Torah will ALWAYS be part of the covenant with Israel. Thus Israel following their covenant are not heretics! So Irenaeus clearly didn’t see this distinction. However, the church was already progressing well beyond the teachings of Jesus, who as we’ve seen clearly upheld Torah. Irenaeus’ heretics may just as well be my heroes.

      Any way you come at this results in problems. If we note the distinction and agree that Jews have a different covenant and different expectations, then Jews at least are still under their covenant as Jeremiah 31 shows, and cannot be heretics.

      • Tony says:


        >> My entire emphasis on Jeremiah 31 is showing that Torah is central to both the Sinai and future covenants. Do you agree?

        Nope…but I don’t believe that will matter for this discussion. If by “Torah” you mean “things that God says He wants us to do” then, certainly, we agree. If by “Torah” you mean the 10 Commandments and the civil and ceremonial and ethical laws and guidelines that surround them, then no…we do not agree. Your point seems to be that God expects the same from ancient Israelites and modern Gentiles. My point is that this is a direct contradiction of much in the New Testament. Paul is not, as I’ve abundantly shown, the only one who believed that Gentiles had no need to follow the Law. Certainly Acts 15 should be enough to convince you of this. You have yet to deal with Acts 15, opting instead to keep suggesting that Paul alone was wrong about the Law.

        >> What is the point of mentioning Moses…?

        Good question. Let’s say that I don’t know for sure, for the sake of discussion. What can be established with certainty is that there are no New Testament passages where Gentiles are instructed to (as you suggest) eventually learn and observe Torah. That’s not exegetical (a concept coming from the text) but eisegetical (a concept being inserted into the text by the reader). It’s worth noting that Peter and James and Luke and John say nothing to Gentiles about eventually observing Torah, when they’re mature.

        >> Let’s face it, they weren’t sinning if the law didn’t apply to them. But they were sinning indeed and needed to stop.

        While I have no doubt that the early Christians in question did sin, neither the dispute nor its resolution were in response to sin. They were in response to false teaching…the suggestion that Gentiles must be circumcised and obey the Law. The apostles and elders didn’t say “not yet, as they’re young in the faith” but “no, they don’t need to be burdened by the yoke that even we failed to bear.” You’re not reading and interpreting the text, William…you’re making things up to suit your own position. Your position is the same as the so-called judaizers. This position is directly contradicted in Scripture, and I’ve more than adequately shown this to be true. I understand that you might not like it, but that doesn’t change the fact that that’s what the Bible actually says.

        >> Paul eliminates any distinction between jew and gentile. If there is no distinction, why a distinction in covenantal expectations?

        Simple: context. Context is the key to understanding any communication, and it’s especially important for larger works like the Bible. In what context did Paul write that there is no distinction between Jews and Gentiles? The context was that Jews considered themselves spiritually superior to Gentiles. With respect, it’s no surprise that you so easily misunderstand such simple passages…you seem to read only what you prefer to see. Again, I don’t say this to be insulting, but descriptive.

        >> The apostles confronted him because he was teaching Jews against Torah.

        That’s not what the text says. As it says, Paul didn’t only teach Gentiles that they didn’t need to observe Torah…he taught the same to Jews. It indicates that they were concerned about the response of the many zealous Jews who had been converted. What did they suggest that Paul do to make sure these new converts didn’t cause unnecessary problems? They suggested that he take part in sponsoring their Nazirite vows. In doing so, he would be ceremonially clean and not be seen by new Jewish converts as unfaithful to God. There was no correction of his teaching at all. In fact, during Paul’s speech in chapter 23, he claimed that he had fulfilled his duty to God in all good conscience. He didn’t say that he was wrong, and that the Jewish leaders had corrected his error about Jews and the Law.

        >> That still makes Paul a false teacher.

        Let’s pretend that you’re correct. That would make Peter a false teacher as well, and James, and Luke, and the rest of the apostles and elders who approved of Paul’s message. Peter especially, for he called Paul’s writings “scripture.” Of course, Luke and Barnabas and Silas and Judas attested that the Holy Spirit led them to approve of Paul’s teaching. John wrote in Revelation that Jesus approved of the Ephesian church, since they didn’t put up with false apostles. You see, William…what you propose is that the foundation of the whole of Christianity is false. For that reason alone, your opinions about what Christianity is and what Scripture teaches are more than suspect…they are faulty.

        >> The Ebionites were a Jewish sect, so why would Irenaeus label them heretics? They’re Jews!

        They may have been Jews, but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t also hold to heretical teachings. You seem unfamiliar with the concept.

        >> Irenaeus’ heretics may just as well be my heroes.

        And there we stand. Paul taught that the guardian of the Jews – the Law – was no longer in effect. The Ebionites taught that observing Torah was the only way to be saved. Jesus’ own disciples, the apostles (those who witnessed His ministry personally), the elders in Jerusalem, and the entire church agreed with Paul and disagreed with the Ebionites. They disagree with you on the same matter as well, so let’s just go ahead and proclaim your view to also be heretical. Do you have any objection?

        Interesting stuff, indeed. =)

    • William says:

      Torah in the Tanakh is the first five books of the Bible. When Jeremiah 31:31-34 says under the new covenant Torah will be written on their hearts, that has a very clear and specific meaning to the Israelites to whom Jeremiah’s prophecy was directed. There is no basis whatsoever for not understanding or acknowledging this.

      Again, with respect to Jeremiah 31, there is no room for NOT concluding that Torah, with it’s single precise meaning, is central to the future new covenant.

      You say I have yet to deal with Acts 15, but I have. I’ve shown that the decision was made to require the gentiles to observe four laws based on Torah. This is proof that at least some Torah was applicable to gentiles, plain and simple. You cannot state the Torah was never applicable to gentiles in light of this. I may not be able to say this is proof that the entire Torah was applicable, but neither can you say Acts 15 proves no applicability whatsoever. The applicability of this subset of Torah law lends credence to the interpretation of the Moses verse as indicating additional Torah learning. And indeed the believing gentiles did attend synagogue, where the primary activities were prayer and reading/learning from the Torah scroll.

      You have a very creative view of the dispute between the apostles and Paul in Acts 21. It clearly reads that the apostles were concerned that he was in fact teaching improperly against the law, and needed to dispel those rumors. When he was eventually detained immediately after the nazarite vow for BREAKING THE LAW, due in part to bringing Trophimus the gentile into restricted parts of the temple during that very vow, the apostles didn’t come to his defense. The puzzle pieces here don’t fit your view. Especially considering the fact that James, the leader of the assembly in Jerusalem and part of this group who confronted Paul, penned statements like “[Jas 1:25 ESV] 25 But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.”, “[Jas 2:17 ESV] 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” and “[Jas 2:24 ESV] 24 You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.”

      Was John writing to Jews only in Revelation? Doubtful since the first few chapters are addressed to various assemblies outside Israel. So when he writes things like:

      [Rev 12:17 ESV] 17 Then the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. And he stood on the sand of the sea.


      [Rev 14:12 ESV] 12 Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.

      is he speaking to Jews only, or all believers?

      There are so many NT writings which uphold Torah. Did Jesus speak only to Jews or are his teachings for gentiles as well?

      [Mat 19:16-17 ESV] 16 And behold, a man came up to him, saying, “Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?” 17 And he said to him, “Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments.”

      Don’t be so quick to say Peter called Paul’s writings scripture. There are two problems with that:

      1. The passage reads:

      [2Pe 3:15-17 ESV] 15 And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, 16 as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. 17 You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability.

      Sure there is a vague reference to “other Scriptures” that sort of sounds like the writer may be equating Paul’s writings to scripture, but if this is truly the case (unlikely as I will address in point 2) he also says Paul’s writings are difficult to understand and warns the reader to avoid being carried away with the ERROR OF LAWLESS PEOPLE as the result of reading them.

      2. I don’t generally argue about the above passage because:

      The earliest certain reference to II Peter is in Origen (3rd century), whom Eusebius (H.E. vi. 25) refers to as having said that Peter left one acknowledged epistle, and ‘perhaps also a second, for it is disputed… .’

      The very earliest mention was long after Peter’s day, and the authorship was in dispute even then. II Peter had a difficult time entering the Christian canon due to this. I personally think the evidence is compelling that 2 Peter is not Peter’s writing. It wasn’t accepted into the canon without difficulty either.

      Outside of this vague reference in 2 Peter all references to scripture in the NT refer to the existing writings (the “old testament”).

      Again, Jesus clearly said:

      [Mat 7:21-23 ESV] 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

      Was he speaking to Jews only?

      The NT is actually full of instructions issued by various people, if we want to drop Torah and just look at those. I recall somewhere along the line reading an article where someone had extracted every single NT instruction and compiled a list of NT instructions that was at least 1,000 long! One can argue that the NT presents even more commandments to follow than Torah!

      • Tony says:


        With all due respect, I’m not sure there’s any reason to continue this conversation. I believe all 66 books in the Bible to be true, and I trust that God superintended their preservation through the witness of the early church. I believe Paul when he says that we are not under Law, and I believe the apostles and elders when they heard what Paul taught and approved of it. I believe Galatians 2 to be true, and believe that Peter, James, and John had nothing to add to Paul’s message to the Gentiles.

        You do not believe that. As a result, we have no common ground on which to stand. My theology comes from Scripture as I understand it. I do not seek to add to it, but to more fully understand it. Your theology comes from the parts of Scripture with which you approve, and from your own reasoning, and from other places you have yet to name. Just as it would be silly to compare my understanding of the Scriptures to that of my atheist brother, it would be silly for you and I to continue comparing our thoughts about whether Christians are to observe Torah. The matter is settled for me because it is settled in Scripture.

        I wish you well, William. I’m praying for you, and hope to one day be able to say that you are truly my brother in Christ.

    • William says:


      This really isn’t that difficult. We can go round and round about individual verses or passages, but the big picture is clear.

      First, Christianity absolutely appropriates the new covenant promise for itself, and believes that the new testament = the new covenant, when Jeremiah completely abolishes this idea and shows that the new covenant conditions have yet to be met.

      Hebrews 8:13, after quoting the Jeremiah promise, attempts to show that the old covenant is about to pass away, clearly acknowledging that the writer is expectant of a quick return by Jesus to set up the messianic kingdom. Nearly 2,000 year later that hasn’t happened, and it’s clear that the author of Hebrews was incorrect in his assumption. The new covenant has still not arrived. However, the author nowhere claims that God’s instructions are going to be passing away, only the covenant, and the replacement covenant according to the promise includes God’s instructions as a central part of it, very clearly.

      Jesus taught Torah. No way around this. There is no teaching of Jesus indicating the Torah is done with, passing away, etc. A chronological reading of scripture clearly shows a perfect Torah continuity from Genesis through the gospels.

      Sin is lawlessness. Law defines sin. There is no separating sin from the law. One cannot exist without the other. Whenever there appears an exhortation to avoid sin, it is by the very definition of sin an exhortation to uphold God’s standard of righteousness. Furthermore, many dozens of NT writings clearly exhort the followers of Jesus to obey the commandments—all the way into John’s Revelation. I have nowhere said that faith never plays a role, as you have subtly implied. Faith always played a role. There is no purpose in following commandments blindly. Faith motivates us to seek and to obey God.

      Jesus did not come to establish a new religion, nor to overturn Torah. His early followers, those who understood this, continued to be Jews, attended synagogue, and followed Torah. Marcion the Greek, in the second century, recognized that Paul could not be reconciled with the Hebrew scriptures, and embraced Paul and his idea of a lawless faith-only belief with an all forgiving God who needed no obedience from his followers, while rejecting the Hebrew God altogether. He was the originator of the terms “new” and “old” testament. He was labeled a heretic by the early “church”, because obviously this new religion had no leg to stand on without being able to establish some sort of continuity between the faith of the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and this emerging new religion.

      Already in the second century your cherished church fathers were disgustingly anti-semitic, with Justin Martyr penning this gem:

      “The custom of circumcising the flesh, handed down from Abraham, was given to you as a distinguishing mark, to set you off from other nations and from us Christians. The purpose of this was that you and only you might suffer the afflictions that are now justly yours; that only your land be desolated, and you cities ruined by fire, that the fruits of your land be eaten by strangers before your very eyes; that not one of you be permitted to enter your city of Jerusalem. Your circumcision of the flesh is the only mark by which you can certainly be distinguished from other men…as I stated before it was by reason of your sins and the sins of your fathers that, among other precepts, God imposed upon you the observance of the sabbath as a mark.”

      Here’s a church father interpreting the Sabbath, made Holy by God at the dawn of creation, as a brand of shame on the Jews. Disgusting. God chose his people and said they were to be a light unto the nations, and then the “church” came along and abolished the Sabbath along with all of God’s instructions, persecuted God’s people, committed the worst kinds of atrocities against them and anyone who dared to stray from church teachings. The canon was established in the fourth century after this new religion was made the official religion of the state, after God’s holidays had been overthrown and new pagan holidays instituted, Sabbath worship outlawed, etc. Paul was not unanimously included in the canon, and yet he HAD to be because he was the basis for everything the church practiced.

      At the same time, the writings of church fathers discuss the Nazarenes or Ebionites, still observing the law, into the seventh century.

      And yet they, and I as you have not so subtly stated, are heretical. Nice.

      When I say that Paul is the only writer to abolish Torah, I don’t claim that there wasn’t a discussion of how to bring gentiles into the assembly of Jesus’ followers. You want to say that this discussion in Acts 15 proves that Paul wasn’t the only one who taught the non-applicability of Torah. That isn’t what I assert at all. I assert that Paul is the only one to completely abolish Torah, which completely contradicts the Jeremiah promise of the new covenant, and flies in the face of what Jesus lived and taught, and what the 12 apostles lived and taught, for they all continued to observe Torah. And Acts 15 proves that they began to require a beginning level of Torah to incoming gentiles. That Torah would be learned and followed is the natural conclusion one can reasonably derive from the nature of sin and the otherwise completely superfluous mention of Moses being taught in all the synagogues in the same passage.

      Shalom. I wish you well and as you are unwilling to continue this discussion, I submit this as my closing statement.

      • Tony says:


        I’d like to thank you for a rousing discussion. I sincerely appreciate both your intentions and the work you’ve done to express them. As this is my website, intended to express the truths of Scripture as I understand them, I’ll have the final word. Tens of thousands of people will read this discussion, and I pray that they will be better for it.

        At this point I cannot consider you a Christian. Your views contradict the views of historic Christianity, from the first generation of Jesus’ apostles through today. There’s a lot of room for debate and disagreement in the Kingdom of God, as I see it…but your perspective precludes me from being able to call you my brother in Christ. I do not make this charge lightly. I could be wrong, and I hope I am. I would not suggest that you aren’t a Christian based solely on our disagreement, of course. I base it on these indisputable facts:

        1. You claim that certain writers of Scripture were, on the topic of the Law, either misinformed or false teachers.
        2. Instead of agreeing with those whom Christ taught personally, you agree with heretics…those who challenged the apostles and elders and their teachings.
        3. Instead of looking in Scripture for the truth that God has revealed, you ignore His revelation regarding the work of Christ in favor of opinions that His revelation has proven false.

        If you are indeed a Christian, it is in spite of your beliefs, and not because of them. Please note that drawing this conclusion does not in any way please me, and that I bear you no ill will. I care about you, which is why I feel the need to express my perspective.

        To be a Christian is to be a follower of Jesus, the Christ…the Messiah of Israel and the savior of the world. To follow Jesus is to learn from Him and to live accordingly. Jesus taught thousands, counseled many, and discipled twelve. These men traveled with Him full-time for three years, and He accomplished in them what He knew that He must. This first generation of disciples, along with those they personally taught, wrote the New Testament as God inspired them. It is from them that we learn about Jesus, and about what it means to follow Him. If we doubt them, we have no reason to trust in Christ. If we cannot trust in Christ, we might as well embrace Judaism and wait for another Messiah, as Jesus would be found wanting.

        Instead, the Holy Spirit bears witness to the truth of the gospel: that Jesus is God become flesh, that He lived among us and taught us God’s ways, that He died to demonstrate God’s love for us and bear on Himself the burden of our sins, that He rose again in the flesh, that He returned to Heaven, and that He will return at the perfect moment to complete the divine plan of salvation and redemption for all who will accept Him. All of this comes from those men who were taught by Jesus personally, whose witness you dispute. Christianity is not Judaism. If it were, we would have no need of the New Testament. Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism, and much more…it is the fulfillment of the curse in the garden of Eden, the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham, and the fulfillment of God’s covenant with the children of Israel, which points to Jesus in a thousand ways. Every one of Jesus’ disciples believed that Jews needed to trust in Jesus, and they spent their lives teaching what He taught them. I can do no less.

        This is the last word on this subject for now, William. That does not mean that we can’t have other discussions, of course. I will try at every turn to convince you to trust the Scriptures…not just the ones you prefer, but all of them. Why would I do this? So you can enjoy the same kind of relationship that I have with my heavenly Father – or better. Bad theology makes it harder to trust God, and good theology makes it easier. The early church didn’t consider Marcion and the Ebionites to be heretics on a whim…they considered their errors to be great enough to keep them out of God’s Kingdom. It’s my hope that you will see that the Law was a means to an end, and that end was the life, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ. Now that Jesus has come, we no longer need the Law as a guardian…we have Jesus’ example and teaching, and we have the Holy Spirit.

        I wish you well, friend.

  22. Fernie says:

    Wow guys! Thank you so much for the time!
    I have lots to learn and read now! 😀

    By the way, if you guys (or anybody that is reading this) want to continue the discussion in another place, I have created a Google Group (a forum) where we can post topics, and reply to them. Here is the link, https://groups.google.com/d/forum/friendly-bible-discussions
    Just go to the link and join the group so I can accept people.

    Now I need to start to study a bit more. 😛

    By the way, Sarah, again, I know very little and this is a brand new journey for me, but the term “spiritual israel” is something that came from the Catholic church (together with the Sunday topic). We should be careful when using that term. I have learned that nowhere in the Bible we should substitute the name “Israel” to “spiritual Israel” so we can make something apply to us Gentiles.

    Can’t wait to learn! 😀

    • Sarah says:


      Sorry to be confusing. I never even knew that the Catholic church has said that. But what I was trying to convey was that grafting on to the tree of Israel. That’s what I meant by spiritual. Because we do not physically change race, but rather we are grafted on spiritually, at least that’s what I get out of that scripture when I read it (I know Tony will disagree lol ;)). Hope that make sense, but sorry it it was bad wording.

      I will head over to your Google group to join it too. Good idea! 🙂

      • Tony says:

        Let’s pretend that the phrase “spiritual Israel” was first uttered by a Catholic, or even by a Pope. So what? That doesn’t invalidate anything. I’m no fan of Catholic teaching, but let’s not pretend that when the Catholic church says something, that makes it wrong. What makes a theological idea right or wrong is whether it conflicts with Scripture.

        The Bible does not teach that the church is Israel, or that the church has replaced Israel, or that Christians are somehow spiritually Israelites. The Bible teaches that Christians, rather than being children of Jacob (Israel), are children of Abraham.

  23. Greg says:

    I came across this because I have been troubled about my past life as a Christian not honoring the sabbath day. Now after reading everyone’s replays I am even more torn on what is right or wrong. All I can do is put my faith in God and let the lord guide me to the Lords will.

    • Tony says:


      >> All I can do is put my faith in God and let the lord guide me to the Lords will.

      That’s not “all” you can do, but it’s the first thing you should do. In the end, we must rely on the Holy Spirit, who guides us and helps us understand spiritual things. In the meantime, we should take the Bible seriously…not just a few small parts, but the whole thing. Do you own study on the Sabbath. Make a list of all of the relevant Scriptures. Keep in mind that the New Testament reveals more than the Old Testament does, and you should be okay. Pray and ask God for help. He will help you.

  24. John Allen Ampong says:

    This article is a really good article. It is true, Saturday is not the real Sabbath. It is actually the New Moon Sabbath. See the ultimate reason this is not being taught is we don’t study deeply into the bible that much. The Fourth commandment says keep the seventh day holy. Then What is the Seventh day? At approximately 400 BC, Pope Gregory XIII revised the calendar a few times, which makes Saturday not the right Sabbath. Well, as you check Isaiah 66:23, you shall find that it says according to the New Moon Sabbath/Feast.

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for writing. It’s nice that you agree with me, but that agreement didn’t last long.

      >> New Moon Sabbath

      Saturday can’t be the ‘new moon sabbath’. Saturday happens once per week, and a new moon happens once per month.

      >> At approximately 400 BC, Pope Gregory XIII

      Pope Gregory XIII lived in between 1502 and 1585…AD.

      >> revised the calendar a few times, which makes Saturday not the right Sabbath

      God’s Sabbath isn’t dependent on Pope Gregory’s calendar. Maybe you’re talking about the Gregorian Calendar, introduced in 1582…but maybe you mean the Julian Calendar, from 46 BC. Either way, your information is much more than incorrect…it’s silly.

  25. Raphael says:

    It is utterly amazing to me how you have misconstrued so much of Gods word. You say that you have no connection to Israel so you need not keep any commandments of theirs. How little you understand and have evidently missed, when it is as plain as the nose on your face. God only made covenants with Israel, what other people did he covenant with ? NONE. When you Take on the belief of Yashua our Messiah and The One and only God you become a Jew inwardly and are obligated under that covenant. Paul says this with utmost positivity. ( You who are wild olive branches have been grafted into the root of the Olive tree, the roots supply and keep you it is not the other way around. ) How could you miss this. You refer to his epistles so very much. I think you have completely even misunderstood him as well. We as believers are under the Jewish covenant in all regards, Yashua did away with nothing. The reason the sacrifices have stopped is because there is no Temple to sacrifice in. Granted Yashua is the ultimate sacrifice and the end of all sacrifice, but don’t you know that even in the new Heaven and the new Earth that the 7th day Sabbath will still be observed and some sacrifices made. How have you missed this ? In the very beginning God also outlined and proclaimed what marriage is, do you say that this is also for only Israel, or the whole world, as is also the Sabbath When Yashua returns what denomination will he be, do you know ? He will be even as he was then a Torah observant Jew only now the Lion of Judah. If you are confused by all of this go back and read the book of Ruth which is a perfect portrayal of gentiles and their acceptance of The Most High. Best regards and awaken you are asleep

    • Tony says:


      I could agree with you, if I were ignorant about what Scripture teaches. Let me encourage you to keep studying, and to read the whole thing, rather than just parts. For example, you say that God only made covenants with Israel. That’s clearly not the case. Most commentators count seven covenants in the Bible. Some are with Israel, some are not.

      I could keep going about how your comment betrays your lack of Scriptural knowledge. How about your claim that Christians become Jews? The analogy is of an olive tree. Consider first that the olive tree doesn’t necessarily symbolize Israel…the “root” is Abraham (the people of faith) and not Moses (the people of the Law). Remember that some of the branches had been cut off. That includes disbelieving Israel. In your analogy, the whole tree is Israel…so Hebrews 11 must – in your view – mean that all of Israel is cut off. You clearly don’t believe that.

      How about the analogy? When a branch is grafted onto a tree, it doesn’t transform and become like the other branches. If you graft an orange branch on a grapefruit tree, it will NEVER bear grapefruit. It can only bear oranges. Gentiles do not become Israel when they’re grafted onto the olive tree…they become part of the community of faith, heirs to the covenant made with Abraham. How could you miss this?

      With regard to Paul, I must suggest that you’re unfamiliar with his writings. What else could I conclude when you suggest that Paul believed Christians to be obligated to the Mosaic covenant? No, a large number of passages – including (but not limited to) Acts 15, Romans 3, Romans 6, Romans 7, Romans 8, and most of Galatians – make it clear that Gentiles are not under the Law. Not even the Jews are under the Law at this time, so why should Gentiles be obligated to take part in a covenant that never included them? Look at Galatians 3:23-25…

      Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

      How could Paul make it any clearer? The Law was temporary, only in place until Christ came. Christ has come, Raphael…so the Law is obsolete.

      I could keep going, but I won’t. Until you begin to wonder whether what you’re being taught actually matches what Scripture says, you won’t listen to me. You have an incomplete and confused understanding of the Law, the Sabbath, and the witness of Scripture. I pray that you will abandon the traditions of men (faulty interpretations of Scripture) in favor of the truth (Spirit-given inspiration to understand spiritual things). I’m not asking you to agree with me…Heaven forbid. I’m asking you to agree with the Scriptures. Not my interpretation of them, but God’s. I don’t have all of the answers, Raphael…but I do have some. No Christian has ever been under the Law of Moses.

      I wish you well.

  26. Agape says:

    I observed sabbath from sun down on Friday to sun down saturday. It was one of the best Decisions I made.I didn’t do it to obey the law , or to sacrifice or as an offering . I did it because I was convicted. Sabbath was made for man to dwell in the Lord , when you take that step to do that he blesses you. I have a sense of joy and peace and revelation I couldn’t get without Sabbath. I do it because I simply Love my God with all my heart and all my soul and all my might and if I know it made Him happy for His beloved to observe it in OT then it will make my Father happy now . We could debate about ” TO SABBATH OR NOT TO SABBATH” all day but the reality is obviously the person who wrote this post wasn’t convicted when they wrote it about Sabbath . And only God has the power of conviction. One needs to spend time with God and His word and let God speak to him and give truth not Google. Also brethren remember this scripture “But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.”
    Titus 3:9 KJV
    Be Blessed

    • Tony says:


      I’m happy for you that you enjoyed your sabbath. It’s good to take some time out to focus on God. I do it regularly, and I recommend it to everyone.

      The only relevant question for this discussion is whether Christians are instructed by God to observe the Sabbath as found in the Old Testament. This isn’t a small thing…if God tells us to do something, we should make sure to do it. Many have suggested that keeping the Sabbath, as the ancient Israelites were instructed to keep it, is the responsibility of every Christian. My goal in writing this article is clearly not to discourage anyone from spending regular time with God, but to counter false teaching. This false teaching includes (but is not limited to) the following:

      • that Christians must observe a seventh-day Sabbath as outlined in the Old Testament,
      • that failing to observe the Sabbath in this way is disobedience to God, and
      • that Sunday worship is the mark of the Beast as outlined in Revelation.

      That last one is a bit obscure, unless you’ve spent time living among a lot of Seventh-Day Adventists (as I have). The New Testament is chock-full of instructions regarding how Christians are to live, and there is a lot in there about avoiding legalism, and about not needing to make Gentile Christians become Jews. Whether this is a big issue for you or not, it’s a big issue for many. I hope to bring biblical clarity to the discussion.

      Thanks for writing!

  27. Timothy says:

    I was wondering if this scripture meant what I have come to understand in parentheses? Capital letters are Colossians 2:16-17….. if anyone can help:………

    LET NO MAN THEREFORE JUDGE YOU IN MEAT, OR IN DRINK, (((That which is eaten on certain days))) OR IN **RESPECT OF** AN HOLYDAY, OR OF THE NEW MOON, OR OF THE SABBATH DAYS (((considering one was to observe the sabbath))): WHICH ARE A SHADOW OF THINGS TO COME (((“Shadow” being symbolic for the Sabbath and “Things to Come” being symbolic for The Sacrifices and Teachings Jesus gave us))); BUT THE BODY IS OF CHRIST (((Jesus being The Body that fulfilled the Law symbolic for us to fulfill the Shadow aka the Sabbath the same way Jesus fulfilled the Law in honor of Him because He is the “Reality” that we honor by living in Christ Jesus))).??
    Colossians 2:16‭-‬17 KJV

    I really hope I’m not confusing as I’m just trying to learn and understand.

    • Tony says:


      How awesome it is that you want to learn and understand! Kudos to you for reaching out and asking questions.

      The first thing I would suggest is that you take full advantage of the wealth of tools and resources on the internet. You can look at the same verses in different translations, to get a better sense of what the author meant. You can look at the Greek and Hebrew words that were used, when you’re trying to dig deep. You can read about the authors, the cultures they lived in, the historical setting for each book, and more. This is known as ‘the larger context’ and is very important to understanding any writing, including the Bible.

      I would recommend that you do your studying of the Bible in a more modern translation. Understanding the words of men from 2000 years ago can be difficult enough without also having to translate 15th-century English into 21st-century English. There’s nothing wrong with the King James Version, but for studying I’d recommend the NASB or the NIV. The NASB is a word-for-word translation, which is technically very sound. The NIV is a phrase-by-phrase translation, which is a less strict translation that makes it a bit more readable. Both are reliable and trustworthy.

      Now, on to the text!

      It’s important to note the presence of this word. It says, “Something I’ve already told you leads me to also say this.” Ask yourself “what is the therefore there for?” Paul (the author) had just finished reminding the Christians in Colosse that they had been saved by faith in Jesus. They were to pay no mind to those who tried to make spiritual things out of human traditions, and to ignore people who talked about the universe as a thing that has power. You see, people believed that earth, air, fire, and water (elemental spiritual forces) had a real effect on their spiritual lives. Some people still believe that today, of course. Paul’s point in the part before the therefore is to avoid being fooled by such things.

      do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink
      Keeping in mind that Paul is talking about foolish human traditions and superstitions, we move to this passage. Here’s where the larger context (of both the rest of Scripture and the cultural setting) are helpful. The ancient Israelites were supposed to avoid eating certain things. One of those things was meat that had been sacrificed to false gods. The Greco-Roman world was chock full of idolatry, and Colosse was part of that culture. When you went to the market to buy food, you would often end up buying food that had been ritually offered to idols. Some in the church at Colosse were apparently judging others on the basis that they would eat this food. Paul wrote that such judgments are wrong. You can read more about this controversy in 1 Corinthians 8, where Paul addresses the issue in more detail. This is the ‘food and drink’ that Paul refers to in this verse.

      or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
      A festival is a feast day. A new moon celebration was held on the first of each month. A sabbath day can refer to a Saturday (the Jewish sabbath) or a more significant time, like Passover. Keeping the context in mind, where Paul talks about not being fooled into thinking that human traditions have spiritual significance, it becomes clear that a Christian who does – or does not – take part in such things is spiritually no better and no worse for it. This is echoed in Paul’s letter to the Christians in Galatia, where he writes this:

      Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. But now that you know God – or rather are known by God – how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you.

      Galatians 4:8-11

      Now, Paul isn’t talking about Jewish days in Galatians, but the sense is the same, as Paul outlined later in this chapter. He wrote that these regulations appeared to be wise, but they lacked any value in helping us live as we should. He followed that up by explaining that we should focus on heavenly things and not earthly things.

      These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
      Finally, we see the “why”…the reason Paul says what he says about food, and special days. These things (the regulations about food, and sabbaths, etc.) weren’t important on their own. They pointed to something more important, which is Jesus. The entire Mosaic Law works in the same way: it was there to point us to Christ. Now that He has come, we no longer need those things. They have become obsolete, as we see in Hebrews 8:13.

      So, Timothy…you were on the right track, but there were a few things that didn’t quite fit. Part of the problem was trying to make sense of the KJV’s use of English, and part comes from a broader understanding of the Bible and of the cultural context in which Paul wrote these things to the Christians at Colosse. I hope you’ll take some time and review the passages I’ve linked to, and to think – just sitting and thinking and asking God to help you understand – about this part of God’s word. I also hope you’ll keep asking questions…but don’t just take my word, or anybody else’s, as the truth. Check things out for yourself as well.

  28. William says:

    [Editor’s Note] This comment has been heavily edited. See my reply below for more details.

    Wow, so much confusion here. It’s really not that hard. Let me try to simplify this for people who are struggling. Christendom has spent 1700+ years in serious error, and it’s really not that difficult to figure it out if you simply read the scripture from beginning to end.

    Please, for the love of YHVH read the scriptures for yourselves and embrace the truth. It’s not that difficult.

    • Tony says:


      I appreciate you writing. I’ve heavily edited your comment. This is an action I take very seriously, so I thought I might explain to you why I’ve done it.

      My website is not a place where everybody can post anything. Many visit here, so I take seriously every word published here. Most visitors are confused about the Bible and about basic Christian theology, and my goal is to help them. There have been a few times where I have not posted a comment, or have edited one. The criteria I use are simple:

      1. Does it promote things I’m actively fighting? If so, I will not post it. Recently someone asked another commenter about visiting a cultic organization. I can’t promote that, so I won’t post it.
      2. Will it be useful in helping people understand Scripture, and so better understand God? If so, I’ll publish it. Disagreements give me an opportunity to provide clarity. Every once in a while, however, someone writes a long screed that is more likely to provide confusion, rather than opportunity. It’s a judgment call, and I’m not perfect. I just do my best. I felt that publishing your full comment would be more detrimental than beneficial.

      My goal is not to anger you…though I would understand if you react that way. Rather than simply delete your comment, I’ve tried to boil it down to its essentials. I want to fairly represent your position, and use your words to show others how and why you’ve missed the mark. That way you have some input, but the damage your position might do is limited. I’m willing to engage on any relevant topic, but I’m also protective of my readers. You might be stunned to read some of the questions I get. Now, on to what’s left of your comment:

      >> Wow, so much confusion here. Christendom has spent 1700+ years in serious error…

      Strike One. While many throughout history have strayed from Scripture, your claim is the foundation for every false cult. It’s one thing to disagree over a particular doctrine of the historic Christian faith, but another to cast doubt on virtually everything in church history.

      >> Start with this precept: If God declares something everlasting in the Jewish scriptures…that’s the final word. Newer writings cannot overrule it.

      When you start with a false premise, your conclusion will likely be false as well. You claim that God declared the sabbath to be permanent. Let’s examine the Scriptures. In Exodus 31:12-18, God speaks: Then the Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths’. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come.” The Hebrew word translated generations is DOWR, which means period, generation, habitation, or dwelling. This is not “everlasting”, of course. That was v13. Let’s look at v16, where the phrase ‘perpetual covenant’ is used by the KJV. The word there is OWLAM, and its definitions include not only “for ever” and “perpetual” but “long duration” and “indefinite future”. When making doctrine (as you’re trying to do), it’s important to study the words that actually appear in the manuscripts…looking at one translation isn’t enough. Your first claim isn’t necessarily in error, but it’s certainly on shaky ground. Combine that with the New Testament – especially Colossians 2 – and it’s clear that the sabbath is no longer meant to be observed in the same way.

      >> What if a gentile desires to draw near to and serve God? Well, we have passages like Isaiah 56 to shed light on this…

      Yes, we do. However, you’ve taken this passage entirely out of its context. Clearly, God speaks here of welcoming non-Israelites into Israelite society. The context is that they would live in the promised land. For Christians, the promised land is not in the middle east…it’s Heaven. There are hundreds of passages like this one that have been taken out of context by those building bad theology, and it’s a serious mistake every time. Context matters, William. Don’t ignore the context when trying to convince people that God works in the ways you think He works. Read the Bible in context, or you’ll continue to get it wrong.

      >> …gentiles can draw close and serve God by following the covenant he established with Israel.

      Strike Two. Yes…at that time, in that place, in that way, God provided for Gentiles who wished to live in Israel. What else do we see in Scripture? You know…the New Testament, where God’s plan is more fully revealed? We see that Gentiles, who are not part of the Mosaic covenant, are not under the law…and they should not be burdened with the law. Read Acts 15 and tell me again how Gentiles are part of that covenant. Keep in mind James 2:10, where we are told in no uncertain terms that stumbling on one point of the law means you have broken the whole law. Why would the council in Jerusalem counsel them to only keep part of the law? Answer: if they were under the law, such advice would never be given.

      There are only two passages in the NT which even mention a new covenant…

      This is laughable. First, you clearly can’t count. Second, you want to suggest that Matthew and Luke are unreliable because they don’t match Mark? That’s ridiculous. What about 1 Corinthians 11:25? Is that wrong too? What about 2 Corinthians 3:6? Come on, William. For someone who claims to be able to settle the issue simply, you’re not doing a very good job of it. Let me encourage you to use that impressive brain of yours by being more thorough while doing your homework.

      Except for Paul…

      …and there it is. You don’t trust Paul. I get it now. Strike Three, you’re out. You think Paul invented a new kind of Christianity, different from what Jesus taught. Well…get in line. You’re only the latest in a long line who’ve fallen for that ridiculous nonsense. Tell me: if Paul was truly teaching error, would Peter and James and the others in Jerusalem approve of his message? Of course not. Would Peter write that Paul’s words are Scripture? Certainly not. Feel free to entertain a tiny doubt about Paul if you wish…but then erase that doubt when one of Jesus’ closest friends tells you otherwise. You claim that simply reading the Bible will make your case, but you’ve conveniently left out a number of important parts. That’s known as “cherry picking”, and it’s a clear indication of error.

      Paul was included in the NT canon by an already apostate Roman church in the later fourth century.

      It’s sad to see that you’re so gullible. Do your homework, William. Paul’s writings were considered Scripture by Peter, and were considered canonical no later than 130AD. As a side note, you show your ignorance and gullibility when you suggest that the canon was created by Rome. First, that’s a falsehood promoted by Voltaire. Second, the early church councils only formally recognized the canon, acknowledging what the early church already knew to be Scripture. They didn’t decide what was or wasn’t Scripture…and they did this in response to heresy, not because they were apostate.

      As I suggested above, William: I’m not ducking the issues you raise. It would have been much easier to just delete your comment than to write this lengthy reply. The purpose of GodWords is to help people understand who God is (by understanding the Bible) and to help people trust Him as a result. Your comment was so lengthy and so full of error that I considered it dangerous for immature believers, and for gullible seekers. Rather than let you introduce so much doubt about things already well-established, I found utility in your comment by addressing the issues. You may not like what I’ve done, but it’s not your call. Feel free to comment on my reply, of course. I welcome dissent…but I don’t publish things that are likely to cause people to stumble.

      I wish you well.

  29. William says:

    Wow, that was quite the hatchet job Tony! Okay, I get it, this is your site, and you probably are annoyed by my return and my argumentation. However, I think a good debater who is comfortable in his position should be able to allow a dissenting opinion without censoring it. If this isn’t the place for that, may I invite you to debate this topic elsewhere?

    My post was full of scripture that you have censored. What is so scary about scripture that you have to censor it? If it’s easy to refute, leave it and refute it. Your readers are smart enough to sort through it and make their own decision, don’t you think?

    I’ll briefly respond to the points you’ve made despite your censorship of my original points.

    The word “olam” in the old testament you admit can mean “for ever” and “perpetual” or “long duration” and “indefinite future”. How then do you suppose one is to recognize when such a period of time has passed? Can anyone come along and say it’s done on a whim? Why do translators translate it everlasting or forever? Is the rainbow still a sign of the covenant between God and the earth?

    Isaiah 56 is not for gentiles living in Israel alone. Numbers 15 addresses that case and is specific. Isaiah 56 is about any foreigner who wants to draw near to God. There is absolutely nothing contextual indicating it applies only to those living in Israel. Are you suggesting that a gentile in those days who wanted to draw near to God was REQUIRED to move to Israel?

    Regarding instances in the NT of “new covenant”, perhaps I could have more accurately stated that there were two overall sources or instances in the NT regarding a new covenant. Obviously when I said there were only two mentions, when there are three total instances of the event one of them came from in the gospels alone, it should be apparent I’m not talking about a count of each mention of the same source. I tend to disregard Pauls’ writings, but when he refers to a new covenant he’s either repeating what he believe Jesus said at the last supper, or basing his statement on it. I lump all of that into a single “source” for the christian understanding that a new covenant has arrived.

    Read Hebrews 8:13, the other “source”, where it’s obvious the writer understands the new covenant is not here yet. Clearly he things it’s right around the corner with Jesus’ return, but he clearly knows it’s not here yet. That’s because the Jeremiah 31 prophecy of the new covenant is quite clear about when it will happen, and it hadn’t yet (and still hasn’t).

    You want to say the new covenant prophecy in Jeremiah doesn’t mean the whole Torah, but the hebrew there says Torah! That the same word found throughout the entire old testament that has one very specific meaning that is incontrovertible. Thus the new covenant, which is still in the future, is still Torah-centric. No way around it. There is no grounds for assuming there is a new covenant under which christians live that does not require Torah observance. You either accept Torah or you drop a new covenant application to christianity.

    Regarding Acts 15. Please explain to me why ANY requirements were made of gentiles entering this faith? If Torah did not apply to gentiles, then there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to require of them. And yet, they required them to observe four restrictions taken directly from Torah!! If gentiles were not subject to Torah, they wouldn’t have required anything of them whatsoever. Please be logical! Further, there is absolutely no reason to mention the law being taught in synagogue on the Sabbath in the same passage if it were not understood that gentiles would be learning it. Sheesh, it’s not rocket science.

    Regarding Peter considering Paul’s words scripture–surely you are aware that the authorship of II Peter was contested? It’s highly unlikely Peter wrote II Peter. Eusebius said “One epistle of Peter, that called the first, is acknowledged as genuine. And this the ancient elders used freely in their own writings as an undisputed work. But we have learned that his extant second Epistle does not belong to the canon; yet, as it has appeared profitable to many, it has been used with the other Scriptures.”

    So, do you accept the invitation to move this debate elsewhere? If so I’ll suggest a venue, provided you allow a link to it so your readers can be spectators.

    • Tony says:

      Wow, that was quite the hatchet job Tony! Okay, I get it, this is your site, and you probably are annoyed by my return and my argumentation.

      Nope. I’m not annoyed in the least. I’m happy to hear from you.

      However, I think a good debater who is comfortable in his position should be able to allow a dissenting opinion without censoring it.

      This isn’t a debate, William. I don’t claim to be a good debater. I allow dissenting opinions on my website because they let me provide clarification, so more people can understand who God is, so more people can trust Him with their lives. Every once in a while, the opportunity presented by a dissenting opinion comes bundled with an opportunity for added confusion. My goal is not open debate, but illumination.

      …may I invite you to debate this topic elsewhere?

      I appreciate the invitation (I really do). At the moment, I must decline…my plate is overflowing.

      My post was full of scripture that you have censored.

      That cracks me up. Why would I “censor” Scripture? I spend most of my time here trying to get people to read more Scripture, not less. You’ve simply misunderstood, believe me.

      The word “olam” in the old testament you admit can mean “for ever” and “perpetual” or “long duration” and “indefinite future”.

      I don’t want to be nitpicky, but there’s no “admitting” on my part. I simply supplied the accepted definitions of the word. We shouldn’t grudgingly admit the truth…we should wholeheartedly embrace it.

      How then do you suppose one is to recognize when such a period of time has passed?

      That’s a good question. When a word has more than one meaning, the only way to determine which meaning was intended by the author is to read the word in its original context. If that immediate context doesn’t make the meaning abundantly clear, expand the context. If needed, expand the context to the whole Bible and to extrabiblical sources that help explain the culture and language. This is nothing new…this is the most basic tenet of biblical interpretation. How do New Testament scholars know whether to interpret DOULOS as “slave” or as “servant”? Context…and even then it’s not entirely simple.

      Why do translators translate it everlasting or forever?

      You’d have to ask each translation team. Why did the KJV translation team translate RE’EM as “unicorn”? I’m not being sarcastic, William. Every translator makes difficult decisions in their attempt to make words from one language clear to readers of another language. My point in showing the different definitions of OWLAM was not to prove you wrong, but to show that making doctrine from unclear passages is a really bad idea. As the old maxim goes, we should let clear verses interpret unclear verses. If there’s a question about a word or phrase, we should seek corroboration from the context. Your claim, that the sabbath is permanent, rests on the assumption that a word means exactly what you think it means. The word has a variety of definitions, and New Testament passages contradict your conclusions…but instead of correcting your assumptions with more Scripture, you simply reject clarifying passages in favor of your pet theory. That’s not a responsible way to handle Scripture, my friend.

      Isaiah 56 is not for gentiles living in Israel alone.

      That’s not explicit in the text, but it’s certainly implicit. At that point, one could not serve God without following the Mosaic law…which included being part of Israelite community. That means being within a sabbath’s walk of a synagogue, for example, and being near a MIKVAH. At its heart, the Mosaic covenant was tied to the promised land. Read the conditional promises God made to the Israelites and you’ll see what I mean. Most of them are related to physical prosperity in a specific location. For example: in Malachi 3, God promised to bless those who tithe. What would they get? Crops, vines, and fruits. The result of this blessing is that “Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,” says the Lord Almighty. I commend you for your interest in understanding the Scriptures, William. Let me encourage you to dig a little deeper before drawing final conclusions about what you read.

      Numbers 15…

      …is entirely within the context of the promised land. This passage was written for the whole Israelite community and the foreigners residing among them. Note vv 2, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, and 30. Also note that a “foreigner” was not someone who lived in another land, but a foreign convert to Judaism who chose to live in Israel, in community.

      I tend to disregard Pauls’ writings…

      …and you have no sound basis for doing so. As I pointed out, Paul’s writings were considered canonical within 100 or so years of Jesus’ death. You may cite conspiracy theories if you wish, but you will not be in good company. Let’s rule out 2 Peter, for the sake of discussion. All we need is Acts. Do you dispute Luke’s account, where the Apostles in Jerusalem approve of Paul and his message? You see, the idea that Paul created a new kind of Christianity, separate from what Jesus and His disciples taught, isn’t built on all of the available evidence. If you discount Paul, you must also discount Luke. Are you willing to do that?

      Read Hebrews 8:13…the new covenant is not here yet.

      I’ve read it. You’ve read it. I know something about it that you’ve apparently missed, so I’m happy to share it with you. Let’s look directly at the verse:

      By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.

      Don’t just glance at it. Look at it carefully. Who is “he”, and what has he done? “He” is God, of course. He made the first covenant obsolete. The Greek verb is PALAIOO, and it’s used in its Perfect Active Indicative form. The perfect tense in Greek is used to describe an action that has been completed in the past, once for all, and does not need to be repeated. The active voice simply refers to the “do-er” of the action, who is God. The indicative mood says that the action is a simply statement of fact, saying that it really has occurred. Let’s put that all together: it was God who actually finished making the first covenant obsolete. The second part of the sentence doesn’t suggest that the old covenant was still in force…it’s a general statement about the nature of obsolete things.

      You want to say the new covenant prophecy in Jeremiah doesn’t mean the whole Torah…incontrovertible…Torah-centric…

      First, it’s not I who “wants to say” that. Look at Jeremiah 31 for yourself, without adding your own definitions to it. Take the text as the truth and dig into it to discern its meaning. Don’t just read what I write and respond…do your homework. You seem to think that Torah is simply, and only, the Mosaic Law. That’s not just wrong, it’s completely wrong. Torah can mean a whole bunch of things. The word appears in Genesis 26, long before the Mosaic covenant was made. It’s a general word that means law, direction, and instruction. Note Jeremiah 31:32, where God says that the New Covenant will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt. That covenant, of course, is the Mosaic covenant. Let me point out the obvious: you say that the New Covenant will incontrovertibly be Mosaic Law-centric, but God says the opposite. Let me encourage you to be a little more curious about whether what you believe holds water, William. Go directly to the Scriptures and study them…then adjust your beliefs based on a clear understanding of what you find there.

      Regarding Acts 15. Please explain to me why ANY requirements were made of gentiles entering this faith? If Torah did not apply to gentiles, then there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to require of them. And yet, they required them to observe four restrictions taken directly from Torah!!

      You ask a good question here. Let’s look at the context…what was happening? Jews were telling Gentiles that they had to be circumcised – the sign of the covenant – to be saved (v1). That made some sense, of course…and this conflict was causing division in the church. We see this in Titus as well, by the way. Now, if the Judaizers were right, what would the Jerusalem council have written? Why, they would have insisted that Gentiles be circumcised! They did not. Remember that to break one part of the Law was to break it all…so if the Law applied to Gentile believers, they were required to keep the whole law. You say “please be logical!”…right back at you, William. It’s not logical that Jews, who were required to keep the whole law, would suggest that the salvation of Gentiles depended on them being obedient to only part of the law. You suggest that the Gentiles would learn to obey the whole law over time. That suggestion holds no water. Foreign converts to Judaism were not given a pass, where they could observe parts of the law until they had time to figure out the rest. They were expected to obey the whole law, as every Jew was.

      Again, context matters. The context was the conflict between Jews and Gentiles in the same community. The resolution to the conflict was not for Gentiles to keep a tiny portion of the law, but to reduce the conflict by making sure to do those four things. The further context includes Paul telling believers that it’s okay to eat meat sacrificed to idols. Why in the world would Paul say that if Gentiles were to keep the law? He wouldn’t, of course. The prohibition wasn’t a spiritual law, it was to avoid unnecessary conflict in that particular setting.

      I hope you can see that your initial assessment of me wasn’t quite accurate. I have no problem engaging, and am not ‘scared’ of Scripture. I appreciate you taking the time to write, and hope you’ll take at least the same time to read, and to double-check what you and I believe by digging further into the Scriptures. Don’t just trust some teacher you’ve heard…do your own homework. Please hear me: I don’t have all of the answers, and I’ve never pretended to. The reason I “censored” your comment was that you cast significant doubt on matters that have been settled, and I do not wish to confuse my readers in the interest of “debate”. You’ve provided plenty of opportunities for teaching here, and I’m grateful. I hope that those who read this in the future (and that number is pretty significant) will benefit from our discussion.

      • TheRealReligion says:

        You’re so full of shit and lost any ounce of credibility. Don’t hide behind censorship or fancy talk. Reinstate his censored post please. Let everyone see what he had to say. Confusing or not it doesn’t matter; any reader who is willing to scroll down through these wall of texts can discern for themselves. We’re not idiots please. By heavily editing his post you pretty much killed what he had to say. If you really wanted “illumination” then you would have at least gave the guy the chance to paraphrase himself or at least attempt to paraphrase and seek his validation of correctness.

        Why are you afraid of argumentation here? Wdf do you even mean with your plate being too full? If you can’t even defend yourself easily, don’t you think your faith might be built on unstable ground?

        • Tony says:

          Dear TRR:


          You say I’ve lost credibility. That suggests I had some to lose. Did you consider me credible, only to change your mind? I doubt that’s the case. Instead, I have confidence that this claim is false.

          You say I’ve hidden behind censorship. This is patently false, and especially so in the case of William’s comment. There’s no question that I censored his comment, of course…but there’s also no question as to whether I was hiding in the process. Instead, I engaged all of his concerns and encouraged him to comment further. This is pretty much the opposite of hiding.

          You say I’ve hidden behind fancy talk. I try to avoid fancy talk, preferring instead to speak carefully and plainly. If you could point to some of this fancy talk, I’d be happy to rewrite those portions for clarity. People from all over the world read GodWords, and my goal is not to impress anyone with – or to hide behind – fancy talk. My goal is to make things plain and clear. Your input here would be greatly appreciated.

          I can’t restore his original comment, and I wouldn’t if I could. As I said to William, I didn’t take that decision lightly. I assumed that he might dislike my decision, and I’m pleased that he continued to discuss the issues. Because this was between me and William, your opinion on this matter means less than nothing. No offense, but it’s none of your business. When I censor one of your comments, you’ll be in a better position to whine about it.

          You say that it doesn’t matter if William’s post was confusing. On this we disagree. My actions were intended to clarify the issues and, as you can see from the discussion that followed, I was at least marginally successful. As I told William, you might be surprised at some of the sincere questions that I get from GodWords readers. Questions like, “Is it okay for churches to work together?” and, “Is it okay to cut my hair?”. Many of my readers have little education, and I keep them in mind when I write any article, or approve any comment.

          You say you’re not an idiot. I don’t know you, so I’ll have to take your word for it. 😉

          No, I didn’t kill what he had to say. You should read more carefully. Scroll up and see our continued discussion. William was free to disagree, and free to continue writing errors if he wished. Your hyperbole is really quite hyperbolic, I must say.

          Were you to look around my website further, you would see that I’m not afraid of argumentation. Your comment, and this reply, are strong evidence that you are thoroughly, completely, entirely, wholly, fully, – and several other words from my thesaurus – wrong.

          As for defending myself, I have no interest. I’m not here to make myself look good, or to prove that I’m right. I’m here to explain as best I can what Christianity is, to clarify what Christianity is not, and to answer questions for those who want answers. While I’m sure you’re an amazing person with whom I might enjoy an ice cold Dr Pepper and a rousing discussion, I really couldn’t care less about what you think of me. If you’d like to discuss something related to your beliefs or mine, let me know. If you’d like to write back and explain in detail how my decision to censor William’s comment was wrong, or unethical, or sinful, or stupid, I’ll be here. Maybe I’ll censor your comment, just to see what happens. Smile! In the meantime, you might take a moment to consider the fact that I posted your disagreement, your personal attacks, and your complaints without changing a word…and that I replied at length. This might indicate, for an open-minded kind of person, that you are indeed incorrect in your assessments.

  30. Lupe Baptist says:

    I’m extremely impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your weblog. Is this a paid theme or did you modify it yourself? Anyway keep up the nice quality writing, it’s rare to see a great blog like this one these days..

  31. Shar says:

    Hi Tony,
    just curious about all you were saying about the Sabbath and the 10 commandments. This has been an issues for many years because some people feels that the Sabbath is the most important law from the 10 Ten Commandments but according to the Scripture in Mathew 22: 35-40. It talks about the two greatest commandments which hang all the law and prophets given by Jesus to his disciples. Is that different from the situation about the Sabbath?

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for writing! The Sabbath was indeed very, very important. That’s why breaking the sabbath was punishable by death…it was a big deal.

      When the Pharisees, who specialized in the Law, asked Jesus which commandment was most important, they were testing Him. Consider this: had Jesus said that the sabbath was the greatest command, they could have said that He was a false teacher. After all, wouldn’t the first commandment be most important? You know, to worship only the One True God?

      Jesus didn’t really answer their question, did He? They wanted Him to pick one. He didn’t pick one. He explained that the whole law could be summed up very simply.

      This passage doesn’t invalidate any of the previous commands. It explained them. The Law was still in force at that time, as Jesus had not yet fulfilled the Law. When He died for us, the Law was fulfilled.

      Does that answer your question?

  32. Ben says:

    About nailing the law to the cross/post (tauros) here is some insight about colossians 2.

    [Edit: links removed…see my response]

    Matthiew 5: 17-19
    17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. 18For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.…

    You think you honor God by these teachings?

    • Tony says:


      Yes, I do think I honor God by these teachings. If I didn’t, I would teach something else.

      I removed the links you posted. Maybe you’re wondering why. It’s simple: I don’t want GodWords readers to be confused by the content. Don’t get me wrong…I agreed with almost all of it. Well, I didn’t watch the hour-long video. I watched the 12-minute video, and thought it was well done. I didn’t take notes, but it seems the only things I disagreed with are the conspiracy theory and the idea that we are still under the Law. I would refer you to another article, Should Christians Follow Old Testament Laws?. In it, I point out the plain and simple fact that we are, most definitely, not under the Law. In fact, the Law never applied to anyone but the ancient Israelites.

      It’s easy to argue about a verse here and a verse there, suggesting that Christians may actually be under the Law…until you actually read more Scripture. After you read the article, let me know what you think about being under the Law. Thanks!

      So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. (Galatians 3:24-25)

      We are not under the Law. (Romans 6:14)

      We have been released from the Law. (Romans 7:6)

      There’s plenty more. Check it out.

  33. Horace Miles says:

    Hebrews 8:7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.
    8 For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:
    9 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.
    10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:
    11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.

    TMH said the new covenant is the laws written in your mind and in your heart. In your mind to know them and in your heart to have the will to do them.

    If you are in Christ and you have the faith of Abraham then you are the seed of faithful Abraham. If are the faithful seed of Abraham then have you been made a citizens of the nation of Israel. If you are a citizen of the nation of Israel then you must keep the laws of the nation of Israel.

    The law was not done away with, it is suppose to be written in your mind and in your heart. For what is sin?
    1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
    As you can see this was not changed. If you don’t break the law you are not subject to the law. But if you break it, you are again subject to it. If you keep the law you can not be judged of the law, but if you break it the judges you.

    Just as TMH put a test on Israel by leaving some of the peoples of the nations in the land to see if Israel would follow them or keep his commandments. He has also put a test in the New Testament called the law of liberty, to see if it is in your heart to keep his commandments or if you will take the liberty to break them. Because it is in your heart to break them, you will interpret the scriptures to give you the right to break them. But you know in your heart that keeping them is pleasing unto him. Why do you think He gave them to us, to be burdensome? REPENT!

    • Tony says:

      Hello, Horace! Thanks for commenting.

      There’s a flaw in your logic that needs to be pointed out. It’s about the relationship of the believer to the nation of Israel. God made a covenant with Abraham, and all those who follow Him by faith are part of the Abrahamic covenant. You seem to understand that part. The Mosaic covenant, which came later, was only with the descendants of Jacob. This covenant included laws that civil Israel needed to be obedient, and to flourish. These laws were, as we see from the context, for those people at that time and in that place. Nobody else was included in this covenant…and neither you nor I are included, either. I am not subject to the laws of the nation of Israel because I was never part of that covenant. As Paul wrote again and again, we who follow Christ are not under the law. Even those who were at one time under the law were no longer. The law was a temporary tutor, and when Christ came there was no longer a need for the Law, as the righteous “shall live by faith.” The Mosaic Law was not suddenly written on everyone’s hearts, or everybody would know not to eat shellfish, or work on a sabbath, or mix two kinds of cloth together. The Law was good, but the Law also became a curse. Those who seek to be justified by following the Law are severed, or cut off, or alienated from Christ (Galatians 5:3).

      You may say that I (and most of the rest of Christians throughout history) have misinterpreted the Scriptures, but that doesn’t make it so. We must not take any of the Bible in isolation…but use the whole of Scripture to understand God’s message. You ignore the many places where we are told that the Mosaic Law is no longer applicable, and seek to be righteous by inserting yourself into a covenant between God and other people. I welcome further discussion, to help you understand the Scriptures more clearly.

      • Horace Miles says:

        Thank you for the reply, let me do this from a different perspective then, as it would take too long to explain why also applies to the world from a Hebrew perspective. So let us go back to the begging and see “exactly” what the sabbath is in observance of.

        Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

        Genesis 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

        2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

        3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

        In the above verse we are told that YAH saw every thing he had made and behold it was very good. He was happy with the work and rested from it. This was before any nations and it would be safe to assume that He also showed those righteous seed of Adam to observe it. Having nothing to with any nation. Let’s prove this out in the instructions that He gave to Israel in Ex 20:10-11

        Exodus 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

        11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

        In verse 10 YAH tells the nation of Israel what not to do on the sabbath and in verse 11 this is key, he tells them why they are to observe it (keep it), because in six days YAH made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is,and rested the seventh day. He commanded Israel to remember the creation and how He had done it in six days and He YAH rest or had a holiday. Israel was suppose to remember and reflect on all that YAH did in those six days and rejoice in it as well. YAH is telling Israel do this in rememberance of Me. Honour me and observe what I have done. However, if you think about it, shouldn’t all mankind rejoice in YAH’s creation? He has command this be remembered once a week. This is the observance. It applies to all mankind. In Isaiah 58:13, YAH says if we keep the sabbath and stay away from doing our own pleasure on HIS holy day. (If it is Holy to the Most High, why not to the rest of the word?) and call the sabbath a delight, Holy of YAH (Holy to God but not to the rest of the world?), honourable and shall honour him, (if you we don’t keep it we(mankind) dishonour him.) and not doing our own ways nor finding our own pleasure, nor speaking our own words. Why wouldn’t every person that claims to worship the God of the bible not honour him in this way?

        Isaiah 58:13 If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:

        In revelation 11:18 YAH is returning to destroy all those that honour not his creation. The reason they don’t honour it is because they have not honoured Him and His creation and thought that they have dominion to do with it as they please.
        Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

        Let us remember that all things are created for His pleasure not ours and we(the world) are suppose to be in observance of these things every Sabbath.

        Revelation 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

        Peace and blessings.

        • Tony says:

          Thanks for your reply, Horace. I like to keep things simple, if possible. Sometimes it’s not possible, but too often we complicate things. I’ll try to be brief:

          >> it would be safe to assume that He also showed those righteous seed of Adam to observe it.

          No, it would not be safe to assume this. In fact, it’s quite unsafe to make this kind of assumption. What you suggest is no small thing…in fact, it’s the biggest thing of all. You say that everybody should obey the Mosaic Law, and the apostles Paul, Peter, James, John, and others (like Luke) disagree with you. That’s a serious problem.

          >> However, if you think about it, shouldn’t all mankind rejoice in YAH’s creation?

          Yes, we should rejoice in it. Does that mean to follow the Torah? No, it does not. Each of your examples is seriously flawed. First, you suggest that God’s rest creates a command…but no command was given. Second, you use the creation of the Mosaic covenant as evidence that sabbath-keeping is for everyone. That’s silly. Then you use examples, all from those who were under the Law, to suggest that those outside the Mosaic covenant were under the Mosaic covenant. Your logic has some elephant-sized holes in it, my friend.

          >> Peace and blessings.

          Thank you! I appreciate that very much. Please don’t take my disagreement on a very serious matter to be dislike for you. Nothing is further from the truth. I’m glad you’re here, talking about important things. I hope that together we can responsibly handle God’s Word and agree that our devotion should be to Him, and not to our own preconceived ideas.

          Now, to make things as simple as possible, I will again appeal to God’s Word. You have yet to address Paul’s words…you know, the ones that tell Christians that they are not under the Law. The ones that explain that the Law was temporary, and that it is no longer needed. Let me suggest that this be the subject of your next reply, as it seems rather important for settling a disagreement. Thanks!

          • Horace Miles says:

            Thank you Tony, I will be happy to address that very topic. But let me just make a simple observation before I come with scripture. When do you become subject to a law? Is it when you break or when you keep it?

            I will respond to this with scripture when I have the time to do so. Thanks for the encouraging words.


          • Tony says:


            Good question. Simple answer: you become subject to a law when the lawmaker, who has authority over you, makes the law and applies it to you.

            An example: I live in the United States of America. We drive on the right-hand side of the roads. In England, they drive on the left-hand side of the roads. I am not subject to England’s law when I break it by driving on the right, and I would not be subject to England’s law were I to keep it by driving on the left. England’s laws do not apply to me. Only America’s laws apply to me, because the American government has authority over those who drive on the roads. Continuing the example: I drive on America’s roads, but I no longer have a commercial license. Drivers transporting hazardous materials must renew their commercial license every two years. While this is an American law about driving on the roads, this law does not apply to me. I only have to renew my license every 10 years.

            I am not a descendant of Jacob, nor did I convert to Judaism in the centuries before Christ. The Mosaic Law never has applied to me, and – now that it is obsolete – it will never apply to me, nor to you or anyone else.

            It was a nice try, though. =)

          • nancy bolduc says:

            you are grafted into the naturel vine you say the roman cathlic church is revelation beast mother of arlots you tithe you have rules bylaws of dress yet you disregard the fourth
            and yes worship on sunday but to me its agrement with the world church why noy just worship on saturday why agree with rome

          • Tony says:

            I don’t know who you’re taking to, Nancy. You’ve replied to me, but what you wrote doesn’t describe me.

          • Jennifer says:


            What Nancy is saying is that you claim the very thing God told you now to be. “Lawless.” You believe the 10 commandments are obsolete. If you go to church on sunday then you have chosen to follow the roman law and she is asking why not choose God’s law over a roman law? Even if all of us are wrong that the Sabbath isn’t to be observed by the gentiles, why not just observe Saturday because it is mentioned with FAR more importance then the Roman law of Sunday worship. That is an awful lot of energy spent to disapprove something that God says the punishment is death. I don’t know about you but I lovingly fear the Lord. Also, you would be wise to choose a different bible to study from. The closest and most accurate translation for the bible is going to be the NKJV or KJV. Especially when you are debating theology.

          • Tony says:


            Thanks for trying to help. I appreciate the effort. There are several things in your reply that I’d like to address:

            When you say that I’m lawless, you’re right. Sort of. I’m lawless in the same way that Paul taught that all Christians are lawless. This isn’t something I made up to please myself…it’s all over the New Testament.

            Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. (Galatians 3:23-25)

            The Bible couldn’t be any clearer: we are not under the Law. What is “the Law”? It is – clearly, from Scripture – the Ten Commandments and all of the laws and regulations that came from them. There are plenty of other explanations about the Law no longer being in effect. You can read a few of them in another article on GodWords, Should Christians Follow Old Testament Laws?. Jews are no longer under the Mosaic Law, and non-Jews (Gentiles) were never under the Law. This was a big issue in the early church, as we see in places like Acts 15 and Titus and Galatians.

            ROMAN LAW
            This is silly. The first Christians honored “the Lord’s day” from the very beginning. We see this in Scripture, and in writings from before Constantine was born. What Constantine did was to decriminalize Christianity (ending official state persecution of Christians and granting tolerance for all religions), returned stolen church property, abolished crucifixion, and later make Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. On March 7, 321 he declared Sunday an official day of rest. He didn’t change Saturday worship to Sunday worship, but recognized what Christians had been doing for almost 200 years. You’ve been listening to people who haven’t done their history homework, Jennifer. Don’t believe them…and don’t believe me: do your own homework and see for yourself that this whole “Roman law” thing is a silly thing to believe.

            EVEN IF, ENERGY
            Here, your logic is seriously flawed. You say that we should do something even if we are wrong about it. That’s nonsense, of course. If we’re going to teach something, we should just do our homework and teach the truth, rather than throw up our hands and say, “Oh well…let’s just do it wrong, and teach error, forever.” The Bereans were commended in Scripture for double-checking what Paul taught. Be like a Berean, Jennifer.

            You should feel free to read either the KJV or the NKJV. Both are good Bibles, and can teach you what you need to know about your relationship to God. You’ve gone farther than that, of course…you’ve made a claim: that “the closest and most accurate translation for the bible” is one of those two Bibles. This is obviously false, as anyone who has done even a tiny amount of homework can tell you. First, the “V” in both names stands for “version.” That means that neither is a translation…the same goes for the NIV, ISV, and NCV. Bibles ending with a “B” (like the NASB, CEB, LEB and WEB) are direct translations, while V Bibles are not. They are produced by different translation methods. “B” Bibles are generally word-for-word translations, while “V” Bibles are thought-for-thought translations. Let’s not pretend that you know what you’re talking about here. When you’re debating theology, you should do your homework FIRST.

            It’s worth mentioning that you haven’t debated theology here. You’ve only expressed opinions. Debating theology requires us to go to the source: the Bible. When you can produce Bible verses that teach what you claim, then we can begin debating theology. Until then, you’re just disagreeing with theology because it contradicts your opinions.

            Please: don’t confuse my disagreement with dislike! I want you to reply, and – if you can – prove me wrong. I want to be right, and I’ll owe you a debt if you can teach me where I’ve gone wrong. You might start by explaining how, in the Galatians passage above, we ARE under the Law in spite of what Paul wrote. Can you do that? Thanks!

  34. Ritesh says:

    When Jesus said “Love God and keep his commandments, and love your neighbor as yourself”; didn’t he clarify on what is to be done? If we take a closer look at the Ten Commandments; we see how the first four talks about our love to God, and the remaining six talks about how to treat our fellow humans. So, my questions is, if we’re keeping the rest of the commandments, why are you so insistent on “the Sabbath” not being important anymore?

    P.S. I actually skimmed through most of the comments and did spend a good amount of time on few of the comments (it was interesting). Even though, i am a born Seventh-Day Adventist, i never really paid so much attention to the Sabbath until recently. But, I’m starting to learn now that God has a plan for each one of us.

    • Tony says:


      I’m sorry to have written so poorly that you’ve misunderstood. It’s not that I think the sabbath is unimportant. It’s that the sabbath is no longer needed. God didn’t establish sabbaths for no reason…He had a purpose. The primary purpose for sabbaths was foreshadowing. That is, to point to some future event. As Colossians 2 points out, the Israelite festivals and sabbaths were a “shadow” that all pointed to Jesus. Now that Jesus has come, we have the reality and don’t need the shadow.

      The concept of sabbath is still important. It helps us understand God’s plan better, even though that part of the plan is no longer needed. The ten commandments, if you look at the text of Exodus 20, was part of a covenant that God made with the children of Israel. Gentiles were never part of that covenant. While the ten commandments are all good, they’re not to be used as a guide for Christians. There are plenty of places in the New Testament that explain how Jews are no longer under the Law, and that explain how the law of the spirit is better than the law written on stone.

      You suggest that I’m being inconsistent, applying the rest of the ten commandments and ignoring the sabbath. That’s understandable. There’s no inconsistency, though: as a Christian I have the Holy Spirit (who is God Himself) dwelling in me. He convicts me of sin, guides me into righteousness, and transforms me to be more like Jesus. That is all anyone needs.

      I hope you will continue to study the idea of sabbath. It’s important to use ALL of the Bible to make sure we’re not missing something important. Those who insist that modern Christians (or Jews) need to observe the Old Testament sabbath simply don’t account for everything the Bible says about the subject. Let me know what you think.

      • Ritesh says:

        Hi Tony,

        I don’t think Jesus ever said that ‘The Sabbath day’ shouldn’t be observed from here on, now that he’s here. I think ‘The Sabbath Day’ was always important to God and we see a proof of that even during the days of creation. The only two institutions God established before humanity sinned was; ‘The Sabbath’ and ‘Marriage’ (The Union between a Husband and Wife). Also, i don’t think Adam & Eve were Israelites by any stretch of my imagination. So, your argument that the Sabbath was only and exclusively made for the Israelites doesn’t seem to be backed up in the bible. Additionally, since you said that you are a follower of Christ. Didn’t Christ keep the Sabbath?

        Just out of Curiosity, If you mind my asking, Which day of the week do you go to the Church then? You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to. Moreover, I’m convinced that my rebuttal won’t be near enough to change your views. But, i do pray for you and hope that despite all these years of studying the bible, you will look at ‘The sabbath Day’ a little bit differently. BTW, Jesus said that he never came to abolish the law, but to fulfill them. My point is: When you think God gave the Ten Commandments exclusively to Israel, Why are we (Gentiles) only adhering to the other 9 commandments, but the Sabbath (4th Commandment) according to you is just for the Israelites?


        • Tony says:


          No, Jesus never said that anyone should stop observing sabbaths. That’s the point of including Colossians 2 in this conversation: Paul teaches specifically that sabbaths were shadows of things to come, and that we no longer need the shadows because we have the reality.

          It’s important to think through these things carefully. What is a sabbath? It is, basically, stopping. God stopped creating in Genesis because His work was done. That’s not a spiritual thing at all…it just means He was finished. The Sabbath (as observed in the Old Testament) is simply a remembrance – a commemoration – of that event. It’s good to ask, “Why would God insist that everyone, forever, remember that He stopped doing something?” Don’t you think there must be more to it? Well, there is more to it. There’s nothing special at all about the fact that God stopped creating when He was finished creating. What makes it special is that God used His stopping as a way of teaching His people to look forward to something better. This something better isn’t a day off, where we worship the God we cannot see. This something better is personal, spiritual communion with Him today, and face-to-face communion with Him forever in Heaven.

          There is no command in Scripture to observe a sabbath until God gave the Law to Moses. If you read Exodus 20 you can see this for yourself. God was establishing a covenant between Himself and the descendants of Jacob (Israel), and this covenant didn’t include Egyptians or Medes or Australians or Persians or Brits or anyone else. Despite this fact, many Christians believe that they are part of that covenant. We are not. As the New Testament makes clear, we are not heirs of Moses and the Law, but of Abraham and God’s promise to him.

          My local congregation schedules their worship services for Sundays. That’s irrelevant, of course. Some have Saturday evening services, some Wednesdays, some Fridays. It doesn’t matter at all. Jesus fulfilled the Law, which is why the Sabbath no longer needed. The remembrance of the Sabbath has become a reality for those who follow Jesus. Galatians 3:24-25 explains this: So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

          God did not give the Ten Commandments to anyone but the children of Israel. Simply reading the text of Exodus makes this plain. Because of this, only those people were bound by those commands. Let me be more clear: not only is the Law obsolete but Christians, who were never under the Law, should not use the Ten Commandments (or any of the laws that came from them) as a guide for living. Why? Because 1) the Law is obsolete, and 2) we have the Holy Spirit living in us. We don’t need the “ministry of death” that was “engraved in letters on stone” because we have received what the Law was designed to point us to: Jesus Himself! Read 2 Corinthians 3…the whole chapter. See the comparison between the old and the new, and how much better the new is.

          Please don’t misunderstand me, Ritesh. I’m very open to correction. I’m more than willing to be shown my errors…I’m eager! You will have difficulty changing my mind because the Scriptures are plain, from front to back. This isn’t a topic that’s taught very well in most churches, but I wish it were. Many sincere followers of Jesus are confused about which parts of the Law apply to them and which do not. It’s been that way from the beginning, as we can see in the Bible. There are plenty of passages explaining that Christians need not observe the Law…they simply need to be read to be understood. Please don’t hesitate to reply after reading them, as I would love to hear more of your thoughts. If I’m wrong, and you correct me, I will be in your debt.

          Have a great day!

  35. Caleb says:


    I’m a mainline Protestant who has always worshipped on Sundays and have done my best to maintain the holiness of the day. I came to this site via a Google Search, as I was curious as to why my denomination and so many others that claim sola scriptura would observe the first day as opposed to the seventh day. From reading earlier comments, I have gathered that your argument is that Christ has fulfilled Mosaic Law and that we as Gentiles are not called to adhere to any of the 10 Commandments or 613 laws outlined by Moses in the Torah. If this is the case, do we as Christians today also have no obligation to “honor our father and mother”, to “not take the Lord’s name in vain”, to “not covet”, etc? Are then the teachings of my church that call for adherence to the 10 Commandments inaccurate? I would appreciate any guidance you could give. Thank you.

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for writing!

      You seem to have understood my position, generally. Let me rephrase it for you, to make sure small – but important – details aren’t missed. The old covenant is no longer in force. The terms of the covenant are irrelevant, especially to those, like modern Gentiles, who were never included in the covenant at all.

      A covenant is a binding agreement. You and I were never bound by the old covenant.

      That doesn’t mean there’s nothing to learn from it, of course. When we explore the Torah (a group of Jewish books) and read what was written in the Law (the 10 commandments that God have to the descendants of Israel), we can learn tons about who God is, what God has done, why God does things, and so on. I would suggest that one can’t understand who Jesus is, and what He came to do, without first understanding what came before…from the curse and promise in Genesis to the intertestimental period. It’s all good, and it’s all relevant.

      The key to understanding Scripture is context. When we read each passage in its original context, we can understand it better. Go to Exodus 20 and read about the giving of the 10 Commandments. Read what God said, and to whom He said it, and why. You will then begin to understand why the new covenant is so different from the old. Your question isn’t new, Caleb…the first-century church struggled over how much of the Law, if any, gentile converts to Christianity must observe. The answer is now, and was then, ABSOLUTELY NONE. This is shown in multiple places, along with a number of very plain statements that we are no longer under the Law.

      To be more precise, Christians are held to a much higher standard than ancient Israelites. They only had to give 10% of their livestock and crops, and the rest was theirs…Christians own nothing, but are only stewards of God’s property. They worshiped on Saturday because they were told to. The early church met daily. I could go on. There’s a flip side to this, of course. We don’t have to go to a temple to sacrifice crops and animals. =)

      Read the Gospels, and see what Jesus taught. Read the rest of the New Testament, and see what Jesus’ first disciples wrote about what He taught. Then get back to me and let me know what you think is missing, that we should go back to the Law and retrieve. My guess is that you’ll find Jesus’ instructions more than sufficient.

  36. Caleb says:

    Thank you for the reply Tony. One piece of Scripture that nags at me is Matthew 5:18-19:

    “For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”

    From 5:17, I can understand how Christ fulfilled the Law in a prophetic sense (as the Messiah) and in a penalty sense (as the sacrifice for our sins), but I’m having trouble understanding how he fulfilled the law in a moral/legal sense, especially when v.18-19 seem to indicate that the Law will stand until the judgment (“everything is accomplished”).

    I know that Paul and James decide that Gentiles do not need to adhere to the Law in Acts 15, but I still see Paul himself constantly returning to churches on the Sabbath throughout Acts to discuss Christ with others. I’m obviously not trying to dispute their decisions in Acts 15, I’m just wondering how they got from Point A (Jesus in Matthew) to Point B. I guess I also really need to know how exactly Christ reinterpreted the Law in a moral/legal sense when He explicitly states that none of the Law should be changed until “heaven and earth disappear”.

    • Tony says:


      Good questions. When we look only at the Matthew 5 passage, we may be confused about what it means. When Jesus said “until everything is accomplished” did He mean the end of time? Did He mean something else? Did He mean that the Law would be in force until His second coming?

      There are rules, or principles, in interpreting the Bible. One principle is that the we use clear Scriptures to help us understand unclear Scriptures. If we find Matthew 5:18-19 a bit unclear, we go to other passages to see if we can gather more information. Jesus spoke of the Law not passing away until something happened. Paul also spoke about the Law…what did he say, and was it more clear? I’ve listed a few of the things Paul wrote about the Law in the article above. I’m not sure how much clearer Scripture could be than in Romans 6 and 7: we are not under the law. We have been released from it. Galatians 3 is equally clear: the Law was temporary, until Jesus came.

      Now that we’ve established our relationship with the Law from a number of very clear passages, we can go back to Matthew 5 and better understand what Jesus meant. He could not have meant that the Law would be in force until the end of time, because Paul directly contradicts that interpretation. When Jesus said “until everything is accomplished, He must have been talking about His death, burial, and resurrection. Don’t be confused by the part about heaven and earth disappearing…that part is conditional, depending on the “until” part. If everything Jesus was talking about was accomplished, then there’s no problem with the Law being considered obsolete.

      Paul returned to the synagogues because that’s where the people were. That’s when they gathered and talked at length about God.

      You also asked about the law being fulfilled in a moral or legal sense. Consider this: the Law was only needed until the Messiah came. Regardless of the details, we know that to be true from more than one clear passage. So, if the Law needed to be fulfilled in a moral or legal sense, it must have been fulfilled in that way. We could talk about all kinds of details if you wish…like Jesus being the final sacrifice, who took away the sins of the world. The requirements of the Law were met in Christ, so there’s nothing left of the Law that needs to remain.

      Make sense?

  37. Jeremiah Schindler says:

    The 10 commandments the lord has given us, shall be established forever. Under Christ, both the jew and gentile have become one. We are to take up our own cross and follow in the path of Jesus. who is man, to take away what the lord has established. Could God not determine the right words to use, if his commandments were to be taken away? Out of hardness of heart and a stiff neck does man pursue his own ways. The lord will not withhold punishment in the day of wrath, for disobedience of his commandments. True followers of Jesus Christ are forgiven their sins through grace, but that grace is vain if they continue in sin. Sin itself is breaking of the 10 commandments. How can you love the lord your god with all your heart mind and soul, but not follow his commandments? By taking one away you break the first as well…..the first is the most important commandment…..

    • Tony says:



      You seem to be disagreeing with me, so I guess you won’t mind if I disagree right back. =) You’ve made a bunch of claims here, and – as a bible-believing Christian – it seems important to make sure your ideas come from Scripture, rather than from man-made traditions, or one church’s specific theology, or some kind of personal preference. I hope, like the Bereans, you’ll agree with that.

      Where do you read that the 10 commandments shall be established forever? Where do you read that Jews and Gentiles have become one?

      As for the first question, you should probably finish reading the book. You see, the end of the book reveals the rest of the story. The 10 commandments are good, but Christians don’t need them as a guide for daily living. We have the Holy Spirit living in us, and – as Scripture says – the ministry that brought death and condemnation is nowhere near as awesome as what replaced it:

      Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was, will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!

      As for the second question, we are all “one” in the sense that no kind of person is better, in God’s eyes, than another…Jews aren’t better than Gentiles, masters aren’t better than slaves, men aren’t better than women (Galatians 3:28). We not one in the sense that Christians are to obey the Laws that comprise Judaism. This fact is well-established in the New Testament, in places like Titus 1-2 and Acts 15.

      It’s normal (kind of) to defend what you believe is true. I get that you’re scandalized by what I’ve written. The question is whether, like the Bereans, you will turn to the Scriptures to double-check that it says what I claim it says. I hope you’ll do exactly that, Jeremiah. Think about all of the people you know who, like you, are mistaken about the Law. How much joy will they share with you when they understand the truth of Scripture?

      Let me know if you have any questions or comments. I’m fond of discussions like this one. =)

  38. Jeremiah Schindler says:

    Without the 10 commandments, why would a Christian feel they need forgiveness? also which ones do you feel negatively impact your life?

    • Tony says:


      Certainly the 10 commandments are useful for us to learn how God has interacted with the nation of Israel. As anyone who reads Exodus 20 will see, they are the foundation of God’s covenant with them. I’m not saying they no longer perform a useful function…only that 1) they only applied to the nation of Israel and 2) they no longer apply to anyone, including Jews.

      In John 16:8-11, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit: When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: about sin, because people do not believe in me; about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.

      Jesus went away so the Holy Spirit could come (v7). Jeremiah prophesied about this in Jeremiah 31:

      “The days are coming,” declares the Lord,
      “when I will make a new covenant
      with the people of Israel
      and with the people of Judah.
      It will not be like the covenant
      I made with their ancestors
      when I took them by the hand
      to lead them out of Egypt,
      because they broke my covenant,
      though I was a husband to them,”
      declares the Lord.
      “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel
      after that time,” declares the Lord.
      “I will put my law in their minds
      and write it on their hearts.
      I will be their God,
      and they will be my people.
      No longer will they teach their neighbor,
      or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’
      because they will all know me,
      from the least of them to the greatest,”
      declares the Lord.
      “For I will forgive their wickedness
      and will remember their sins no more.”

      As we see in the New Testament, this new covenant has replaced the old, as God said it would. The new covenant is not like the one God made with Israel and Judah. Clearly, a covenant unlike the old one cannot be the old one.

      The conviction of the Holy Spirit (who is God) is why both Christians and non-Christians feel they need forgiveness.

      The question of which ones negatively impact me is irrelevant. God commanded all kinds of things that appear to negatively impact us…including sacrificing some of the animals that provide us with food and clothing, giving to others money we could use for our own comfort, forgiving those who hurt us rather than exacting revenge, and so on. God’s commands are not based in our comfort or preferences, so obedience to His commands is not determined by what we like. If I believed that God wanted me to use the 10 commandments as a guide for living, I would…regardless of how I felt about it.

      Does that answer your question? Have you been taught this in the past?

  39. Patty Graham says:

    This subject has been debated for years, and probably continue to be. The solution to any biblical concern is to let God’s Word be the final authority. A proud person refuses to do this, because God resists the proud, but gives grace(opens the eyes) to the humble. Only God can define sin, and He has in His Word….the transgression of His law. Paul said, he would not have known sin had it not been for the law. The law was attempted to be kept by the proud Pharisees, but
    They were using God’s law as a means of self righteousness, apart from faith and honor to God, so God knows this is not a genuine worship. They were unrepented, proud, and self righteous…..completely opposite of Jesus. Nobody can tell us what sin is but the Word of God, and it’s ‘across the board’ to ALL people. God is not a respector of persons. It’s a matter of submission to God ‘ because’ we love and worship Him, not keeping the law to be saved. We are all sinners and all will stand guilty before Him. The one who truly repented of transgressing God’s Commandments will be forgiven.
    Jesus died on the cross for the purpose of paying for our sins, which frees us from the penalty of death. This only covers the repented person, NOT the unrepented. He said, “unless you repent, you will perish”
    The proud man is blind, unrepented, guilty, and eventually will perish. I will be glad to support my statements with Scripture, for I would be ashamed to even speak these things without them.

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for your message. I truly do appreciate it. We agree: God’s Word should should be our final authority. I’m confident that you will agree with me when I suggest that we follow ALL of Scripture, and not just the parts we like. We also will probably agree that serious study of an issue like this is a good idea.

      We are not under the Law.

      Those aren’t my words. They’re Paul’s words, in Romans 6. Let me encourage you to undertake a serious study of this question: what does the Bible say about a Christian’s relationship to the Mosaic Law? If you do this, you will be forced to wrestle with a whole bunch of verses that are abundantly clear, like Romans 6 and Galatians 2-5. You can find some of those verses in another GodWords article, Should Christians Follow Old Testament Laws?. My hope is not that you agree with me on this issue. My hope is that you find out what God says, and that you then agree with Him. If I’m wrong, I will be in your debt if you can show me – from Scripture – that I’m wrong.

      You are my sister in Christ, and our disagreement should not cause us to separate. We should work these things out together. Have a great day!

  40. Yuri says:

    “Yes, God made a covenant with Israel. No, we should not run around breaking the Ten Commandments. Putting the two together and suggesting that the Mosaic Law is binding on Christians is more than a stretch…it’s an error. The Law says that violating the Sabbath was punishable by death. Jesus violated the Sabbath (as outlined in the Mosaic Law) and yet was innocent. Why? Because He knew the REAL PURPOSE of the Sabbath. It was an ancient ceremony that pointed forward in time to His own life, death, and resurrection. As Paul pointed out: why observe the shadow when we have the reality?

    Yes, Jesus kept the Sabbath…but not in the way the Law was written or understood. Let’s not pretend otherwise. Let’s also not pretend that gentiles were EVER part of the covenant that God made with Israel. They were not. So gentiles (non-Jews) never had a Sabbath in the first place.”

    Actually, what Jesus violated was Rabbinic Sabbath regulations (check the Talmud for a monstrous list of what’s allowed and not allowed), not what was outlined in the Mosaic Law (Torah).

    Exodus 20:8-11, Exodus 35:2, Deuteronomy 5:12-14 – We can tell from these verses that keep the Sabbath holy, set it apart from work. We can tell that work/labor for regular living was to be carried out 6 days by the Hebrew people, and on the 7th day no regular labors are to be done, but keep the day set apart for resting in God. Jesus, as Lord of the Sabbath, understands the true meaning of the Sabbath and does have final say on it. When He healed sick people on the Sabbath, it was definitely done according to the Father’s command (John 5:19). In John 5:17 He said the Father has always been working, and in 19 He said He does what He sees the Father is doing. What Jesus does in His ministry is already set apart. It was never the work or labor people do for a living. The point is, Jesus did not break the Sabbath in the true interpretation of the Mosaic Law. He only broke the added rules to the Mosaic Law by pharisees. (and to this day Jewish Rabbis will deny that their ‘fence’ is an addition to God’s law)

    My personal belief is this, all Old Testament Laws are no longer binding to a Christian because Jesus had fulfilled it. No one can fully keep the law except for Jesus. Based on Romans 3:21-26, we can see that all of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. What does this and various other verses tell us? We are justified as a gift by God’s grace in redemption through Jesus. Those who have faith in Jesus to deal with our sins, we are justified by that. It is not about keeping a specific ‘law’ that we are justified. Those who treat others like a non-believer just because the person does not observe the sabbath has a graver problem themselves. My question would be, are you justified by faith in Jesus, or are you justified by faith and law keeping?

    Am I saying we can then sin however we want? Certainly not. After salvation, Holy Spirit will help us to grow. We are much more aware of sin and we struggle with it. The conflict presented in Romans 7:14-25 between us and the sin in us. We will grow spiritually through the help of the Holy Spirit as mentioned in Ephesians 4:17-32. It is not about obeying X number of laws, but growing in one’s spirituality that these characteristics becomes our natural self. (so when people look at us, they see the fruits of the Holy Spirit)

    Regarding this matter, I’d like people on both sides to consider Romans 14. In this chapter, it presents a case where some people can eat anything out of faith. Some people can only eat vegetables due to weak faith. What does the Scripture tell us?

    Those who can eat anything: Don’t think lowly of those who can’t eat everything.
    Those who can eat only vegetables: Don’t pass judgment on those who eats everything.

    Then, we look at verse 5. It talks about another example:
    – People who consider one day above another.
    – People who consider every day the same.

    What does Paul tell us? Be fully convinced and observe the day for the Lord. Eat and not eat for the Lord. Live life for the Lord.

    Walk in love. Love God, and love others as ourselves. Don’t put obstacles for others. Just like if we know a brother is weak in faith and only eats vegetables, don’t force him to eat it. Don’t make rules binding and forcing others about how they can eat this or can’t eat that. And if this is about religious meat (1 Corinthians 10:23-33), it is not a sin to buy and eat this kind of meat (since you have no clue if it was from idol worship or not) from a market. If you get invited to a feast by unbelieving friends and someone points out a certain dish was used in idol worship, then for their sake (not your’s) don’t eat it. We can see that in regards to both believers and non-believers, the guideline is not to be a stumbling block for others and honor God. This can be related directly to loving God and loving others.

    So, for those who wants to keep the Sabbath? Go ahead, as long as you are fully convinced and obverse it as a Sabbath day for God. For those who don’t observe the Sabbath, you too be fully convinced and observe the day as a regular day for God. Just don’t make a law out of it and cause others to stumble.

    My personal opinion is there’s no obligation to keep the original Saturday Sabbath because all laws are fulfilled and are more or less like a guideline rather than ‘law’ to the church. The use of the Law was to let us realize of our sin and come to Jesus. We are no longer bound by its curse and punishments after faith in Jesus Christ, but we should expect God’s discipline when we sin or drift away for our own good. (Hebrews 12:4-11)

  41. ricky says:

    i have read most of these comments and is interesting.i have a question if the sabbath is not to be kept ;what about other the 9 commandents.is stealing ok?; murder ok ? even thinking about it is wrong said jesus mathew 5.21 . .he also called satan a murderer too and father of lies. .bowing down to graven images and so on 9 of them..also does isaiah 66.23 talk about sabbath or sunday in new earth.which is it.?thanks for your time.time is so special.

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for asking! First, you’re asking the wrong questions. The question is not “why shouldn’t Christians obey the 10 Commandments?” but “what did God say?”. If God was only talking to the Israelites, and making a covenant with only the Israelites, who are we to butt in and pretend He was talking to us? That’s pretty silly. The plain and simple fact is that God was only talking to them, and not to us. Pretending that gentile Christians have somehow, magically, been included in the covenant 1500 years later is just that: pretending. Anyone who wonders about it should simply go and read it, paying special attention to Exodus 19:3. Then, just to seal the deal, they should go read Acts 15 and see that Jesus’ disciples agreed that gentile Christians should not listen to those who claimed they must obey the Law of Moses.

      The point is not that Christians are free to take God’s name in vain, or to lie, or murder, or covet. That’s equally silly. The Holy Spirit – who is God – dwells in every believer would not allow us to sin without convicting us about it. Which is better: to have the law written on stone by the finger of God, or to have God Himself living in you? That’s a simple question. The 10 Commandments, like every other part of Scripture, is profitable:

      All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

      Every part of Scripture was written for us, but not every passage was written to us. Whatever God included in His covenant with the descendants of Jacob has never applied, and will never apply, to anyone else. We wouldn’t want to be included, either…we have a new and better covenant!

      On to the Isaiah passage. Here are verses 22-23:

      “As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me,” declares the Lord, “so will your name and descendants endure. From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me,” says the Lord.

      Without context, this sounds like God is talking about Heaven. He’s not. Context isn’t just important to understanding a passage…it’s essential. Without the context, it’s impossible to understand many passages of Scripture. Look above verse 23 and read 19-20:

      I will send some of those who survive to the nations – to Tarshish, to the Libyans and Lydians (famous as archers), to Tubal and Greece, and to the distant islands that have not heard of my fame or seen my glory. They will proclaim my glory among the nations. And they will bring all your people, from all the nations, to my holy mountain in Jerusalem as an offering to the Lord…

      Do you believe that any of the inhabitants of the new earth will be there without hearing of God’s fame or seeing His glory? I don’t, and you shouldn’t either. This clearly speaks of a time on our old, broken earth. It was future to Isaiah, of course…but God is not talking in this passage about our future eternal home.

      Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day!

  42. Michael Phillips says:

    Jesus said that if we want to go to heaven, we must obey the commandments. He never said that the day of rest was changed from Saturday to Sunday. So if you want to keep the commandments, God rested on the seventh day which was Saturday. If it says anything about changing the Sabbath I sure haven’t ever seen it.

    • Tony says:


      If you don’t mind, please provide the verse(s) where Jesus said that. I don’t believe you’ll be able to find them. If you can’t, maybe you’re mistaken. Let me know what you find.

  43. Karl says:

    One simple post seems to have spun-up a ministry. Perhaps it would be better to arrange posts by exegetical or informal logical fallacy that is utilized than arranging them chronologically. You have the patience of Job. Thanks for your demonstration of patient and methodical replies.

    • Tony says:

      Thanks, Karl. Today, I’m gathering all of the information from this post in preparation for writing a book… hopefully the first of many. One idea is to write several topics in each book. I wondered how much more I’d have to write to fill out an entire book… but my own article and comments, just on this one page, is more than enough for a small to medium-sized book. I have some decisions to make. Thanks for your encouragement, my friend!

  44. Cocco says:

    I’m still learning about different things in the Bible. And haven’t did much research but I was curious on this topic whether to keep the Sabbath or not ( that is way it’s kept today). However I’m from a non denominational ministry. We don’t observe the Sabbath. Not that I’m really on a fence because I’m a firm believer that God has called me to the ministry I’m in and if that’s not what we do then I believe that that’s God’s will for us.

    With that being said. I don’t knock those who choose to observe the Sabbath (Friday sundown til Saturday sundown). My understanding from scriptures is that the Sabbath was established and Jesus broke the Sabbath or dishonored the Sabbath according to the religious leaders. How can God dishonored something He put into place. My persuasion is that He did that to show that He is Lord of the Sabbath and that we shouldn’t be caught up in being so religious that we can’t see Him. Jesus already knew they would have a problem with what He was doing. He said would you not get the ox if it fell into a well, would you not draw him up? And even for those who do follow, He says the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. So to me if you keep the Sabbath great, maybe you need that.If you don’t that’s fine too. For those who know to do good and don’t it’s sin to them. So if you believe in keeping the Sabbath and you don’t its sin. If not then, I guess it’s ok. This is just my understanding of the scriptures. But just a question for those who keep the Sabbath, in all seriousness and only curiousity.Is it ok to work on the Sabbath as long as it will help someone? I asked someone else who keeps it and they got upset with me asking so..yeah. just want to know how would that work

  45. Cocco says:

    People who keep saying that Tony says that the Sabbath changed from Saturday to Sunday LOL!. Who said that? Is that what you believe was done?

  46. Lane says:

    What is sin biblically?

    What is sanctification biblically?

    How do you read Isaiah 56?

    What is your understanding of Mathew 5:17-20?

    What is your understanding of Mathew 7:21-23?

    Have you fasted and prayed and sought counsel from our Father before coming to the conclusion that His Holy Day is not to be observed?

    Thank you. All Glory and Praise to the Most High and our Savior Christ Jesus!

    • Tony says:


      If you disagree, please provide Scriptural reasons to disagree. If you have none, please explain why the Scriptures I’ve provided don’t mean what I think they mean. Thanks!

      • Lane says:

        I have asked very simple questions and you seem very versed in the Word that I couldn’t imagine they would be hard for you to answer. They are all very pertinent to whether we are to keep Sabbath or not. You have impressively responded to so many others with great patience it seems. Please if you could answer my questions about the matter I would greatly appreciate it.

        I do feel that we are to keep Sabbath. I keep seeing that we must keep scripture in context, and I cannot agree more. We should keep the entire Word of God in context. Especially Paul’s words, whom Peter warned us that people will twist his words to their own destruction. I see you used Romans 6 and Galatians for your base to share your understanding. Please study Paul’s words from a non dispensational mindset. Please know the importance of what you are sharing…. the amount of believers that are on the fence of whether to keep Sabbath or not. We will be judged for every idle word and I do not want a brother in Christ to be asked why so many sheep were led astray. If I am wrong with my understanding of the Word then I spent every Saturday worshipping the Most High and praising His Holy name. I do please urge you to earnestly fast and pray about this understanding you are sharing with others before taking so much time and effort to lead people away from keeping Sabbath.

        I love you all very much and may God bless you all and open your eyes and ears.

        • Tony says:


          Thank you for a kind reply. Your questions appear to be simple, but answering them isn’t quite so straight-forward. For example, asking me to explain how I interpret an entire chapter of the Bible is simple, but explaining is not. One of the difficult things about having a website like GodWords is that every post and comment that I write must be made clear for a worldwide audience, most of whom learned English as a second (or third, or fourth) language. My response to you was not to put you off, but to suggest that you engage further…and you have. I’m glad.

          Biblically, sin is simply disobeying God. Sanctification is a bit more complex. God sanctifies us, and we are also to sanctify ourselves. I read Isaiah 56 in the same way I read every other chapter: in context. God made a covenant with the descendants of Israel, and that included a command to set aside one day per week to rest. Neither you nor I were ever part of that covenant, so none of it applies to us. We have our own covenant. Some elements of our covenant are the same as theirs, but none of them carry over from the old to the new. God did not slightly modify the old covenant and call it new. The old became obsolete, and was entirely replaced with a new and better covenant.

          I read Matthew 5 and Matthew 7 in exactly the same way as Isaiah 56: in context. I also work hard to avoid adding my own thoughts to Scripture, and to avoid bringing cultural presuppositions to it. I want to know the original intent of the passage, not how any particular group understood it later. One of those groups is known as dispensationalists, as you’ve mentioned. I’m not a dispensationalist. I couldn’t care any less how a dispensationalist might understand these passages, except to help them understand each passage better. In Matthew 5, Jesus says that He came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. That’s shorthand for the old covenant. It is my position that Jesus succeeded in fulfilling the old covenant…and, as we read in Luke 22:20, that He established a new covenant.

          This new covenant wasn’t secured by the blood of bulls and goats, but by the blood of the final sacrifice: His own. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. That’s not part of the old covenant. It was prophesied during the time of the old covenant (and before, of course) but is not part of it. Again: God made a covenant with the children of Israel, and it did not include you or me. Sabbath observance was part of the old covenant and, even if it were still in force, it’s entirely inappropriate for you or me or anyone else to insert themselves into an agreement between two other parties.

          As for Matthew 7, you really ought to know better than to use that passage as you have. It’s as if you’ve said, “Tony, I disagree with you…so you must be one of those Jesus spoke of in Matthew 7.” That’s known as poisoning the well, Lane…and it’s very poorly done. To explain why, let me just turn it around on you: “Lane, I disagree with you…so you must be one of those Jesus spoke of in Matthew 7.” See? You’ve rendered it meaningless. No, there must be more to your disagreement than simply citing this passage as evidence that someone else has misunderstood Scripture.

          You’re absolutely right about this: we will be judged. If we do not belong to God, we will not spend eternity with Him. If we do belong to Him, there is no condemnation for us (Hebrews 8:1)…but our works will be judged, so that rewards can be given (1 Corinthians 3:12, Revelation 22:12).

          My goal is to help people understand God better, so they can trust Him more. That’s it. From where you stand, I’ve misunderstood God. I appreciate very much your work to help me see things your way. From where I stand, you’ve misunderstood God. It’s nice to see that you value my attempts to help you and others…but, good feelings aside, the only relevant question is whether you or I have understood Scripture properly. I’ve tried to explain my position in a plain manner. Will you now explain yours, or tell me why I’ve missed it? Please, if you do, focus on explaining God’s perfect Word and not on criticizing my imperfect words. I do not doubt that you have wisdom that I lack, so I’m looking forward to learning from you.

          Have a great day, brother.

  47. ricky says:

    hi tony;as a christian;you are sinner.so is everyone!basics here 101..sin is a transgression of the law.no law means no sin.! very clear.the law is also a reflection of gods character.it is perfect and nothing wrong with it they are both the same.the problem is with man.please tell me you are not a sports man christian who gets more excited about his team than god.quick to share news about their team;less about jesus.i can quote many verses if you need them;but i think you know them.please dont go around saying there is no need for gods laws;we have enough liars and murderers who already believe that.

    • Tony says:

      Hi Ricky!

      Welcome to the club. We’re all sinners. Some of us are saved by grace, through faith. Your logic is pretty good, I must say…but there’s a flaw. Yes, where there is no law, there can be no sin. Yes, we’re all sinners. Your error is in assuming the nature of the law. If you read the Bible, you’ll see that there is no law (no command or instruction of any kind) that says to observe a sabbath until the Mosaic Law was given. Remember that the Mosaic Law was part of the covenant between Yahweh and the descendants of Israel (Jacob). God didn’t include the Egyptians in that covenant, did He? Of course not. A covenant is a formal agreement, and nobody but the Israelites were included in it. Not you, not me, not the Ethiopians, or the Phoenicians, or the Akkadians, or the Babylonians.

      That covenant (known as the ‘old covenant’) never applied to anyone else. Not only that, it no longer applies to the Israelites, either! Remember reading about the Last Supper? Jesus took the cup and said “This is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.” We’re part of the New Covenant, Ricky…not the old. We have our own instructions in the words and actions of Jesus, who instituted the New Covenant. We – those of us who have been born again – have the Holy Spirit, who is God, dwelling in us. Christians aren’t to refer to the old covenant they were never a part of as a guide for living. We are guided by God Himself!

      Make sense? We don’t need the old covenant because we have a newer, better covenant (Hebrews 8:6).

  48. Stephen says:

    So my points are as follows. Clearly God’s word in Isahiah has the Sabbath (as a period of time) as lasting into eternity, present in the New World with Jesus: (Isaiah 66:23). So clearly the Sabbath is not abolished in the new world as a period of time according to scripture.

    Second, if I understand you, you reason that because Jesus is the fullfillment of the law, that makes the sabbath as a day null and void and part of the old agreement. But Jesus is the fullfillment of ALL law, and we still regard the rest of the commandments as standing. If anything they are MORE important, as we must regard the spirit as well as the practice. We are called to perfection in Christ, not ignorance. We still judge for murder, for adultery, and so on. If anything the spirit behind them is what matters: anger, lust, etc. Also the spirit of no remembering the sabbath is as important or more important than the sabbath, not that the sabbath is or ever will be abolished (hence the end of Isaiah). Or is the prophet mistaken?

    • Tony says:

      Hello, Stephen! Thanks for your comment.

      You ask whether I think Isaiah is mistaken. The answer, of course, is no. I’d like to suggest alternative theories: either you misunderstand the Scriptures and are wrong, or I misunderstand the Scriptures and am wrong…or both. It would be foolish of me to suggest that your disagreement with me signals some disagreement with the Bible. With respect, it’s just as foolish coming from you. Right?

      Let’s take a look at the passage in question (Isaiah 66:23):

      “As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me,” declares the Lord, “so will your name and descendants endure. From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me,” says the Lord.

      Let me applaud you for your study. You’re the first to bring this passage into the discussion, and I appreciate that. My appreciation can’t yet extend all the way to agreement, though. Why? Simple: for the same reason you cite the passage to suggest that the Sabbath will last into eternity, I can cite this passage to show that it does not refer to eternity. Judging from the look on your face right now, you seem doubtful. Here are a couple of verses to support my view:

      Revelation 21:23: The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.


      Revelation 22:5: There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light.

      This is John’s vision of the New Jerusalem…without doubt, this speaks of eternity future. Right? Isaiah suggests that, at the time he’s writing about, people will mark time by the new moon and the weekly sabbath. John writes that we won’t need the moon (which is new every 28 days), and it’s the moon’s cycle that gives us the week. Either Isaiah is speaking of some time in his future, or he used the phrases as anthropomorphisms…that is, using phrases everybody was familiar with to describe something new. Did Isaiah mean “monthly” and “weekly” or did he mean “regularly” and “over and over again”?

      As for the Sabbath being null and void, let’s try to clear something up. NOBODY was EVER commanded to observe a sabbath prior to God giving the Torah to the Israelites through Moses. The concept existed, but nobody was told to observe it except the Israelites, as part of the Law. As we can see very, very clearly by reading the New Testament, we are not under the Law. We have never been under the Law, and the Jews are no longer under the Law. Since the Law is only part of the old covenant, and since Christians have a new covenant that doesn’t include sabbath-keeping, the only logical conclusion is that any sabbaths one might observe are entirely voluntary.

      Personally, I don’t live by the Ten Commandments…so your statement about “we” and the rest of the commandments doesn’t fit. Let me know what you think about that, will you? I really appreciate you taking the time to discuss this with me, and look forward to hearing more from you. I’m not dogmatic in my position. I will obey Scripture as I understand it, and so far nobody has given me any compelling reasons to change my position. Perhaps you’ll succeed!

      • Stephen says:

        You’ve certainly given me a lot to think about; thank you! I find myself completely agreeing with you in spirit, but not with the conclusion.

        Let me explain. Yes, from the words of Jesus, Paul and the gospels: the Sabbath and the rest of the law are not needed to be saved. Salvation is offered through Christ’s sacrifice, if we accept it. We are freed from sin and the law (the law which is made for sinners and exists because of sin according to Paul). While we do not live by the law, it does not mean that the law is not good. Paul calls it good (1 Timothy 1:8).

        And it would seem Christians living through the spirit are remade through the grace of Christ as embodying the perfection of the law. As Jesus is always instructing his followers to not only live the law in practice but in the true spirit behind it (You have heard it said. . .) And Paul says this very thing too!! In Romans 3:30 “So do we destroy the law by following the way of faith? Not at all! In fact, faith causes us to be what the law actually wants.”

        The law is about right and wrong, as Paul eloquently puts in Corinthians (2:15), as non-jews who instinctively practice the law, are instinctively following God’s prescription for what is right. Though they haven’t received it, they are still condemned by it, whether by the law or by intuition of God’s law.

        Now when it comes to the Sabbath, God wove it into the very foundation of time. It is in the creation story that HE rested on the seventh day. When God puts it in the 10 (or 12 or however many) commandments, He gives the justification that it because He rested after creation (Genesis 20:11) and He, therefore, blessed that day. That is God’s words, his reason for the day. Anthropormorphically or not, it has meaning.

        And for Isaiah’s to describe time in the new world anthropomorphically using the sabbath, well that gives it even more weight. Imagine, God could have used ANY image to reveal worship in the new world under Christ Jesus (harvest, sundown to sunrise, season to season). He chose the sabbath and new moon as a metaphors for time, through his direct revelation to Isaiah!!

        God’s choice of imagery is important. Paul also tells that there are neither male nor female in Christ, which is true, for all are one. But yet God wants us to understand his relationship with Christ and us as a Father to a Son/daughter, an anthropomorphic relationship with sex-oriented demarcations. God has given these anthropomorphisms to help us as the best expression of the divine in our terms.

        In fact, Jesus goes so far as to say that the very reason the sabbath was created was to help us, as the Sabbath was created for man, and he is the lord of it (Matthew 12:1-8).

        The sabbath figures prominently in Creation, and the bible, as part of God’s revelation to humanity. Do you need to observe the sabbath to be saved? Certainly not, as there is only one condition of salvation. Do you need to honor your father and mother to be saved? No as well. Jesus after all came to turn son against father (Mathew 10:35).

        Christians are called to perfection in Christ of that which is good (and Paul calls the law “good”). Christians, redeemed, are better than the law, not above, beyond or untouched by it. So should Christians observe the sabbath? Yes! It was created for us, and is a good from God.

        Now I get that every day may be a “sabbath” in Jesus, as to sanctify all time. However in reality what seems to happen is that every day becomes profane, secular time and God-less (see example USA in the 21st century), with co-opting of pagan festivals for the purpose of religious rites (see example Sunday and Constantine). So is it helpful for Christians to refuse to observe the sabbath? I would say no.

        Should we judge people who don’t? Judgment for ALL SIN is for God, Paul and Jesus instruct us. How about me? Well I go to Church on Sunday; I feel like mainstream Christianity has been robbed, and pillaged of something important to God and helpful to us. After this I think I’ll begin observances.

        Shabbat Shalom.

        • Tony says:

          I appreciate your response, Stephen.

          …the Sabbath and the rest of the law are not needed to be saved.
          While we do not live by the law, it does not mean that the law is not good. Paul calls it good (1 Timothy 1:8).
          And it would seem Christians living through the spirit are remade through the grace of Christ as embodying the perfection of the law.

          We agree.

          As Jesus is always instructing his followers to not only live the law in practice but in the true spirit behind it (You have heard it said. . .) And Paul says this very thing too!! In Romans 3:30 “So do we destroy the law by following the way of faith? Not at all! In fact, faith causes us to be what the law actually wants.”

          First, Jesus came for the Jews. I’m not a Jew. His instructions to the Jews on how they should follow the covenant God had made with them would never apply to me. As for Paul, it’s important to read the context of this passage (as with any other). In this case, the “law” he wrote about is not the Mosaic law. Here’s the entire passage:

          21 But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26 he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. 27 Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. Because of what law? The law that requires works? No, because of the law that requires faith. 28 For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. 29 Or is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too, 30 since there is only one God, who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith. 31 Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.

          Do you see it? In v27, he makes it clear that he’s not talking about the law that requires works, but the law that requires faith…because we’re justified by faith and not by the works of the law. The law we uphold in v31 is the ‘law of faith.’

          The law is about right and wrong, as Paul eloquently puts in Corinthians (2:15), as non-jews who instinctively practice the law, are instinctively following God’s prescription for what is right. Though they haven’t received it, they are still condemned by it, whether by the law or by intuition of God’s law.

          With respect, there are several things in this sentence that need to be addressed.

          First, the law was never about right and wrong. How can I say that? Simple: there are things in the law that were particular instructions for the Israelites that have never, and would never, apply to anyone else. For example: I’ve recently written an article to answer the question can Christians eat pork? Eating pork or avoiding pork isn’t about right and wrong, obviously. God told Noah he could eat pork in Genesis 9. Then God told the Israelites to not eat pork in Leviticus 11. Jesus told the Jews they could eat pork in Mark 7. God told Peter he could eat pork in Acts 10. Paul pointed out in 1 Timothy 4 that ‘deceiving spirits’ and ‘demons’ and ‘hypocritical liars’ order people to abstain from certain foods. If the law was about right and wrong, eating pork would always be forbidden. No, the law was about obedience. Certainly there’s plenty of right and wrong in the law…but the law, given only to the Israelites, was specifically and particularly about their willingness to obey whatever God commanded. God did not forbid them to eat pork because eating pork is bad, or He wouldn’t have let Noah and Paul and you and me have all the tasty, tasty bacon we want. There are all kinds of instructions in the law that are not about right and wrong, like wearing a garment made of two kinds of cloth, or planting certain crops in certain ways.

          Second, non-Jews don’t instinctively practice the law. The law is complex and particular, and couldn’t be obeyed instinctively. In this passage, Paul writes about knowing the thoughts of God…that the Holy Spirit (vv 12-13) has communicated the mind of God so that anyone can observe the intent of the law. This doesn’t mean that the law is to be followed. It means that God’s intentions – those intentions behind every one of His commands – are to be followed. When Jesus said “it is written…but,” He was pointing to the difference between the established practices of the law and the intent of the law. Jesus broke the law by healing and harvesting on the Sabbath, for example. If the law was about right and wrong, Jesus sinned. Instead, we know that He did not. He perfectly obeyed the intent of the law, every time.

          Third, nobody (today) is condemned by the law. We are condemned for refusing to be reconciled to God, as we learn about in 2 Corinthians 5.

          Now when it comes to the Sabbath, God wove it into the very foundation of time.

          With respect, that’s a nonsense statement. Poetic, maybe…but it’s not meaningful. What does it mean to weave anything into the foundation of time? I’m not trying to be a jerk here, Stephen. I’m trying to point out that we sometimes make bad theology from good-sounding phrases that might (or might not) fit on a bumper sticker. I recommend to everyone, at all times, that we should watch our own words to see if they make any sense at all. Here, you’re using this nice phrase to suggest a theological truth that’s not supported in Scripture…then you use this phrase to bolster your argument.

          It is in the creation story that HE rested on the seventh day.

          Yes, it is. We have a tendency to fill this idea with other ideas that don’t come from the text. It says that He shabath…not that He rested because He was tired, but that He stopped. His creative work was done at that point, so He stopped creating. There’s no astonishing theological information in the phrase. It would say that same if He had dinner with Adam and then stopped eating when He was full, or if He walked with Adam in the garden and stopped walking when it was time for Adam to sleep. There’s no instruction from this shabath for anyone to follow, is there?

          When God puts it in the 10 (or 12 or however many) commandments, He gives the justification that it because He rested after creation (Genesis 20:11) and He, therefore, blessed that day. That is God’s words, his reason for the day. Anthropormorphically or not, it has meaning.

          God did not “justify” giving commands about a sabbath. Why would He need to? He drew a parallel…and that parallel had a purpose that goes beyond simply copying God’s shabath. As I’m sure you’re aware, there are all kinds of implications involved in this parallel…as I point out in the article above. Keep in mind that those 10 (or 12) commandments were only given in the context of God’s covenant with Israel. You and I were not included.

          He chose the sabbath and new moon as a metaphors for time, through his direct revelation to Isaiah!!

          Which is it, Stephen: a metaphor, or a reality? First you said “the Sabbath (as a period of time) as lasting into eternity…” Here you say it’s a metaphor (a symbol representing something else). It can’t be both literal and figurative. I’ve given a few verses above to show that it’s figurative. Here you say it’s figurative. Above you say it’s literal.

          Jesus goes so far as to say that the very reason the sabbath was created was to help us, as the Sabbath was created for man, and he is the lord of it (Matthew 12:1-8).

          Yes, but again: the context helps us understand more fully. The Pharisees pointed out that Jesus had violated the sabbath. Jesus’ response was to turn their understanding from the written law – of which they were certainly correct – to the intent of the written law. Because Jesus is the Lord of the sabbath, He’s uniquely able to explain its purpose. Keep in mind that Jesus instituted a new covenant at the last supper, and that the old covenant – which included instructions to observe sabbaths, and in particular ways – never applied to anyone but the nation of Israel. If we’re going to do what God intends, don’t you think we should do it in the way God instructs? From where do you get your instructions on how the sabbath is to be observed? Of course: only from the covenant that God made with the ancient Israelites. Why do you only partially observe the sabbath, Stephen? I have no doubt that, like Jesus, you fail to follow God’s instructions as to how it’s done. When you understand the intent of the sabbath, you can observe it (or ignore it) properly.

          Christians are called to perfection in Christ of that which is good (and Paul calls the law “good”).

          Oh, my. That’s some very bad logic, Stephen. Using only your logic, here’s a partial list of the things Christians are called to perfection in…because they’re called “good:”

          • Light (Genesis 1:4)
          • Wild Animals (Genesis 1:25)
          • Gold (Genesis 2:12)
          • The Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Genesis 3:6)
          • Old Age (Genesis 15:15)
          • Joseph being Sold into Slavery (Genesis 50:20)
          • Canaan (Numbers 14:7)
          • Fighting (Joshua 10:2)
          • Working with the women of Boaz (Ruth 2:22)
          • Fat Calves and Lambs (1 Samuel 15:9)

          Paul calls the law good because it is good…but that doesn’t mean it applies to everyone, or that it’s still in force for anyone. The tabernacle in the wilderness was good. Jesus dying on a cross was good. Hell is good…but come on: you’re not going to stand behind that claim, are you? No. To make your case, you’ll need more than what you’ve provided. As always, I’m open-minded. You might be right…but so far your arguments are thin, and they’re contradicted by other, clear passages of Scripture. You must have more.

          Shabbat Shalom.

          Peace to you as well, my friend.

          • Stephen says:

            Once again, thank you for your considered and meaningful response, which has helped me gather my thoughts on this. I’m very grateful for this and the work you are doing. We agree on the important part, that salvation comes through faith in the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus. Beyond that, as Paul states in Romans 16, what we eat–or don’t–is of less consequence except as it is a stumbling block for others.

            Yes, we enjoy bacon if it doesn’t cause you or others to stumble (although it might clog an artery or two). But it could be very wrong if it causes a vegetarian to lose or question their faith. (Romans 14:21, Corinthians 8:13). Does this lead to the tyranny of the other? Yes, precisely! Christ’s faith calls us away from the tyranny of ourselves. So it is with this thought that I meant “perfecting that which is good”: moral goodness or righteousness, as we generally talk about a “good person.”

            It is also our privilege and joy to read the bible to come closer to understanding the heart and mind of God. You bring up some good points, and I almost think it requires something more than a short response to clarify. My position verges on several points that would require quite a bit more than this note to explain: the law was and is a gift; yes, the law is about right and wrong; and faith has always been greater than obedience, Biblically speaking. I began reading scripture 4 years ago and I found that it is much different than how it was interpreted to me, manifested in popular culture, or taught in Church. It blew my mind (and continues to).

            But I do enjoy discussions and seeking the truth even if invalidates what I know so, in that spirit, I will try to respond to some of your points and clarify my position a bit. Point: scripturally the Sabbath is and will remain holy and a blessing to those that receive it into eternity. For brevity, mostly I will give the location of scriptural references but won’t quote the actual passages.

            But first to your point about metaphor. You ask if it literal or figurative. I’m not convinced that is the right question, or even helpful to the conversation. Let me explain. Linguistically a metaphor draws a connection by saying “this is that.” It is different than a simile, which is saying something is like another thing. Linguistically a metaphor CLAIMS reality by saying one thing IS another thing existentially. Scripturally metaphor creates a link to a greater reality that we can’t hope to understand.

            Who can truly understand God’s creation, let alone God? As God says to Job, “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the world?.” (Job 38:4) If science “teaches” us anything, it instructs us that our best efforts leave us with working models, waiting to be disproved. Real “reality” is beyond our comprehension. Einstein’s relativity replaces Newtonian understanding and The atomic model is supplanted by quantum physics. Now particles can be in two places at once and multiple universes (yes, really) exist. And it’s only a matter of time before the next discovery comes along to invalidate what we “know.”

            Now if science, which doesn’t expressly acknowledge God, leads us to humility in our understanding (we can’t even agree on what “Life” is, let alone dark matter or what most of the universe is made of), then how much more should a Christian’s humility be with God and his creation? Hopefully much, much, much more so, as it is we Christians who are in true awe of the universe and its creator.

            So we cannot fully understand the reality of God and his creation (recall Job). But metaphor can point to what would be incomprehensible and hidden from us without this (His) help through metaphor. How does it point the way? One way is through anthropomorphic comparison. What is an example? “The Lord is my shepherd.”(Psalm 23) Is He really “a shepherd,” a guy on a mountainside guiding some sheep with a staff? Calling God a shepherd is a metaphor which brings us close(r) to the reality of God’s relationship to us. “The Lord is my Shephard” is also a true statement creating the “reality” through our understanding. So is it helpful to ask if the author is speaking figuratively or literally? Not really, because both are true. It is the literal “truth” but it is also a metaphor. Dissecting the conversation that way is not as helpful as asking what the author meant. What does it MEAN for God to be our shepherd?

            Likewise, the Sabbath is a metaphor. Is it a real day? Yes. But what was the first day of creation anyway, without a sun or moon? And what did God do when he “stopped” or rested. As you point out, we don’t really know what that means. So “the Sabbath Day” is also a metaphor that points to the ultimate reality that is not entirely comprehensible to us. There need not be a sun and a moon, as on the “first day of creation” to have a day, either at the beginning of time or at the end.

            So what is a better question to ask? — What does it mean that God is our Shephard. In other words, we accept the metaphor as reality, for that is what it claims, and move on, recognizing that it is both. So what is a better question for Isaiah? — What does it mean that Sabbath is a day in eternity?

            Let’s find out. Now the Sabbath, as both metaphor and reality, appears within Scripture in the very top of the second chapter, some few hundred words into the bible(Genesis 2)., before the law and before sin. And what does God do with the Sabbath at the very beginning of time? He makes it holy and blesses it.

            You’re right, no rules about it. Nothing to indicate what we should do. God doesn’t establish a practice of observation or any rules. But calling our attention to it is itself something. If you read about creation and talk about it, you acknowledge it. God blessed a day. That is something. If nothing else, we should seek to receive a blessed day. He blessed a day! He made it holy! For God to chose one day over the rest to bless is significant. God’s choices, for example, are also Issac over Esau. He doesn’t tell us to do anything with this choice, but it impacts everything.

            What is this “day” anyway in Genesis? What does it even mean for God to rest or “stop,” as you eloquently point out. We don’t know. It points to a reality that we can’t comprehend. But we can nevertheless receive through faith the blessing that the sabbath –and the law for that matter–intends. Jesus himself calls it a blessing for us. Recall God blessed it and never took that blessing back. Then Jesus said the “Sabbath was made for man.” So Jesus states a blessed day was made for us. Matthew 12:1-8, Mark 2:23-28 and Luke 6:1-5.

            Now is this day only for the Jews, who he was speaking to, or all humanity? It is clear from Genesis God blessed the day for all existence (Genesis 2). So while he is speaking to the Jews and bringing his message to the Jews, through Christ all nations enjoy the same blessings, and this blessing set up in Genesis.

            So as you very nicely point out, Jesus was distinguishing between the letter of the law and the intent. And you state that he broke the “letter of the law.” This is perhaps a dubious claim as even the Jews can’t agree on how to properly observe the sabbath according to the letter, then or now. It’s not perfectly clear what “Observe the Sabbath” means. Is it ok to learn, teach, heal, walk, drive, turn on a light? It seems there is endless debate, refinement, re-lettering. . . EVEN NOW.

            But even if it were the case that there is a perfect understanding of the letter of the law (and I don’t concede that point), friend, it was never ever about the letter of the law even from Moses. That’s the point about David that Jesus makes. He and his men ate the consecrated bread and were blessed (Mathew 12:4). In fact, David is one of the most favored by God. It was his faith, not his observance to the law, that saved him (MORE on this later, so just bear with me).

            So I don’t accept that Jesus violated the sabbath. This is something that the priests accused him of, but Jesus refuted them, stating that they didn’t understand the Sabbath (Matthew 12:1-8) The priests accused him of a lot, including blasphemy (John 10:31-39). Obviously, Jesus did not sin and blasphemy, Right? He is God. So it would be impossible for him to blaspheme himself.

            So the sabbath belongs to God (he is lord of it), and he created it for Man according to New Testament scripture.

            So what does this mean that the Sabbath is “for the Jewish people” and not for gentile Christians? Paul says that we are all descendants of Abraham, Christians spiritual descendants grafted (as Paul says) onto that tree (Romans 11:17). Abraham’s descendants — Israel and the Jewish people –were selected by God because of one man’s faith, and God doesn’t change his mind (a repeated mantra throughout the bible).

            Indeed, Abraham’s descendants were selected so that the world might be blessed as well (Genesis 22:18), and we as Christian’s believe that promised blessing comes through Abraham’s physical descendant Jesus.

            Abraham was made right with God THROUGH FAITH, not obedience. If this fact isn’t clear from reading the Bible (for some seem blind), Scripture STATES THIS very clearly through Paul (Romans 4:1-25). Paul practically shouts it. Abraham was made right with God through faith. As a result of Abraham’s faith, Abraham, his descendants, and the world were blessed. Indeed the law (as metaphor and reality) is a gift coming from this blessing. The Israelites were special (blessed) in that they received God’s instruction. (Romans 9:4).

            Now God doesn’t need justifications. Which is true. But he gives reasons! He, the very living God, gives A REASON in the ten commandments why he is giving the people, his people, this gift of the Law of the Sabbath. Here are the words:
            “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”

            These are God’s words from his mouth that he spoke. Scripture says God said this (Exodus 20). “And God spoke all these words.” God used the words “For” and “Therefore”. He gives A REASON. Scripture has God saying “Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.” Some translations render this “For this REASON”!!

            So when God, in Genesis, made it holy, he made it holy for ALL THE WORLD (Genesis 2) and keeps it holy for all eternity (in Isaiah).

            Now back to Isaiah. Recall at the end of Isaiah (Isaiah 66:23), Isaiah states there is a Sabbath in eternity. Remember from the earlier discussion of metaphor, this is both metaphor AND reality. It is the best way Isaiah has to describe that which is incomprehensible. God doesn’t need the sun to have a day (Genesis 1). He doesn’t need the sun to have a Sabbath (Isaiah 66:23).

            So it is still holy. It was never taken away. God never changed his mind. Jesus didn’t desecrate it. God made it so at the beginning and keeps it through eternity.

            So what about observing something that is still holy? And how should we remember it? After all, we can eat bacon, and don’t need to get circumcised. But remember we are circumcised in spirit ( Colossians 2:11, Romans 2:29).

            As you so well show, we live by faith; What the spirit in truth guides us to do to help others is apart from the continued holiness of the day. The Sabbath is holy, as made by God. No one can take it away. It is a blessing we can receive if we choose to observe it in our hearts and our minds.

            As Jeremiah says about the new testament (Jeremiah 31:33):

            This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel
            after that time,” declares the Lord.
            “I will put my law in their minds
            and write it on their hearts.
            I will be their God,
            and they will be my people.

            Peace, -Stephen

          • Tony says:

            I’m very grateful for this and the work you are doing. We agree on the important part…

            Thank you. As before, I appreciate your kind and thoughtful approach to our disagreement…and I’m happy to call you my brother in Christ.

            …(Romans 14:21, Corinthians 8:13). Does this lead to the tyranny of the other? Yes, precisely!

            This is the second time this week that I’ve run into this argument. Unfortunately, it makes no more sense the second time. No, we’re not to cause anyone to stumble. If that were the only consideration, there would be no need to explain our freedom in Romans 14 and 1 Corinthians 8. There would only be instructions to do nothing that might cause someone to stumble, which can be virtually anything. Yes, we’re to be cautious. Yes, we’re to put others ahead of ourselves, especially those who are weaker. No, that doesn’t mean that everything in our lives is ordered to fit what other people believe. We actually do have freedom in Christ, and we are to exercise that freedom wisely. I’m not going to observe the sabbath just because someone else might possibly stumble because they believe the sabbath should be observed. I will, of course, take the time to explain the Scriptures to them.

            You’ve created quite a system of thought above, Stephen. Let me see if I can boil it down a bit:

            1. God blessed the 7th day and made it holy.
            2. What God has made holy is worth observing.
            3. The sabbath is both literal and figurative, so we have no idea what it really means.
            4. Hey, why the heck not?

            Let me know if I’ve missed anything important. I don’t mean to be glib, but to adequately express what I’m reading. Here’s the trouble: you go beyond the text. Those of us who believe the Bible to be God’s Word should take God’s words very seriously. There are two primary ways that people interact with the texts of Scripture. One is good and right. The other is bad and wrong. The good and right way is exegeting. It means to take meaning from the text. The bad and wrong way is eisegeting, which means to add meaning to the text.

            Taking meaning from the text requires discipline: we must resist the urge to read meaning into the text, which would allow us to make it say virtually anything we want. If the Bible is inspired (and I believe it is), then I’m to use it as God’s words to the world. Pretending that I have anything to add to it is hubris, plain and simple…whether I recognize it as hubris or not. The text is enough. You go beyond what the text says, presuming to explain why people who follow Jesus should do something that the text does not teach.

            Yes, Moses wrote that God blessed the 7th day and made it holy. No, there are no instructions anywhere for non-ancient-Israelites to observe or celebrate this event. Is it noteworthy? Certainly. Is it wise to extrapolate from the text and pretend that it says something it doesn’t say? Of course not.

            I’ve dealt for decades with what the text does not say. You can’t begin to imagine the literal millions of words written to me to explain why I should observe the sabbath. As a result, I’ve become familiar with the texts in question. I don’t expect anyone to take my word for it, but to use this information to begin their own research. Here’s what the text actually says, in a nutshell:

            1. God rested.
            2. God told the Israelites to observe sabbaths (more than one kind) as a sign of God’s covenant with them. He used His rest in Genesis as a reference point.
            3. Jesus outlines a new covenant for God’s people (the Jews) that is not like, and supercedes, the old covenant.
            4. Jeremiah foretold, and Peter was taught, that this new covenant would include non-Jews.
            5. Paul explains that the law was temporary, until Christ came.
            6. Paul explain that we are not under the law.
            7. Paul explains that we should not judge one another for sabbath-keeping or not sabbath-keeping.

            What does the text not say? That anyone should currently observe sabbaths. People who like the idea of sabbathing have the unreasonable habit of scouring the text, looking for clues as to why they should do what is not prescribed by God in His Word. Why do they do this? For a number of reasons. One simple reason is that they really, really want to serve God properly. That’s good. Another reason is that, not understanding God’s graciousness, they have trouble believing that following Jesus isn’t a matter of obeying a set of regulations. That’s understandable, since the rest of the world places such high value on performance. Still another reason is obvious: people who don’t know better are taught by people who don’t know better.

            I don’t condemn you for wanting to observe a sabbath. On the contrary, I applaud you for your desire to serve and worship God in every way you can. That doesn’t mean that I agree with your conclusions, since they partially contradict Scripture and partially go beyond what the text says. If God blesses you for observing sabbaths, good! Don’t assume that anyone else should follow your lead, though…since we don’t base our devotion to God on each other’s personal experiences, but on the truths revealed in Scripture. And Scripture is clear: God has not commanded, and does not expect, sabbath-keeping.

            Why do I make this into a big deal? Well…in one sense I don’t. Like I said, you should feel free to observe sabbaths if you wish. In another sense, it can be a big deal. Why? Because good theology makes it easier to trust God, and bad theology makes it harder. When we persist in believing things that are contrary to Scripture, we have not understood God as well as we might. When what we believe matches what has been revealed through Scripture, we understand God better…so we can then trust Him more. I’m sure that everybody believes something incorrectly, including (or especially) me. We don’t have to get everything right…but the more we get right, the better.

            Peace, -Stephen

            Peace, brother.

          • Stephen says:

            Well, your response certainly gets to the point. You have a unique way of pulling out important things. I think you’ve gotten to the gist of a few things.

            I did want to clarify some central points. We know these scriptural facts (synthesizing both our arguments):

            1. God ceases work after creation on the seventh day and blesses that day, the Sabbath. (Genesis)

            2. In the Mosaic covenant, God states that the Israelites should honor the Sabbath. God gives the reason for the commandment that he ceased work on that day and made it holy. (Exodus)

            3. Isaiah state that we will worship God from Sabbath to Sabbath in eternity (Isaiah).

            4. Jeremiah states that there will be a new agreement between man and God “written in our hearts and minds” (Jeremiah)

            5. Jesus states that he is Lord of the Sabbath day, and the Sabbath day is made for man (Greek Anthropos, meaning mankind, or humanity).

            6. Jesus states that the pouring of his blood represents a new agreement. (Last Supper)

            7. Paul states that we shouldn’t judge each other for eating or drinking, or observing Sabbaths or new moons (Colossians). Paul states that the Sabbath and new moon were shadows of things that were to come and the reality is found in Christ (Colossians 2).

            So beyond that is extrapolation based on the text. Here are the facts: a, God blessed the Sabbath and made it holy; b, Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath; c, The Sabbath is a blessing for man; d, Jesus’s blood is a new agreement written on our hearts; e, The reality of the Sabbath is found in Christ; g, The Sabbath will exist forever.

            As far as the argument that Isaiah is expressing prophecy figuratively based on the fact there is no sun and the light come from God, that goes a stretch beyond the text. We know from Genesis and the first day that God doesn’t need the heavens or earth to have a day. What God does in the beginning he can do in the end.

            I take the points on exegesis in full consideration. And I don’t think you are just bringing it up to score easy points. It is easy enough to accuse others you disagree with of being subjective. I think anyone needs to remark about the part that is text and the part that is interpretation. Forgive me if I didn’t (and I’m sure I am guilty). As for me, I am a seeker, as I didn’t know what to believe about the Sabbath, and have never done anything with it before, but tried and try to find the truth about it.

            We have, through the covenant of Jesus’ blood, God’s instruction now written on our hearts and minds, according to Scripture. The reality of the Sabbath is written there, as Paul tells it.

            So synthesizing what we know: The Sabbath is holy, as the reality of these holy days (as in all the law) is found in Christ and exists in eternity (Isaiah). Paul calls it a shadow; I called it a metaphor. But yeah, Paul’s words are better. A shadow points to the reality.

            So the reality of the Sabbath (and the law) we find through Christ (Paul) and it is written in our hearts and our minds (Jeremiah). Yes, we are not “under” the law and are free to do what we want, in faith and in spirit, as directed in love. Christians keep the Sabbath holy in our hearts at all time as the reality is in Christ, and Christ is in our hearts.

            So in the end I do agree if what you mean is that Christians do observe the Sabbath in Christ, and are not bound to a “time day” necessarily. We always remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Perhaps that’s what you meant all along. If so then thank you for helping me!

          • Tony says:

            Once again, Stephen: thanks for taking part in a great discussion!

            We know these scriptural facts (synthesizing both our arguments):

            A sound argument is made of true points that automatically lead to an inescapable conclusion. Let’s look at each point to see where we can agree!

            1. Yes, God stopped working. Yes, God blessed that day. No, that day is not “the Sabbath.” This is the part most people get wrong, because we’ve lived with the idea for so long. The word sabbath is not, and has never been, a day. In fact, sabbaths (times during which no work was done) were one day per week, or they were annual days, or a 10-day period, or the first day of an extended feast, and more. To “sabbath” is simply to stop working. Genesis 2:2 says that God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He sabbathed. A “sabbath day” is not a thing by itself…a “sabbath day” is a day on which you sabbath. There’s a difference, and it’s not insignificant. When we stop thinking about “sabbath days” and start thinking – as the text leads – about days on which we sabbath, we gain a different view of the situation.

            2. Yes, God told the Israelites to honor the sabbath and to keep it holy. What does it mean to keep something “holy”? We have to look at the meaning of the words to understand the meaning of the sentences they’re used in. Holy is not “clean” or “righteous.” Holy – qadash in Hebrew and hagios in Greek – means “set apart” for special purposes. Look at 2 Timothy 2:20-21 to see it in action:

            In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

            Do you see it? We make ourselves holy (v21) by setting ourselves apart for God’s special purposes (v20), just as we use special dishes for special meals. That is the meaning of holy. Like “sabbath,” it’s not specifically a religious word. When we set something apart for special use – like old, stained washcloths that we use only as rags – we are making them holy. That doesn’t confer on them any religious anything. When God made the seventh day holy, He simply set it apart for a special purpose.

            This is where so many go wrong with what the Bible teaches: they consider the holy things to be ends unto themselves rather than a means to an end. God didn’t set aside the seventh day for its own sake, as if resting on the seventh day is the goal. It’s not the goal, and has never been the goal. If resting (or observing God’s rest) is the goal, Jesus would NEVER have worked on the seventh day…ever. That would have been a sin, and was punishable by death (Exodus 31:15). No! The institution of the sabbath day was not to observe the sabbath day, but to learn a spiritual lesson. Sabbath days are not ends unto themselves, but a tool that God used to make a point. When you study the sabbath throughout the whole of Scripture, you can see the point. You might start by reviewing the verses listed in the article above, and in these comments.

            When we start with a faulty premise, we end with a faulty conclusion. Those who conclude that Christians should observe sabbath days start with a faulty premise (or three): that resting is the goal, or that the day itself is somehow special, or that Christians should obey the Mosaic law as given to the ancient Israelites, or something else. These faulty premises require that certain passages of Scripture must be ignored, or explained away. The first that comes to mind has already been mentioned: Acts 15. Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.” The apostles and elders met to consider this question. When they considered this question in light of what Jesus taught, their conclusion was – without question – theologically final. I see in that passage that there’s no mention of Gentiles learning to keep sabbath days holy. Do you see it in there? I might have missed it.

            3. Again, this is either figurative or literal. I’ve explained why a literal reading makes no sense, and contradicts both Scripture and logic. When you rule out a literal interpretation, the only option left is non-literal.

            4. Yes.

            5. Yes…but why was the sabbath made for man? You seem to think it’s an end unto itself. I see all over the Bible that it’s a means to an end. Let’s draw a parallel:

            In the same part of the Bible that talks about sabbath days, God told the ancient Israelites that eating pork was forbidden. To whom did that apply? To only them, of course. How can we know this? Simple: we know from Genesis 9:3 that God told Noah and his family they could eat everything that lives and moves. We know from Mark 7:19 that Jesus declared all foods clean. The inescapable conclusion is that God, in the middle of these two events, must have had a specific reason for telling the ancient Israelites not to eat pork. Avoiding pork is not an end unto itself, but a means to an end…or nobody could eat pork, ever. You, my friend, are essentially arguing that nobody should eat pork. Having drawn the conclusion that we all should observe sabbath days, you go back and re-read the texts about sabbathing and draw different conclusions from them. This should not be. We don’t bring our own ideas to the text…we draw our beliefs from the texts.

            God, in Genesis, never commanded sabbath observance. He set aside the seventh day for a specific purpose…and, in Exodus, He commanded the ancient Israelites to observe sabbaths. Jesus’ disciples, in Acts, reject the idea that Gentiles should observe the law of Moses…and that includes sabbath days. This is why Paul could teach that nobody should judge another by whether they keep sabbath days or not. If everybody was to observe sabbath days, Paul would never suggest such a thing. He would say what you’re saying instead.

            6. Yes.

            7. Yes.

            We know from Genesis and the first day that God doesn’t need the heavens or earth to have a day. What God does in the beginning he can do in the end.

            With respect, this is a really bad argument. What we know from Genesis is that God doesn’t need the heavens or earth to have a yom. What is a yom? It’s translated “day” much of the time. What is a day? Typically – and this is exactly how you’ve been using it – it’s the time it takes for the earth to spin all the way around. 24 hours. Think carefully. You’re suggesting that God doesn’t need the heavens or earth to have a 24-hour period where the earth completes one full rotation on its axis. And what is an hour? It’s 1/24th of a full rotation.

            That’s not what yom means. It could mean a period of 24 hours, of course. It could also mean – and this is how it’s used in Scripture:

            • evening and morning in Genesis 1
            • a division of time
            • a working day
            • a day’s journey
            • a lifetime
            • a time, or time period
            • a year
            • various temporal references
            • today
            • yesterday
            • tomorrow

            You read it as 24 hours, but you should be reading it as yom. God doesn’t need the heavens or earth to have a yom. Maybe you’re unaware that yom is used in two different ways in the same verse! Check the Hebrew for Genesis 1:14. We agree that what God does in the beginning he can do in the end…but to know the end, it’s helpful to not get the beginning wrong.

            I am a seeker, as I didn’t know what to believe about the Sabbath, and have never done anything with it before, but tried and try to find the truth about it.

            You are, of course, to be commended! I sincerely applaud you for your study, and for commenting here, and for feeling free to disagree with me. Please don’t confuse our disagreement with anything negative from my end. You’re doing exactly as you should! The goal is to learn to think properly about Scripture, and the very first rule is to learn what the author(s) intended to communicate to their initial audience. That is, quite simply, the number one (and two, and three) reason for interpretive problems. When we fail to see what was originally meant, we often insert our own meaning. I deal with it virtually every day of my life, and it’s a blessing to have learned about the principles of biblical interpretation as a young man. In no way does that mean I’m always right, clearly. Never take my word for anything, but go to God’s word and learn from it. I’m only here to try to point the way back to His word. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned, and it’s not I who can lead you, but the Holy Spirit.

            A shadow points to the reality.

            Yes! In Galatians 3, Paul wrote about faith apart from the law. When we consider shadows and reality, and when we consider that the only commands about observing sabbath days were given as the law, to those under the law, things like sabbath-keeping come into much clearer focus:

            Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

            The sabbath regulations had a specific purpose, and they were temporary. Now that Jesus has come, we no longer need them. That’s not a matter of rebellion, but of completion and relief and delight! Those who lived under the law looked forward to this time, when God would reveal the full extent of His plan. Sabbaths were a foreshadowing of Christ, and He is here.

  49. ricky says:

    tony instead of giving scripture on the sabbath your reasons from bible for going to church on sunday? thanks.also some points from previous replies.the law was understood way before sinai.examples rachael stole her fathers idols.cain killed abel.also when noah said you could eat meat; meant unclean.why else did he bring 7 sheep and other clean animals on ark.when reading bible you have to put your mind to understand thinking of the time.examplel ;today a doctor may say drugs are ok and you take drugs from pharmacy and then use cocaine and heroin as well.still drugs. as doctor said drugs are ok.also on the law before given by moses at sinai.a man was killed for getting firewood on sabbath..as for you not being a jew;have you done a dna test to confirm.most people have a family tree with many types of people from what i have seen..a jew is not a ethnic term in bible because abraham was a gentile one day nest day a jew.no dna change of i am aware.he was related. to noah.also in new testament peter was told people are not unclean not food.because it was in regard to meeting cornelius saw something funny in news today 2 meateaters who were pro meat protesting to vegans at london market ate 2 raw furry squirrels.in front of them.were both fined .unclean animals too..better to talk about issues i think

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for taking the time to respond!

      your reasons from bible for going to church on sunday?

      What makes you think I go to church on Sunday? The fact that the command to observe a weekly sabbath was only given to ancient Israelites is no indication that I worship on Sunday. You may have missed the fact that, in my article, I say nothing like, “Christians worship on Sunday.” In fact, near the end, I say the opposite: that the sabbath is neither Saturday nor Sunday.

      I do meet with Christians in my local area on Sunday mornings, because that’s when we’ve agreed to congregate. I also meet with believers on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Mondays, and at lunch today (Wednesday). The day of the week and the time of the day are irrelevant.

      the law was understood way before sinai

      Which law? Certainly not the laws outlined in Leviticus. Certainly not the Ten Commandments…or there would no point in having God write on stone the stuff everybody already knew. Yes, it seems clear that people knew right from wrong before Sinai…but you can’t point to exactly what that means by using Scripture. You can only get a few hints here and there, and for the rest you must use your imagination. I love using my imagination, but not for making theological claims about what God expects from us. I use only the Bible for that.

      also when noah said you could eat meat; meant unclean….when reading bible you have to put your mind to understand thinking of the time.

      You’re cracking me up, Ricky. It’s never a good idea to tell someone they’re making a mistake while you’re actually the one making it. If you just go and read Genesis 9, you can see that it’s not Noah saying it, but God Himself:

      Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands. Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.

      You’re not going to try to say that there were any unclean animals for Noah, are you? That would directly contradict Genesis 9.

      as for you not being a jew;have you done a dna test to confirm…a jew is not a ethnic term in bible because abraham was a gentile one day nest day a jew

      Wow. That’s pretty silly, Ricky. No…it’s actually kinda dumb. Pardon me for saying so, but that’s the truth. You should think a bit longer before typing. Abraham was never a Jew. Jews are descended from Judah. Abraham was Judah’s ancestor. Abraham wasn’t an Israelite, either. It goes Abraham > Isaac > Jacob (renamed Israel) > Judah. Regardless of whether there are any Jewish people in my family tree, I’m not part of the covenant that God made with the descendants of (Jacob) Israel at Sinai. Come on, Ricky…you can do better than that.

      in new testament peter was told people are not unclean not food

      Let’s just go to the text, okay?

      About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.” “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.” The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”

      Yes, one of the reasons for the vision was to tell Peter that Gentiles could be saved. No, that doesn’t mean that animals were still considered unclean. Jesus had already declared all foods clean. You can read the details in my article, Can Christians Eat Pork?. It doesn’t take a lot of work to figure these things out, so you should probably do a bit of research before arguing with people on the internet. I don’t say that to discourage you, Ricky…I want to encourage you to keep engaging, but to make sure you’re prepared first. You lose credibility when you make such simple mistakes, and credibility is important when we’re working to spread the gospel.

      Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Have a great day!

  50. Andre says:

    Tony: I appreciate this thread and am glad you are willing to converse about this subject. Apologies if you have already discussed the following.

    I am curious on your thoughts on Matthew 24. Specifically vs 20. Here Jesus is talking about the great tribulation to come at the end of days and he says “And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.” I guess my question is why would Jesus be asking us to pray that our flight would not be in winter on the Sabbath if he meant for the Sabbath day to be observed everyday? It seems that He is making a distinction that the Sabbath is not everyday just as Winter is not every season. If Sabbath is not everyday and He clearly believes it is important enough to have us pray that we don’t have to flee on the Sabbath then it would seem that the day we observe as the Sabbath is still very important at the end of days.

    I appreciate your thoughtful reply in advance.

    • Tony says:

      Thanks for commenting, Andre. You’ve asked a good question. What I’m about to write is a pretty well-established position. There’s nothing really controversial about it. Unfortunately, you’ve probably never heard it before. Why? Because it doesn’t fit what most of us were taught about ‘the end times.’ My hope is not that you just believe me (of course), and not that you reject the notion outright…but that you begin your own research into the Scriptures to see if what I’m about to write makes sense. Are you ready? Here it is:

      Jesus meant what He said.

      There. Not so controversial. I’m sure you can agree with that. Now, let’s review what He actually said:


      Jesus says “you” and “your” 24 times in chapter 24. He doesn’t say that this would be some far-future set of events, happening to other people long after the disciples were all dead. Unfortunately, modern ideas about Jesus’ second coming and the rapture have made it difficult for modern readers to simply read this passage as it’s written. Why would Jesus say “you” if He was referring to people who wouldn’t be born for a couple thousand more years? The plain and logical answer is that He wouldn’t. When Jesus said “you,” He meant “you,” the people He was talking to.

      Here’s a little more context. In Matthew 23 (the previous chapter), Jesus tells the Pharisees that all of the righteous blood shed on earth would be “on them,” and that they were being judged for rejecting Him and His teaching. Right after that, in Matthew 24, Jesus spoke about the coming destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. He told the Pharisees in chapter 23 that “this generation” would be judged, and He told His disciples in chapter 24 that “this generation” wouldn’t pass away until everything He was predicting came to pass.

      It’s not very complicated, but understanding the Jewish context of what He said requires more than a surface-level understanding of Scripture, and it helps to know a tiny bit of history. When was the temple destroyed? In 70AD. A lot of Christians don’t know that, even though it’s common knowledge among those who do even a tiny bit of homework. In Matthew 23 and 24, Jesus was talking about events that would happen in their lifetimes, and not about events many centuries later.

      Why don’t we add even more context? In Matthew 26 (two chapters later) we read about Jesus’ trial before the Sanhedrin, where He spoke again about this event:

      The high priest said to him, “I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God.” “You have said so,” Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

      Now, many modern Christians are ignorant of what’s in the Old Testament. The leaders in the Sanhedrin were not. When Jesus said that He would be coming on clouds, He wasn’t saying that He would return at the end of the world on a fluffy puff of water vapor. He was drawing a parallel between God’s judgment of Egypt in Isaiah 19 and His own coming judgment of Jerusalem. Note the reaction in the Sanhedrin: not giggles at a silly idea, but serious claims of blasphemy. Why? Jesus wasn’t claiming that He would come back after a few dozen centuries, riding on a cloud for dramatic effect. Instead, Jesus was claiming to be the Son of Man, the Messiah, the Son of God…and that Jerusalem deserved judgment, and that He would be the One to judge them. That didn’t make them laugh. It made them very angry.

      Let me say it again: this isn’t really a controversial idea. It’s very well established among Christian scholars and secular scholars alike. When we look at this whole section of Matthew in context (along with the parallel passages in Mark 13 and Luke 17 and 21), we see that they tell the same straight-forward story. Jesus said that Jerusalem would be judged for rejecting Him, that the temple would be destroyed, and that His followers would be persecuted. That’s exactly what happened, and we shouldn’t be surprised by it. Jesus meant what He said.

      So, to answer your question: Jesus talked about the sabbath in Matthew 24 because His judgment would come to Jerusalem in 70AD, a place and time where sabbath regulations were still in force. Using Matthew 24 to support modern sabbath observance doesn’t make sense, as doing so requires that we ignore the context of both the surrounding chapters as well as the historical events. Does that make sense?

      • Andre says:

        Thank you Tony for your thoughtful reply. I appreciate the time and effort. There is so much we agree on, though there are a few things that I am still not sure have been fully answered.

        Specifically at the very end of your reply you mention that Jesus was simply talking about the “judgment to come to Jerusalem in 70AD, a place and time where sabbath regulations were still in force.” I understand that the Jews at that time would still be observing sabbath because they always had and of course had never been told not to observe the sabbath. However I don’t understand why Jesus would mention the sabbath specifically when referring to a time of judgment after his death. As you’ve said previously on this thread his death was the fulfillment of the law that includes and therefore removes the need to observe the sabbath from his death moving forward. If his death and resurrection eliminated the need to observe the sabbath, and He knew the destruction of Jerusalem would be happening after His death, why would He mention the sabbath at all (if it no longer mattered)? He said specifically pray that your flight not be on the sabbath? Why would it matter if it was on the sabbath?

        As a side note (you may choose not to publish this portion though I hope you do) I must say that your tone is quite condescending throughout much of your reply. Let me give you a few examples.

        “Unfortunately, you’ve probably never heard it before”
        “Now, let’s review what He actually said”
        “requires more than a surface-level understanding of Scripture”
        “helps to know a tiny bit of history”
        “A lot of Christians don’t know that, even though it’s common knowledge among those who do even a tiny bit of homework”
        “Now, many modern Christians are ignorant of what’s in the Old Testament”

        Surely you can see when these are put one after another how they come across. Of course you don’t know me at all and have no way of knowing if any of the above mentioned things you shared are known to me or not. I can say comfortably that I am already aware of about 80% of what you shared and I am thankful to learn the other 20% and will daily seek to learn more.

        The problem is that even if I didn’t know any of that already, it could have been shared in a humble considerate way. In a spirit of brotherhood. Now I have thick skin so honestly it does not bother me that you would speak to me in this way. In a life where I have spent so much time around scholars, intellectuals and academics I have grown somewhat used to this approach. The reason I bring it up is because there are many people who are likely to read these interactions and find your approach to answering with such condescending language offensive. If your goal is simply to continue believing that your own opinion of scripture and history is infallible without the possibility of the person on the other end knowing things that could benefit you or help you learn something new, I might understand this approach better.

        However, if you are truly trying to have quality conversations with other Christians, and are yourself searching for continued guidance from the Holy Spirit to understand the scriptures more each and every day than I would challenge you to change your approach. There are so many who are just getting started on their spiritual walk with the Lord. They may stumble across this site and could be impacted so positively by your work, urging them to dig deeper and search for a deeper understanding of scripture for themselves. But if you use the language you did with me it also has the power to give them a foul taste in their mouth and push them away from any help or encouragement you and your work may be able to give.

        I say all of this in an attempt to benefit this website not bring it down in any way. I mean no disrespect and I hope my recommendations fall on open ears.

        Your brother in Christ,


        • Tony says:


          Thanks for your considerate reply! The reason Jesus talked about sabbaths that would occur after His death is that they were in Israel, where the sabbath laws would still be in effect. While the sabbath would no longer be in force, it would still be the law…and those who broke the law were right to be concerned, as it potentially carried the death penalty. Jesus’ warning was not about whether the sabbath was still needed, but about the dangers that would come from taking a too-long journey when the law forbade it.

          I do appreciate the last part of your comment. I’m open to criticism at all times, about all things. I’ve been doing this for 20+ years, and have written literally tens of millions of words in conversations like ours. In the beginning, I spent most of my time in chat rooms (remember those?) and on the Yahoo Message Boards. It was a very aggressive situation, and I was 20+ years younger. It took a long time to work my way to a gentler process. Since then, I think I’ve done pretty well…but there’s always room for improvement. You’re right: I could do better, and I will focus on being more gentle moving forward. Thank you for your kindness in pointing it out. Have a great day!

  51. Najwa Watson says:

    Good morning,

    I want to share that I am 24 years old, been saved for 14 years, and began following Christ by scripture (not by taught belief) since about 2015. I want to also begin by giving thanks to God for teachers like you and conversations like this because overall, I only see believers standing in the Truth, as it is written to them. However, I was also led here like another reader I saw in the comments, and I just want to express the impact of your responses to people. I pray you do care about the impact, just as much as the intention based off of scriptures in Titus 2. This is not space for you to quickly reject what I say, but to listen, and receive that this is what a young reader has experienced from the after-math of your teaching. What I received from you cannot be disproved, because I am currently feeling it. This is also not a judgment on who you are, or how you are. Just expression, in hope that you truly care about me and others reading.

    The truth is not supposed to be pretty, but the way you explain yourself comes off very offensive and condescending. If your goal is to have your sheep receive the milk or meat that they need in this Life, it would be nice to sense the fruits of the Holy Spirit from you, as listed in Galatians 5:22-23. Fruit from your message has yet to be felt, seen, or affirmed as I aimlessly scroll down the comment section. You are a great servant for learning as much as you did from Theology and studying scripture, but as a humble reader, Christ is lost in your voice when you actually speak to people. There is lack of understanding, and presence of belief that your own gained knowledge in Scripture is enough.

    My heart for you is that you don’t allow your wisdom to turn you into a Modern-Day Pharisee who judges, or loses sight in times where they could be wrong. Of course you’ve read about leaders and respected citizens in the Bible who knew scripture and what they truly meant, but still didn’t realize God’s true heart for us. Scripture for my basis on this is Luke 7:44-47. One of the greatest ironies of scripture is the rejection of Christ by the stewards of God’s word, by Jesus’ own disciples, and by the great leaders of that time.

    Everything you say is based on scripture, yes. But they appear to be set to your own theology and research. There’s danger in operating like that. The scriptures about Jesus coming to fulfill the Law was stated time and time again, but regard Romans 2:14-15. The commenters are just slightly disagreeing with you based off of Old Testament scriptures like Proverbs 7:3, and New Testament scriptures like Mark 2:27-28. Even though the Law was done away with, God still wanted the Commandments engraved in our hearts as internal respect and reminder of His original Will. Still, with no disagreement that the Law was technically done away with, just because you CAN let go of the Sabbath doesn’t mean you SHOULD (1 Corinthians 10:23). Christian freedom doesn’t take priority over God’s love.

    On one last note, keeping the Sabbath on the true, specific day is important to the readers, because they want to wholly express God’s love for their everyday living and worship. For biblical basis on the true days of the week, we can read about Jesus’ Resurrection. More specifically, “Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb” (Luke 24:1, 2). This day was Resurrection Sunday, right? The previous scriptures express what happened that Friday, stated how the ladies rested on the Sabbath, and finally, they came back on Sunday to realize the stone was rolled away for our King’s tomb.

    I never misunderstood your intentions, but if readers are saying they feel a certain way from you, I don’t understand how you couldn’t be moved by that. You also point out the faults in other people, and then actually commit the same fault all within the same response to them. Disturbing contradiction from someone with so much power as you have. But I still thank you, and this message was written all in love. What you say is right, but it does leave out everything your readers are trying to express to you based of important scripture. I pray you begin to realize that some of these people are indeed giving you exact proof, and you take those responses and reject them because they are not as eloquent as you, as explanatory as you, or as knowledgeable as you. There is no end to learning, and you could even learn God’s truth from a baby who can’t speak scripture or explanation of it. Also, the Word is truly living. Although it doesn’t change, it speaks in so many ways within one single scripture.

    God Bless you, the doers, and the readers of the Word. Have a great day! I pray everyone finds peace.

    • Tony says:


      First, thank you for your kindness.

      On the issue of sabbaths, let me be clear: the only commands to observe a 7th-day sabbath are in the context of the covenant between God and the descendants of Jacob. There is not, and has never been, any other command to observe any sabbath. If you want to observe the sabbath, that’s up to you. If you want to convince others that God wants (or expects, or demands, or even requests) for them to do so, you’ll have to do it with Scripture. There are no such Scriptures.

      There are also no Scriptures in which God suggests that the Ten Commandments should, would, or could be written on our hearts. Perhaps you meant this passage, from Jeremiah 31:

      “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel
      after that time,” declares the Lord.
      “I will put my law in their minds
      and write it on their hearts.
      I will be their God,
      and they will be my people.”

      When interpreting the Bible, keep in mind that context is everything. There is no way to read this passage in context and conclude that God is talking about writing His law on your heart or mine. A lot of people have pretended that this passage has no context, suggesting that it applies to every person on earth. It cannot be responsibly read that way, can it?

      Have a great day!

  52. Patty Graham says:

    Let me just say that one who honors God would NEVER speak one word against His Commandments.
    This would be a disgrace and dishonor to the blood of our Saviour, Who DIED to pay for the transgression of God’s law…
    which by the way is the Biblical definition of sin. 1John 3:4 Those who do such a thing should be ashamed and repent.
    By our words we will be justified…and by our words, we will be condemned. Paul never taught against God’s law…he respected It.
    He called It just, good, and holy. Romans 7:12

    • Tony says:


      First, thanks for visiting. Second, thanks for commenting! Third, it’s only your opinion that I’ve spoken anything against His Commandments. The truth is that I’ve used Scripture to explain God’s point of view.

      Yes, The Law was just, good, and holy. That’s not in doubt. However: it’s not a disgrace or dishonor to teach the full extent of Scripture. In fact, it’s impossible to know God’s mind on any subject without consulting all of Scripture. By taking a few verses out of context, you can make it sound like the Law is still in effect. It’s not. The Law was just, good, and holy…but it no longer applies.

      Why? Well…it’s important to keep in mind that the Law was only given to the Israelites, in the context of the covenant that God made with them at Sinai. This covenant never included Christians. If you read Acts 15, you’ll see that this very question has been addressed. The answer is no, Christians are not under the Law. It’s clear from the full witness of Scripture that it no longer applies to Israelites, either. Let’s look at what Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:14-15:

      For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations.

      Jesus “set aside” the law. How about we go to Galatians 3 for a whole bunch more of what Paul wrote?

      The Law was temporary, until the Messiah came. The law was our guardian…we are no longer under a guardian. The Law is not of faith. The Law is a curse. Christ redeemed us from the Law.

      This is not speaking a word against His Commandments. It’s speaking the whole word about His Commandments. Paul respected the Law, and never taught against it…but he made it clear that it no longer applied to the children of Israel, and that it never applied to anyone else. That includes you and me, Patty. You can read more about this here.

      I hope you’ll take the time to look through the rest of the New Testament to see the rest of God’s Word about the Law. I would never suggest that you believe me…believe instead the words that God inspired men to write for you and me. We are not under the Law. We never have been. That’s not my opinion, or just one of many interpretations. That’s simply what God has said.

  53. Patty Graham says:

    Jesus said He did not come to abolish the law..not one jot or tittle.
    He also said when He returns, He will say to many…”Depart from me you workers of lawlessness”.
    It’s impossible to be lawless without a law in the first place.
    There were many types of laws in Scripture. Those that are no longer necessary are circumcision of the flesh(now it’s in the heart of the believers with God’s laws written on their hearts…this defines the new covenant, first mentioned in Jeremiah, again in Hebrews)
    Animal sacrifices are no longer, believers are a living sacrifice. Temple worship is no longer..
    for God does not dwell in temples made with hands of men, but in the hearts of believers.
    We no longer have an earthly priest, for Jesus is our high priest in heavenly places.
    The Sabbarth was sanctified at creation and is a part of God’s moral law, defining the day He has chosen for rest. (Hebrews 4, Genesis 2:3). The 10 Commandments were intended as a standard of righteousness for all people. One law for all. Numberrs 15:15-16
    Murder, stealing, and bearing false witness continue to be sinful acts, along with idolatry
    and coveting. God wrote these laws with His Own finger and they are eternal. Paul said he would not have known sin had the law not said’ thy shall not covet’, one of God’s Commandments. We obey God from faith, not because of a law demanding us to. Jesus
    said, “if thy will enter into life….keep the Commandments”. Mt.19:17
    Blessed are they that do His Commandments..,they have a right to the tree of life,
    And may enter into the gates of the city” Revelation 22:14
    Those who honor the Lord, submitting to His Lordship, will go with Him into eternal life!

    • Tony says:


      Thanks again for your comment.

      You say that “Jesus said He did not come to abolish the law..not one jot or tittle.” That’s true…but it’s not the whole story. If you only tell part of the story by quoting only part of what He said, you misrepresent Him. Let’s look at the whole thing. It’s in Matthew 5:

      Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

      Jesus did what He came to do. He didn’t fail. He succeeded. He fulfilled the Law and the Prophets. Everything was accomplished. Those who believe that Christians should obey the Law of Moses are simply wrong. Read Acts 15, where the question came before the Christian leaders in Jerusalem. That group most likely included Peter, James, Paul, Barnabas, and John. They were clear in their instructions: Gentile Christians were not required to obey Mosaic Law.

      It’s worth noting that you haven’t responded to Paul’s teaching in Galatians (among other verses). You seem to be suggesting that I’m some sort of antinomian…someone who believes that Christians are entirely free to live as they wish. Nothing could be further from the truth, of course. My point is that the written Law – that is, the Ten Commandments and the regulations that come from it – has been replaced. It never applied to anyone outside the Sinai covenant, and it no longer applies to Israelites. Paul, who undoubtedly knew much more than you or I about the Law, called it the ministry that brought death (2 Corinthians 3:7). What more do you need?

      Please: do some more research. Study the whole of God’s Word, not just the parts that seem to support your own views. Those of us who are in Christ have no need for the written law. We have God Himself dwelling in us. The Holy Spirit leads us into all righteousness. The new covenant is not like the old covenant. The old covenant is obsolete, and new covenant is better.

  54. Rose says:

    Mercy….this is never ending. My husband and I near divorce because he wants to go back to the Christian Biblical Church of God. Fred Coulter heads this sabbath and feast keeping group. I discern they are all haughty and think they are the only chosen ones around. Beware people. Please google their web site. Any help would be appreciated.

    • Tony says:

      I’m very sorry to hear that, Rose. I’m praying for you and your husband.

      In my experience, these kind of errors come almost entirely from ignorance of the Scriptures. I wouldn’t suggest that Coulter is ignorant of what they say, but I would suggest that he has a following because a lot of other people are. It takes a special kind of audacity to claim that you, and only you, have the right understanding of God’s Word…and that everybody else in the world – including scholars and theologians with equal or better credentials from 2,000 years of church history – is wrong. I would suggest that you and your husband might decide to do a Bible study together, where you look together at the CBCG’s statements of faith and compare them with the Scriptures. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in your heart, and in your husband’s heart…and trust that His Word will not fail you. If your husband is sincere in his desire to serve the God of the Bible, the best remedy for unbiblical ideas is simple: more Bible.

      Let me know how it goes, please!

  55. Patty says:

    Obedience is not by human works, but by divine power given to those who love God and His truth. Acts 5:32
    Peter attests to this in Acts 3:7-12
    Honor to God’s Word, who is Jesus(John 1:14) is our foundation for our faith.
    Rose, we have been led astray by the teachings and traditions of men also, which was a waste of time.
    Staying in the Word and on our knees will produce the faith that honors God. Blessings

    • Tony says:

      Come on, Patty. If you’re going to try to make the case that the Bible says something, do try to actually get your info from the Bible. Here’s Acts 5:32: We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him. It does not say what you claim.

      Acts 3:7-12 doesn’t say what you claim, either:

      Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God. When all the people saw him walking and praising God, they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him. While the man held on to Peter and John, all the people were astonished and came running to them in the place called Solomon’s Colonnade. When Peter saw this, he said to them: “Fellow Israelites, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?

      Your advice to Rose at the end is great, and I recommend it for you (and me) as well: keep studying the Bible, and keep praying. Don’t just parrot things you’ve heard…go to the Scriptures and study them for yourself.

  56. Roseann Llewellyn says:

    Thank you Tony for your continuing to shed light upon God’s word. My husband continues with his beliefs stemming from his being in the original Worldwide Church of God with Herbert W Armstrong at the helm. I am thankful to believe that Jesus fulfilled the law and I have peace…….our walk is daily….no day is set aside. I am also thankful that I don’t have to be a Bible scholar to be saved.
    All this back and forth discussion is exhausting. Check out Twin Lake Church website…..Aptos, Ca. Let me know what you think. I love the teaching at this non denominational Christian church. I’m sorry butvI get confused trying to figure out scripture.

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for your kind words! I’m sorry to hear that your husband was part of the Worldwide Church of God (in the old days). My friend Rick was also, and I can see that it’s very difficult to leave that all behind. Thank God that they eventually came to orthodoxy!

      After looking at the Twin Lake website, they look great. I haven’t visited, and haven’t listened to any sermons online…so my advice isn’t worth a lot. Their statement of belief is biblical, and I like the other, smaller, items on their website that indicate they’re probably the kind of church I might attend.

      They appear to be capable of helping you learn to understand the Bible on your own…I would chat with a pastor about how to make that happen. There are plenty of good online resources as well. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day!

  57. Noel Charles says:

    Noel is my name and it is a topic that I discussed with someone who says we have to keep the Sabbath. I believe that if he takes sometime what the Scripture says and to know what God had delivered from he would see things differently. Keep sharing the Word and hope that all those participated and did not fully understand what the Scripture says, would ask the Holy Spirit to open up their understanding.

  58. Steven Stewart says:

    My name is Steven Stewart
    And like most people on here I was steadfast in my Sabbath beliefs
    I bumped head with Tony a few times on this and was very unhappy with this whole web page
    But somehow me and Tony continued to be brothers through our different beliefs
    I’ve now come to the conclusion on my own accord after reading the apostle Paul’s writings
    Exspeally Galattions that we are at Liberty from the Sabbath
    Liberty given to us by Jesus Christ
    Liberty not to Sin
    But a new covenant
    Love you God with all your heart and soul
    And love your neighbor as yourself.
    The passage that was my ahha moment was when Paul said we are not to observe day weeks and months
    To do so is to try to justify our selves by the law and reject the liberty given to us through Christ Jesus
    Paul’s talks about the laws of the Gentiles as being different from the Jews original covenant
    Our covenant as Gentiles are with Christ Jesus
    He also talks about sins not to commit
    It’s more than a few
    I’ll name a couple
    Thanks Tony for sticking it out for the truth of the Gospel
    Sincerely Steven Stewart your brother in Christ

    • Tony says:


      You’re awesome. Thanks for having such a great conversation with me. I was very happy to hear that you had taken the time to study the Scriptures and adjust what you believe based on what you learned. You’re an inspiration, because that’s what all of us should do.

      So many people have created a strange argument about the Sabbath. They say that it’s not required, but that we should observe it anyway… but then they act like it’s required. They say it just shows respect for God, but then pretend that not observing the Sabbath is a sin. There are even people who believe that worshiping with other Christians on Sunday, rather than on Saturday, is the mark of the beast that we find in Revelation! I can’t count the number of different, but strange, arguments about the Sabbath I’ve read over the years. It’s interesting to me that every time someone does their homework and reads what the Bible actually says, they change their minds about what they used to believe. The Scriptures are powerful.

      I’m glad we’re friends, Steven.

  59. Vicki says:

    Oh, my goodness Tony, bless you for your patience and your logical biblical insight. As our pastor says, God is not trying to trick us if you pray for wisdom and let Godly logic prevail you will understand. I’ve read (almost) all the comments, in my humble opinion, I don’t know how anyone cannot see, understand, and agree with your explanations. Thank you again for your logical insight. My only question about this issue is why the continued back and forth do some believe that they may lose salvation over this issue?

    • Tony says:


      Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate it!

      You ask a good question about why people have such strong opinions on the sabbath. It seems there are a number of different viewpoints that all contribute to it. I’ll make a short list.

      Yes, some people do believe that not observing the sabbath as outlined in the Old Testament will cost them their eternal life. Here’s their logic: if failing to observe the sabbath is a sin, then they may lose their salvation because it’s sin that sends people to Hell. The problem is that this ignores the fact that Jesus’ death paid the penalty for all sin, for all people, for all time. There’s a lot of hypocrisy in this view, since NOBODY observes the sabbath today in the way that God commanded the ancient Israelites to do it. If you want to say that God demands it, you also have to do it in the WAY that He commands.

      Because so many sincerely want to please God, they want to do everything in their power to obey Him. As a result, they don’t want to pick and choose what to obey… they simply see a command and want to follow it. If they started asking whether the command applies to them, they would feel like they’re picking and choosing the things they’re willing to obey. Put simply, they don’t know better.

      Having these conversations has shown me that most people are simply ignorant about what the Bible actually teaches. That’s why GodWords exists: to help people learn what God really says, and to help them work through the process of changing their beliefs to follow Scripture more closely. Most of us find that process difficult. Because we tend toward laziness, we avoid the uncomfortable process of challenging our own beliefs. Fortunately, those who are willing to do their homework to see what the Bible really says end up turning toward right beliefs. That happened recently, on this very article. My friend Steven has overcome his previous ignorance by really studying, for the first time, the Scriptures that talk about this subject. It’s also what happened to the Worldwide Church of God. They were a theological cult of Christianity, denying the trinity and insisting on Saturday worship. After their leaders started questioning what they taught, they repented of their errors and turned toward biblical orthodoxy. Unfortunately, there were plenty who chose to stick with their previous errors.

      Unfortunately, there are also people who claim the name of Jesus but do not follow Him at all. The New Testament warns about them, describing them as dangerous, like wolves. They’re only here to cause division and strife. I have no doubt that a fair number of people who come to GodWords to argue fall into this category. They run around starting arguments but have no interest in the truth. I’m not talking about people who really struggle to change their own minds, but people who have no interest in changing their minds… regardless of the evidence.

      I’m very pleased to have the opportunity to talk through the Scriptures with so many people. It’s very exciting when someone does their homework and is encouraged in their faith by what they find. Thanks for asking, Vicki!

  60. Doug says:

    Hey there Tony! I’m just wondering what your thoughts are on the dead sea scrolls/ the apocrypha? Mainly the books of Jubilees and 2nd Esdras(4th Ezra). Specific chapters Jubilees 2, and 2nd Esdras 7!

    • Tony says:

      Hey Doug! That’s a pretty broad question. Can you narrow it down a bit?

      Generally speaking, the Dead Sea Scrolls contain nothing from the New Testament, so our interest in them would be largely academic, not theological. Generally speaking, the apocrypha wasn’t considered Scripture when it was compiled. I believe that those documents are helpful in shedding light on the culture at the time, and on the beliefs of some… but I wouldn’t go much beyond that. There are good and specific reasons for the 66-book canon, and I’m not in a position to contradict those.

      If you have specific questions about specific parts, or topics, I’d be happy to look into them. Thanks!

  61. Pete says:

    Hallo Tony,

    Thanks, I you will not know how much I needed this.

  62. Laura says:

    I started reading comments and there were sooooo many so I’m just going to ask my question and if it’s already been asked I’m sorry. Isn’t the law different then God’s commandments? I thought we were no longer under the law but still under His commandments (10 commandments). Is this wrong? I’m seriously asking because this is something that we’ve really been searching in our home.

    • Tony says:


      First, we are definitely not under the Law. That’s made clear in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. It never applied to anyone but the ancient Israelites.

      Second, the Law IS the 10 Commandments, and a whole bunch of other things. So, we’re not “under” the 10 Commandments.

      However: 9 of the 10 Commandments are repeated in the New Testament, so Christians should observe that. Not because we’re under the Law, but because Christians are taught to do those things.

      The only command not repeated? The Sabbath. Why? Because the Sabbath has been fulfilled. We still shouldn’t worship anything but God, we still shouldn’t lie or steal, and so on… but the sabbath observation isn’t something Christians need to be concerned with. Does that make sense?

  63. Mary says:

    If we are no longer are under the law,,the 10 commandments.. then we can murder, steal? .etc..we know what not to do and we know what to do which is good ..why not keep the sabbath holy.? Jesus is Lord of the sabbath now.sabbath means 7th day which is Saturday..Jesus did not say he was Lord of Sunday..God who is Jesus in the flesh ordained the sabbath day..God does not change..God said this..Why do people worship on Sunday,,?,no where in Gods word does God change the sabbath day. the sabbath day was made for man to rest.we know not to commit murder etc..why eliminate the sabbath day ? The apostles met the first day of the week, so Christians assume the day was changed ..no where in Gods word does God Jesus mention he changed the day. Many people justify Sunday cause they think Christ Jesus rose from the dead Sunday, he was in the tomb before sunset the day of preparation of the Passover which is a high day, not the sabbath day. The Hebrew day is sunset to sunset ..Friday sunset to Sunday morning is not 72 full hrs. Jesus is the unblemished Passover lamb.
    My issue is,, we Must worship God in spirit and truth,,that’s what God wants. I do study and a lot of research to find truth..God Jesus was in the tomb before sunset preparation day before Passover that night,,he rose on the sabbath ..it was Mary that found the tomb empty that Sunday morning does not mean Christ Jesus’s rose that morning,, they did not use commas etc in the Holy Spirit inspired writings of Gods word back then… .man added them changing the truth of God’s word.

    • Tony says:


      You ask good questions!

      There should be no debate as to whether Christians are under the Law… that is, the Mosaic Law. We are not, and we never have been. There are no arguments that can legitimately undermine this truth. The Mosaic Law was given only to the ancient Israelites, and to no one else. Even those who were once under the Law – the Jews – are no longer under the Law, as outlined very clearly in the New Testament. It’s very simple: we are not under the Law.

      That doesn’t mean that we have no law at all, of course. That would be silly. Look at the gospels! Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all lay out, in careful detail, what Jesus taught. Those are the commands that Christians are to live by. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commands.” Just before going to Heaven, Jesus said to make disciples, and to “teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.” That seems pretty clear. We have commandments, but they come from Jesus, and not from the Law.

      Did you know that 9 of the 10 Commandments are repeated in the New Testament? I’m going to write a new article, showing these verses. Christians don’t follow the 10 Commandments, but we do live by the same principles. Can you guess which of the 10 Commandments is missing from the New Testament? That’s right: the Sabbath. Why? Because the Sabbath looked forward to Jesus, and Jesus has come.

      Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. Galatians 3:23-25

      The purpose for the Sabbath has been fulfilled, so it is no longer needed. Not Sunday, and not Saturday either.

  64. Emily says:

    Hi Tony,

    I wanted to thank you for this excellent, articulate article. My favorite part, however, was reading through your discussions with those commenting and seeing how you engaged with them and their opposing arguments. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it’s encouraging to me seeing a fellow Christian standing on what they believe without being condescending or prideful.

  65. George says:


    Let’s start at the beginning.

    Jesus… is the creator of the world.
    Praise is Holy Name

    The reason for the above scripture is to show you how the Sabbath day came to be.

    Many Christians follow in the footsteps their fathers and Mothers, and also their fathers before them and we just like them accepted what we are told in this regard?

    A question not so frequently asked and should be, is how did Sunday worship come to be?

    Roman Emperor Constantine… Council of Laodicea…

    Loving your neighbor is good but as your children grow up you need to teach them the 10 Commandments so that they understand what this all means. You cannot just tell a child love your neighbor how will they understand what you are saying if you do not explain this to them as they are growing up.

    …This includes the Sabbath of which we are talking about. This is the 4th commandment.

    Exodus 20:8 Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.

    It is often said, we are not Jews and therefore are not bound by the Law. Yes that is in part true because Jesus came and died for you and me, he shed is precious blood to atone for all our sins. He was the perfect sacrifice, ‘The Lamb without blemish”, he died and took upon himself the sins of the world so that no more sacrifices need to be made no more blood needs to be shed. He died once and for all, on the cross.
    A question that should be asked? “Have the Gentiles been given different commandments by God and a different Sabbath?”

    Throughout scripture from EXODUS to Revelations it is written “if you love me uphold my commandments”.

    So looking at the above scripture we can say there is NO scripture that says Gentiles and Jews have different commandments, “WHY” because we are now all children of God and there is no scripture that says there are two sets of rules / commandments.

    Should we then observe the same Sabbath and festivals he gave the Jews. Most certainly “YES” we should, because we are all his children, he has confirmed that to us so many times.

    There are a number of Questions that are very important and thus everyone should discern for themselves what is right and what is wrong by look into and studying the scriptures. Not only the scriptures but an in-depth look into history and the events that have attributed to many things we do today.

    • Tony says:


      I have edited your comment. I do not do this often, and I never do it lightly. Please know that this decision was not made because I disagree with you, but because your comment was simply GIGANTIC. One of my goals is to have conversations with people about the articles I write, and your comment would be good if we were alone. Millions will read this page, and most will not read a comment that long. Most will even stop reading entirely, which is contrary to my goals. I’ve tried to leave the parts that will further the conversation.

      For those who are reading this, George used a lot of Scriptures (which is good) and some lengthy examples. His comment was pretty well-written, and my edits should not cause you to discount or ignore what he wrote. I hope that my response, as well as the article and comments here, will convince you to continue to search the Scriptures to find the truth.

      I’ve been having this conversation for many years, and many of the arguments are the same. I’ll address the “big” points one by one.

      Yes, Jesus is the creator of the world. Yes, we should praise Him. No, the Scriptures that explain who Jesus is do not explain how the sabbath day came to be. As the article points out, the sabbath was established as part of God’s covenant with the nation of Israel. The word “sabbath” only means “rest,” like “to stop.” God sabbathed in Genesis… that is, He stopped because He was finished creating. At that point, no instructions were given to observe any kind of remembrance. Later, in Exodus 16, God told the Israelites that He would not give them manna on the seventh day, which was a rest day. They gathered twice as much on the sixth day, so they would have enough. These instructions would never apply to anyone not stuck in the wilderness for 40 years.

      Later, God told them to remember the sabbath. That is, to remember that He provided for them in the wilderness, and that they were dependent on Him, and that He would continue to provide. Finally, in Exodus 31, God said this:

      Then the Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy.'”

      Do you see it? God told Moses to tell the Israelites that the sabbath was a sign between them and God for generations. This is not a universal instruction. This is part of God’s covenant with Israel, and only they were included in it. There were no Pakistanis involved, nor Chinese, nor Peruvians, nor Canadians. This only applied to them.

      As for being taught by our parents, you make a good point. Too many simply believe whatever they’re told, and never question. However, it seems that you’re saying that I disagree with you because I’m only parroting what I was taught as a child. That’s a very bad argument, George. First, I was taught to observe the Sabbath as a day of rest… but, even if I had been taught otherwise, the question is not what I was taught by people, but what the Scriptures say. I’ve learned to be like the Bereans, who received what Paul taught with joy, and then went home to check the Scriptures to make sure he was right. You should do the same.

      You mention “Sunday worship” as if the early church changed the sabbath to Sunday. They did not. They didn’t consider the first day of the week to be a sabbath. They recognized that the sabbath was no longer to be observed, as Jesus had fulfilled the old covenant with Israel and had begun a new covenant with the whole world. Nine of the 10 Commandments are repeated in the New Testament, to be observed by all. The one that’s missing is the sabbath, for a very good reason. The old covenant never included gentiles, and it was no longer to be observed by the Jews.

      The new covenant replaced the old covenant. Not only are we not bound by the Law because we’re not Jews, but the Jews themselves are not bound by the Law. Any person who follows Jesus is to obey HIS commands, not the Levitical Law. This is firmly established in the New Testament. No, the gentiles have not been given a new sabbath. We worship every day. We remember every day, not just on the seventh or the first.

      >> we can say there is NO scripture that says Gentiles and Jews have different commandments, “WHY” because we are now all children of God and there is no scripture that says there are two sets of rules / commandments.

      Yes! You wrote that right, even if you didn’t mean to. Jews and Gentiles do not have different commandments because all who trust in God are His children, and there are no Scriptures that teach two sets of rules. You simply have the wrong rules, my friend. The rules and commandments given on Sinai were good, but temporary. Jesus’ rules and commands are good, and permanent. They supersede the old. The old is gone.

      I hope that makes sense. Please feel free to continue this conversation. Many have become convinced not by me, but by their own study of the Scriptures. Please study.

  66. Herb says:

    All is encompassesd in this one phrase. It begins with Jesus and it ends with Jesus.

  67. Nonso Chukwuemeka says:

    I stumbled on this topic while researching sabbath observance on Sunday as against Saturday. Here is my God given insight of it.

    Regarding Observing the sabbath day, we all know that Sabbath means “rest” and God commanded us to keep it holy. There are two ways to Keep this command; By “works” or by “Faith”.
    In the Old Covenant its a Law that must be obeyed, but in the New Covenant its a Promise Fulfilled. Let me explain:
    God stipulated the 7th day as the sabbath day (Exodus 20:8-11), but did not specify which day it must be (neither Saturday nor Sunday nor Monday nor any other week for that matter), These days of the week were even named by pagans. If you were to observed the sabbath day armed with this knowledge, you could simply work for any straight 6 days and rest the next day after the last day of work (in which you do no work) keeping it holy, by God’s command whatever day of the week it falls into does not matter.
    But in the worlds system of work and employment, it most definitely falls into Sunday and sometimes Saturday and in some places (Muslim countries) even Friday. If you own a company of your own, you could even make it a Wednesday by starting off work on a Thursday.

    However the above method of keeping the sabbath day (be it Sunday or Saturday or Monday) is only achieved by “works” which is by calculating the 7th day of rest and abstaining from doing any work in that day.

    In the New Covenant everyday is a Sabbath day, not just one day, Remember that Sabbath means rest, here it is (Matthew 11:28-30),
    “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
    Here Jesus invites us to his “rest” or Sabbath, that He is the one that gives rest.
    Further down in Matthew 12: 8, Jesus makes it clearer when he states, “For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” He owns the Sabbath -“rest”. Jesus further reveals what is lawful to do on Sabbath in Matthew 12:12 “How much more valuable is a person than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.”
    Fast forward to Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
    It is by our believe in Christ that we are saved, and we keep the New Command we are in Christ who is the Lord of the Sabbath. The New Command as Given by Jesus Christ is stated in John 15: 10-14 “If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.
    These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
    This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
    Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
    Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.”

    This Statement gives the condition for fulfilling all of Gods law, fulfil the Command of Jesus ” love one another” and through Him you have fulfilled all His Father’s Commands. Its as simple as that. By Faith in Christ we have kept the sabbath day(not just one day but everyday) holy.
    However remember Paul’s admonition in exercising your right don’t cause another to stumble whose faith is not strong enough, (1Corinthians 8:9) ” Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak.”
    Those who observe the sabbath on a single day (Saturday, Sunday or any other day) are in the right even if they don’t realise that in Christ the sabbath is everyday. For the benefit of those who Observe it on Sunday, I’m in the Sunday group; and for those of Saturday or any other day, I’m included; for those not in the Old Sabbath Law group but observing the New Covenant in Christ we are all in the everyday “Rest” Sabbath group by our Faith in Christ Jesus.

    • Tony says:

      Nonso Chukwuemeka:

      Thank you for taking the time to write your thoughts. I can’t yet agree with your conclusions. Let’s discuss.

      >> Here is my God given insight
      With all due respect, that’s not a good way to start. God MAY have given you insight, but that doesn’t help anybody else unless He also gives them the same insight. A better way is to ask each other about what God has already revealed. If your insights match God’s revelation, then God’s revelation should be good enough for all. If your insights don’t match God’s revelation, then your insights are worthless. Agreed?

      >> we all know that Sabbath means “rest” and God commanded us to keep it holy
      Yes, sabbath means rest. No, God has NOT commanded us to keep it holy. God commanded that the ancient Israelites keep it holy, and neither you nor I were involved. It seems wise to stay out of other peoples’ agreements.

      >> There are two ways to Keep this command
      No, there are currently NO WAYS to keep this command. The old covenant never applied to anyone but Israel, and it no longer applies to even them.

      >> These days of the week were even named by pagans.
      With respect, this is comical. Rishon, Sheni, and Shlishi were not ‘named by pagans.’ Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday may have been, but God’s command to sabbath on the seventh day was given long, long before we accepted those new names.

      In spite of your bad arguments, we agree that sabbaths are not to be kept by works. Let’s talk about keeping sabbaths by faith.

      >> In the New Covenant everyday is a Sabbath day
      No. I understand what you’re saying, but it’s still wrong. Here are two reasons:

      1. Those who are born again have entered into His rest. The New Testament does not suggest a day-by-day understanding of observing a day of rest by faith. Instead, it says that we who have believed enter that rest. It’s one rest that you enter when you believe, and continue in. You can read the details in Hebrews 4.
      2. If we believe that God commanded us to sabbath, we should obey Him. God gave instructions about how to observe the sabbath, and neither you nor I are in a position to change them. It’s entirely unbiblical to say that a sabbath should be observed in any other way.

      The command to sabbath is the only one of the 10 Commandments not repeated in the New Testament, and there’s a good reason for that: we don’t observe sabbaths at all. The New Testament doesn’t teach Christians to observe sabbaths differently, or to observe different sabbaths. It doesn’t teach us to sabbath at all. We don’t enter into God’s rest by making a fresh decision to sabbath every day. We have already entered His rest because we have believed. We are IN His rest, and remain in it.

  68. Annaliza says:

    Hi Tony
    Thank you for a well written article. I have been reading some of the comments and I see that you have mentioned that the law was only given to the Israelites and not to foreigners or other nations. I am by no means a scholar of the Word but when I read Deuteronomy 31 V 9 -13 it mentions,
    “Then Moses wrote this law and gave it to the priests…. Assemble the people, men, women, and little ones, and the sojourner within your towns, that they may hear and learn to fear the Lord your God, and be careful to do all the words of this law, “

    Also Exodus 20:10 states “But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates.”

    When the scripture mentions “sojourner” is this not referring to a foreigner?

    When trying to determine whether a believer should observe and keep the Sabbath, I often struggle because of the examples in the two passages mentioned above.

    Your comments as always, are appreciated.

    Your sister in Christ


    • Tony says:


      You’ve asked a good question! A lot of people see the word ‘sojourner’ and, because the Mosaic Law applied to people who weren’t Israelites, conclude that the Law applied to all people. Clearly, this is not the case. The word in Hebrew is ger, and it means a guest or a stranger or a foreigner. Sojourners were people who moved to the promised land to live with Yahweh as their God. People from any other nation could live there, but they didn’t have the same inheritance rights, like being able to own land.

      The same word is used in Genesis 15:13, where God said this to Abram: Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there.

      It’s also used in Genesis 23:4. Abraham and Sarah lived in Hebron (part of Canaan), and Sarah died there. Then Abraham rose from beside his dead wife and spoke to the Hittites. He said, “I am a foreigner and stranger among you. Sell me some property for a burial site here so I can bury my dead”. In this verse, we see the words foreigner and stranger. I find this story interesting and fascinating, by the way… I recommend reading the whole section. The word ‘foreigner’ is ger and ‘stranger’ is towshab. The term we might use today is ‘resident alien,’ or someone who isn’t from here but has taken up long-term residence.

      These foreigners could live in Israel as long as they wanted to abide by Israel’s laws, which were given to Moses. The Law given to Moses, as you’ve already read in Exodus 20, applied to the Israelites… and to anyone wishing to join them in the promised land. This Law never applied to anyone else.

      By the way: those laws no longer apply to anyone, including Jews. As for whether Christians should observe the sabbath, it’s worth noting that only nine of the 10 Commandments are repeated in the New Testament. Certainly the sabbath is mentioned, but nowhere in the New Testament are followers of Jesus taught to observe sabbaths. They were only a sign – a symbol – pointing to Jesus, and no longer needed once He arrived.

      Does that make sense?

  69. Guy says:

    Hey Tony, I must admire your fruits of spirit in dealing with the disrespect and insulting comments.

    In regards of the Sabbath, I was trying to observe it every Saturday with my family but coming across Colossians 2:16-17 and deeper digging, I realizes that the Mosaic Law was fulfilled by Jesus on the cross. I understand the new covenant in effect for the Jew first and then the gentile is grace. In this freedom, we are no longer bound by the chains of the law but unless we choose to, in which we will be cursed and judged by the law. But now, walking in faith is the new justification because a personal relationship with Christ transforms our hearts (Something the law couldn’t do).

    The 7th Day Adventist and other people love to judge people by their keeping of the Sabbath, which as you noted by scripture, is not required.

    We should not be pestering or worrying about who is keeping the Sabbath because the focus should stay on Christ, lest we sink like Paul did.

    Thanks for clearing thay up, your explanations have liberated me and now walk more in the freedom of Christ, praising his name.

    Be easy Tony,

    God bless everyone in this forum!

    • Tony says:


      Your kindness is refreshing. Thank you!

      I very much like how you explained it: the old covenant is gone, and the new is to the Jew first and then the gentile. I’m probably going to steal that, because it’s good (and true). I appreciate you!

  70. Gert Botha says:

    Genesis(NIV) 2:
    1_Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.
    2_By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.
    3_Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

    My view on Sabbath
    Two things are important for me:
    1: GOD blessed the seventh day and made it holy
    2: God blessed the seventh day and made it HOLY

    Friday at sunset, I try to have most of my work done. But now in my mind I let go of all the temptations, worries and things concerning my own needs. This is my Daddy’s day! I try to focus on our surroundings and the more I look, the more I see God’s creational works e.g. birds coming for a last drink and flowers closing for the night and the last sun-rays still touching the highest mountain peaks.
    I realize each time what phenomenal great God we serve. And my praises start to go out to Him who loves me most.
    Important for me is that my prayers on the Sabbath do NOT consist of “Lord help me here; Lord take away my back-pain; Lord change my workplace; Lord do this and that for me” Its plain praise only and then I realize how self-centered I actually am when I find fewer words when NOT thinking of myself…

    Keeping the Sabbath does not secure me a place in heaven. It does not make me righteous. And it certainly may not let me feel good about myself!!! My father wants an intimate relationship with me and what better day there would be than the day Daddy has set apart for us!
    And YES, HIS blessing and calmness filling my stressed-out lifestyle is only because of HIS love for me and me just being obedient!
    My advice: Don’t “try out” keeping the Sabbath but start building that relationship, your Dad is so longing for!

    Blessings to you all you truth seekers out there, keep on and God will answer when you open up your heart to Him

    • Tony says:


      I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment!

      Unfortunately, I’m going to respond negatively to it. YOUR view of the sabbath is irrelevant. So is MY view of the sabbath. We should only be concerned about God’s view. Where can we find God’s view on the sabbath? In the Bible, of course! I have no doubt that you read the Bible, so I’d like to point out a few things for you to study.

      First, Genesis 2. It does say that God qadash the seventh day. That word means a number of things, but they all relate to a main idea: to set apart, or dedicate. It’s a pretty common word… it appears over 200 times in the Hebrew Bible. The fact that something is qadash is no indication that it’s for everyone. For example, my son’s birthday is coming up. We will qadash the day to celebrate him. You don’t need to set that day apart and dedicate it to the same celebration.

      God set apart the seventh day. That doesn’t mean you or I need to do the same. You can if you want to, of course… I’m in no position to tell you what you can and cannot do. However: everyone is in the same position when it comes to Scripture. Everyone can, and should, see what the text of God’s Word actually says. Here’s the plain, unvarnished truth: nobody outside the ancient nation of Israel was ever commanded to observe the sabbath.

      The problem is not that YOU observe a sabbath. The problem is that you believe it’s appropriate to tell others that GOD wants them to do the same. That opinion can’t be found in the Bible, my friend. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of things in the Bible that are qadash, yet you probably don’t spend any time thinking about those other things. They were “holy,” in the same way the sabbath was holy, but that seems to have escaped notice.

      We who are in Christ live in an ever-present reality: we have entered into God’s rest. That is why Christians who live as the Bible teaches do not concern themselves with sabbaths. I’m not going to condemn you or anyone for observing sabbaths… that would be silly and hypocritical of me. Instead, I will continue to simply point out the fact that sabbaths are, for Christianity, irrelevant.

      • Gert Botha says:

        Hi Tony
        Thank you for your explanation.
        I respect your opinion and also will not try to convince you otherwise.
        I believe what God’s word says and will not try to find out if it really is what its saying.
        Nevertheless I find it interesting what you are saying(hence the interest in your site) and at least I realize again that its utmost important to study God’s Word!
        Blessings to you, Tony

  71. AE says:

    Hi Tony, I am thankful that I have come to your page. The topic of observance of the Sabbath has been the reason a man that I had a relationship with decided to end it, he claimed that despite showing me numerous verses that prove that the Sabbath is:
    – a sign between God and His people,
    – the Sabbath needs to be kept Holy,
    – or in the NT that if we love Him we keep His commandments.
    I continue to not see the truth and as such we can’t walk together in this life as we are unevenly yoked.
    That’s basically the gist of it.
    I have done my own studying and my mother who is a Christian woman and studied theology when I was growing up as means to learn about the Word also has given me plenty of Scripture to support that the Sabbath need not be kept by us Christians.

    Still as you can imagine, I am heartbroken and I go back and forth in confusion.

    At a fundamental level I think that the answer is found in Hebrews 4 and also in the fact that the Sabbath commandment is never mentioned by Jesus or after his death in the NT.

    My question to you is, in the catholic religion (how I grew up) there is a commandment to keep the Sabbath. Catholics and most Christians claim to keep it by going to church on Sunday (or any day, the day is irrelevant). What are your thoughts on these Christians dedicating a day to the Lord and going to church? Do you also not go to church? I am in no way judging or implying anything, as I don’t even have a congregation myself ( I would like but I haven’t found one)

    Thank you. Your thread has given me some peace in such a difficult time.

    • Tony says:


      Your kind words warm my heart this morning. Thank you.

      I’m sorry to hear that you lost a relationship over this issue. That’s hard.

      I do go to church. We meet regularly, including Sundays. This isn’t because the Bible tells us to, but simply because it’s traditional… our society revolves around the M-F work week, and most have the weekend off. That’s just how things have worked out. You’re absolutely correct: the New Testament never instructs people who follow Jesus to worship on a particular day.

      I have no problem with any believer who chooses to set aside a day… to dedicate that time to God. No problem at all. That’s up to them. Clearly, there’s no biblical reason to NOT do that. The only problem I have is when people preach and teach and repeat that this is what God demands. It’s not about worship. It’s not about Sunday. It’s about God, and what we see in His Word. When someone says that God commands something, I want to know where. If they can’t find it, my skepticism is shown to be wise.

      There’s nothing wrong with worshipping on Saturdays, or Sundays, or whenever. There IS something wrong with saying that God commands it, or that He forbids it. You should feel free to worship regularly, often, and without condemnation.

      I’m glad you’re my sister. If I can help you decide on some local churches to visit, let me know.

      • AE says:

        Tony, I would like help finding a church as after this experience I have realized how important it is to find a congregation that spreads sound doctrine so that I can grow in my knowledge of the Lord. I am in Miami, Florida down south around zipcode 33130 and I am in my early thirties.. so I would love to find a church with a vibrant young community so that I could also make friends and come together in bible studies and such.

        Many blessings to you, thank you so much for your quick response.

    • Just a Messenger says:

      [This comment has been edited. See my reply for details.]

      God is Good! He is GREAT…
      The enemy of God, the devil, does not want us to worship God the way He has bidden us…
      There are NOW more than 500 Sabbath keeping denominations in the world…

      • Tony says:

        Hey, Just a Messenger. Thanks for visiting. If you’d like to have conversation about what the Bible says about sabbath-keeping, let’s. If you’d like to publish a list of 500 congregations, all of whom have gotten the sabbath wrong, please feel free to make your own website. Have a great day!

  72. Gail says:

    Hi Tony, I would like to have a little input for what its worth. I am in my sixties and for the best part of that, I was a Sabbatarian under the SDA church system and then as a Messianic and then as a fairly strict Torah observant believer observing all the appointed times to the best of my ability.
    I just want to save some of you a whole lot of heartache and confusion that will rob you of the joy of the Good News. Recently, after a reexamination of every belief and doctrine I held dear, I unpacked the narative in my head in which I understood the Scripture. We all have a narrative we have grown up with and that’s how we approach Scripture. It is the biggest hindrance to truth seeking. We all have to be completely open to the idea we just might be wrong. Even wrong about things we thought the Spirit was teaching or showing us. It is a slow and difficult trek. It has taken years. One doctrine at a time. It has been similar to peeling back an onion one layer at a time. I was filled with fear. Then I learned to trust in His love for me. Many times I just had to wait on Him. For the first time in my life, I truly have the peace and joy and clarity as to what pleases our Father in heaven and what is required of the New Covenant believer. I recently read a book called Sabbath in Christ by Dale Ratzluff from Life Assurance Ministries. You can get an $8 ebook. I highly recommend it. This book confirmed for me everything I believe the Father had already shown me in Scripture. I had already stopped the feasts and Torah but I still clung to the Sabbath. There was a lot of fear instilled in me with this teaching. Tonight commences the Sabbath of the 4th Commandment according to the Mosaic Law where I live. I won’t be observing it for the first time in many years. (Even though I love it). I am no longer afraid or confused about whether we are ‘under’ it or ‘under’ the Torah. I don’t believe in Sunday sacredness and I would be happy to assemble for worship in both a Sabbath or Sunday keeping church. Under the new covenant it is not about the day but about the worship. I can already hear the protests. Read the book. It covers everything! I want to thank Tony for your straightforwardness and courage to hit us all right between the eyes with the plain truth on this site. I love your work! Thankyou brother! Had I come across you some years back, I just would not have heard you because of the narratives in my head. May Yahuah continue to bless your ministry and I pray that many ears will be open to the truth of the Gospel that you offer here. It really is such wonderful news! HalaluYah!

    • Tony says:


      Welcome, and thank you for your message. You’re exactly right: unless we’re willing to be shown the truth, we will cling to our own ideas. It’s best to study the Word of God with an open heart, and allow Him to change us. It’s also a good idea to lean on the community of believers, as we all have some wisdom to share. We can’t, however, forget to be like the Bereans: checking the Scriptures to make sure that what we’re taught is what God said.

      I’m happy to hear that you’ve given up banging your head against the wall of the sabbath, and I appreciate your kind and encouraging words!

    • AE says:

      Wow Gail! Praise the Lord that He has allowed you to finally experience the type of peace that only comes from Him.

  73. George says:


    • Tony says:


      That seems suspiciously like ‘poisoning the well.’ You know, the unfair practice of undermining all who disagree with you. It’s as if you’re saying, “You who disagree with me must not be chosen. Clearly, the chosen will agree with me.” Obviously, this is no way to change anyone’s mind… and it’s contrary to the clear examples we have in the New Testament, where we’re told to contend for the faith. You’re not contending. This is a hit and run, and you can do better.

      Please come back and do better, George! Show us, from the Scriptures, exactly what you mean.

  74. Daniel Taylor says:


    After an extensive read on this topic and of the replies to the deluge of comments, it is obvious there is an agregious oversight as it pertains to the comprehension of God’s Holy Word.

    To that end, allow me to expound upon my theology of this simplistic Commandment of Keeping THE Sabbath day (Ex 20:8):

    Without the preverbial “beating a dead horse” as the adage goes..

    I will delineate my point into a 3 part structure.

    POINT 1: Sabbath Keeping: Still in effect? Done away with?

    One could discern by Pauls teachings previously mentioned in prior comments, such as Colossians 2:16-17, Galatians 3:13, 23-25, just to name a few, which seem to lead one to infer that Paul is contradicting Ammanuel(immanuel) Yeshua in Matthew 5:17-20. Now, you will notice that i have not listed the entirety of the aforementioned verses. This is due, in large part, to my need of expediting the imparting of my view of your ideology. With that said…let us continue:

    Now one thing i must point out to you is that when you see the word “Law” in Gods Word, there is two ways to interprete the subject therein: A: Law: As a whole. OR. B. Law: Singular (one imperticular, or a set of Laws) . With That said, consider the Following Carefully:
    “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.(VS 18)For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.(Vs 19)Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.( VS 20)For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:17-20

    God’s Moral and ceremonial Laws were given to help people Love God with all of their Hearts and Minds. Throughout Israel’s history, however, these Laws were often misquoted and Misapplied. By Yeshua’s Time, Religious Leaders had turned the Laws into a Confusing mass of Rules and traditions. (Matthew 15:9
    But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
    >Mark 7:7-Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.)
    When Jesus Talked About a New way to understand God’s Law, He was actually trying to bring people back to its original purpose. He did not speak against the Law itself, But against the Abuses and Excesses to which it had been subjected.
    If Jesus did not come to cancel the Law, then does that mean all the old testament Laws still apply to us today? Consider the Following Verses:
    -Romans 2: 13 “(For NOT THE HEARERS of the law are just before God, but THE DOERS of the law shall be justified.
    -Romans 2:18 “And knowest his will, and approvest the things that are more escellent, being instructed out of the law.
    – Romans 3:31 “Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.
    -1 John 2:4 ” He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
    -1 John 3:4 “Whosoever commmitteth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
    -Romans 4:15 “Because the law worketh wrath:for where no law is, there is no transgression”

    As the above verses synergistically conclude, we are still to keep the Commands, Laws and Statutes of God. Now, it is at this point we must also expound on the separate branches of the Levitical/Mosaic Law. For there were Three (3) Categories of Law: Ceremonial, Civil, and Moral.
    1. Ceremonial Law related specifically to Israel’s Worship (Book of Leviticus). It’s primary purpose was to point forward to Christ Yeshua, these Laws, therefore, were no longer necessar after Yeshua’s death and resurrection. This is the “Law” that you see Paul referring to. This was pertaining directly to the Ceremonial Law(s). Which Christ: Son of God, fufilled with his faithfull offering of his blood as an atonement/ Sacrifice of our Sin unto salvation. I must also add here that It is pivitol to understand exactly who Christ Jesus/Yeshua/Yehoshua/Yeshu, Root of David(Revelation 5:5, Word become flesh(John1:14,1 John 1:1), Lion of Judah(Rev 5:5), Son of God(Matthew 16:14-18), God of Glory/Lord of Glory(James 2:1, 1 Cor 2:8, Psalms 29:3, Genesis 48:16{Gen 22:11})
    Is. Why? Well it abridges down to this: if you can truly understand who our Lord Christ Jesus is, and his TRUE Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven(Matthew Chapters 24,25,26) then you may grasp the context of the teachings of the apostles and their epistles.
    Let us continue….

    2. Civil Law Applied to daily living in israel (Deut 24). Because modern society and culture are so radically different, some of these guidelines cannot be followed specifically. but the principles behind the commands should guide our conduct. At times, Paul asked Gentile Chrsitians to folllow some of these laws Not because they had to, but to promote unity. (Timothy was physically Circumcised)
    Civil Law is perfectly summarized by Christ in Matthew 22:35-40 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
    (vs36) Master, which is the great commandment in the law?(vs 37)Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.(Vs 38)This is the first and great commandment.(Vs 39)And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.(Vs 40) On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    3. Moral Law is the Direct Command of God ( Ten Commmandments: Exodus 20:1-17) It requires strict obedience. it reveals the nature and will of God and it still applies to us today. We are to obey this Moral Law, Not to obtain Salvation, but to live in ways pleasing to God(Upright/Blameless/Righteous).

    So, what then is the summation? It is my discernment that leads me to this finality on the Keeping of The Sabbath:
    A. The Word says “Remember THE Sabbath day”, it does not say “AN”. Also, nowhere in the word of God will you find an apostasy of the fourth Command of God: Keep the Sabbath Day. In fact, there are two types of Shabbat or Sabbath(s): Weekly Sabbath (Seventh Day), and Annual Sabbath (at select times also called “High Day”. For anyone Called to preach and teach the word of God to say otherwise is certainly misguided and missinformed.
    B. It is my conception that if one is convinced in their own precept and assertion, then surely an outpouring of Fact and Guidance are thereby thwarted by the viewer’s/Reader’s own perception of the same subject matter. Whether by priori or posteriori view points, it is the discernment of that individual or individuals that will dictate their comprehension and acceptance of a new ideology of the same matter.
    C. On the subject “Every Day” being held as a “sabbath”. Is no where in the Word of God. You will not find a single verse that substantiates this theology. For if you read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Carefully you will see that Christ and his Disciples ALL kept the weekly and Annual Sabbaths. Christ Jesus himself kept the Laws.

    I will end by saying this: Tony and anyone else with a similiar ideology, please listen, Do not Argue on the Word of God. What i put in this comment i mean as for correction and teaching; but, most importantly, it is MY conception. John 6:44 “No Man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him:” Therein I do not excpect one or a group of people to accept this theology. However, I urge you to pray and remain stead fast in the Faith of our Lord Christ Jesus who is that second and more perfected Covenant. He is Truly the Lamb of God. Son of God most High!!!! Hallelujah Hosana in the Hightest!!! Selah

    To Tony Specifically: I urge you my friend to continue Studying the Word of God. Also, if there are any grammatical errors, please overlook them LOL.

    • Tony says:


      You’ve written a lot, and I appreciate the effort. Unfortunately, you’ve done a lot of work with little effect. Why do I say that? Well… not to put you down, of course. I say it because you haven’t addressed the actual underlying issue.

      You wrote that the command is to keep THE Sabbath day, and you tried to make the case that it’s still in effect. That doesn’t matter at all. Why? Because: the command was never given to you or to me. It wasn’t given to the Egyptians, or the Eritreans, or the Chaldeans, or the Canadians. It was given only to the ancient Israelites. Look it up and you’ll see that it was part of the covenant that God made between them and Himself. You and I aren’t ancient Israelites, and we have no business butting into that agreement. Period. End of story.

      I know you want to make distinctions between and moral, civil, and ceremonial laws of the old covenant. I’ll play along, for the sake of our discussion.

      • Civil commands had to do with being part of the nation of Israel, and would never apply to anyone else. Period. End of story.
      • Ceremonial commands had to do with Judaism, not with Christianity. How do we know? Read Acts 15. Christians are not part of that system. Not even a little. Period. End of story.
      • The only part left are the moral commands. Those are universal. If you’re trying to say that Exodus commands about sabbath-keeping are moral commands, that’s pretty silly. All you have to do is read it to see that it’s silly. I don’t have a town. I’m betting you don’t either. God says (in v10) that foreigners residing in “your towns” shall not do any work. That’s civil, not moral.

      All of that is beside the point. Not only were non-Israelites excluded from the old covenant, but Jews were excluded from it at the Last Supper. Jesus instituted the new covenant at that moment, and the writer of Hebrews points that out clearly. Not only are we not under the Law, but nobody in the entire world is under the old covenant. Why are you butting into God’s 3500 year-old obsolete agreement with other people?

      • Tony says:


        I tried to reply to your email this morning, and it bounced… from both email addresses. Not sure what’s going on, but I wanted to alert you that you haven’t been forgotten or ignored.

  75. Joe Gogo says:

    Jesus did not rise on Sunday! He rose on the sabbath. God Has explained What a day is . It is a day And I night starting with the night first . Christ was crucified On a Wednesday which was the Sabbath During that time And also the Passover . If you count Three full days Then he rose on Saturday Which was The Sabbath . Jesus said that he will be in the Three days and three nights Not two days . You have to believe what Jesus Said . Wednesday night Thursday Thursday night Friday Friday night Saturday Saturday night And when they went to the Grave he had already risen Meaning Saturday of the weekly Sabbath

    • Tony says:


      With respect, it sounds like you’re more interested in defending ideas you like than in looking at the facts and adjusting your interpretations accordingly. Why don’t we take a look in the Bible to see if it tells us when Jesus rose from the dead?

      • After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. Matthew 28:1
      • When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” Mark 16:1-3
      • On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. Luke 24:1
      • Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. John 20:1
      • On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” John 20:19

      According to all 4 gospels, Jesus rose from the dead early in the morning on Sunday… like it or not. If you continue to believe otherwise, you’re only fooling yourself by disagreeing with the people who were actually there.

      You can say “three full days” if you want, and I could join you, but the question isn’t what we think. The question is what Jesus, and the writers of Scripture, intended to communicate. Want proof? Look at Genesis 1:5.

      God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning – the first day.

      The Hebrew word for day is YOM. It’s used twice in that verse: once for the light part of that period, and once for the whole period. This isn’t an anomaly, and it’s unmistakable. The word means lots of things, even today:

      • A 24-hour period
      • The light part of one earth rotation
      • I work an 8-hour day
      • Back in my day, we walked to school. In the snow. Uphill. Both ways.
      • The issues of the day

      I don’t disagree with you to be disrespectful, Joe. I disagree with you because you disagree with the Bible. I would encourage you to dig a little deeper, or much deeper, to make sure that what you believe about God matches what God has already told us about Himself. We are saved by grace through faith, for example. Jesus declared all foods clean, for example. The law was temporary, until Jesus came, for example. Let me know how I can help.

      Have a great day!

    • Mary says:

      Hi joe.
      I see Tony’s response showing scriptures where it mentions people coming to the tomb Sunday morning ..yes it was after the sabbath that these people came to the tomb, as tony mentions , but no where in this verse does it express Christ Rose,, these scriptures only talk about when the people showed up..found the tomb empty. Christ is the lamb of God, Christ was the perfect Passover lamb without blemish..it was on the preparation day that Christ was crucified, the preparation day before the high day Passover, on Wednesday.. reading Gods word it states this, there were 2 sabbaths that week, Passover was the high day , 72 hours, 3 full days in the tomb later, Christ had to be in the tomb by sunset and he was, Christ rose from the tomb on the weekly sabbath day, Saturday.

      • Tony says:


        Thanks for visiting… I appreciate your comment! I have two responses.

        1. You may be technically correct. it may be that Bible translators have, over and over and over again, put commas in the wrong places. The Bible does not definitely state that Jesus rose after the sun went down on the seventh day. However: all four gospels, and the rest of books in the New Testament, place very strong emphasis on ‘the first day of the week.’ This is the traditional position, and we would need something substantial to override that fact. Your point of view holds very little water. Why is that? Because, by all accounts, the early church celebrated “the Lord’s day” – that is, the day they believed He rose from the dead – on Sunday. In addition, Sunday worship began with that first generation of Jewish believers… something that wouldn’t have happened if they believed He rose on the seventh day. Jesus appeared to the disciples on the first day of the week, and Pentecost was on the first day, the early church set aside money for others on the first day, John’s vision in Revelation happened on the first day. While we don’t know with 100% certainty that Jesus rose on the first day, there’s no question that the early church celebrated His resurrection on the first day of the week for these reasons.

        Keep in mind that I’m not saying that Sunday worship is in any way better than worship on any other day. I’m saying that what you believe is contrary to what was believed, claimed, and taught by people who were actually there. That alone should be a reason to examine your beliefs very carefully… right? It would be arrogant to think that the practices of the early church were somehow based on a simple misunderstanding over which day Jesus rose.

        2. Who cares?

        I don’t mean that harshly. I do think that whatever we find in Scripture is both true and important. Here’s what I mean: what difference does it make? If you can point me to a reason to think that knowing exactly when Jesus rose from the dead actually changes anything, I’d be grateful. It’s kind of like arguing about Jesus’ hair color. Yes, Jesus is a pretty big deal. Yes, we should learn what we can about Him. No, knowing His actual hair color does nothing to grow the Kingdom, to help a young believer mature, to reach the lost, or anything else that might matter.

        I think you’re wrong, but let’s say – for the sake of discussion – that you’re right. Let’s say you could even prove it beyond any doubt.

        WHAT THEN?

  76. Kacee says:

    Most people believe that the Sabbath is on a Sunday, while the people that actually put in the time to research the correct answer says it’s Saturday. And you say that it’s not pertaining to any day, it’s when you’ve completed your work for that week…am I correct on this assumption?

    • Tony says:


      I’m not saying that the sabbath can be any day. I’m saying that, for we who are in Christ, every day is a sabbath. The sabbath was never about taking a day off because we’re tired and need a break. It was always a spiritual thing, about spiritual work.

      The Hebrew word Sabat means ‘to rest’ or ‘to cease’ or ‘to desist.’ It has nothing to do with any day of the week. When God created the universe, He was working. When He was done, He stopped working… not because He was tired, but because He was finished. There’s nothing religious about it at all. When I’m done writing this reply, I will ‘sabbath’ from it… that is, I will be done, so I will stop.

      Later, God made an agreement – a covenant – with the descendants of Jacob (the Israelites). Part of this covenant included setting aside a day to not work, to remind the Israelites that God created everything, that they were dependent on God for everything, and that at some point in the future, humanity would enjoy God’s presence. The day that God chose was the seventh day. We would call that Saturday. In Hebrew it’s Yom Shevi’i… seventh day. So, the Israelites were supposed to sabbath on Yom Shevi’i. As a result, that day became known as Shabbat, or ‘Sabbath Day.’ Makes sense, right? It’s the day they rested, so it’s rest day. Not-working day. Sabbath. To put it another way, they sabbathed on the sabbath day, which we would call Saturday.

      The covenant that God made with them didn’t include anybody else. Not the Egyptians, not the Romans, not the Canadians… and certainly not you or me. The command to sabbath on Yom Shevi’i was only given to them. That covenant, according to the New Testament, is no longer in force. It’s obsolete, since Jesus made a new covenant with the whole world. That covenant isn’t like the first one. There’s no sabbath day. Why? Because the whole covenant, including the day they rested, pointed to the coming Messiah. Once Jesus came, there was no need for that covenant. That was the point of the sabbath to begin with: to point us to Jesus, and to the time when we who belong to God would experience His presence personally.

      Does that make sense? The sabbath used to be Saturday, but isn’t Saturday anymore. Some Christians have considered Sunday to be the sabbath, but they’re wrong. The New Testament calls Sunday “the Lord’s day,” because that’s the day Jesus rose from the dead… but it’s not the sabbath, and there’s no command to sabbath at all. We who believe have already entered into God’s promised rest, which we do by faith.

  77. Page Parker says:

    Ever heard of Occam’s Razor? I think the simplest thing would be to keep the Sabbath (seventh day.) If you have to go into these long explanations with all these verses that do not say you don’t have keep the seventh day, maybe you should think about it more.
    You don’t have to explain things when they are right! God is not the God of confusion!

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for visiting, and for commenting!

      You clearly don’t understand Occam’s Razor. No offense, but you’ve missed it completely. Occam’s Razor isn’t a method for figuring out the right answer. It’s not a method for determining truth. It’s a useful method for making an educated guess when you don’t have the information you need for a better conclusion. The simplest answer isn’t always the right one, is it?

      Still, as William of Ockham actually did suggest, it’s a good idea to avoid unnecessary complications. How’s this for simple?

      The sabbath was a sign of the covenant between God and the ancient Israelites. You’re not an ancient Israelite, so butt out.

      How’s that? Simple enough for you? When God said to remember the sabbath day and keep it holy, He wasn’t talking to you. God’s covenant with other people really isn’t any of your business, is it?

      Now that that’s been made clear, let me know if you prefer a more complicated, lengthy discussion on the subject. I’m all ears. =) <3

    • Kc says:

      I agree. Everyone that attends church needs to bring this up to their pastor.

  78. Scott Schorr says:

    One of the patrons to this site, suggested that the Sabbath was no longer observed, because the Lord had not mentioned it in Matthew 19:16-19. Jesus did not mention the Sabbath Day in his answer because in these verses Jesus is referring only to loving one’s neighbor (verse 19). When a Christian loves her neighbor, she will keep the last six commandments of the Ten Commandments (Moral Law).

    • Tony says:


      First, thank you. You make a good point: it’s important to not just pluck verses out of the Bible and try to interpret them. We need to read them carefully in context before drawing conclusions.

      Second, in this case, I’m afraid you’ve missed it. Matthew 19:16-19 is NOT a passage “referring only to loving one’s neighbor.” Here’s the text:

      Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”

      “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”

      “Which ones?” he inquired.

      Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother,’ and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’”

      “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”

      Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

      When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

      Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

      When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”

      Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

      Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?”

      Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.

      Clearly, this passage is not where Jesus teaches about loving one’s neighbor. Loving neighbors is referenced, but the context is the question: how does one get eternal life? So, in questions about salvation, this passage may be relevant. I assume you would say that you have eternal life, Scott. Does that mean you have sold your possessions and given them to the poor? If not, why not?

      If you want to take Jesus’ words out of context, you can make them mean all kinds of things. If you want to take them in context, they can only mean what Jesus intended them to mean.

  79. Mike says:

    Colossians 2:16

    Biggest misconception…

    Based it on the closest version:
    KJV states:
    16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

    Prior text also mentioned:
    14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

    16: sabbath days: means the ceremonial sabbaths and festivals that relates to food and drink
    14: handwriting: means man made ordinances.

    This text Colossians 2:16 refers to the text found in Ezekiel 45:17:

    17 And it shall be the prince’s part to give burnt offerings, and meat offerings, and drink offerings, in the feasts, and in the new moons, and in the sabbaths, in all solemnities of the house of Israel: he shall prepare the sin offering, and the meat offering, and the burnt offering, and the peace offerings, to make reconciliation for the house of Israel.

    • Tony says:


      First, thanks for your comment.

      Next, the “closest version” is not the King James Version of the Bible. The closest version is, of course, the variety of Greek and Hebrew manuscripts from which we translate our Bibles… most of which weren’t available to the KJV translators. Maybe I’ve misunderstood your point, but that’s not how any reasonable biblical interpretation is formed.

      On to the text!

      Context matters. Don’t just read a section. Read the whole thing. It’s not that much work. If we go back to chapter 1, we can see the context of Paul’s words more clearly. We see his greeting, that he’s praying for Christians in Colossae, and so on. Then he talks about Jesus, and how He is God, and that He created everything. He talks about continuing in their faith in Him, based on the true gospel. Let’s keep that in mind as we move toward the passage in question.

      When trying to understand Scripture, it’s important to note any repetition. Is Paul saying the same things, again and again, in different ways? Let’s see.

      • 1:5 – the true message of the gospel
      • 1:23 – continue in your faith
      • 2:4 – that no one may deceive you
      • 2:5 – how disciplined and firm your faith is
      • 2:8 – See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy
      • 2:9-15 – Paul lays out the framework of the gospel

      NOW we get to the passage in question. I mean, we’ve bumped right up against the verse about sabbaths. NOW we can read it in context. After encouraging them in the faith, after telling them to continue in the faith, after telling them to watch out for lies about the faith, and right after re-explaining the gospel – the faith itself – he says this:


      This is too important to miss, so I’m going to focus on the obvious. What is the therefore there for? It says that the stuff Paul just wrote leads directly to the next point. It says ‘because of what I just said, here’s what I want you to understand.’ It says ‘I said all of that to say this.’ Again: he just explained the gospel, and his very next words are the point he was leading up to.

      What does Paul say next?

      Do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

      Why in the world would Paul write that? Because THAT is what the Christians in Colossae were dealing with. This passage does not deal with any sort of imagined distinction between the civil and ceremonial and moral laws of ancient Israel, Mike. Paul isn’t saying that they should drop the parts of the law about clothing and crops and keep the parts about sabbath-keeping. The context says nothing about that. The context is that Paul wants them to stick to the gospel, and to not be deceived by fine-sounding arguments that are NOT the gospel.

      I’m not trying to beat you up here. My goal is not to prove you wrong, of course. My goal is for you and I and everybody else to understand what God has revealed through His Word. What I’m about about to say isn’t an attack, but an observation. Yes, it’s pointed at you… but it’s also pointed at the zillions of people who read this passage and claim that it says something other than what it obviously says.

      With all due respect, this passage is actually talking about YOU.

      Paul’s point is that dietary restrictions and religious observances are not part of the gospel, and your point is that they are.

      I’m gonna go with Paul on this one. I hope you’ll take the time to read all of Colossians over and over a few times. I hope you’ll pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you, as Jesus said He would, into the truth. I don’t believe you’ll be disqualified from Heaven for getting this one point wrong, Mike… but if it was important enough for Paul to write about, it must be important enough for you and I to get right. Don’t let anyone deceive you with fine-sounding arguments, my brother. My prayer for you is the same as Paul’s was for the Colossians in 1:9-12:

      We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.

      • Mike says:

        Cannot remember my comment. I don’t adhere to
        original sabbath syndrome.
        That’s supposed to be funny.
        I have friends that have become involved in a messianic Christian group
        They now follow and observe Jewish holidays
        The New Testament says that we are a Royal priesthood a Holy nation and a peculiar people.
        Some of us go out of our way to be peculiar.
        They now pray to Yahweh
        And Elohim.
        This makes them feel special
        It’s sad to me.
        My Salvation is in Christ.
        I got it hearing the word
        That produced Faith.
        His Grace covers me through this Faith.
        There’s so much to know
        and say and believe about
        What the Blood of Christ
        the Lamb of God does for us
        Thanks for what you do.

  80. Makana says:

    Hi there,
    I am a little confused on the whole “work” aspect of this. You wrote that “working” is having to sacrifice for our sins, but isn’t work also just our jobs and such? I looked up “work” on the Blue Letter Bible website, and the main definition for it refers to an occupation or business for both the Hebrew and Greek words for work. So where do we get the idea that “work” is sacrificing for our own sins when talking about the sabbath? Wasn’t the sabbath just for resting from our occupations? I know that “work” can apply to any act we do to try and attain salvation, but that meaning doesn’t make sense to me for the sabbath.

    Also, for Colossians 2, isn’t Paul talking more about the doctrines of men than the commandments of God? If he was talking about the sabbath commandment in that verse (which was a commandment of God and not of men), then why would he go on to criticize the “rudiments of the world” and the “commandments and doctrines of men?” And why would he tell the people to watch out for the traditions of men in verse 8? I didn’t get that part either.

    I’d appreciate any explanation on these two points. Thanks!

    • Tony says:


      I assume you’re responding to me, and not someone else’s comment. The “work” I talk about in the article is our own efforts to try to be right with God. I’m a web designer. I don’t make websites to be right with God, of course. I’m not talking about how one makes a living, but about striving – based on our own efforts – to get God’s positive attention. Most of the religions in the world are built on this idea… that we must appease God or attract His attention. Christianity is the other way around: God Himself has done the spiritual work on our behalf, and no amount of spiritual striving on our part will make a difference in our salvation.

      We certainly should strive to please God. Obedience is important. Where people get things twisted is when they think that our own efforts can save us.

      The sabbath was never resting from our occupations. It’s not about being tired and needing a day off. It’s a remembrance. God created the world in six days, and then He stopped. He didn’t stop because He was tired, of course. He stopped because that work was finished. The seventh-day sabbath points to God doing His work. By remembering that God worked and stopped (the meaning of ‘sabbath’ is to stop), the ancient Israelites saw that God was their source for everything.

      As for Colossians 2, no. Verses 16-23 aren’t about one thing, but several. In v16, Paul is talking about true things. Sabbaths and festivals pointed to Jesus, and – now that Jesus has come – are no longer needed. In v20-23 he’s not talking about true things, but false things. The sabbaths and festivals and dietary requirements of Judaism were never the commands of men, as you point out… but Paul’s use of “this world” in the later verses show that he’s not referring to the Law in those verses. Does that make sense?

      By the way: I’m very happy to hear that you’re using Blue Letter Bible! I use it all the time, and recommend it highly. You’re clearly a Bible student!

      • Makana says:

        Thanks so much for responding, I really appreciate it. I have a lot of questions surrounding the sabbath and do not often get responses when I reach out to people, so thank you!

        I understand what you meant by “work” in the article, I was just confused as to how that kind of work relates to the sabbath. The sabbath was, at some point at least, about resting from our occupations and taking a day off. The “work” in Exodus 20 for the sabbath commandment refers to labor related to an occupation or business. The Israelites were supposed to stop their daily, occupational work and rest in God on the sabbath (Nehemiah 13:15-22 is a good example of them breaking that rule). Are you saying the “work” forbidden on the sabbath is a different kind of work today than it was under the old covenant? So were the Israelites forbidden to do their jobs (as well as many other things) on the sabbath but we are just free from relying on our works to attain salvation?

        Regarding Colossians 2, I am not sure I understand your point. Would not the subject of verses 20-23 be related to verse 16? And what of verse 8, which also mentions the “traditions of men?” So from verses 8-23, Paul talks about man’s doctrine, God’s doctrine, and then man’s doctrine again? And I did not quite understand what you meant by true things and false things. If verse 16 is about true things, wouldn’t that mean they are significant? Or did you mean that those things are true because they are God’s law? But wouldn’t they be false things if they are just a “shadow” of Christ and no longer needed? I’m still a little confused, unfortunately.

        As of right now, the way I understand Colossians 2:16 is that Paul is speaking on the false doctrines that the Jewish leaders attached to the dietary laws and holy days. For instance, the Pharisees found it unlawful to pick grain or heal on the sabbath day, but Jesus declared that they were wrong and emphasized that it is lawful to do well on the sabbath day (Matthew 12:1-13). And this is not the only example of the Pharisees adding their own doctrine to God’s law. They also sought to push the practice of physical circumcision onto the Gentiles even though the disciples were clear that circumcision is now of the heart and not of the flesh (Romans 2:29). These are the issues I believe Paul was referring to. Is this not a reasonable way to understand Colossians 2?

        And thank you for your last comment! I take studying God’s word seriously, as I believe we all should.

        • Tony says:


          Thanks for clarifying. You’re asking good questions! I hope I can help.

          The sabbath is like a parable. Parables use simple, familiar things to point out greater spiritual truths. Jesus taught in parables, using simple and familiar things like mustard seeds and yeast and lamps to teach greater spiritual truths about faith and sin and understanding. The point of a parable is never the physical thing, but the truth it points to. God’s command for the ancient Israelites to observe sabbaths was never about physical work, or taking time off, but the greater spiritual truths that those things pointed to. Rest from physical labor was never the point. The point was that they should learn, understand, and remember something more important.

          We see this in the command itself, where God points out that He brought them out of Egypt, and that the sabbath was a sign of the covenant between them and God. We also see this in Colossians 2 where Paul points out that sabbaths, dietary restrictions, and new moon celebrations weren’t the goal, but shadows – simple, familiar things – that pointed to a greater spiritual reality. Now that Jesus has come, there’s no need for shadows. If those things were still required, we would definitely be judged by whether we observed them, right? The reason Paul wrote that we’re not to judge one another by those things is that they had become spiritually irrelevant.

          As for connections between verses 16 and 20-23, you’re definitely on the right track. To understand verse 16, we need to look at the rest of the text. However: you may not be expanding your view far enough. If we take the whole book of Colossians into account, the context becomes much clearer. Paul lays out his purpose for writing at the beginning of chapter 1 and repeats it at the beginning of chapter 2. Let’s take a look.

          In 1:9, Paul wrote that he and Timothy were praying for them, asking God to fill them with the knowledge of His will, so they would live well and please Him. Paul then explains the gospel: that Jesus is God, that He is the head of the church, and that He reconciled all things to Himself on the cross. He reminds the Colossians that they were part of that reconciliation, and that they should continue in the faith and not waver from the truth. At the end of chapter 1, Paul explains that THAT is his goal: to proclaim Christ. At the beginning of chapter 2, Paul goes into more detail: he wants them to be encouraged and united in love. Why? So they would understand Christ. Why? So they would not be deceived by things that sound good but are actually lies.

          Now that Paul has clearly explained why he’s writing to them, he writes the things they needed to hear, based on what was happening at that time in the church. They were not united in love at that point. What was dividing them? Fine-sounding arguments that had deceived some of them. Paul then writes the truth, and we can see hints of these fine-sounding arguments as we continue reading:

          • Jesus is God
          • Jesus has all authority
          • They had been spiritually circumcised – the physical sign of the covenant with Abraham – by Jesus
          • They identified with Christ through baptism… their own death to self, and their resurrection to new life
          • All sins were forgiven on the cross
          • The dietary restrictions, sabbaths, and religious observances of Judaism pointed to Jesus, and are no longer needed
          • Some people pretended to be more spiritual through false humility and angel worship, but were actually unspiritual and separated from Jesus
          • Their former beliefs about how to live were based in ignorance and were spiritually unfruitful

          In chapter 3, Paul stops telling them what NOT to do, and tells them what TO do. When we look at the bigger context, the connections are made more obvious. Paul’s words about human tradition aren’t directly related to sabbath-keeping, but to the lies that were dividing the church. That’s what the whole letter is about! Paul wanted to encourage them to remain faithful and loving (1:4), and to address the deceptions that had been dividing them (2:2). The Jews and Gentiles in Colossae disagreed about how to live out the faith. Paul wrote to clear up their disagreement, and he did that by explaining the truth clearly.

          Like dietary restrictions, sabbath-keeping is now spiritually irrelevant. To some, this statement is seen as a shocking heresy… but they’re wrong, as we see plainly in the Scriptures. Jesus declared all foods clean in Mark 7, but – obviously – some of the Jews had trouble coming to grips with this change. The dietary restrictions were now spiritually irrelevant, but not everybody understood. The church at Colossae was divided over dietary restrictions, sabbath-keeping, and more. Paul wrote to them to clear things up, so they would understand the truth, and be united with one another in love.

          Does that make sense?

          • Makana says:

            I’m still having a hard time understanding this. I agree with you on what the purpose of Colossians is. Paul is encouraging the people to focus on Christ and not the traditions of men. The traditions of men were dividing the church. What confuses me, though, is that the sabbath, dietary restrictions, etc., are not traditions of men, so when those words are stated, it must be speaking of something else. It does not make sense to me that the sabbath issue would be randomly sandwiched in the middle of the conversation about the “rudiments of the world” if it is not a commandment of men. Why wouldn’t Paul have been talking about the additional (and therefore traditional) dietary and sabbath laws that the Jewish leaders added to make their religion more legalistic? Take Matthew 12, for example, when the Pharisees criticized the disciples and Jesus for doing what they considered to be unlawful on the sabbath. Jesus did not tell them that the sabbath was spiritually irrelevant because he is now here, rather, he said “Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days” (verse 12). Mark 7 is a good example of this too. The Pharisees wanted the disciples to follow the “tradition of the elders” (verse 3) by washing their hands before eating. Again, Christ reprimanded them for putting their traditions above the commandments of God, but he did not suggest that a law of God was no longer relevant. Can you see why I am still a bit confused here? Why wouldn’t Paul be talking about these kinds of laws, which were not of God but of men? Would that not better fit the context of Colossians, a book that denounces the commandments of men in favor of Christ and God’s law?

            I also am not sure how referring to something as a shadow makes it spiritually irrelevant. Aren’t all works like a shadow in that none can grant salvation on their own? But that does not make those works necessarily irrelevant, does it? Like giving to the poor or loving one another are both good works, but even they cannot grant salvation unless they are tied with faith, so they could kind of be like a shadow. They are an outline of who Christ is, but not the whole picture.

            Am I missing something here?

          • Tony says:


            I really appreciate this conversation!

            In Matthew 12 and Mark 7, the old covenant was still in force. The Jews were expected to – and required to – observe the whole law. It wasn’t until Jesus died, and until Pentecost that the new covenant took the place of the old.

            Colossians isn’t about ‘the traditions of men.’ It’s about avoiding false doctrine, including the traditions of men, and more. Paul wrote the book because the church in Colossae was divided over doctrine, and he wanted to clear things up. The way to clear up doctrinal disagreements is to simply explain the RIGHT doctrine. That’s why he explains the gospel in chapter 1: to make sure they get it… because they were confused about it, and needed another explanation.

            The old covenant was between God and the ancient Israelites. The new covenant that Jeremiah and others wrote about was ALSO between God and the ancient Israelites. When the new covenant was made, the old covenant was no longer needed. It was obsolete. The new covenant is not like the old covenant, and it is better. The old covenant is history, and it became history when Jesus died. On the night that Jesus was betrayed, Luke 22He explained that the New Covenant would begin when His own blood was spilled.

            It’s no surprise that first-century Jews would have trouble adjusting to this. They had been under the old covenant for around 1500 years. However: Colossians 2 isn’t the only place where we read that the old covenant is no longer applicable. Hebrews 10 is one of those places that uses the same kind of language as in Colossians 2:

            The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming – not the realities themselves.

            The sabbath was one of the things dividing the church, as we’ve seen in 2:16-17. Paul did not say that the other things were a problem, but that they all needed to observe the sabbath as commanded in the law. Instead, Paul explained that the sabbath had a purpose, and that it had served that purpose. We needed the shadow for a time, but now we have what the shadow pointed to. Those who argued that Christians – whether Jew or Gentile – must observe the sabbath had, at that point, turned God’s old command into their own tradition.

            As for works being like shadows, that’s not what we read in Scripture. Works don’t point to some greater future reality. They’re acts of obedience. They can’t save us, but they’re still good. A shadow, as used in Hebrews 10 and Colossians 2, obviously compare a present symbol with future reality. The present symbol was the law. The whole law pointed to the future reality of the coming Messiah. Notice that it’s not JUST the sabbath, but dietary restrictions, religious festivals (of all kinds), a New Moon celebration OR a sabbath day. Each was given to make a different point about the coming Messiah, but they all pointed to Jesus. Now that Jesus has come, Paul rightly points out that 1) the old covenant has been replaced by the new, and 2) the observances commanded in the law are no longer required of Jews, let alone Gentiles.

            We see this clearly in Acts 15. Here’s the question: is it true that Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses? Circumcision was THE SIGN of God’s covenant with Abraham, and the Mosaic law had been required of Israelis and Jews everywhere for centuries. Jews and Christians in Colossae argued about doctrine, but they weren’t first… the church in Antioch dealt with that problem first. What did Peter say about this? … why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear?

            In the end, the council in Jerusalem – Peter, James, the other apostles and elders, plus Paul, Barnabas, Judas, Silas, Luke and others all agreed: It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things. Where’s the sabbath? Where are the many other points of the law? We know that failing on one point of the law is to fail to obey the whole law… so there’s no way they would say “we are still under the law, but we only suggest you do these four things.” No chance. That letter was written to accomplish the same goal as Paul’s letter to the Colossians: to promote love and unity by clearing up a doctrinal dispute.

            Does that make sense?

  81. Makana says:


    But Jesus was already telling them to stop certain parts of the old covenant before he died. For instance, he replaced the “an eye for an eye” old covenant law with turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:38-39). He also preached about adultery and divorce in a way different than the old covenant described (Matthew 5:27-32). He also taught to love our enemies, which was not an old covenant teaching (Matthew 5:43-44). It didn’t sound like he was saying to turn the other cheek or love our enemies only after his death, he wanted them to do it right then. Why would he do that if the New Covenant was not to begin until after his death?

    Of course, some New Covenant implementations could have only begun after his death. The two I immediately think of are the end of physical circumcision and anything dealing with the earthly sanctuary or animal sacrifices, because those two things were directly replaced by Christ’s death and his present role as our High Priest. I like to think of these two things as not being done away with, but replaced with something better. We are accepted by God through faith in Christ and therefore circumcised in the heart instead of the flesh (Romans 2:29), the earthly sanctuary was replaced with the heavenly sanctuary (Hebrews 9:23-24), and Christ was our once-for-all sacrifice and now our High Priest in heaven (Hebrews 7:22-28, 10:10). Given the nature of these things, they could have only occurred after his death, but Christ preached many other new covenant laws while he was alive on earth.

    Concerning the council in Jerusalem, I think the only way their conclusion makes sense is if they were only focusing on what was, as you have stated, dividing the church. If “do not kill” or another law was not dividing the church, then they did not mention it here. I do not think that just because the sabbath or other points of the law were not mentioned that it makes them obsolete; rather, it just means they were not the major issues dividing the church at that time. Kind of like how Jesus told the rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-22) to not murder, not commit adultery, not steal, not lie, honor his parents, and love his neighbor but left out the other commandments, not because they were not important, but because Jesus simply chose to focus on those instead of the others. This man clearly did not truly love his neighbors, for when Jesus told him to sell his possessions and give to the poor, the man walked away. Jesus knew this and chose to focus on the commandments that deal with loving our neighbors. But we know the rich man could not worship idols or take God’s name in vain even though Jesus did not mention those laws to him in that moment, right? Can we not apply this same principle to the council in Jerusalem example?

    • Tony says:


      I appreciate your patience… it’s been a while since you last wrote. I also appreciate – very much – your persistence in discussing what God has said. I would again ask you to not believe anything I say without also carefully studying the Scriptures for yourself. I know that you are a Bible student, but it seems important to say out loud that nobody should become a follower of Tony. I’m not trying to convince you to believe as I believe. We’re just family members, having a conversation about what we see in Scripture. Sometimes we may not see things the same way but, if we’re both trying to learn, the disagreement can be fruitful.

      >> Jesus was already telling them to stop certain parts of the old covenant before he died… Why would he do that if the New Covenant was not to begin until after his death?

      That’s a great question! Certainly Jesus’ teaching should be seen as ‘new covenant’ teaching. In Jeremiah 31 God said that in the new covenant, His law would be written on people’s hearts and not on stone. Jesus taught that way, dealing not with the written law directly, but with what the written law should have accomplished: turning the hearts of the people toward God. With regard to the timing, all we have is what we see in Scripture. Jesus never told anyone to NOT obey the law. We can only conclude that first-century Jews were right to continue observing the old covenant at that time. Jesus apparently didn’t mention the new covenant directly until the Last Supper, where He was explicit: the new covenant wouldn’t begin until His blood was spilled as the final sacrifice for sins. When the new covenant began, the old covenant was no longer needed. The new covenant could not begin until Jesus died, right?

      >> I like to think of these two things as not being done away with, but replaced with something better.

      We agree! That’s how we should view all of the law. The law was good. God gave the law for very specific reasons, and it accomplished His purpose. Paul wrote in Galatians 3:23-25 that the law was a temporary guardian, needed until we could be justified by faith in Jesus. Every bit of the law was good, and had a purpose, and that purpose is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

      >> I do not think that just because the sabbath or other points of the law were not mentioned that it makes them obsolete; rather, it just means they were not the major issues dividing the church at that time.

      Ah, but that’s not what we read in Acts 15. Here it is again.

      First, in 15:1, Certain people came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the believers: “Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved.”

      Then, in 15:5-6, Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.” The apostles and elders met to consider this question..

      Circumcision appears in both passages, so it would be easy to think the debate was only about circumcision. However, as always, we must read the passage in context. Peter did not stand up and say that circumcision was too hard for Jews to bear. He said that the law, which required circumcision, was too much. The question at hand wasn’t about specific doctrines, as in Colossians… but about whether gentiles needed to observe the law as a whole. We know that failing to observe even the tiniest part of the law meant you were guilty of breaking the whole law, so they would never have suggested that God required some of the law and not the rest.

      If Christians are meant to observe the sabbath, Paul – a Jew who knew the law very well – would never write to not judge another by whether they observe sabbaths… would he? If sabbaths are required, then judgment over sabbath-keeping would be not only acceptable, but encouraged! Instead, sabbaths are to be seen as shadows that are no longer needed. I completely understand that this may be difficult to accept, having grown up in a church that was concerned with such things… but we can’t ignore the Scriptures. Peter’s response in Acts 15 should make it obvious to all.

      Does that make sense?

      • Makana says:

        I really appreciate your patience with me. I know I am asking a lot of questions, but it is only because I find it important to understand this topic. Every time you write back, I go back to my Bible to revisit the matter before responding. This isn’t about me, or you, or what anyone else says, it is about what God’s Word says. I am enjoying this discussion, so I thank you for doing this with me.

        I agree that Acts 15 is not just about circumcision. The law of Moses includes laws that many believe to be part of the new covenant, like do not steal, do not kill, honor your parents, etc., so saying that we are not required to keep the law of Moses does not fully explain which laws we are to keep. The laws that the disciples went on to mention in Acts 15 (idolatry, fornication, etc.) were part of the law of Moses too. So it’s not that they were eradicating everything in the law of Moses. Instead, they emphasized the points of the law of Moses that were replaced with something better and no longer required so that the focus remained on Christ and the gospel. For instance, animal sacrifices were replaced with Christ’s sacrifice, and flesh circumcision was replaced with heart circumcision…what directly replaced the sabbath? There is no provision in the new covenant where we stop our occupational work or physical labor (because that is part of what the old covenant sabbath was about) and rest…so if the sabbath is no longer to be kept, where is its replacement? I have heard some say that Jesus is now our sabbath, but I have yet to find a scripture that says that. Or, as you stated, that our sabbath rest is not relying on our works to receive salvation, but I still do not fully understand how that is considered a kind of “sabbath.”

        In a sense, God does require us to keep parts of the law of Moses, like do not steal, do not kill, do not lie, do not fornicate, etc., so I don’t think the question is “Do we keep the whole law of Moses,” but rather, “Which parts of the law of Moses are part of the new covenant and still required for us to keep, if any?” I do not think God gave us a new covenant because the laws themselves were too hard to keep, but because of the harsh consequence of disobedience: death. Under the new covenant, disobedience is covered and forgiven when we repent and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior because he, by dying for our sins, nailed the death penalty of the law to the cross…is that not so? The law itself is holy and righteous, but sin worked through the law under the old covenant to bring death (Romans 7:12-13)…so it was death and sin that Christ nailed to the cross, not laws (Galatians 3:13, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 2:24). Was is not this provision for death in the old covenant, and not the laws themselves, that was too much for the Jews to bear?

        As for Colossians 2, I understand what you are trying to say, but it still does not make sense to me. Like you said, Paul wrote Colossians to clear up any confusion on what true doctrine was. The Jews were putting false doctrines on the Gentiles, and as we saw in Matthew 12, one of those doctrines was about what you can and cannot do on the sabbath (e.g. they taught that no healing or picking of grain should occur on the sabbath, though God never commanded that). And since Paul clearly admonishes the people to avoid the traditions of men and rudiments of the world, I do not see how the sabbath commandment of God fits within that passage. Would it not be the “touch not, taste not, handle not” laws of the sabbath and other days that the Jews added to God’s law unnecessarily? These laws are just a shadow because they only have an appearance of wisdom but cannot give someone victory over the flesh like Christ can. Do you see where I am coming from with this? Is there another scripture you could give that suggests the sabbath commandment as ordained by God was a shadow of Christ?

        You assumed correctly, I did grow up in a sabbath-keeping church (though I no longer consider myself a member of the specific denomination I grew up in), and I currently keep the sabbath. But I was also raised to have an open mind to scripture and be willing to adapt my beliefs as I study truth, so I am ready to change my view on this if it makes sense in scripture. I have already changed some of my former beliefs as I continue to study God’s word, so I have no problem changing more when presented with new light. It is not that this sabbath topic is difficult for me to accept, I just do not fully understand it, which is why I continue to study it.

        • Tony says:


          You’re very kind. As long as you want to share ideas with me, I’ll be here. =) It’s awesome to hear that our discussion is leading you to study the Bible more!

          >> The law of Moses includes laws that many believe to be part of the new covenant, like do not steal, do not kill, honor your parents, etc., so saying that we are not required to keep the law of Moses does not fully explain which laws we are to keep.

          A LOT of people are confused about this topic. It can be tough to wrap our brains completely around the concepts, so I’ll try to simplify:

          1. The covenant that God made with the ancient Israelites never included anyone else.
          2. Period.

          That’s it. Really. It’s that simple. Of course, I’m teasing… but only a little bit. The new covenant is not a continuation of the old covenant. It’s not ‘old covenant 2.0.’ The new covenant is not like the old. It’s far better in every way, and the old covenant is now obsolete. When I say obsolete, I don’t mean “still what God wants from us.” It’s no longer applicable to anyone anywhere.

          Why are so many confused about this? Well… first, most Bible teachers spend no time on it at all. They mix the old and new in strange and confusing ways. Because of this, people who aren’t professional Christians sometimes don’t know what to think. Because most Bible teachers also don’t explain how to read and understand the Bible, people who haven’t paid professional Christians to teach them how to read and understand the Bible can’t easily find the answers for themselves. By the way: I used to be a ‘professional Christian,’ so I’m not knocking the idea. I just wish that those we paid to lead us did a better job of it.

          Second, the challenge is that the same God that made a covenant with them has also made a covenant with us. The same God who told the ancient Jews to not steal their neighbor’s stuff also told the first-century Christians in Ephesus to not steal. Because not stealing is an important instruction given to “them” and to us, some people think that our instructions are the same as their instructions. They’re not. We were never involved in the old covenant, and trying to butt into God’s agreement with someone else makes no sense. =)

          >> The laws that the disciples went on to mention in Acts 15 (idolatry, fornication, etc.) were part of the law of Moses too.

          Yep. Because the same God is involved in both covenants, some of the instructions are going to be the same. Some overlap is to be expected! However: don’t be confused. Just because God frowns on people in both covenants who steal each other’s stuff doesn’t mean that you and I were ever part of the old covenant. We weren’t. We never will be. We have our own law. In the New Testament it’s called ‘the law of Christ’ and ‘the law of love.’ What God has written on our hearts is far superior to what He wrote on stone.

          >> So it’s not that they were eradicating everything in the law of Moses.

          Again, we should try to be very clear. We know that whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. There’s absolutely no way that the elders in Jerusalem would tell Christians in Antioch that they only needed to observe PART of the law of Moses. Not a chance. That’s the opposite of what God said! Those who were part of the Mosaic covenant were to keep ALL of God’s commands… not just four of them.

          >> There is no provision in the new covenant where we stop our occupational work or physical labor (because that is part of what the old covenant sabbath was about) and rest…so if the sabbath is no longer to be kept, where is its replacement?

          That part (the part in parentheses) is probably throwing you off. The old covenant sabbath was never about stopping work, or about resting from work. The ancient Israelites were instructed to take a day off (or be killed) as a way of remembering who created everything, who provided for them in the desert, and whose people they were. It wasn’t about WORK… it was about God. Not working was just a weekly reminder. It’s a bit like The Karate Kid, when Mr. Miyagi made Daniel wax-on, wax-off. It wasn’t about waxing the car. It was about the result. Daniel learned something about karate, and the Israelites learned something about God.

          When God commanded the ancient Israelites to observe sabbaths, He said that it would be a sign between Himself and the Israelites. That’s why Jews observed sabbaths… but why are Gentiles to observe sabbaths? We’re not told to observe sabbaths. The sabbath is not a sign between God and Gentiles. Sabbaths never involved us, and we shouldn’t try to insert ourselves into God’s agreement with someone else.

          >> I do not think God gave us a new covenant because the laws themselves were too hard to keep, but because of the harsh consequence of disobedience: death.

          With respect, you should probably think through that part again. It sounds like you’re saying that God made a mistake with the Mosaic covenant, and corrected that mistake with the new covenant. Is that what you mean?

          >> Was is not this provision for death in the old covenant, and not the laws themselves, that was too much for the Jews to bear?

          Another great question! No, it wasn’t. In Acts 15, Peter didn’t talk about death. The Gentile Christians in Antioch weren’t being threatened with the death penalty. They were being told by Jewish Christians that part of being a Christian included becoming a Jew. That wasn’t true, so the elders set the record straight. They didn’t say ‘follow the law BUT don’t kill each other.’ They simply said that we aren’t part of that covenant. We have our own covenant.

          >> And since Paul clearly admonishes the people to avoid the traditions of men and rudiments of the world, I do not see how the sabbath commandment of God fits within that passage. Would it not be the “touch not, taste not, handle not” laws of the sabbath and other days that the Jews added to God’s law unnecessarily?

          You’re making connections, which is good. However, the connection you’re making here isn’t found in the text of Colossians 2.

          Let me draw a parallel. Here are three sins: lying, stealing, and adultery. They’re not the same things, are they? They’re only listed because they’re all SINS. Adultery isn’t lying or stealing, and lying isn’t stealing, but they’re all sins. In Colossians, Paul wrote about several things that divided them. Three of the things that divided them were 1) traditions of men, 2) rudiments of the world, and 3) sabbath observances. The sabbath is not a rudiment of the world, and (originally) was not a tradition of men. They’re only connected because all three of them DIVIDED the local church. Paul wasn’t saying that sabbaths were traditions or rudiments. He was saying that sabbaths, traditions, and rudiments were dividing them, and that their division was due to bad theology about all three of those things.

          >> Is there another scripture you could give that suggests the sabbath commandment as ordained by God was a shadow of Christ?

          Not in exactly those terms, but there are other Scriptures that show sabbath-keeping is not part of the new covenant.

          In Romans 14 we see a passage about ‘disputable matters.’ Paul wrote that One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Now, if everyone is supposed to observe sabbaths, that last bit is utter nonsense, right? There’s no way God would say that we MUST observe sabbaths but, you know, as long as we’re convinced in our own minds.

          In Galatians 4 we see a passage that calls Christians heirs, and points to the same concepts as we find in Colossians: that we were under a guardian for a time, but are no longer. That guardian, Paul wrote in both places, is the law. Check out verses 10 and 11: You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you. I would recommend reading the whole chapter to get the context.

          I really can’t express how proud I am of you, and of your willingness to study the Bible and adjust to what you learn. That kind of soft heart toward the things of God speaks volumes about you. As always, I’ll say this… not for you, but for those who will read this later: continue being like a Berean. Don’t take my word for any of this! Study the Scriptures for yourself, prayerfully and humbly asking God to reveal truth to you. He will. I’m not the final word on any of this. I’m just here to keep the conversation going. I think, when we get to Heaven, that you will be shocked at how many people your words and wise example will have influenced.

          Have a great day, little sister! <3

          • Makana says:

            Thank you for your kind words. 🙂

            Even within my former denomination (which prides itself in its sabbath-keeping) there was confusion and misunderstandings on this, so I get why so many are confused.

            I also agree that the old covenant was between God and the ancient Jews (including any foreigners that became Jews). Under the new covenant, God decided that some of the laws he gave to the Jews he would also give to the Gentiles, like do not steal, do not lie, do not fornicate, etc. Maybe we would consider these kinds of laws “universal” in that God required them of both the ancient Jews and new covenant Christians. And you affirm that the sabbath is not one of these “universal” commandments, it was merely a shadow of Christ and no one should judge you over whether or not you choose to observe it. Here’s where I am still a bit confused: In Mark 2:27, we find Jesus saying that the sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath. He does not say the sabbath was made for the Jews, he says it was made for all of humankind…what does that mean then? If the sabbath is for all of humankind, how could it have only been for the ancient Jews? And if Christ knew that after his death the sabbath would become obsolete along with the old covenant, why would he speak about it in such a way? Why would he not instead tell the people to stop fretting over the sabbath because it will not matter after his earthly mission is complete?

            I also need to clarify three of the points I made in my last response:

            (1) When I said that the disciples were not eradicating the whole law of Moses, I did not mean that they taught the people to obey only some of the law. Of course, the disciples were not telling the people to follow the Mosaic law, I just meant that the laws of the new covenant that they mentioned in Acts 15 were also laws of the old covenant. We are no longer under the Mosaic covenant, but there are some laws that were in that old covenant that we are still required to keep because, like you said, both covenants were established by the same God, so some overlap is expected. But when God said he would put his law in our minds and write it on our hearts, he did not specify which laws he was talking about…so how do we know that the laws he wrote on stone are not the same laws he wrote on our hearts? Yes, the old and new covenants are very different, but they are also similar in some ways, and I do not think we should undermine the similitude of these two covenants because of the differences they have. Both require circumcision (physically for the old covenant and spiritually for the new), sacrifice for sin (animal sacrifices for the old and Christ’s sacrifice for the new), and some of the same laws. I am not trying to say that we are bound to the old covenant; I am saying I think there are similarities between the two covenants that we may be missing.

            (2) I understand why you keep repeating that the sabbath was not about work and about remembering…the point I was trying to get across is that it is through the cessation of work that the people remembered God as their creator, so “resting” and “remembering” go hand in hand. I apologize for not making that clear enough. You are right, the sabbath is about remembering God and not about resting from work, but it is through that rest that we remember God as our creator…hopefully that makes more sense. If there is any other “sabbath-like” law in the new covenant, I believe it would need to have a “resting from our labors” element and a “remembering God as our creator” element like the original sabbath commandment does, which is why I keep mentioning this point. I bring this up because I have yet to find a provision within the new covenant that fulfills this, and if such a provision does not exist, I am inclined to believe that the sabbath commandment as outlined in Exodus 20 may not have been done away with.

            (3) No, I did not mean to imply that God made a mistake with the old covenant that warranted the creation of the new covenant. There was no mistake; death was the consequence of sin because it has always been the consequence of sin. Anyone who broke the law was under its curse…why would something that God gave mankind put them under a curse? It is because the consequence of disobedience is death, and this has always been so. God is a God of life, and he offers life to all who choose to follow him, but death follows sin. This is why the ancient Jews had to make animal sacrifices for their sins and stone other Jews whose sins were made public. Fortunately, Christ became that curse of the law for us by dying on the cross, thereby redeeming us from that curse (Galatians 3:10-13). The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), and there is not forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22); these are not mistakes, but simply a reality. The old covenant followed this model, and the new covenant does the same, just with different sacrifices (animal sacrifices vs. Christ’s sacrifice) and different sanctuaries (earthly sanctuary vs. heavenly sanctuary). My point here was that I believe Christ nailed the curse of the law (and not necessarily the law itself) to the cross. The new covenant is not better than the old because of its laws, but because it is founded upon a greater sacrifice, that of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is less about what laws to and to not follow and more about how we are redeemed. When we read Hebrews and see the distinctions between the old and new covenants, the main focus is the priesthood of Christ and the heavenly sanctuary being better than the Levitical priesthood and the earthly sanctuary. There is no mention of what laws have and have not been done away with. It seems like the greatest difference between the old and new covenant is not what laws they have, but rather their different priesthoods and sanctuaries. Given this, any law that dealt with the earthly sanctuary would be replaced with the new provisions of the heavenly sanctuary (e.g. we no longer have to perform animal sacrifices or feast days since they were all tied to the earthly sanctuary).

            Regarding Romans 14, I respectfully disagree. Indeed, this passage is about “disputable matters,” ones that should not stir up such division and lead people astray. And yes, for these disputable matters, each of us should be convinced in our own minds and not subject to others’ condemnation. However, a distinction must be made clear: The sabbath was not originally esteemed by man, but by God. God esteems the sabbath as more sacred than other days, so when I keep the sabbath, it is not because I personally consider it sacred, but because God does. This verse in Romans 14 is about what man esteems, but I am trying to figure out if God still esteems the sabbath as holy and requires us to do the same, and Romans 14 does not touch on that. To be frank, I don’t care much for what man esteems, but if God requires us to keep a certain day holy, I must commit to it. We cannot be convinced in our own minds about what sin is. For instance, I cannot personally see stealing as wrong, it is just wrong, whether I like it or not because God says so. On the other hand, if someone chooses not to celebrate Christmas, they are free to do so. The Bible does not require Christians to observe that holiday, so each person must choose for themselves whether or not they will celebrate it, and others should not condemn them for their decision.

            Galatians 4 is a little less clear to me, but I will say this: The sabbath is part of the many observances of the Jews, similar to all the other holy days, months, and years detailed in the old testament. However, the sabbath is very unique because it is the only holy day that was written by the finger of God on stone along with the rest of the Ten Commandments. Does that not make it more distinct? If the sabbath is still to be kept, Galatians 4 could just be referring to all the other holy days that are no longer required in the new covenant. I do not believe we should continue to keep the other feast days as requirements of the law (though Christians are free to do so if they wish, I suppose), but the sabbath is quite different from them in this respect. There were hundreds of laws in the old covenant, but a special ten were set apart and written by God on stone, and the sabbath commandment was one of them. Why would God keep all the other 9 commandments for the new covenant and omit just one out of this ten-piece set? Why would he take the time to write these commandments on stone when they are just as dismissible as all the others? What is the significance of the Ten Commandments, then, if they are significant at all?

            I understand why you referred to Romans 14 and Galatians 4, but they do not concretely suggest that the sabbath is not part of the new covenant. That is, I think those scriptures can be understood whether or not the sabbath is part of the new covenant…if that makes sense.

            As always, I appreciate you continuing this dialogue with me.

          • Tony says:

            >> Here’s where I am still a bit confused: In Mark 2:27…

            You always ask good questions! Much of the confusion about what the Bible says – for most people, not just me and you – comes from not reading carefully. When I say that, I mean that we should see what IS written, and see what is NOT written. In this case, you assume that “made for man” actually means “made for all of humankind.” Then you ask questions based on this assumption. It’s a source of confusion where there doesn’t need to be any.

            The word Jesus used is anthropos. It’s a generic word, and it’s translated as ‘mankind’ over 30 times in the New Testament.

            Now: when a word has more than one meaning, how do we know which meaning to use? Bible translators and Bible students look at the context. The Pharisees asked why Jesus’ disciples were doing something unlawful. Clearly, they meant the law of Moses. We agree that the law of Moses was only given to the Israelites (and those who chose to live with them). That’s how we know that Jesus wasn’t referring to the whole world… and that’s why not a single English translation of Mark 2:27 renders it as mankind.

            >> if Christ knew that after his death the sabbath would become obsolete along with the old covenant, why would he speak about it in such a way? Why would he not instead tell the people to stop fretting over the sabbath because it will not matter after his earthly mission is complete?

            Again with the good questions! I have two responses:

            • According to Hebrews 8, the old covenant was “becoming” obsolete. That was likely written around 61AD… almost 30 years after Jesus died and rose again, and almost 10 years prior to the destruction of Jerusalem. Apparently, there was no single moment at Jesus’ death when the old covenant simply ‘went away.’ When Jesus spoke of the destruction of Jerusalem, He said to those listening that they should pray that it wouldn’t happen on a sabbath… so it seems clear that some people would be observing sabbaths at that time, and that that was okay with Jesus.
            • I don’t know.

            I say I don’t know because there’s room for a whole bunch of questions. We aren’t given all of the answers, and we should assume that we don’t actually need them. I don’t know why we don’t read more about Jesus’ teachings on the new covenant. Maybe He taught on it more than what’s written in Scripture. It would be nice to know more, since there seems to be some overlap with the observance of the old covenant. However: while there’s a lot we don’t know, there’s plenty that we DO know:

            • the only commands in the Bible to observe sabbaths are found in the law of Moses.
            • non-Israelites were never part of the old covenant.
            • the apostles and elders had the opportunity to tell Christians in Antioch that they should observe sabbaths, but purposefully did not.
            • we’re not to judge one another over sabbaths, so sabbath-keeping is optional.

            Right? We may not know everything, but the things we do know help us understand the things we don’t know. One of the basic principles of biblical interpretation is that we let the clear verses help us interpret the unclear verses.

            >> how do we know that the laws he wrote on stone are not the same laws he wrote on our hearts?

            What kind of laws do you think ARE written on our hearts? I don’t believe that the law about not mixing two kinds of fabrics into one garment is written on anyone’s heart, but the point of that law is: that we should not mix the worship of Yahweh with the worship of any other. I don’t believe that sabbath observance is written on anyone’s heart, either… but the point of that law is: that God is the creator of all, that God is the source of all that is good, that God will provide for His people, and so on.

            We also know that God has not written sabbath observance on our hearts by what we read in the New Testament. The list above, and the list below, should clear that up.

            >> I am saying I think there are similarities between the two covenants that we may be missing.

            You’re right! The similarities are purposeful, and should be obvious. The old covenant wasn’t made for its own sake. It pointed to the Messiah. We read in Hebrews 3 and 4 that those who had been in Egypt never entered into God’s rest because of their unbelief. We read that there IS a sabbath-rest for the people of God: those who do not harden their hearts toward Him will enter that rest. Sabbaths were never about sabbaths, they were about being in a right relationship with God. If sabbath-keeping were the goal, we would still be keeping sabbaths. Sabbath-keeping was never the goal, but a means to an end.

            >> it is through that rest that we remember God as our creator

            You’ve got it. In the old covenant, people had to teach their neighbor “know the Lord.” They needed a reminder. We have God Himself dwelling in us. If we’re abiding in Christ, we need no other reminders.

            >> I am inclined to believe that the sabbath commandment as outlined in Exodus 20 may not have been done away with.

            With respect, one can only come to that conclusion by ignoring Acts 15 and Colossians 2 and a bunch of other Scriptures. The only commands in the Bible to observe sabbaths are found in the law of Moses. When Jesus talked about sabbaths, it was always in the context of people who lived – rightly – under the law of Moses. Because the New Testament makes it clear that “we” – that is, Jews – are not under the law, there is no sense in which one can believe the New Testament and conclude that sabbath-keeping is a command for anyone… whether Jew or gentile.

            >> I believe Christ nailed the curse of the law (and not necessarily the law itself) to the cross.

            I understand that that may make some sense. We must be guided by Scripture, though. What do you make of these passages from God’s Word?

            • So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. (Galatians 3:24-25)
            • The ‘Righteousness of God’ is now manifested apart from the Law. (Romans 3:21)
            • the Law brings about wrath. (Romans 4:15)
            • We are not under the Law. (Romans 6:14)
            • We have been released from the Law. (Romans 7:6)
            • the Law is a law of sin and death… not of life. (Romans 8:2)
            • the Law is weak. (Romans 8:3)
            • the Law is in contrast to grace. (Galatians 2:21)
            • the Law is not of faith. (Galatians 3:12)
            • the Law is a curse. (Galatians 3:13)
            • Christ redeemed us from the Law. (Galatians 3:13)
            • the Law was temporary, until the Messiah came. (Galatians 3:19)
            • the Law kept us in custody until a later faith was revealed. (Galatians 3:23)
            • the Law was a tutor to lead us to Christ. (Galatians 3:24)
            • Seeking to be justified by the Law severs us from Christ. (Galatians 5:4)

            >> when I keep the sabbath, it is not because I personally consider it sacred, but because God does.

            I’m not going to judge you by whether you keep the sabbath, of course. I’m also not going to ignore Paul’s words in Colossians 2, clearly showing that God does not require sabbath-keeping. Sabbaths – specifically mentioned – are a shadow of things to come. The reality is found in Christ, not in sabbaths. You’re free to observe sabbaths, and I’m free to not observe sabbaths. I’ve already entered into God’s rest, and I assume you have as well… so sabbath-keeping is optional. If God really considers it sacred, do you think it would be optional? How much of what we’re taught to do – and not do – in the New Testament is optional?

            >> if God requires us to keep a certain day holy, I must commit to it.

            Amen! We agree completely. Fortunately, God has made it clear.

            >> the sabbath is very unique because it is the only holy day that was written by the finger of God on stone along with the rest of the Ten Commandments. Does that not make it more distinct?

            It did make that day distinct from the other days. However: the law was temporary, until Jesus came.

            >> Why would God keep all the other 9 commandments for the new covenant and omit just one out of this ten-piece set?

            Again, good question but – with respect – you’re asking questions that have been directly addressed in Scripture. What was the purpose of the law? To point out our sin, and to be our guardian and tutor while “we” waited for Jesus. Now that Jesus has come, everybody has been released from the law. We are not under the law. While Christians do well to study the Old Testament, we do not live by it. We are like the gentiles in Antioch, and our instructions come from the teachings of Jesus. THAT is our law. THAT is our Torah. We never had another, and we never will.

            >> What is the significance of the Ten Commandments, then, if they are significant at all?

            They were God’s instructions to the ancient Israelites. All of them, with the exception of sabbath-keeping, are repeated in the New Testament. As we read in Exodus 31, the sabbath was a sign of God’s covenant with the Israelites. Because God made a new covenant with Israel (and Judah), the old covenant is obsolete… and so the sign of the old covenant is irrelevant. If sabbath-keeping is part of the new covenant, it would not be optional.

            >> As always, I appreciate you continuing this dialogue with me.

            The pleasure is mine, sister!

            P.S. – For the sake of those who read our comments, it might be helpful to work to keep them shorter. Thanks!

  82. Tony Stark Policci says:

    Wow. This kind of insanity is the reason there is so much confusion in the church. It’s as if you don’t even know scripture, Tony. Scripture is everything that came BEFORE the new testament. God established the Sabbath from the beginning of creation. Unless He changes it, it hasn’t been changed. You can run through all your theological gymnastics, but they all fall flat. If the messiah and the disciples observed the Saturday Sabbath, there was a reason. I ENCOURAGE you to study the Jewish teachings before you try to interpret a JEWISH BOOK, i.e. the bible, with your Greeko/Roman/Western worldview…however, you won’t as is evident by your arrogant persistence in arguing your position with others on this post. Your persistence that “Christians” are not subject to the same laws as Israelites is insanity! Jesus DIDN’T come to start a new religion. If we are grafted in, that means we are converts to an existing body. Goodness, the ignorance and blindness you exhibit is mindboggling.

    • Tony says:


      First, thank you very much for visiting! Second, thank you very much for disagreeing with me! I appreciate your interest in setting the record straight. That said, I’ll dig into what you’ve written.

      >> It’s as if you don’t even know scripture, Tony. Scripture is everything that came BEFORE the new testament.

      Wow. It’s as if you don’t even know Scripture, Tony. I mean, you’re right if you’re into Judaism. For those of us in the new covenant, we have more. Don’t you know that Peter called Paul’s writings Scripture? Don’t you know that it’s been almost 2000 years since the last book of the New Testament was written, and we can say with confidence that it’s all Scripture?

      >> God established the Sabbath from the beginning of creation.

      If you mean “God stopped creating when He was done creating” (the meaning of sabbath), then you’re right. If you mean that, from the beginning of creation, God expected anyone to observe sabbaths, you’re making stuff up. There’s nothing in the Old Testament or the New Testament to support such a claim. If you can find a command to observe sabbaths prior to Exodus 20 and 31, I’m all ears.

      >> Unless He changes it, it hasn’t been changed.

      The only people who were commanded to observe sabbaths were the ancient Israelites, in the context of living in the promised land. If you study – even a little bit – about covenants, you can see clearly that the Mosaic covenant didn’t include the Egyptians or the Etruscans or the Chinese or the Canadians… and it certainly didn’t include you or me. Besides: God did change it. You do know that the Messiah instituted the new covenant just prior to His death, don’t you? Isn’t that what Jeremiah wrote about? The old covenant has been replaced by a new and better one. The old covenant has been obsolete for almost 2000 years. Get with the program, brother!

      >> Greeko

      It’s either Greek or Greco. No offense but, if you’re going to correct people, you should know what you’re doing. Otherwise, you just look foolish. Besides: if you think that Greek culture had no effect on first-century Jews, you’re simply displaying your ignorance. The time between Alexander the Great’s death and Jesus’ death was almost 300 years. How much has our culture changed since the early 1700s?

      >> your arrogant persistence in arguing your position with others

      LOL. You can pretend to have insights into my psyche all you want, my friend. It’s only going to be meaningful if you actually ENGAGE. Telling me I’m wrong about what God has said and done without actually pointing to specific Scriptures is a recipe for being ignored. When you can answer my Scriptural arguments with more Scriptures and better interpretations, bring it. I’ll owe you a great debt for straightening me out. I mean that wholeheartedly, by the way.

      >> Your persistence that “Christians” are not subject to the same laws as Israelites is insanity!

      Read Acts 15. Or Galatians. Or Colossians. While you’re at it, you might as well read the whole New Testament. Couldn’t hurt.

      >> Jesus DIDN’T come to start a new religion.

      Christianity isn’t a new religion. It’s what Judaism was intended to become. How would Abram’s family bless the whole world without Messiah?

      >> If we are grafted in, that means we are converts to an existing body.

      Um… no. That’s 100% wrong. Grafting a ‘wild olive’ branch onto a regular olive tree doesn’t magically transform it into a regular olive branch. Check out Romans 11.

      Don’t get me wrong, Tony: I really DO appreciate your disagreement. If I’m wrong, I want to know. Of course, you’d never want me to just take your word for it… right? Nah. You’d encourage me to look into what God has said, and check it all out for myself. Right? Yeah, I thought so. If you wouldn’t mind doing me a favor, send along some of those Scriptures that back up your claims.

      You’ve already seen some of mine. It didn’t escape my notice that your entire response was, essentially, “NUH UH.” You haven’t shown me the error of my ways. You haven’t pointed to my errors in understanding the Bible. You really haven’t done much yet, so I’m waiting. Only time will tell if you bother putting your money where your mouth is.

      Have a great day!

      • Will says:

        Meh. The biggest problem with your response is the false idea that Jesus instituted a new covenant just before his death. He did nothing of the sort. Let’s check the NT passages on which you base this idea:

        He said to them, “This is my blood, the blood of the covenant, that is poured out for many. (Mark 14:24)

        for this is my blood, the blood of the covenant, that is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. (Matthew 26:28)

        And in the same way he took the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood. (Luke 22:20)

        Mark is believed to be the oldest of the synoptic gospels, from which the others were derived. It says “blood of the covenant”, as does Matthew. Only Luke contains the word “new”. These three versions describe the exact same event, but more of them leave out the “new” than include it. The evidence suggests it was not said that way.

        However, this isn’t the only way to understand that Jesus did not institute the new covenant. This idea of a new covenant is based on the book of Jeremiah:

        “Indeed, a time is coming,” says YHWH, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah. (Jeremiah 31:31)

        The people of Israel and Judah are Israel. Therefore, using the same logic you use to insist the Sabbath was only for Israel, so is the new covenant! It does not apply to you!

        It will not be like the old covenant that I made with their ancestors when I delivered them from Egypt. For they violated that covenant, even though I was like a faithful husband to them,” says YHWH. “But I will make a new covenant with the whole nation of Israel after I plant them back in the land,” says YHWH. “I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts and minds. I will be their God and they will be my people. (Jeremiah 31:32-33)

        It will not be like the old covenant. In what way will it not be like the old covenant? Well, just like it says, the difference is that YHWH’s law (literally Torah here) will be written on their hearts and minds, bringing them into true obedience, unlike their ancestors who went astray.

        Same law, different result. Not a new law, not an abridged version of the old law, but YHWH’s Torah.

        “People will no longer need to teach their neighbors and relatives to know me. For all of them, from the least important to the most important, will know me,” says YHWH. “For I will forgive their sin and will no longer call to mind the wrong they have done.” (Jeremiah 31:34)

        Whenever the new covenant is established, everyone will know YHWH. Period. By this measure, it most definitely hasn’t happened yet! (Additionally, many of the messianic prophecies of the Tanakh include this idea of universal knowledge of God happening when his role is actually completed, which Christian expect Jesus to do when he returns.)

        Now, let’s see what the author of Hebrews (whoever he/she was, we don’t know even though many like to attribute it to Paul) ACTUALLY wrote:

        After quoting Jeremiah’s prophecy above, he wrote this:

        When he speaks of a new covenant, he makes the first obsolete. Now what is growing obsolete and aging is about to disappear. (Hebrews 8:13)

        If something is growing obsolete, aging and about to disappear, is it gone? Has it yet been replaced? I’m in the later half of my life, definitely growing obsolete and aging, and I’m much closer to disappearing than I was in my earlier years, but I’m still here. Why did the author choose this strange wording? Because he understood that the new covenant was not yet in place, but he anticipated that upon Jesus’ RETURN it would be. Because Jesus promised a swift return, he expected it would happen in his lifetime. Pity it didn’t.

        Remember this author was writing a good 2-3 DECADES after Jesus had been crucified. If the new covenant was in place at the time of his writing, this absolutely would not have been worded this way. Instead the first covenant would have been dead and gone and the new one described as having been in place for decades. Instead, the old covenant is “about to disappear” (meaning it was still visible and in effect.)

        • Tony says:

          >> Meh.

          LOL… whatever.

          >> Only Luke contains the word “new”.

          Yeah. There it is. Rather than accept Luke’s account, you choose to disagree with it. You’ve just disqualified yourself from meaningful discussions on biblical interpretation. When you decide, on your own, which verses to believe and which to reject, you have no ground to stand on. Speaking historically, archaeologically, and sociologically, Luke is considered by religious and secular experts alike to be a top-notch reporter. Feel free to reject what he wrote, but let’s not pretend you have any basis for doing so. There are all kinds of things written only once in a gospel, and we have no real reason to rule them out on the basis that they’re not repeated. Each gospel was written with a specific audience and purpose in mind, so we should not expect them to be overly repetitious.

          >> using the same logic you use to insist the Sabbath was only for Israel, so is the new covenant! It does not apply to you!

          Wow. You got me there.

          No, wait. You don’t got me. You don’t get it at all. Were you to actually READ what I’ve written, you would see that gentiles have been included in the new covenant. It was not made with them at first. As you rightly point out, Jeremiah reports that God would make that covenant with Israel and Judah. Read Romans 11 for starters.

          >> Same law, different result. Not a new law, not an abridged version of the old law, but YHWH’s Torah.

          So wise. So insightful. So wrong:

          • So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. (Galatians 3:24-25)
          • The ‘Righteousness of God’ is now manifested apart from the Law. (Romans 3:21)
          • the Law brings about wrath. (Romans 4:15)
          • We are not under the Law. (Romans 6:14)
          • We have been released from the Law. (Romans 7:6)
          • the Law is a law of sin and death… not of life. (Romans 8:2)
          • the Law is weak. (Romans 8:3)
          • the Law is in contrast to grace. (Galatians 2:21)
          • the Law is not of faith. (Galatians 3:12)
          • the Law is a curse. (Galatians 3:13)
          • Christ redeemed us from the Law. (Galatians 3:13)
          • the Law was temporary, until the Messiah came. (Galatians 3:19)
          • the Law kept us in custody until a later faith was revealed. (Galatians 3:23)
          • the Law was a tutor to lead us to Christ. (Galatians 3:24)
          • Seeking to be justified by the Law severs us from Christ. (Galatians 5:4)

          What part of we are not under the law is hard for you to grasp, Will?

          >> If the new covenant was in place at the time of his writing, this absolutely would not have been worded this way. Instead the first covenant would have been dead and gone and the new one described as having been in place for decades.

          If the old covenant were still in force, dozens and dozens of New Testament passages are simply wrong. Do your homework, Will. Reading Acts 15 would be a good start.

  83. Hillary says:

    Hello guys
    I have some few questions that I want to answer pertaining to the issue of the Sabbath.I know that many of you have been arguing about this for quite a long time.

    Let’s look where this law was written in the Bible. Exodus 20:8-11 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
    Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
    But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
    For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it .
    When God gave the Ten commandments to His people, He also made it clear that no human being should edit the instruction from His lips .Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
    God Himself pledges not to alter His commands.Psalms 89:34 My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.
    The Word of God is clear that He didn’t change the Sabbath from the seventh day of the week to any other day .

    Matthew 5:17-18 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
    For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
    It is clear from Jesus’ teaching and example that will need the Sabbath for rest, relaxation and spending time with God.
    James, the first leader of the early Christian church, wrote concerning the Ten Commandments:
    James 2:10-11 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
    For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.
    Luke, a physician and evangelist in the early church, reports: Acts 16:13 And on the sabbath we went out of the city by a river side, where prayer was wont to be made; and we sat down, and spake unto the women which resorted thither.
    The New testament book of Acts mentions 84 times when the Sabbath was observed by Christs’ followers, all of them more than 14 years after the ressurection of Jesus:2 Sabbaths at Antioch (Acts 13:14, 42.44); 1 Phillipi (Acts 16:13); 3 at Thessalonica (Acts 17:2,3);78 Sabbaths at Corinth (Acts 18:4,11).
    John, the last of the twelve apostles to die, kept the Sabbath. He wrote “On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit.”
    -Revelation 1:10
    According to Jesus, the Lord’s Day is the Sabbath.Matthew 12:8 For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.
    Mark 2:28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.

    A search of the spiritual evidence reveals that the apostles made no attempt to change God’s day of rest from the seventh day to any other day .None of the scriptures suggest that the apostles intended to stop observing the seventh-day Sabbath.Let’s accept what the word of God has said.Let us just follow the law as it is stated in His Book .
    Ezekiel 20:12 Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them.

    Don’t just take it for granted.It is a sign which symbolises that you are a true follower of God.

    If you want to know more about the change of the Sabbath, you need to turn to history and see when and how the change came out.

    Have a blessed day brethren.

    • Tony says:

      >> I have some few questions that I want to answer pertaining to the issue of the Sabbath. I know that many of you have been arguing about this for quite a long time.

      Cool. Nice to know you’re able to settle the debate. I’m looking forward to it!

      >> Let’s look where this law was written in the Bible. Exodus 20:8-11

      Oh, no. Looks like you’ve forgotten the first rule of reading things. The first rule of reading things is very simple: we ask was this written to me? As you say, let’s look where this law was written in the Bible. In Exodus 20:1 God said:

      I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

      There’s our first clue. Now, I’ve never been to Egypt, and I’ve never been in slavery. I don’t know if you’ve been to Egypt, and I don’t know whether you’ve been in slavery… but I do know that this passage was not written to you. God did not say those things to you or to me or to the Chinese or to the Canadians. How do we know this? Because: all over the place in this passage, God is speaking to the ISRAELITES. Now, let’s not limit our study to just this passage. We should read Exodus 31 as well. It says:

      Say to the Israelites, You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy… It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever…

      Hillary: neither you nor I were included in God’s covenant with the ancient Israelites. Period. That’s all. End of story. There are exactly ZERO commands for anyone else to observe sabbaths. Why? Because sabbaths were a sign of the covenant between God and the ancient Israelites. Exodus describes a relationship into which you were never invited. We don’t need to pretend that we’re part of someone else’s relationship. We have our own covenant with God. You’re butting in. Why are you butting in?

      >> Acts mentions 84 times when the Sabbath was observed by Christs’ followers

      You should read the whole book. Acts 15 definitively answers the question of whether gentiles (non-Jews) need to keep the law of Moses. The answer is, unequivocally, NO.

      >> It is a sign which symbolises that you are a true follower of God.

      You’re making that up. That’s not in the Bible at all, Hillary! We’ve already seen that the sabbath is a sign of the covenant God made with the ancient Israelites. With respect, stop making stuff up… or, at least stop parroting the stuff that other people make up. You’ve done very well to turn to the Scriptures for answers. I mean that sincerely. The problem is that you’ve come to a conclusion that directly contradicts a whole bunch of other Scriptures. It won’t do to read “use a little wine because of your stomach” and pretend that’s a command from God for everybody. We have to read ALL of the Scriptures, and we have to read ALL of the Scriptures IN CONTEXT.

      Clearly, you simply haven’t done that. I mean no offense when I say so… it’s just an observation. The sabbath commands only appear in the context of the law of Moses. The apostles and elders wrote that Christians are not required to keep the law of Moses. Paul wrote that we are not to judge one another over sabbath-keeping. That means it’s optional. You should feel free to observe sabbaths if you wish. Of course, you’re not observing sabbaths in the ways that God commanded, but that’s a story for another day. I should feel free to not observe sabbaths if I wish. What neither of us should feel free to do is to contradict God’s word and pretend that Christians are commanded to do anything at all about sabbaths.

      I wish you well. Have a great day!

  84. Makana says:

    Would it not make more sense for Mark to have said “for Jews” instead of “for man” if he was only speaking about the Jews? From what I understand, the word “anthropos” in that verse simply means human beings or people, so I am not sure we can rightly deduce that Mark was referring to only one group of people in that verse. I do not know of “anthropos” ever being used to refer to a single nation of people. The word “man” in Mark 2:27 is the same “man” used in Luke 4:4 – “man shall not live by bread alone…” If the latter verse referred to all of humankind, I would assume the former does also.

    When God said he would write his law on our hearts, he meant simply that; whatever his law is, all of it is written on our hearts. It is not up to you, me, or anyone to decide which laws were or were not written on our hearts.

    The “rest” that remains for us in Hebrews 4:9 comes from the word “sabbatismos,” which refers to the rest that God’s people shall receive in heaven – a rest from all the toils and troubles of this life, which is unattainable while we still live on earth. I have not yet entered this specific rest, but I indeed strive to enter it as the author of Hebrews encourages us to. This does not appear to be a rest that we can currently enter into.

    If Christ nailed the law to the cross, then he must have only nailed some of it. He obviously kept the ones we agree on, like do not murder, steal, lie, etc. Why would he only nail part of the law to the cross? As you have stated, the Law is one unit (i.e. to break one law is to break the entire law), so how could Jesus nail the whole Law to the cross but keep some of the laws for the New Covenant?

    With all due respect, I think you may be misunderstanding Galatians 3:13 (but feel free to correct me if I’m the one misunderstanding it, of course). That verse does not say the law is a curse, it says Christ redeemed us from the curse OF THE LAW. Verse 10 of Galatians 3 explains it well: Only those who break the law are under its curse. Why? If we broke the law, we were worthy of death. Christ freed us from that curse (and not the law itself); that is, if we break the law, his death covers us when we believe in him so that we do not have to die. If breaking the law means to be under the its curse, then we can assume that keeping the law means to not be under that curse. Does that make sense?

    When I read the scriptures you listed, I find the apostles denouncing reliance on the law, not necessarily the law itself. The law is weak because it cannot finish the work on its own; so Christ came to die that the “righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us” (Romans 8:4). Those who are justified by the law (i.e. those who believe they are saved by the law alone) have fallen from grace, but it is their reliance on the law that hinders them, not the law itself. The law is not against grace or faith, but reliance upon the law (that is, legalism) is. In fact, the law is upheld through faith (Romans 3:31). The law is of sin and death (but not sinful! Romans 7:7) because it points out our sins and requires death when broken…but the latter provision was met by Christ when he died for all of us. We are no longer under this guardian when we do as the law commands; we become justified by faith. The law is not of faith, but it does bring us to faith when we obey it. How else would Abraham (or any other righteous person under the old covenant) be justified by faith without the New Covenant? He received faith when he obeyed God; therefore, committing to God’s commandments brought him to God that he might be justified by faith. The same principle applies to us – obeying the law frees us from sin and the curse of death and brings us to Christ that we may be justified by faith. This is how I understand Romans and Galatians.

    Lastly, when it comes to Acts 15, Colossians 2, and the other scriptures you linked, we simply come to different conclusions on them, many of which we have already discussed in previous responses. I promise I am not ignoring them. I have studied (and continue to study) them, but the conclusions I draw are not the same as yours.

    I’ll try my best to keep these responses a little shorter!

    • Tony says:

      >> Would it not make more sense for Mark to have said “for Jews” instead of “for man” if he was only speaking about the Jews?

      Your question is really “How should we interpret this verse?” We use clear verses to help us understand unclear verses. When the Bible says that God is not a man, that’s clear. When the Bible uses imagery to describe something, like “in God’s hands,” that’s less clear. Some might say that men have hands, and that God has hands, so God is a man. That’s using an unclear verse to contradict a clear one. You’re taking the anthropos in Mark 2 and extrapolating that it might mean that everybody should observe sabbaths. You’re drawing a conclusion not directly found in the text… and that conclusion contradicts the clear teaching of other passages of Scripture. Paul is very clear in Colossians 2 that we no longer need the shadows that pointed to Jesus. I want to be equally clear: the only way that Mark 2 could be saying that Christians should observe sabbaths is if the rest of the New Testament teaching on sabbaths is wrong. It’s one way or the other, and we are not under the law.

      >> If Christ nailed the law to the cross, then he must have only nailed some of it… how could Jesus nail the whole Law to the cross but keep some of the laws for the New Covenant?

      You’re coming to this from the perspective of someone who knows something about the old covenant. How would you explain the gospel to someone who knows nothing about the Old Testament? Would you encourage them to start reading in Leviticus, or in the gospel of John, or Mark? Does someone need to know about the old covenant to take part in the new covenant? The old covenant was between God and the ancient Israelites. The new covenant is between God and everyone. The common ground is not avoiding murder and theft, but God Himself. The reason the two have similarities is not because some of the old law still applies to Jews (it does not) or that some of the old law suddenly applies to gentiles (it does not), but because God is part of both covenants. Both reflect His character. The new covenant is not an extension of, or leftovers from, the old. It’s actually NEW… and we are not under the law.

      With respect – and I mean that – it seems that your misunderstanding is simply based on not prioritizing the clear Scriptures over the unclear ones. When we see a verse that raises a question, we do well to search for a verse that clears it up. I’m not ignoring the unclear verses. I’m focusing on the clear verses, as they simplify the discussion and clear up misunderstandings. We are not under the law.

      >> you may be misunderstanding Galatians 3:13

      Okay. Let’s say I’m wrong about that. Pretend I didn’t mention it… we don’t need it for this discussion. As we can see in many verses, we are not under the law. Here’s a little formula:

      1. The law was temporary, until Jesus came.
      2. Jesus came, so we are not under the law.
      3. Don’t let anyone judge you with regard to a sabbath day.

      Don’t you see? We ARE to judge by the things that apply to us. For example, Paul told the Corinthians to expel the immoral brother. Why? Because he was doing what he should not, and would not repent. If Christians are to observe sabbaths, Paul would not have included sabbaths in Colossians 2. We are not under the law.

      >> I find the apostles denouncing reliance on the law, not necessarily the law itself.

      I would refer you again to Acts 15. Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.” The apostles and elders met to consider this question.

      The apostles and elders most certainly did not conclude that gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses. As to whether God’s command to observe sabbaths is part of the law of Moses, one only needs to read God’s own words in Exodus 31: Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy.’ We are not under the law, and we never have been.

      >> We are no longer under this guardian when we do as the law commands; we become justified by faith.

      That would mean that when a Christian does NOT do as the law commands, they are NOT justified by faith. Again, that flies in the face of all kinds of Scriptures. What I am saying is that as long as an heir is underage, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. So also, when we were underage, we were in slavery under the elemental spiritual forces of the world. But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. That’s Galatians 4:1-7. We are not under the law.

      >> obeying the law frees us from sin and the curse of death

      That would mean that we’re only set free from sin while we obey… and that, when we disobey, we’re not set free from sin. It’s not our continual obedience that keeps us set free from sin and the curse of death. We are saved by grace through faith, and not of works – so that no one can boast. Romans 6:6-7 says that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin— because anyone who has died has been set free from sin. It’s not our obedience that frees us from sin.

      >> I’ll try my best to keep these responses a little shorter!

      Me too. You wouldn’t believe how much I cut out as I wrote this! =)

      • Makana says:

        Hi Tony:
        Acts 15 affirms that we do not have to keep the law of Moses, yes. And the sabbath commandment was part of that…but so was the command to honor your parents, to not murder, to not fornicate, etc. At the end of that council, the disciples agreed to write to the Gentiles that they do four things: abstain from things polluted by idols, from fornication, from things strangled, and from blood, but we know (from other scriptures) that these were not the only laws they were to follow. So Acts 15 alone is not conclusive on the matter; we have to look at other scriptures to figure out exactly what that means. And from what I can tell, I see no scriptures that say the sabbath commandment has been done away with, just like I see no scriptures saying the commands to not covet, steal, etc. have been abolished. The same God that instituted the sabbath commandment with Israel is the same God of the New Covenant with us, so He very well could have kept the sabbath commandment for the New Covenant like He kept many other commandments. If He didn’t, the scripture would clearly state it, but I do not believe it does. I still believe Colossians 2 is speaking about the “touch not, taste not, handle not” man-made laws that the Jews unnecessarily added to God’s law, and that Romans and Galatians speak on how we cannot rely on the law because it alone cannot grant salvation (but do not suggest that the law no longer matters).

        Romans 3:19-20 says this:
        19 Now we know that whatever the Law says, it speaks to those who are under the Law, so that every mouth may be closed and all the world may become accountable to God; 20 because by the works of the Law none of mankind will be justified in His sight; for through the Law comes knowledge of sin.

        The law speaks to those who are under the law…and what does it say? It tells them what sin is. Those who are under the law are those who break the law, thus the law tells them they are committing a sin. If you are not a thief, there is no need for the law to tell you “do not steal,” (because you are already not stealing) but to thieves, it says exactly that. When sin has dominion over us, we are under the law; when sin does not have dominion over us (which it doesn’t when we believe in Christ), we are not under the law but under grace (Romans 6:14). Does this mean that we can sin because we are not under the law? God forbid! We are set free from sin when we obey the doctrine we have been taught in God’s word, thus becoming servants of righteousness (Romans 6:15-18).

        The law cannot justify us because it simply convicts us of sin (Romans 5:13, 7:7). It reveals sin but cannot free us from sin, therefore, Christ came to fulfill the role that the law was lacking in. It is THROUGH the law that we become dead to the law that we might live unto God and have Christ live in us (Galatians 2:19-20). This does not make the law null and void; in fact, the law is established (and not destroyed) through faith (Romans 3:31).

        Obedience certainly is part of what frees us from sin. How can we be dead in sin yet living in sin (Romans 6:2)? You cannot be freed from sin while sinning, that defeats the purpose. It is for this reason that the doers (and not the hearers) of the law will be justified before God (Romans 2:13). This does not mean that the law saves us, but that those who are saved and justified before God are indeed doers of the law. Now when I say this, I do not mean that Christians will NEVER sin; that idea is unbiblical (1 John 1:10). However, Christians ought not to sin willfully, and those who do sin willfully live according to the flesh and are thus under the curse of the law. Jesus came to save us from our sins, not from a law (Matthew 1:21), so that we may be cleansed from all unrighteousness when we confess our sins to him (1 John 1:9). It is when we obey his commandments that we are able to abide in his love (John 14:15-24; 15:10). We may disagree on what law we are to follow as Christians today, but no matter what, obedience is important. It is integral to salvation, but it cannot work alone, which is why Christ came. God’s saints are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus (Revelation 14:12). Obedience does not make us saved, but it is part of being saved. Thus, when we are obedient to God’s law (whatever that is) AND covered by God’s grace AND have faith in Christ, we are saved. When we sin willfully, there is no more sacrifice for sins (Hebrews 10:26), so how could we be saved by grace through faith while disobedient and sinning willfully?

        • Tony says:

          Hi Makana!

          I’d like to repeat that this entire discussion is misplaced. Not just the parts with you and I, but the whole chain of comments. There are exactly ZERO commands in the Bible for ANYONE to observe sabbaths outside of the Mosaic covenant. That covenant ONLY included Israelites, and is no longer in force for anyone. Gentiles were NEVER included, so the whole question of whether you and I should observe sabbaths shouldn’t even come up… but it has been answered conclusively. The sabbath was a sign of the old covenant. It was a shadow of things to come, and those “things” came 2000 years ago.

          Just in case you (or any other reader) wants to conclude that I’m somehow being soft on sin, or being theologically liberal, or acting like an antinomian, I thought this worth mentioning: Christianity is both far, far easier and, at the same time, far, far more difficult than Judaism. It’s easier because being yoked to Jesus is easy… but it’s harder because it requires more of us. In Judaism, for example, they gave something like 23% of their money to God. Once that debt was paid, the rest was theirs. As followers of Jesus, we don’t get to keep 77%. None of it belongs to us. It’s all God’s, and we’re only stewards of it. In the same way, even our bodies, minds, and lives are His. We don’t belong to ourselves, we belong to Him. Following Jesus costs everything, and I’m very happy to pay it all.

          >> so was the command to honor your parents, to not murder, to not fornicate, etc.

          You’re right, of course. What do you conclude, then? That we ARE under the law, or that we are NOT under the law? Let’s do an easy comparison. We agree that Colossians 2 is God-inspired Scripture, right?

          …do not let anyone judge you by… a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

          Now, let’s put the rest of the Ten Commandments into the same structure, and see if they make any sense:

          • Not worshiping other gods was a shadow of the things that were to come
          • Not making and worshiping idols was a shadow of the things that were to come
          • Not using God’s name in vain was a shadow of the things that were to come
          • Honoring your parents was a shadow of the things that were to come
          • Not murdering was a shadow of the things that were to come
          • Not committing adultery was a shadow of the things that were to come
          • Not stealing was a shadow of the things that were to come
          • Not lying was a shadow of the things that were to come
          • Not coveting was a shadow of the things that were to come

          No, none of those make sense. God telling people to not murder couldn’t be a shadow, where we’re allowed to murder now that Jesus has come. However, Paul’s words are clear: the sabbath WAS a shadow of things to come. Even those who WERE included in the old covenant were to consider sabbath observation to be optional.

          >> At the end of that council… we know (from other scriptures) that these were not the only laws they were to follow.

          What are those laws? Where are those Scriptures? Let’s say I gave you instructions to come to my house, and that you needed all 613 parts to find where I live. How much sense does it make for me to tell you to only use four of those parts? Absolutely none. You would never arrive! We already know that failing to observe any part of the law is to break the whole law. You and I are not under the law… but those who WERE under the law had to keep the whole thing. The apostles and elders in Jerusalem would never tell anyone that they could ignore 609 parts of the law, and still follow the law. That would be absurd, wouldn’t it?

          Nobody is under the law. Nobody, period.

          >> Acts 15 alone is not conclusive on the matter

          Peter, James, Luke, Paul, Barnabas, and a whole bunch of other people thought it was conclusive. Let me restate the question in Acts 15: Then some of the believers who belonged to the party of the Pharisees stood up and said, “The Gentiles must be circumcised and required to keep the law of Moses.” The apostles and elders met to consider this question.. Their response was that Gentiles were not required to keep the law of Moses. Nothing has changed, Makana. You and I are not required to keep the law of Moses. NOT ANY OF IT.

          >> I see no scriptures that say the sabbath commandment has been done away with

          First, it was only commanded for the ancient Israelites. It was a sign of their covenant with God. You can’t see any Scriptures that say you should observe sabbaths. Whether it’s been done away with or not, you’re not part of that covenant. Of course, it HAS been done away with. We are not under the law. If sabbath-keeping were required, Paul would never tell anyone to not be judged by it. The apostles and elders in Jerusalem would have told the Gentiles in Antioch that they must observe sabbaths. That they did not is evidence enough.

          >> The same God… very well could have… kept many other commandments.

          Nope. You’re assuming that God “kept” any of the commandments from the old covenant and put them into the new covenant. You have exactly no Scriptures that say so. The common element in both covenants is God Himself, so it’s obvious that His terms for proper relationships with Him are going to be similar. You’re cherry-picking the sabbath from the rest of the law, and you have no Scriptural reasons to do so. Besides: if you really wanted to do what God wanted, you would be observing sabbaths in exactly the way He commanded. You’re not, of course. You’re deciding how and when to observe sabbaths, regardless of how the ancient Israelites were told that they must.

          If you’ve ever been near an orthodox synagogue on a Saturday morning, you may have seen Jews walking to worship. They all live within a “sabbath day’s walk” of the synagogue, or they wouldn’t be able to attend. They can’t drive, of course… that would be working on the sabbath. Sounds strange, perhaps, but they’re not allowed to light a fire. That includes turning on the stove on the sabbath, and includes starting their car, which moves by burning gasoline.

          Here’s a serious question for you: how to you get to church? Do you walk? If so, do you walk more than a sabbath day’s journey? Do you drive? Do you ride with someone else? Where are the Scriptures that say it’s okay to drive to church? There are none, even though lighting a fire on the sabbath was expressly forbidden. You seem to think that going to church on a particular day, and taking it easy, is being sabbath-observant. There’s far, far more to it than that.

          There are prohibitions in the law about mixing two different things together. You couldn’t plant two crops in the same field. You couldn’t use two different fabrics in the same garment. You couldn’t mate two different kinds of animals. With all due respect, you’re mixing two different things. You’re mixing the idea of the sabbath with your own decisions about how to observe it. A lot of people do this. They’re only confused because – like me – they learned to follow men’s traditions about the sabbath, rather than the Scriptural truths about the sabbath. Let go of men’s traditions and go with God’s Word!

          I really do enjoy our discussion, Makana. I hope that my strong language isn’t found offensive, but spurs you to do serious research into the Scriptures. I don’t mean that you should read more literature about the sabbath. I mean that you should study God’s Word and research all of these things directly. Don’t believe me. Don’t believe sabbatarians, or Jews, or Hebrew Roots people, or Methodists, or Catholics, or Episcopalians, or anybody else. Trust God’s Word… and, to do that, you have to know what it says.

          Have a great day!

          • Makana says:

            First, and I say this kindly, please do not assume you know how I observe the sabbath. Just because I keep the sabbath does not mean I keep it the same way every other sabbath-keeper does.

            Second, scripture does not prohibit ALL work on the sabbath, and this is a huge misconception. Good work could still be done (Matthew 12:12). The main prohibition was on occupational work and things for our own secular pleasure. No scripture says it is unlawful to drive to church, or turn on a light switch, or boil some tea when I do not feel well. These are the kind of encumbering rules that Jesus criticized the Pharisees for and Colossians 2 speaks about. I couldn’t care less what Jews do on the sabbath, I care about what God’s word says about the sabbath. The sabbath is for our delight, it is something good, not a day upon which to impose a bunch of unnecessary restrictions. Scripture is clear on this.

            Third, this conversation is not misplaced at all. I understand that you are confident in your beliefs on this, but do not let that confidence bar you from at least considering other viewpoints. Please be careful that your confidence in God’s word does not turn into haughtiness. I would encourage you to also study the scriptures for yourself. I always list as many scriptures as I can when I respond to you because I want this to be about God’s word. I hope you read those scriptures when I include them. I am very young, and you have been doing this for a long time I assume, but that does not mean that I am unlearned or that you are right in everything, or vice versa. I would hope we are both able to grow and learn through this discussion.

            Fourth, please understand that just repeating Colossians 2 or Acts 15 does not convince me that the way I view those passages is incorrect. I have stated why I see those scriptures differently than you do, and unfortunately, your responses have not convinced me otherwise. I cannot ignore how Paul emphasizes man-made traditions in Colossians 2 (which is something the sabbath commandment is not), nor can I ignore the disciples teaching against reliance upon the law and not against the law itself. The council in Acts 15 was necessary because the Jews were teaching the Gentiles SALVATION BY THE LAW (which is unbiblical), not mere obedience to God’s law. Some things changed, yes, most notably anything regarding the earthly sanctuary and circumcision, but I do not believe everything changed.

            Fifth, I do not see how I am only assuming that God kept some of the commandments from the old covenant for the new covenant. Did God not keep the old covenant command to not murder for the new covenant? Did he not keep the old covenant commands to honor your parents, to not covet, and to not steal for the new covenant? Those laws were clearly in the old covenant between Israel and God…how can you say they were not? The commands to love your neighbor and to love God with all your heart are in the old covenant and the new covenant (Leviticus 19:18, Deuteronomy 6:5). I did not say EVERY old covenant law was put in the new covenant, I said since it is the same God for both covenants, HE chooses which laws to keep and which to discard; we do not make that decision. It does not matter how weird or impractical WE think a law is. If God requires it, that is the end of the matter.

            Sixth, I explained how I understand the phrase “under the law” in my last post, and it is different than how you understand it. It is hard to comment on such things when we have two different definitions for them. I know we are not under the law, but I understand that to mean that we who follow Christ do not willfully break the law and fall under its curse. I gave scriptures for why I believe that in my last response.

            You do use some strong language Tony, but no worries, I’ve got tough skin. 🙂

          • Tony says:

            >> First, and I say this kindly

            I believe you.

            >> please do not assume you know how I observe the sabbath.

            Now we’re getting somewhere! Our conversations bring me joy, Makana. It’s one thing to simply exchange ideas, and another entirely to wrestle together with which ideas are better. That’s when the potential friction begins, and that’s when the real work gets done. I thank you, again, for being so willing to continue.

            I did not assume anything about what you DO do about the sabbath. I don’t need to assume anything to know with 100% certainty what you DO NOT do about the sabbath. You do not observe the sabbath in the way that God commanded sabbaths to be observed. If you did, you would likely be in prison! Here are some examples:

            Observe the Sabbath, because it is holy to you. Anyone who desecrates it is to be put to death; those who do any work on that day must be cut off from their people. Exodus 31:14

            For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of sabbath rest to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it is to be put to death. Do not light a fire in any of your dwellings on the Sabbath day. Exodus 35:2-3

            While the Israelites were in the wilderness, a man was found gathering wood on the Sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly, and they kept him in custody, because it was not clear what should be done to him. Then the Lord said to Moses, “The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him outside the camp.” So the assembly took him outside the camp and stoned him to death, as the Lord commanded Moses. Numbers 15:32-36

            Let me quote you: “I see no scriptures that say the sabbath commandment has been done away with.” You’re right, of course. There ARE no Scriptures that say that these commands have been done away with… so you ARE failing to observe the sabbath as God commanded, right? With respect, I know why: because you are, indeed, cherry-picking. You choose to observe sabbaths, but not as instructed. I don’t say that to criticize you, of course. I say it to challenge the way you’re thinking about the Scriptures. If we seek to please God, we need to obey Him in the manner He’s already prescribed.

            I run into the exact same issue with people who teach tithing. As with the sabbath, I’m perfectly fine with someone who wants to give 10% of the income to their local church. That’s between themselves and God. I wouldn’t judge you over sabbaths, and I don’t judge them over tithing. The problem I do have is when someone claims that God commands Christians to tithe. For THAT, we need to look to the Scriptures. The arguments are exactly the same:

            • Abraham tithed… therefore all who believe in God should tithe.
            • Jacob tithed… therefore all who believe in God should tithe.
            • Malachi 3 tells people to tithe… therefore all who believe in God should tithe.
            • Jesus mentioned the tithe to a Jew… therefore all who believe in God should tithe.

            Of course, none of those hold any water. As with the sabbath, there are NO commands for ANYONE to tithe anything to anyone that weren’t given in the context of God’s covenant with the ancient Israelites. Some people just assume that everything written for God’s people applies equally to all of God’s people, but that’s completely contrary to the idea of a covenant. Abraham tithed from the spoils of war as he passed through Melchizedek’s lands. Jacob was only going to tithe if God gave him what he wanted. Those aren’t good arguments, any more than Genesis 2 shows that God wanted Adam to observe sabbaths. In fact – to close the point about tithing, in case anyone reading this thinks tithing is a command for Christians – we would not PAY the tithe. We would RECEIVE the tithe! The tithe was primarily to help those who couldn’t own land. Because Gentiles are not Jews, we could never own land in ancient Israel. The tithe would be collected FOR US, not from us.

            These are the kind of arguments that come from trusting the traditions we’ve been taught, rather than from studying the Scriptures carefully.

            >> No scripture says it is unlawful to drive to church, or turn on a light switch, or boil some tea when I do not feel well.

            I just showed you some. Driving to church is not resting. Boiling tea requires heat, and – for people without electricity – that means lighting a fire. That was forbidden, and the penalty was death. This was not some obscure tradition misunderstood by Pharisees who missed the point. These are God’s words, not man’s traditions.

            >> I care about what God’s word says about the sabbath.

            I believe you, and I agree with you. However: how do you decide which of God’s commands to obey?

            >> … this conversation is not misplaced at all… I would hope we are both able to grow and learn through this discussion.

            I agree with your sentiments completely, Makana. Really, I do. However: my “confidence” is simply the result of having had this conversation literally hundreds of times over several decades. This month, someone (in an email) wrote something about sabbaths that I hadn’t seen before. I was shocked, because that rarely happens. It was a silly argument to make, but it was new, which was sorta cool. It’s important to remain humble at all times, but that does not mean that we can’t know anything with certainty. I’ll explain again the reasons for my confidence. If you can point to where I’ve made a mistake, I’d appreciate it:

            1. The only sabbath commands in the Bible were given to ancient Israelites, in the context of the old covenant.
            2. I was never invited to take part in the old covenant, so none of the conditions of the old covenant apply to me.
            3. Therefore, there are no sabbath commands that apply to me.

            It’s really that simple. In over 45 years of study and discussion, NOBODY has been able to show me where God commands Christians – Jewish or Gentile – to observe sabbaths. Nobody has been able to show me why I should consider sabbath-keeping part of the new covenant. It’s not arrogance that makes me confident. It’s not closed-mindedness that makes me confident. It’s simply knowledge of the Scriptures, and tons of experience discussing the matter with people who disagree with me. Your point about haughtiness would be well-taken without these things! I do recognize that I could be wrong. That’s part of the point of continuing conversations like this one… I never know when God will use someone to prove me wrong, and – if I’m wrong – I want to be shown! So far, though, nobody has even come close to making the case that God commands anyone today to observe sabbaths.

            >> just repeating Colossians 2 or Acts 15 does not convince me

            Yeah, I know. As I’ve pointed out before, a basic part of biblical interpretation is to use the clear verses to help us understand the unclear verses. So far – with sincere respect – you haven’t produced any clear verses to make your point. THIS verse might seem to suggest something, and THAT verse might appear to indicate something more. That’s not how we should do things. Sure, including those thoughts in a discussion is totally valid… but we don’t build good theology from unclear verses, or from vague ideas. If someone tells me that God wants me to do something, it’s entirely reasonable to ask how they know it… so I can know it too. I keep pointing to what I consider clear verses, and you keep suggesting that they’re insufficient. That really seems to be the crux of the matter. The list of 1-2-3 above really is what makes this whole conversation relevant or irrelevant.

            >> The council in Acts 15 was necessary because the Jews were teaching the Gentiles SALVATION BY THE LAW (which is unbiblical), not mere obedience to God’s law.

            This is a good example of what I mean. If this was accurate, their letter to the Gentiles would have been different. They would have said something like, “Yes, you should observe the Law of Moses, but no… that’s not how people are saved.” Instead, as Peter pointed out, it was THE LAW ITSELF that should not be applied. There was no clarification to make a fine distinction… there was a yes or no question about Gentiles observing the law, and the answer was no. This is why Paul, who brought the question to Jerusalem, wrote again and again: we are not under the law.

            Because you and I are not under the law, commands from the law are not commands that were given to us. We weren’t given only some of the commands, but not others. There are no leftovers. We weren’t included at all, and both Exodus 20:1-2 and Acts 15 are sufficient to show this without dispute.

            >> Some things changed, yes… I do not believe everything changed.

            How do you know which things changed and which didn’t? Really: it’s a serious question. How do you know? All Christians everywhere should probably be in agreement about these things, so it seems really important for you to be able to explain how you know which things changed and which didn’t… and why, while you’re at it, the things that didn’t change would ever apply to anyone outside the old covenant.
            >> Did God not keep the old covenant command to not murder for the new covenant?

            No, God did not keep the old covenant command for the new covenant. The old covenant is obsolete, having been replaced by a new and better covenant. Both reflect God’s character, but there’s no continuity between the two covenants. If there were, we would see some kind of explanation for which things were expiring and which things would be kept. Instead, the entire old covenant has been replaced.

            >> You do use some strong language Tony, but no worries, I’ve got tough skin. 🙂

            I can tell! I really hope you see that I love you, and that I’m enjoying this very much. I just hope that we both benefit from it in the ways that God intends.

  85. Jeannette says:

    Hello Tony and Makana

    I haven’t taken part in this discussion except for a short time at the beginning, so excuse butting in 

    As Paul said, we should not criticise others for doing this in a way we disagree with (Romans 14:5).

    But I’m not accusing either of you of doing that – haven’t read enough of the discussion 😉

    It is good to keep one day a week special. As Jesus said, He “Made the Sabbath for man, not man for the Sabbath”. In relaxing while also taking time to worship the Lord and enjoy His presence and fellowship with others we keep the Sabbath physically. The refreshment is good for our bodies and souls.

    But that is not enough.

    Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament Law and, through the New Birth, made it possible for us to keep the Sabbath in the way God intended all along, by “Entering into HIS rest. Hebrews 4 makes that very clear.

    In other words, “Ceasing from our own works” – entering into and remaining in HIS rest – is the true Sabbath. Physical rest or even worship has very little to do with that.

    I’m still pondering these things but it seems there are three different ways that the Old Testament Law relates to the New:

    The OT ritual laws, temple worship and blood sacrifices are completely obsolete because they are fulfilled in Christ (again shown clearly in Hebrews). The new has come and the old, which was just a shadow and illustration, done away. For these laws, to cling to the old is to deny Christ’s sacrifice for us “Once for all”.

    The moral laws are still mandatory. We can’t keep them in our own strength (Galatians shows that) but now it is possible to keep both the letter and spirit of them – by His power and life in us.

    But the Sabbath law, is different from either of the above. It is not made obsolete but swallowed up by a greater fulfilment in Jesus. For “The works were finished from the foundation of the world” (Heb 4:3) and we are invited to enter into His completion. The only problem with the physical keeping of the Sabbath is if we become legalistic about it or think ourselves superior to those who do not .

    Hope that makes sense.

    • Makana says:

      Hi Jeannette,
      Welcome back to the discussion then 🙂

      Romans 14:5 is a great verse, but it only speaks about what man esteems. The reason I continue to discuss the sabbath is because I believe God still esteems the sabbath as holy, and Romans 14:5 certainly does not apply to Him! If scripture says He does not esteem the sabbath as holy, then the conversation is over, but I have not found a scripture that says that.

      My only concern with your point on Hebrews 4 is that the word “rest” spoken of in that passage is different than what you described. The word “rest” in Hebrews 4:10 comes from the Greek word katapausis and refers to an abode, a literal resting place. It is not a spiritual feeling of peace and comfort, it is a literal place, like the promised land was to be the literal place of rest for the Children of Israel if they had obeyed God (which is why that is mentioned in Hebrews 3). In Hebrews 4:9 (“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.”), the word “rest” comes from the word sabbatismos, which has a similar meaning as katapausis: the repose of Christianity (as a type of heaven). I got these definitions from the Blue Letter Bible website, so you can look them up yourself if you wish.

      So this “rest” we are looking forward to is heaven, and it is not a rest we can enter into while still on earth.

      I’d love to hear your thoughts on this 🙂

  86. Heather says:

    I only want to post two scriptures for everyone who has posted on here and it’s this:
    Romans 14:10-13

    But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. 11 For it is written:

    “As I live, says the Lord,
    Every knee shall bow to Me,
    And every tongue shall confess to God.”
    12 So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. 13 Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way.

    And this:
    Romans 14:5-6

    5 One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it.

    God bless you all!

  87. Makana says:

    “And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out? How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.” (Matthew 12:12)

    Tony, if the way you define “work” is correct, that it is almost ANYTHING you do, then Jesus made a mistake here. For lifting a sheep out of a pit is certainly work, and so is healing someone. But we know Jesus did not make a mistake here, rather, he affirms what the sabbath is for: good things. When you read Nehemiah 13:15-22, you can clearly see what “work” God had a problem with on the sabbath: work related to one’s profession. With that established, we can apply that principle to other sabbath restrictions – like not kindling a fire or gathering sticks. The kindling of a fire and gathering sticks must have relate to someone’s profession, as that is the work God prohibited. If this were not true, Jesus would not have said that lifting a sheep out of a pit or picking grain was okay on the sabbath. The Bible cannot contradict itself.

    Even further, am I to assume that God ceased from ALL of His work on His seventh day rest during the creation week? No, God continues to work (John 5:16-18)…so what is He “resting” from? His creation work, of course, in that He is not currently creating anything. Yet He is still working during His sabbath rest. His sabbath commandment for His people reflects his own sabbath rest from creation. The sabbath commandment forbids work related to one’s profession, as well as things of our own personal pleasure (Isaiah 58:13), but good works outside of these prohibitions can be done. Either way, the focus is to be on God.

    The first verse of Acts 15 says this: “And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye CANNOT BE SAVED.” This is clearly about salvation by the law, for when we read further, we find what truly saves us: grace – “But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they” (Acts 15:11). How is this not about what saves us, the law or grace? Remember, by no means am I suggesting that the law saves us – that is not its role – but Acts 15 is clearly a discussion on whether to teach that the law brings salvation. How could the law (which is holy and good – Romans 7:12) be the “yoke” that Peter was referring to? It couldn’t have been. Salvation by the law, however (which is something the Pharisees and other Jews were adamant about as clearly seen in scripture) is certainly a burden, and one that needs not be put upon anyone.

    I believe the Bible is clear on what has and has not changed between the old and new covenants, and I have mentioned many of them already in our discussion.

    And again, I would encourage you to look back at my last two responses and see what I understand “under the law” to mean. I know we are not under the law, but the way I understand that differs from how you do.

    I will try and quickly address the 1-2-3 list you made:
    1. The sabbath commandment (as well as all of God’s law) was given directly to the Israelites for them to bring other nations to God, so it was not limited to native ancient Jews. Remember, Israel was to be a light unto the Gentiles. God was to be glorified in them (Isaiah 49:3) that other nations may fear Him. God repeatedly spoke about foreigners (i.e. non-Jews) in the law, and many of them believed in Him (like Rahab, for instance). Read Numbers 15:22-30, Deuteronomy 31:9-13, Exodus 12:48-49, Exodus 20:10, Joshua 8:33-35, Isaiah 56:1-8, and Leviticus 24:16-22. God set Israel apart so that they, in their obedience to God, would glorify God and cause the Gentiles to worship Him and keep His law.
    2. As I have said before, this is not about whether we are or are not under the old covenant; the reality is we ARE NOT, and I never suggested that we were. The Bible is very clear on how the new covenant differs from the old, like when Jesus said there is no more “an eye for an eye” or hating your enemy, and the laws on divorce changed, and physical circumcision was replaced with spiritual circumcision, and there are no more animal sacrifices, etc. However, the purpose of the new covenant is not to give us new laws, but to give us to a better priesthood with Christ under which we can be saved (Hebrews 7:24) and to reveal what God intended for His people from the beginning. Again, if “Thou shalt not steal” was in both the old and new covenant because God is over both covenants, then “Remember the sabbath day” could also be in both, so long as scripture supports it (and I believe it does).
    3. There is no clear scripture that says the sabbath commandment does not apply to us.

    • Tony says:


      I continue to appreciate our interactions. However, I hope to boil down the discussion.

      • We agree that we are not under the old covenant. There’s no need for me to keep addressing that.
      • When making theology, there should be no “coulds” and “mights.” That’s speculation, and not the stuff we make theology from. Speculation should remain speculative, and not be codified into doctrine.
      • We should not presume that anybody should obey what God has not commanded. It’s okay for you or me to do things He has not commanded, but it’s irresponsible to tell someone else that they should.

      Pretend that I know nothing about God, or the Bible, or sabbaths. I have never even heard of church, so I have no preconceptions at all. You and I have been having lunch every week, and I tell you that I’ve decided to follow Jesus. I mention that I heard someone say “sabbath” and I don’t know what that is. What will you tell me that I need to do with regard to sabbaths? I want to be completely obedient to what God has said I should do, so please give it to me straight. I can handle it… I just need to know what God expects.

    • Gail says:

      Hi Makana
      I have enjoyed your intelligent discussions with Tony. I understand where you are coming from because I had the same understanding as you in the past. In Deut 4:13 Moses reminds Israel of the Covenant Elohim made with them on Mt Horeb. He plainly tells us the Ten Words written on stone was the covenant. In Jer 31:31-34 the prophet speaks of a new covenant to come. He said it would be different and better than the one made with Israel when He delivered Israel out of Egypt. This agrees with Hebrews 8:13 (read the whole chapter for context). This also agrees with 2 Cor 3. which compares the two covenants – the first covenant with the new covenant. It contrasts the two different administrations, the one under the first covenant written on stone which had esteem to the administration of the Spirit, which is the gift of the Holy Spirit given under the new covenant. The latter has greater esteem than the former which was passing away. The latter administration not only has greater esteem but it remains until the Messiah returns. I believe there are numerous scriptures throughout the new covenant writings that explain that we are no longer ‘under’ the law as Israel was but 2 Cor chapter 3 leaves no doubt about the Ten Words that they were to pass away with the establishment of the new covenant. Of course the Sabbath is included in the Ten Words. I agree with Tony that the covenant between Elohim and Israel did not include any one but the descendants of Abraham, in slavery in Egypt. I agree with you that Elohim welcomed anybody to join Israel but they also had to be circumcised and enter the first covenant. Then they would be treated as a native Israelite throughout their generations so long as they lived in the land which was conditional to their obedience to the covenant.
      However, the Father intended to offer a new covenant to the House of Israel and the House of Yahudah because He found fault with Israel. The new covenant was to be based on better promises. It was a new covenant and not a repackaged covenant based on the first one. The promise of the Spirit was one of the blessings of the new covenant and was to be offered to the Gentiles so that the two would become one. The Gentiles didn’t replace Israel because thousands of Israelites were faithful and believed, starting with the apostles. When the Messiah died He established a new covenant in His blood and invited Israel to enter in through belief. The same offer was then offered to the Gentiles. All those who believe and have His Spirit dwelling in their hearts through immersion into the new covenant belong to Christ. We all make up the Body of Christ and the promise to Abraham’s descendants is fulfilled. There is no more preferential treatment for ethnic Israel. There is no future blessing waiting for the ethnic descendants of Israel because there was no greater gift the Father could give them when He sent His own Son into the world that whomsoever would believe on Him, shall not perish but have eternal life. I don’t think the righteous principles of the law have been abolished. Those principals that underpinned the law are written on our hearts and minds via His Spirit who convicts us of sin. The Law pointed out sin under the first covenant but it never delivered Israel from it. But now we all have been redeemed and delivered out of slavery to sin through the death and resurrection of the Son of God. Only His blood changes our heart and desires. The first covenant and how it was administered and guarded could never change the heart.
      The Sabbath was a statute or an ordinance. It required a prep day to carry out the necessary regulations to be performed on it. The other nine commands did not. It was a foreshadowing of our rest in Christ now fulfilled in Him but also pointing to a greater rest to come. The Sabbath was a shadow and Christ is the reality. Anyway that’s how I see it. One thing is certain in my mind and that is 2 Cor 3 clearly tells us that the administration of death engraved in stones, although greatly esteemed has been superceded by a better administration or a better application of the principals of the laws given to Israel under the first covenant. I could say a whole lot more but time and space does not permit. I hope something of what I have said rings true.

  88. JP says:

    Hi Tony, great article. Been wondering/struggling with this for some time. I understand the “covenant with Israel” part and you make sense in all I’ve read thus far. So glad that young lady asked why we keep only 9/10 of the commandments and your answer was excellent. I get it; it hit me when you said “rest in God”. Grace is about being covered by Jesus’ sacrifice. But it’s also about peace. I think of Psalm 46:10 and how we all should “rest” in God. All day, every day cause He has my back. And if the Heavenly Father who spoke the world into existence has my back, well shoot, can’t get any better than that.
    God bless brother!

  89. Art Miller says:

    I haven’t read all that is here, but the Sabbath foundation is not in the time of Israel. It is a creation event. You just simply cannot escape that. The 4th commandment supports that! Not only that but it was pre-sin. There was no sin when the 7th day was made. (That is where we got our week.)

    All scripture is given by inspiration and is profitable for how many of us? I understand all of us. Am I wrong? What scriptures were in Paul’s mind when he wrote that? At least the Old Testament. (By the way the New Testament is based on the Old.) so the scripture in Genesis was given for our admonition. That is why information about the Sabbath is there in all of the OT and the NT. No commands to keep any other day and no commands to cease keeping the Sabbath. Can you imagine what an uproar there would have been from the Jews if Paul or any of the disciples had even given a hint that the 7th day Sabbath was done away with.

    So the Sabbath is sanctified or set apart. Made holy. For what? For man. Jesus himself said it was MADE for man.

    So when was it made? At creation. Why would God even mention it unless it was for man? It was blessed. Why? For man’s good. So He did three things that day, He rested, He sanctified it. and He Blessed it. When you bless something, you do it for someone’s happiness. To sanctify it is to make it holy. He rested as an example. He was not tired.
    History supports the Sabbath also

    • Tony says:


      With respect, you can’t substantiate this from the text itself. While it’s true that God created a seven-day pattern at the beginning, and it’s true that God set that day apart at the beginning, there is no command in Genesis to observe the seventh day. That begins in Exodus, where God made a covenant with the nation of Israel. Prior to that, we have no instructions about sabbath-keeping. Outside of the context of that covenant, we have no instructions about sabbath-keeping.

      In other words, the Bible only records sabbath-keeping commands in one context, and one context only: Israelites living in the promised land. To use your own words, you just simply cannot escape that.

      Maybe you can imagine the uproar, but I don’t have to imagine it. I’ve read Acts 15. There was no uproar. The sabbath was a sign of the covenant between God and the nation of Israel. While Jews were free to continue observing the commands of the seventh-day sabbath as found in that covenant, nobody else is ever commanded – or even taught – in Scripture to do the same. You just simply cannot escape that, either.

      Your thoughts?

  90. Sean says:

    No matter how evangelicals(formerly known as protestants) try to argue “rest in Jesus, not on the Sabbath”, you sit with a problem. The new covenant clearly declares that God will write His law on our hearts and minds. God’s law includes a specific command to observe a specific day. If you profess to be a new covenant believer, and yet reject the law of God, it is either ignorance, or rebellion. Without God’s law, there is no sin. No sin, then no need for a Savior.

    • Tony says:


      First, welcome!

      With respect, your position can’t be sustained logically, historically, or Scripturally. Historically, evangelicals are just a part of what are called Protestants. The evangelical movement arose as a reaction to the left-ward movement in the western church in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Protestantism began, you know, 300 or so years earlier. There are a lot of Protestants who aren’t part of the evangelical movement.

      Logically, you presume that the law that God writes on our hearts is the same law that governed the covenant between God and the ancient Israelites. That presumption is simply false, as is certainly evidenced in your own life. I mean do disrespect, of course… I say that to show that observing that law is impossible today. You don’t sacrifice animals to cover your sin, or the sins of your people. That’s part of the law. Where are your phylacteries? That’s part of the law. I could go on and on, but the point is that you’re picking and choosing which parts of the law to observe, and changing or ignoring the rest. The law of God that included a specific command to observe a specific day also included instructions on HOW to observe it, and you don’t follow those instructions. Why would you say that anybody should observe the day but not insist on observing it AS GOD COMMANDED? That’s not logical.

      Scripturally, as you point out, there IS a need for a savior. Why? Because, quite simply, observing the law was never enough. The whole law pointed to the coming Messiah, and the Messiah has come and gone. As pointed out many times in this discussion, the law was a guardian that kept us UNTIL Jesus came. We no longer need the guardian, and the things that pointed to Him were only shadows… we have the real thing, and the covenant He instituted prior to His death.

      So, what IS this law that God would write on our hearts? It’s the law of love, summed up by Jesus Himself:

      Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.

      A serious question for you, Sean: why would you want to butt into a covenant between God and someone else? You were never included in the old covenant, but you were included in the new. Live in the new by following Jesus closely, using the first believers as a guide… devote yourself to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. That should be enough for all of us.

  91. Sean says:

    Please read 1John 5:2,3. It will help you understand what love looks like in a believers life. This is the teaching of Jesus, described by John. This should be sufficient for the true follower of Jesus.

    • Tony says:

      Sean: we agree about 1 John 5. The disagreement begins when we try to explain what those commands ARE. You claim that God’s command to the ancient Israelites, given to only them in the context of His covenant with them, includes you and me. It does not. I’ll ask again: why would you butt into an agreement when you haven’t been invited? The only commands for sabbath-keeping in the Bible are found in the old covenant. Check out Exodus 31:12-17 and see if you can find yourself in there:

      Then the Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy. “‘Observe the Sabbath, because it is holy to you. Anyone who desecrates it is to be put to death; those who do any work on that day must be cut off from their people. For six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day is to be put to death. The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as a lasting covenant. It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever, for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.’”

      You’re not in there. I’m not in there. The sabbath was to be observed by the Israelites. It was, and will always be, a sign between God and the Israelites. It was not, and will never be, a covenant between anyone else… but you want to butt in, and to convince other people to butt in. That doesn’t make sense, my friend. To add insult to injury, let’s pretend that you WERE invited into that covenant. Why aren’t you putting to death those who desecrate it? Why aren’t you cutting off people who do any work on the sabbath? If you think you’re supposed to obey the command to observe sabbaths, why don’t you obey it in full? Where are the Scriptures that tell you to STOP killing people who desecrate the sabbath?

      No, you’re simply kidding yourself. The commands in 1 John are not the commands of the old covenant. They are the commands of the new covenant, as taught and lived by Jesus. Those are the commands that Christians are to obey, not the commands given to someone else. Those commands ARE, as you say, sufficient for the true follower of Jesus. The old covenant between God and Israel has been replaced by the new covenant between God and Israel. Gentiles have been grafted into the new covenant, but were never included in the old.

      Let me encourage you to continue in your study of the Scriptures. I don’t say any of this to say “believe what I tell you,” but to say that this is what the Scriptures teach… and you can see that for yourself by reading them for yourself. Don’t stop now, my friend. Keep going. Continue asking good questions. Pray for wisdom and understanding, and don’t neglect any part of God’s Word. Have a great day!

  92. Sean says:

    There most definitely were gentiles grafted into the old covenant, Isaiah 56 describes how. But this is not the focus of the discussion. It seems to me that you are suggesting that the “love God and love your neighbor” command spoken by Jesus is somehow different than the 10 commandments spoken by the same Jesus at Sinai. Does new covenant love keep a believer from idolatry? Does it keep him from taking God’s name in vain? From dishonoring his parents? From murder, theft, adultery, dishonesty, and coveting? I’m sure you would agree that it does. My point being is simply what Jesus said about the two great commands; all of the law and prophets hang on these two. The two are a summary of the principles God gave in the OT. God’s law is Love. But fallen human beings don’t know what that means and invariably attempt to define it in a way that is convenient to self. This is why God defines it for us within a moral law.

    • Tony says:

      Come on, Sean. You’re splitting hairs. Yes, there were gentiles included in the old covenant… but all of them lived in the promised land, and were bound by the covenant between God and the nation of Israel. That’s not at all the same as saying that the terms of that covenant applied equally to the Egyptians, or the Phoenicians, or Ecuadorians, or Poles. You and I are not part of that covenant, and have never been. That covenant has been replaced by the new covenant, so today’s Jews aren’t even included.

      Yes, I’m suggesting that Jesus’ commands (all of them, not just the Great Commandment) differ substantially from the 10 commandments. If Jesus meant to only clarify how we understand the 10 commandments, He wouldn’t have had to do much more than that. The rest of the New Testament would be unnecessary, as we already have the Mosaic Law. Jesus’ statement would logically be seen as commentary only, pointing us back to a more thorough study of how everyone in the world needs to be Torah-observant.

      That’s not what we see, is it? Instead, we see that the council in Jerusalem in Acts 15 did NOT suggest that gentiles need to be involved with the Torah… in fact, they said the exact opposite. That’s what Paul, and Barnabas, and Peter, and James, and Luke, Barsabbas, Silas, and the rest of the apostles and elders there understood. They wrote a letter to settle this very question for the church in Antioch. Why would you even consider contradicting them?

      To answer your questions specifically: yes, new covenant love keeps a believer from idolatry. Much of the New Testament was written to combat false teaching of several kinds, including idolatry. Yes, new covenant love keeps people from taking God’s name in vain. Yes, from dishonoring parents. Yes, from murder, theft, adultery, dishonesty, and coveting. On that we agree. Where we disagree is in whether the terms of the old covenant are in force today. They are not. Yes, I completely understand the desire to think otherwise. It’s a strong tradition, but it’s misplaced. The only people involved in the old covenant were the descendants of Jacob and those who chose to live with them in the promised land. Nobody else was EVER included. Not you, not me, not the Chinese or the Chaldeans or the Canadians.

      The new covenant replaced the old covenant, Sean. That’s cool, because it’s far better than the old one… and it’s the only covenant we have.

  93. Sean says:

    I believe you are misunderstanding my position. I am not arguing that the OC is binding on NC Christians. I am suggesting that God has only one moral law and that it has been a constant since creation and is immutable. The apostle Paul refers to the “law” a number of times, but does not always define what law. However, he does reveal in Gal.3:19 that because of transgression(violation of the moral law) another law was added(ceremonial/sacrificial law) until the seed(Messiah) should come. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all the shadows of the sacrificial system in the OT. But the Sabbath, being perfect and complete as t creation, is not a shadow and is perpetual from creation even into the new earth(Isa.66:22,23). The apostles observed the Sabbath, as did the gentile converts, as they all attended the synagogue on Sabbath. In fact, Jesus warned his disciples that many years later, when Jerusalem was besieged, that they should pray that their escape would not be in the winter or on the Sabbath. Was Jesus mistaken about the future sanctity of the Sabbath? Or is it simply another of His many affirmations of the sanctity of His holy day?

    • Tony says:


      It’s possible that I’ve misunderstood. I’ll quote your exact words, and respond… that way you can correct me where I’ve gone astray.

      >> God’s law includes a specific command to observe a specific day.

      The only place in Scripture where God commands this is in Exodus, and only in the context of the old covenant. That covenant only included the descendants of Jacob and those who chose to join them in the promised land. You seem to say that God wants Christians to observe weekly sabbaths as commanded in the old covenant. Where did I go astray?

      >> Was Jesus mistaken about the future sanctity of the Sabbath?

      Of course not. Jesus’ disciples were all Jews. Desecrating the sabbath carried the death penalty, as prescribed by the old covenant. The text doesn’t indicate the morality or immorality of observing sabbaths in AD 70. It’s a warning, not an instruction.

      >> The apostles observed the Sabbath, as did the gentile converts, as they all attended the synagogue on Sabbath.

      While this is likely true of the earliest gentile converts, it’s provably false in the case of later converts. Again, Acts 15. Yes, Acts 15. You know, the passage of Scripture to which I keep referring and about which you have kept silent? Gentiles were not required BY GOD to observe the Mosaic Law. They may have been required to observe sabbaths in Israel, but not in Antioch… and probably nowhere else. The command to observe sabbaths is not a moral command, nor does it appear in Genesis. You’ve provided no evidence that your position is correct, and you’ve not yet begun to deal with the evidence I provide that suggests you’re wrong.

      Please listen carefully to this part, my friend. When someone tries to make the case that something is true, we should examine the evidence. When the claim is absolute, it only takes ONE verse to show that it’s false. For example: when someone claims that nobody can go to Heaven without being baptized, you only need to point to the thief on the cross to show that their claim is faulty. Usually that starts a process of special pleading, where they make a counter-claim that allows them to be comfortable with the dissonance. Another example: when someone claims that everybody who failed to observe the sabbath was killed, we only need to point to Jesus’ disciples harvesting wheat on the sabbath, and subsequent not-dying, to show that the claim is faulty.

      Now, let’s apply that to your claim. You seem to be saying that God wants Christians to observe a weekly sabbath. That’s an absolute claim, which takes only one contrary passage to debunk. I’ve provided more than one, of course… and you appear to be inconsistent in your approach. So far, I don’t remember you saying anything about a seventh-day sabbath… but if you’re not a sabbatarian, you’re being 100% inconsistent. I don’t remember you mentioning the death penalty for desecrating the sabbath… but if you’re not killing the offenders, you’re being 100% inconsistent. Either we do EXACTLY what God told us to do, in EXACTLY the way He told us to do it, or we’re kidding ourselves. Right? All it takes is ONE inconsistency to show that you’re not actually doing what you claim we should do. If you’re not doing it, why run around and tell other people to do it?

      Here’s the challenge: provide a single verse where God clearly commands sabbath observance for anyone who was NOT included in the old covenant.

      If you can’t, I would suggest that you rethink your position. If you consider sabbath-keeping part of God’s moral law, which is constant and immutable, then it should appear in Scripture at least one time outside the context of God’s old covenant with Israel. I await your thoughtful, Scriptural reply.

      PS: please don’t come back with some other, potentially tangential, passage. You’ve posted a few times already, but have not responded to the texts I’ve cited. I’ve now challenged you to provide specific evidence for your claim… if you don’t mind, please pause in your efforts and indulge me. We have all the time in the world, so it’s okay to slow down a bit and deal with the passages in question. Those passages include at least Exodus 20, Exodus 31, Acts 15, and Colossians 2. Take your pick. Thanks!

  94. Joe says:

    What a long drawn out argument..

    We can list all the scriptures we disagree on, and fight about it continuously.
    Does God really need us to win arguments?

    The whole point of this, seems to be about which day is Biblical to hold corporate worship, right?

    Go ahead and corporately worship on Sunday, if you think that day is ‘Biblical’ to hold it on.

    But it seems like holding corporate worship on Sunday, is so that you can say you aren’t under God’s law anymore…

    The whole point is to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself, right?

    Although for the life of me, can not find in the scripture how corporate worship has to be on Sunday.
    Nor can I find in scripture, if you hold it on the Sabbath, you are somehow ‘back under Mosaic law’.

    Are you saying that if a body of believers hold corporate worship on the seventh day of the week, they are under the curse of the law?

    Keeping corporate worship in Jesus on the old Sabbath day places us back under Mosaic law?

    Please show me in the scriptures how this is so.

    We are clearly in the new Covenant with God, in Jesus Christ. We are saved by grace, through faith.

    I can not keep the 10 commandments perfectly, I am fallen man.
    But I aim to walk with God to the best of my ability, and if I stumble, I have an advocate in heaven to ask for forgiveness.

    If corporate Sunday worship is what you are convicted of, go for it.
    But why are folks who want to hold it on Saturday in error?

    It was the original, and it in no way means we are ‘back under Mosaic law’
    I find Saturday to be just fine, and no matter who thinks they are ‘smarter’, and wants to shout the loudest to get their point across, just love God with all your heart, and go with your convictions without condemning people.

    Honestly, holding corporate worship on Sunday to say you aren’t under the law anymore seems silly to me, because it’s exactly the same thing, but on a different day.
    As if holding it on Saturday nullifies the blood of Jesus.

    My $.02..
    I couldn’t help myself, such a mind boggling argument going on here haha

    Let’s love the Lord, do His will, and love each other, and quit trying to Lord over one another.

    Look at the times we are living in!
    Can no one see our redemption draws nigh?

    Take care and God bless you all!

    • Tony says:


      First, it’s nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting!

      It seems you may have missed at least part of the point… if not all of it. You suggest that the dispute is about the day on which Christians should hold corporate worship. While that’s certainly a good question to ask, it’s not at all the point. As you might see by reading the ensuing discussion in the comments, the dispute has to do with a number of things:

      • Whether Christians should live by the Law of Moses
      • Whether the Roman Catholic church changed the sabbath
      • Whether the nature of Christianity has been obscured from generations of people by a satanic conspiracy
      • Whether we are saved by grace through faith, or saved by works of obedience
      • Whether traditions that focus on observing Jewish feasts and holy days are more pleasing to God

      … and so on. While you’re reading, you might notice that those are all arguments made by people arguing AGAINST SUNDAY WORSHIP. The claims are that the Law still applies, that God intends for Christians to observe sabbaths as the ancient Israelites did, that Rome messed things up, that worshipping on the wrong day is an act of disobedience, that God would not have instituted sabbaths and feasts temporarily, and so on. The claim made by the rest of us is that we are not Jews, that we are not under the Law, that we can and should worship every day and not just on Saturday, and that these claims about what God demands are not true.

      God does NOT need us to win arguments, of course… but God does call us to watch our doctrine closely, and to contend for the faith that was handed down. After more than 25 years of discussion on this subject, it’s amazing how many distort the positions of others to make their claims. You appear to be doing exactly that. Unless my memory is faulty, not a single person here has suggested what you’ve mentioned:

      • that anyone must worship on Sunday
      • that Sunday worship has anything to do with avoiding the Law
      • that Sunday worship is more biblical than Saturday worship
      • that corporate worship has to be on Sunday
      • that worshipping on Saturday puts anyone back under Mosaic Law
      • that Saturday worship puts anyone under a curse
      • that anyone is actually convicted to worship on Sunday
      • that anyone who worships on Saturday does so in error
      • that Sunday worshippers are smarter
      • that Saturday worshippers should be condemned
      • that Saturday worship nullifies the blood of Jesus

      With respect, your comment appears to be self-contradictory. You appear to be saying that people should simply focus on what’s important, and that the claims of Sunday worshippers obscure our real priorities. The simple fact is that this is only an issue because sabbatarians make it an issue. The primary method sabbatarians use to make their point is to misrepresent the claims of those with whom they don’t agree. I wish I didn’t need to write about this subject, as it shouldn’t be a matter for dispute. In case anyone is still confused, here is my position… and the position of virtually every Christian in the past 2000 years:

      The ancient Israelites were commanded by God to observe sabbaths. They were to be a sign of the covenant God made with them. Nobody else was included in that covenant, so the terms of that covenant never applied to anyone else. Every Christian is free to worship on any day, and encouraged to worship every day. Sunday worship is not a command of God, but only a human tradition.

      As I understand it, any other argument is simply unbiblical… that is, it contradicts what we see in the Bible. My life and ministry would be very different if sabbatarians weren’t so intent on misrepresenting everyone else’s point of view, let alone claiming that God expects what He clearly does not. THAT is the point of the discussion, my friend. Like you, I wish it were not so. I wish we could focus on the gospel, rather than being stuck on the elementary things:

      Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God, instruction about cleansing rites, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And God permitting, we will do so.

  95. Mike says:

    Can you please explain to me why the Sabbath commandment was given with all of the other nine Commandments if it’s not important to keep? If this is part of Mosaic law, why was it given with all of the other nine Commandments at the same time, not once but twice and written in stone with Gods own finger. Not mans. Stone in scripture represents something that is permanent

    It seems like the argument is that the sabbath was for the Jews. But the sabbath commandment was given with all of the other nine commandments at the same time. Therefore, I would have to say the nine other commandments are for the Jews only. Right to separate them and decide one is for the Jews, and nine or not? God has the sabbath commandment linked with the 10 commandments for a reason.

    In the Old Testament the 10 Commandments were kept in the arc, separate from the mosaic law which include sabbaths which are feast days, Sacrifices, etc, and those all pointed to Christ. The Old Testa makes it very clear there are two sets of laws. Gods moral law, which we are told to keep all over the New Testament, and the mosaic law which pointed to Christ through the sacrificial system and feast days. So based on that which was nailed to the cross? How can we separate one commandment when they were all given together?

    So what was nailed to the cross? Was it the 10 commandments, gods moral, and gods law? Or was it the law of Moses which were the sacrifices that were against us.

    How does Jesus sitting at the right hand of the father eliminate anyone keeping the fourth commandment when we are told in scripture to keep the commandments of God. Not just in the Old Testament, but all over the New Testament we are told to keep the commandments. And not one verse says God removed any of his 10 commandments or changed them. So when we see numerous verses that tell us to keep the commandments of God, doesn’t that mean the 4th?

    In the book of acts we see Paul Reasoning with the Jews, and the Gentiles on the Sabbath day. Paul tells the Gentiles to come back the next Sabbath. He does not tell them to go to a church on Sunday, or keep Sunday.

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for writing! Yes, I can explain that to you… I appreciate the opportunity.

      When God led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, He made a covenant with them. The terms of that covenant included 613 commands, and sabbath-keeping was an important part of those terms. In fact, the sabbath was called out specifically by God as THE sign of the covenant. It’s important to know a little about covenants: they were always between specific people, and nobody else was ever included. The only people involved in the old covenant were God, the ancient Israelites, and the Gentiles who lived with them in the promised land. The only people who were ever under the Law were those included in that covenant… not the Chaldeans, not the Chinese, not the Canadians. There were blessings and curses for the Israelites if they kept, or failed to keep, God’s commands.

      I understand that this idea conflicts with the traditional views that you and I grew up with, but it’s the only logical conclusion. The 10 Commandments, and the 613 commands that came out of them, were specifically and only for those involved in that covenant. The fact that they were written on stone does not mean they were permanent… in fact, we can see that clearly in the New Testament. Let’s check out 2 Corinthians 3:6-11 and see:

      He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was, will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!

      Notice that Paul doesn’t contrast the civil or ceremonial Laws with the new covenant. He contrasts the new covenant with what was written on stone… that is, the 10 Commandments. The Law, written on stone, came with glory… but it brought condemnation and death. When compared with the ministry of the Spirit, it has no glory now. It was, in Paul’s words, TRANSITORY. I’m not sure how the Bible could be any more clear on that.

      It doesn’t sound like you believe it, but you’ve actually hit the nail on the head with your logic. Christians aren’t under the Law, and that includes the 10 Commandments. Christians are under what the New Testament calls “the law of Christ,” which is everything Jesus taught. There are similarities, to be sure… nine of the 10 Commandments are repeated in the New Testament. Can you guess which is missing?

      Yeah. The sabbath.

      Why? Because the sabbath was the sign of the OLD covenant. The old covenant was transitory… a temporary guardian that kept us until Christ came. It came in glory, but has been replaced by a far more glorious covenant. You and I were never included in the old covenant, but everyone has been included in the new. For many, this is a difficult idea to reconcile because they were taught for most of their lives that they should keep sabbaths in one form or another. Christians were never under the Law, and sabbaths were never commanded for anyone outside of that covenant.

      I’d like to suggest that Ephesians 2:14 might be helpful here. It was written to help unify Jews and Gentiles, who argued over whether Christians must observe the Law of Moses:

      For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.

      Let me know what you think. Have a great day!

  96. Joe says:

    -Whether Christians should live by the Law of Moses-
    My question to you is, being that the ten Commandments were kept in the Ark, under the mercy seat, and the handwritten law of Moses was outside the ark, can you show me, in scripture, how they were not separate?
    Also, please show me from scripture how the 4th command is -not- loving the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength?
    How does it violate the first command?
    Because, according to you, it is ok to obey all of them, except the 4th… that one places you under the curse of the Mosaic law.. .

    -Whether the Roman Catholic church changed the sabbath-
    There are many sources, right out of the horses mouth, where they have come right out and admitted this very thing.
    Are they wrong, when they themselves have said it?

    – Whether the nature of Christianity has been obscured from generations of people by a satanic conspiracy-
    I personally have had conversations with Catholic apologists that have acknowledged their organized counter reformation, against the Protestant Reformation, that was minimizing Vatican political control.
    Is it impossible that Satan can come in the back door of the church, and infiltrate through such an organization?
    There are many books on the subject. Are they all wrong?

    -Whether we are saved by grace through faith, or saved by works of obedience-
    Isn’t it a given that we are saved by grace, and not works of the law?
    We don’t have to make sacrifices for sin anymore, or keep the ordinances that the handwritten Law of Moses had in it, because Jesus fulfilled them.
    The Bible says no one was ever justified by the works of the law, so, were Old Testament believers saved by the keeping of the moral law of God perfectly?
    Or, were they saved by confessing their sins, repenting, and making sacrifice for their sins?
    Did that point to forgiveness in Jesus Christ?
    Does that make them saved by grace in the end, or the keeping of the law?
    I think this shows conclusively the distinction between the Moral law of God, and the Law of Moses.
    The one showed God’s standard sitting under the mercy seat, the other showed how to obtain mercy, and forgiveness through grace, outside of the ark, leaning against it.
    Can I also hear how you reconcile James with Paul?
    If the Holy Spirit leads us to Jesus, repentance, and obedience, the question might become ‘what is sin?’
    I was always under the assumption that sin was the “transgression of the Law”
    Which law? The one that demands sacrifice, or the Ten Commandments? or 9?

    -Whether traditions that focus on observing Jewish feasts and holy days are more pleasing to God-
    Than what? You failed to mention..
    Observing Jewish feasts and holy days are not necessary anymore, because Jesus came, and was the fulfillment of them. they all pointed to the coming of Messiah.

    So how is the 4th command, under the mercy seat, somehow in the same category as the book of ordinances, kept outside of the Ark?

    Why are 9 commands good, and one is bad? You wouldn’t dare trying to change the Moral Law of God? Would that make someone another lawgiver?
    The catholic catechism clearly removes the second command, makes many others generic, and cuts 10 into 2 parts to make the full 10.
    Are they a new lawgiver?

    • Tony says:


      With respect, that seems like an awful lot of ranting. Are you angry, or are you trying to gently correct me with Scripture?

      Feelings aside, let’s talk about this logically, using Scripture where we can.

      The tablets that God wrote on were special, obviously. That doesn’t mean that the rest of God’s commands were less important. After all: they all came from God, and they came with blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. There’s no sense in which they were second-class commands. The Israelites certainly didn’t consider them lesser… only given orally, rather than physically. When Jesus was asked about the most important part of the Law, it’s noteworthy that He didn’t mention any of the 10 Commandments. Instead, He quoted from the handwritten parts. It seems your comparison is off-target.

      >> show me from scripture how the 4th command is -not- loving the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength?

      This is a dumb question. Anyone can ask such a thing about anything. Here, let me try! Show me from Scripture how making clothes out of only one kind of cloth is -not- loving the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength? Yeah. It’s a silly way to make an argument. Instead, show me any command to observe sabbaths that was given to people outside the old covenant. That would be a good place to start.

      >> according to you, it is ok to obey all of them, except the 4th… that one places you under the curse of the Mosaic law.

      Silly Joe. You’re making stuff up now. I never said it was ok to obey all of them. I’ve said the opposite, over and over. Christians live by the law of Christ, not the Law of Moses. There’s a big difference.

      >> Whether the Roman Catholic church changed the sabbath… Are they wrong, when they themselves have said it?

      Again, you show your ignorance of the Scriptures. The Roman Catholic church did not exist in the first century… but we do have the New Testament, which did exist in the first century. All over the place, we see that the early church met and worshipped on “the Lord’s day” or “the first day of the week.” Regardless of what the RCC said hundreds of years later, we have the Scriptures. Are they wrong? Perhaps. Are you wrong? Yeah.

      >> I think this shows conclusively the distinction between the Moral law of God, and the Law of Moses.

      You can think it, but you’re wrong. It’s simply illogical – based on the Scriptures – to try to separate the terms of God’s covenant with Israel into civil, ceremonial, and moral laws. When they disobeyed a civil law, it was immoral. They were punished for it because it was sin. All disobedience is sin, Joe. You know that, but you don’t apply it here. You seem to think that SOME parts of the Law of Moses were less important to God. Why then did He command them, rather than just suggest that they might be useful? Why would you suggest that only some of the laws are “the moral law” when God said that they were to obey ALL of His commands? Failing to obey ANY OF THEM was sin, my friend. They were ALL moral laws, but they only applied to those included in the covenant.

      What people like to call the moral laws are simply those things that the old covenant and Jesus’ teachings have in common. The new covenant teaches that lying is wrong, and the old covenant teaches that lying is wrong… but that does not mean that people under the new covenant are also under the old. Yes, I understand you’ve been taught badly for many years. No, that doesn’t excuse you coming here and ranting about what a horrible person I must be simply because I say something that conflicts with what you were taught. Go to the Scriptures, brother. Much of what you’ve written comes only from tradition, not from God’s Word.

      >> I was always under the assumption that sin was the “transgression of the Law” Which law? The one that demands sacrifice, or the Ten Commandments? or 9?

      Now there’s a good question! First, Galatians 3 shows that you have things backwards. Sin is not “the transgression of the law.” The transgressions came first, and the Law was given after. Second, the word we translate as “law” is simply torah. It could mean ANY law, not just the Law of Moses. When Jesus told people to not pray in order to be noticed, that was a torah. When Herod told the magi to tell him where they found Jesus, that was a torah. It’s an elementary mistake to pretend that every mention of “law” in the Bible is talking about any part of the Law of Moses. Some do, some don’t. Context tells us which.

      It all boils down to this, Joe: the commands you’re talking about never applied to you or me. They were the terms of the covenant between only God and the ancient Israelites, plus any Gentiles who chose to live with them in the promised land. Why would you butt into that covenant when you weren’t invited? You and I have our own covenant. It’s the new covenant, and it’s better than the old one. Jesus set aside the old covenant in favor of the new, and that should be the focus of your life.

      I wish you well.

  97. Jeannette says:

    Hi Tony.

    I haven’t posted for a long time but have continued to follow this thread and have found your clear explanations very helpful.

    Looking at the issue from a slightly different angle, the Sabbath seems to be the ONLY one of the Ten Commandments that Jesus deliberately “Broke” or defended the disciples if they were accused of breaking it.

    With other commandments, such as murder and adultery, He actually extended the interpretation of the command to include the mental and emotional sins underlying the actions. With the Sabbath He SEEMED to do the opposite. Yet instead of breaking it He was enlarging the outward Sabbath law to the kind of rest that comes, nor from obeying a law but from completion – entering into the finished works of God Himself.

    Jesus operated from a different (heavenly) perspective. Not the Law written on stone but God’s original intention behind the mere words.

    The Old Covenant was external, the New internal. Commands written in stone last a long time but are easily broken, resulting in death. The new, written on the heart, gives life and the ability to obey (John 1:12-13, 2 Corinthians 3:6 etc etc).

    Hope that makes sense!

  98. Mike says:

    Jesus kept The Sabbath according to the law of God, not to the law of the Jews… They Jews added to it.

    “And it came to pass, that he went through the corn fields on the sabbath day; and his disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears of corn. And the Pharisees said unto him, Behold, why do they on the sabbath day that which is not lawful? And he said unto them, Have ye never read what David did, when he had need, and was an hungred, he, and they that were with him? How he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shewbread, which is not lawful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them which were with him? therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.”
    ‭‭Mark‬ ‭2:23-26, 28‬ ‭

    Was Jesus breaking the Sabbath according to the law of God, or according to the laws and traditions made by the Jews?

    So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.
    Luke 4:16

    All over the gospels we see Jesus keeping the Sabbath according to the law of God, not man.

    “And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath.”
    ‭‭Acts‬ ‭13:42‬ ‭

    “And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.”
    ‭‭Acts‬ ‭13:44‬

    Like I said before. Now here is a perfect situation for Paul to tell these Gentiles “Hey just come back tomorrow, we keep the Sabbath on the first day now!” But we don’t see this written anywhere in scripture.

    So were the disciples keeping the Sabbath just like Jesus did? And were they keeping it according to the law of God, or all the rules and regulations added by the Jews?

    “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,”
    ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭1:10‬ ‭
    What day was this? Was John in the Spirit on the Lords day on the Sabbath, or Sunday?

    What day is God’s holy day, or the lords day. “If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭58:13
    Jesus said he was Lord of the sabbath.

    When john wrote the book of revelation this was in New Testament times. I think it’s safe to say that John was in the Spirit on the Sabbath day, which means he was keeping the sabbath day when he wrote the book of revelation, and not Sunday. No where in scripture does it say God blessed Sunday, or Sunday is God’s holy day.

    When Jesus said, “Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:19‬

    What was he referring to? His new laws, the law of Moses, or the 10 commandments?

    Was Jesus telling the people if you teach people to bring a sparrow for sacrifice instead of a dove you’ll be least in the kingdom of heaven. Is that what he meant?

    There is also no distinction between Jew and gentile anymore.

    “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
    ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭3:28‬

    “For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭2:28-29‬

    “And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree; And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in again.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭11:17, 23

    “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.”
    ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6:15-16‬

    • Tony says:


      The only commands in the Bible to keep sabbaths were as part of the covenant that God made with the ancient Israelites. Jesus is a Jew. Jesus lived under the old covenant. His disciples were Jews who lived under the old covenant until after His death. Many first-century Jews continued to observe the traditions they grew up with, but that does not mean that Gentile Christians were to do so. All we need to settle this dispute is Acts 15, but we have plenty more than that.

      You and I were never part of that covenant, so the commands given in it are not ours. Jesus instituted the new covenant that the Jews were waiting for, and it replaced the old covenant. You and I have been invited into the new covenant… period.

      You and I can point to plenty of New Testament verses that mention sabbaths. Can you point to ANY verse that commands Gentile Christians to observe the Law of Moses?

  99. mike says:

    I think an important thing to establish is which is a command of God, and which is a command of man, and tradition.
    Which one is a commandment of men, and the other a commandment of God. Keeping the sabbath day? Or keeping Sunday? Which day does God promises blessings on, keeping the sabbath, or Sunday? Which day does God call holy, or His holy day, the sabbath, or Sunday? Based on this which one according to scripture is a commandment of men?

    And if Sunday is a tradition of man. How does god feel about that when it comes to worship?

    “But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭15:3-4‬

    “Howbeit in vain do they worship me, Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death:”
    ‭‭Mark‬ ‭7:7-10‬ ‭

    A blessing of joy. Those who keep the Sabbath are promised joy and fulfillment in life

    “If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭58:13-14‬

    The sabbath was not just for the Jews. But the stranger, the Gentiles. A special blessing for our children. As we show our dedication to God by keeping His Sabbath holy, He promises to gather our children to Him and bless them.

    “Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil. Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree. For thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant; even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off. Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant; even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people. The Lord GOD which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet will I gather others to him, beside those that are gathered unto him.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭56:2-8

    • Tony says:


      For those under the old covenant, sabbath-keeping was a command from God. Now that the old covenant has been replaced by the new covenant, that command no longer applies to them. Sunday worship is a tradition only, and not a command of anyone who reads and understands the New Testament.

      You are not under the Law of Moses. Sabbaths, according to God Himself, were THE sign of the old covenant. There are no sabbath commands in the new covenant. You should feel free to worship on any day, as I do. Neither of us should teach what is contradicted in Scripture… and the New Testament is clear that the old covenant has been replaced by the new covenant. You are not, and have never been, under the Law of Moses… and those first-century folks who WERE under the Law of Moses stopped being under it when Jesus died. Please don’t even think of believing me. Believe Jesus, Peter, Luke, Paul, James, and the rest of the disciples. What did Paul say about Jesus and the old covenant?

      For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations.

      That’s Ephesians 2 if you want to read it for yourself. Have a great day!

  100. Michael says:

    Christians are mislead. The very first comment about the sabath from Joe said Christ died died on a Friday before the weekly sabbath but He was crucified the day of the preparation of the passover. John 19:14. It was on a Wednesday. The Friday lie makes Christ a lier because He was in the earth 3 days and 3 nights as He said He would be. On every calendar the first day of the week is Sunday and the seventh is Saturday which is the Sabath of God. God never changed it. But the bigger lie taught to Christians is also the biggest and most used lie in the Bible. No one takes the time to wonder why the 1611 King James Bible never had the name jesus in it. It’s because the name did not exist yet. No one ever called Him by that name. I love and cherish Christ The Lord and cannot call Him by that name. Look for and ask God to lead you to the truth and He will do so. Trust only God. The creator of all follow His lead. God bless

    • Tony says:


      Thanks so much for your comment. We’re not sure about the date on which Jesus died. We’re not even sure of the year. We know He died, which is the main point. As for the exact day, we can’t pinpoint it. Some scholars believe it was Wednesday, some Thursday, some Friday. To call it “a lie” is to either ignore, or to be ignorant of, the difficulty in reconciling the text and the calendar(s). When Jesus used Jonah as a parallel, His point wasn’t the timing. It was the sign.

      It’s also well-known that the ancient Israelites counted days a little differently than we do. This must be taken into account. What do YOU mean when you say “day”?

      • A 24-hour period?
      • The light part of that 24-hour period (as opposed to the dark part)?
      • An unspecified length of time in the past (in my day)?
      • Something else?

      When we look in Esther (chapters 4 and 5) we see the same kind of counting: “Neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day.” Then, two verses later: “Now it happened on the third day that Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king’s palace.” Based on your counting, Esther could not have seen the king until the fourth day… but that’s not how they counted. Their terms were as flexible as ours, and more. Take a look at the days regarding Jesus’ being dead:

      Day One: Friday
      Friday night begins at sundown on Thursday. Friday day ends at sundown on Friday.

      Day Two: Saturday
      Saturday night begins at sundown on Friday. Saturday day ends at sundown on Saturday.

      Day Three: Sunday
      Sunday night begins at sundown on Saturday. Sunday day ends at sundown on Sunday.

      Jesus was dead (like Jonah was in the fish) on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We don’t know what time He came back to life, do we? If you will only accept three 24-hour days, that’s 72 hours… can you pinpoint the hour? He died around 3pm. Did He rise from the dead at 3pm? No, that’s not something we can learn from the Bible. If you’re not sure He was dead for exactly 72 hours, then you’re stuck saying that it WAS three days but not EXACTLY three days. We’re all in the same boat, Michael: we don’t have exact information because God didn’t give it to us. That’s okay. He knows what we need to know.

      Now… about the name “Jesus.” Before you go on pretending that the KJV is the authoritative source, let’s not forget that the actual translators of the KJV, in the actual preface to the 1611 KJV, would tell you otherwise. That version has errors in it, like every version. Unicorns are mentioned nine times. Passover is called Easter. It changes the names of Greek gods (found in the ancient manuscripts) for Roman names.

      The reason “Jesus” doesn’t appear in the KJV is that the letter J didn’t appear in Latin until after it was published. You’re right that nobody ever called the Messiah “Jesus.” I don’t know what name you use, but using anything other than IESOUS is unbiblical. Why? Because that’s the only name used by the writers of the New Testament. The Son of God is never named in the Old Testament, and we don’t see a Hebrew name for Him in the New Testament. Only IESOUS. Every single early manuscript we have was written in Greek, and every one uses a Greek name: IESOUS. Do you call Him IESOUS? No? Why not? Maybe it’s because you didn’t know these things. Have you been worshipping the wrong god all along? Of course not. I’m not being silly, but – perhaps – you are. Focusing on the name is basically superstition.

      With respect: I don’t say these things to put you down, my friend. There’s simply more to these questions than you thought, and I want to encourage you to study the Scriptures MORE. When you KNOW the Word, you can more easily identify the things that don’t match the Scriptures. There’s no conspiracy surrounding the day of Jesus’ death. There’s no conspiracy surrounding modern Bible translations. There’s no conspiracy surrounding the use of the name “Jesus.” Yes, our enemy wants to confuse us and bring us down… but the facts are the facts, and some facts are more important than others.

      An example of one fact being more important than another: The KJV is not perfect. That’s a fact. However, it’s far less important than the fact that READING the KJV can bring someone to faith in Christ. Let me encourage you to ask yourself which parts of Scripture you should focus on most, and which are of secondary importance. Study. Learn. Focus. I have no doubt that God wants to use you in a BIG way, but you must also study to show yourself approved. Let me know if I can be helpful in this.

      Have a great day!

  101. Michael says:

    I would never call the Lord Iesous. The Greek name that means Hail Zuse that was taken by Greek and Latin scholars to make the name used for the Lord. His formal name is Yahoshua. Look it up and study. An appropriate name for the Son of God. He was called Yeshua by His deciples. Did you know that the Latin word sus is the word for pig.
    Yeshua was was taken off the cross before sundown because it was the beginning of Passover and not the weekly sabbath. Read more carefully and understand. God the Creator loves truth. 🙏

    • Tony says:


      With respect, your claims make no sense. First: find me a Bible verse where the Messiah is referred to by a Hebrew name. Can’t find it? There isn’t one. What name do we see in Scripture? We only see one: IESOUS CHRISTOS. The men who traveled with Jesus from the beginning of His ministry – you know, the guys who wrote the entire New Testament – only referred to him as IESOUS. We have no record of anyone calling Him anything else. The oldest ancient manuscripts are all in Greek, and none of them say Yeshua or Yehoshua. It’s simply a fact. You can either ignore the fact, or pretend that it’s not a fact, but it’s the truth. When you call our Lord Yeshua, YOU are translating what we see in the Scriptures into another language. I’m not saying you’re wrong to call Him Yeshua. I’m saying you’re wrong about what the Bible actually says about His name. If you think it’s okay to call Him by a name that’s not in the Bible, then it must be okay for others to do it as well.

      What’s NOT the truth? Well, for starters, the idea that the name Jesus is in ANY way related to pig, or earth pig, or Zeus, or whatever. That’s nonsense. When you do your homework to make sure I’m right – which I recommend – you can see for yourself that there’s no truth in that at all. If you want to trace the names, go here.

      When talking about Jesus’ name and the day He died, I have one simple recommendation: say what the Bible says, and don’t say what the Bible does not say. Where there are questions, accept that we might or might not have the answers. Nobody’s salvation depends on having the day right. Not even yours. Nobody’s salvation depends on knowing what Mary and Joseph called Him. Not even yours. Focus on the gospel, not on conspiracy theories about secondary matters. You have Kingdom work to do, and I humbly submit that this isn’t it.

  102. Kierra says:

    If God himself is holy, he made the seventh day holy, tells us to be holy, who are we to take that away from him?

    Are we just like those who deny his word?

    I know that this day is holy because God himself tells us and I know all the wonderful works Jesus did on this day pleased The Father.

    • Tony says:


      I understand where you’re coming from. However: with respect, we don’t make life decisions based on only PART of the Bible. We need to know the whole story, and that includes what happened after Pentecost. The sabbath, as we read in Genesis 31, was a sign between God and the nation of Israel… specifically, a sign of the covenant He made with them:

      Then the Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy. “‘Observe the Sabbath, because it is holy to you. Anyone who desecrates it is to be put to death; those who do any work on that day must be cut off from their people. For six days work is to be done, but the seventh day is a day of sabbath rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day is to be put to death. The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as a lasting covenant. It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever, for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.’”

      You see, the ONLY people in the Bible who were EVER told to observe sabbaths were the ancient Israelites. They, and only they, were included in the old covenant. After Pentecost, the apostles and elders made it clear that sabbath-keeping was an optional matter of conscience. For example, we see this in Romans 14:

      One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind.

      It’s okay if you observe the sabbath. It’s okay if I don’t. As Paul wrote in Ephesians 2, we shouldn’t let anyone judge us about it. Does that make sense?

  103. Michael says:

    By your way of thinking. Everyone who is not an ancient Israelite should disregard the Ten Commandments and especially the 4th one. I have read the Bible completely. The Profits many times and The New Testament many times and continually. Don’t pick scripture to suit your cause it really doesn’t work well. People love the Judge Not scripture but the one you call jesus also said not to judge by what you see but make righteous judgment. And He was a Jew and did not go by a Greek name.
    May God bless you that you know the truth.

    • Tony says:

      >> May God bless you that you know the truth.

      Thank you, Michael. That’s very kind.

      I’m sorry to have written so clearly that you’ve misunderstood. It’s not that anyone should “disregard” the Ten Commandments. They’re important, and valuable. The problem is that people either don’t read the Bible at all, or they don’t read it carefully. When we actually take the time to read Exodus carefully, we can see the context. That is, 1) who was speaking, 2) who were they speaking to, and 3) what was the occasion?

      God was telling the ancient Israelites about the covenant He was making with them. Sabbath-keeping was part of that covenant. That’s the context. This isn’t in dispute. What IS in dispute, too often, comes from human tradition and contradicts what the Bible actually says. We can read it and see for ourselves.

      Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. (Exodus 20:8)

      The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as a lasting covenant. (Exodus 31:16)

      Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. (Colossians 2:16-17)

      This isn’t ‘picking Scripture to suit my case’ or anything like it. It’s the only way to responsibly interpret the Word of God. It’s the only way to separate human tradition from God’s commands. The only commands in the Bible to observe sabbaths come as the sign of the old covenant. Jesus instituted the new covenant, making the old covenant obsolete. NOBODY is included in the old covenant today, as its purpose has been fulfilled.

      To be a bit more clear, the Ten Commandments (and the rest of the law) are important. They help us understand who God is, how He works, and what He’s been doing in history. The terms of the old covenant have never applied to anyone except the ancient Israelites, as the text of the covenant makes abundantly clear… not the Chaldeans, not the Chinese, not the Canadians.

      Christians follow Jesus. We devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching, as THAT is where we learn how to live under the new covenant. Nine of the Ten Commandments are repeated in the New Testament… the only one left out is the sabbath, and passages like Romans 14 and Colossians 2 and Acts 15 explain why. Let me know what you think after you review those passages… I want what I say to match what God says.

  104. Kierra says:

    Definitely, “we should not let anyone judge us about it.”

    I didn’t see anything about the sabbath day in Romans 14, could be talking of other days they themselves made holy. I’m just speaking of The day that God made Holy.

    Does it say anywhere that what he said to the Israelites doesn’t apply to us today?

    Is there s division between us and them?

    Does it say in scriptures that we don’t have to observe the sabbath as a sabbath now?

    I know that we aren’t suppose to treat the sabbath as the pharisees did with their legal traditions, but as Jesus did.

    What do you think of Isaiah 66: 22,23?

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for your message!

      There are generally two different ways to understand holiness. When we say that something is holy, it means that it’s been “set apart” from other things for specific purposes. In 2 Timothy 2:20-21 we see this:

      In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

      Paul’s point is about you and me, but it explains “set apart.” There’s nothing special about the “articles” themselves. They were just bowls or candlesticks or whatever. They weren’t holy because they were made of precious metals. They were holy because they were reserved for special use… like the good china that our grandparents didn’t use every day. When God made the seventh day holy, He simply set it apart for special use. The day itself isn’t different than any other day. It’s still just 24 hours. People are born and die on the seventh day, just like the other 6. God set apart that day to accomplish a purpose. We see that purpose in Exodus, when He made the old covenant with the ancient Israelites… and in the New Testament as well:

      Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. (Exodus 20:8)

      The Israelites are to observe the Sabbath, celebrating it for the generations to come as a lasting covenant. (Exodus 31:16)

      Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. (Colossians 2:16-17)

      The other kind of holiness, or being ‘set apart,’ is God’s holiness. It’s kind of the same, but kind of different. Nobody “set God apart.” He just IS apart… He’s not a human being, and there’s no other God. He isn’t like anything else that exists. So when we talk about God being holy and the sabbath being holy, we’re saying two different things. God’s holiness is based in His character. Our holiness is NOT based in our own character, but in 1) the righteousness of Christ that has been imputed to us, and 2) our being set apart for special use by God.

      The sabbath day was only holy – set apart for special use – for the Israelites, as part of the old covenant. There are no commands in the Bible for anybody else to observe sabbaths. Jesus instituted the new covenant when He died and came back to life. The new covenant replaced the old covenant, as we’re taught in Jeremiah and throughout the New Testament. Gentiles (non-Jews like me) were never part of the old covenant, but have been invited into the new covenant.

      You ask whether there’s a division between us and the ancient Israelites. Not with regard to sabbaths. There’s a division between the old covenant and the new covenant. The old covenant, and the sign of the sabbath, are obsolete (Hebrews 8). Only the ancient Israelites were part of that covenant. Now, nobody is. It’s the new covenant or nothing!

      Does that make sense?

  105. Michael says:

    The truth is. The sabbath was changed in the year 364 to Sunday by the catholic diocese and they outlawed their people from anything Jewish under penalty of death. The Catholic Church has put many lies into Christianity that are not Biblical. If you really study scripture it tells when Christ was born. There is only one scripture that has the clue. It is Luke 1:5 and the course of Abia. Then go to 1st Chronicles 24:7-18 and learn the courses of the placement of the priesthood on the Hebrew calendar. Zacharias ” father of John the Baptist” was in the course of Abia “Old Testament Abijah” and served the last half of May by our calendar. John was conceived in June. God is so amazing in His timing. Christ was conceived 6 months later in December. John was born at Passover 5 BCE and Christ was born exactly 6 months later on the 15th of the month of Tishri 5 BCE that’s September 16th by our calendar and it was the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles and cercomsised on the 8th day. God is Wonderious in His Creation and timing. Pope Julius the 1st moved Christ birthday to December to try and make a Holy Week out of the sinful and grotesque pagan festivities and celebrations of December. When you look for truth ask God to help and be with you. I couldn’t even begin without His guidance and help. God bless

    • Tony says:


      With respect, the Catholic church isn’t all of Christianity. Millions and millions of people all over the world have followed Jesus without having any connection with Catholicism. Also, Catholics can say whatever they want, but that doesn’t mean that Christianity has changed… only Catholicism. The sabbath was NOT changed. The command to observe sabbaths was only given to the ancient Israelites. In God’s own words, it was a sign of their covenant with God. Nobody else was ever included in that covenant. Gentile Christians were never instructed to observe sabbaths, and Jewish Christians were told that they should not try to force gentiles to observe the law of Moses. No matter how strongly you feel about sabbaths, Christians are not required to observe. They are, as described in Romans 14, optional matters of conscience.

      The rest of your comment has nothing at all to do with what the Scriptures tell us about sabbaths. Will you address the subject by responding to those passages?

  106. Kierra says:

    “Set apart” “you and me”

    God is holy there is no other God.

    “I am the lord your God, who Sanctifies you.” Him, no other god.

    “I will Sanctify my name.” There are many names.

    “Sanctify them in truth, thy word is truth.” There are false teachings.

    “Sanctify the lord God in your hearts.” Out of the hearts of men come evil thoughts.

    Jesus, “that he might Sanctify the people with his own blood.” Now we have Everlasting life.

    “Keep the sabbath day, to Sanctify it.” We/ They will know that this is our God.

    Exodus 31:13-16 It is a never ending covenant.

    Whatever men say doesn’t matter. They can say hey worship this day and no other day because I said so. Who will we obey, God or men?
    Maybe they don’t feel like it matters right now. Maybe one day they will see it does matter. It’s God’s commandment. We must obey.

    “These are a shadow of the things to come.” What is to come?

    Did you read Isaiah 66:22,23‽

    • Tony says:


      I’m not sure what most of your comment is about. I’ll respond to the parts that seem clear:

      >> Exodus 31:13-16 It is a never ending covenant.

      The Hebrew word is OLAM. It has a variety of meanings. Let’s see how it’s used in Scripture:

      • Genesis 3:22 – “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might reach out with his hand, and take fruit also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.”
      • Genesis 6:45 – “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of mankind, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.”
      • Genesis 49:26 – “The blessings of your father have surpassed the blessings of my ancestors up to the furthest boundary of the everlasting hills.”
      • Exodus 21:6 – ” And his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him permanently.”

      You say that the old covenant is “never ending.” The Scriptures themselves tell a different story. Notice: I’m not making my own claim here. I’m simply pointing the what God has said in His Word. You should read these passages yourself to see.

      In Exodus 27 God tells the Israelites to burn a lamp with clear olive oil in the tent of meeting. In God’s words, “it shall be a permanent statute throughout their generations for the sons of Israel.” So, where is this tent of meeting now? The original tent of meeting was outside the temporary camp of the Israelites. Then they built a tabernacle. Then they built a temple. Then that temple was destroyed. Then they rebuilt the temple. Then that temple was destroyed. Now there IS no temple. You say that the sabbath day is part of a “never ending covenant.” If that’s true – if your understanding of that verse is accurate – where is the lamp? Where is the tent of meeting?

      In Jeremiah 31 we read of a new covenant that God would make with the people of Israel. If the Mosaic covenant was a “never ending covenant,” why would God talk about a new covenant… one that is not like the the old?

      “The days are coming,” declares the Lord,
      “when I will make a new covenant
      with the people of Israel
      and with the people of Judah.
      It will not be like the covenant
      I made with their ancestors
      when I took them by the hand
      to lead them out of Egypt,
      because they broke my covenant,
      though I was a husband to them,”
      declares the Lord.

      In Luke 22 we see that Jesus spoke of this new covenant. If the Mosaic covenant was a “never ending covenant,” why would Jesus say this?

      This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

      In Hebrews 8 we see the old covenant is contrasted with the new covenant. If the Mosaic covenant was a “never ending covenant,” why would we read this?

      For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another.

      No, the old covenant is not “never ending.” Both Jeremiah and Ezekiel wrote of God’s new covenant, and Jesus instituted it with His blood.

      >> “These are a shadow of the things to come.” What is to come?

      It’s right there, in the same passage:

      Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

      Notice that it’s not just sabbath days for which we don’t allow others to judge us. It’s food and drink and religious festivals, including new moon celebrations and sabbath days. These were things in the old covenant: dietary restrictions and religious observances that the ancient Israelites were to keep. These things weren’t the reality, they were shadows of a future reality. They didn’t observe sabbaths because the point was to observe sabbaths. They were to observe sabbaths because the sabbaths pointed to Jesus. Now that Jesus has come, the shadows have served their purpose and are no longer needed. Jesus said that He didn’t come to do away with the law or the prophets, but to fulfill them. Matthew writes about Jesus fulfilling the law or prophets at least 15 different times. The New Testament is clear that the old covenant no longer applies to the Israelites, and the Old Testament is clear that it never applied to anyone else.

      >> Did you read Isaiah 66:22,23

      I did. What do you think it means?

  107. Kierra says:

    First I want to apologize for not being clear, or forgetting a word , because it doesn’t matter what I say. So everyone including myself should read carefully and quote carefully. We should help one another to draw closer to God. So let me correct myself.

    “Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant”

    Here it says “for a”

    “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.”

    Here it says “Remember ”

    The sabbath is for a never ending covenant and we must remember it.

    I’m not speaking of “sabbath days” or another day or a day man made holy. I’m speaking of The seventh day.

    “And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it.”

    • Tony says:


      Thanks again for your reply. You may not realize it, but you’re making my point for me. You’ve quoted Exodus 31:13. God said those words. To whom? To the children of Israel.

      I’m not a child of Israel. Are you a descendant of Jacob? If so, we could talk about whether God wants the children of Israel to observe the terms of the old covenant. If not, then God wasn’t talking to either of us.

      While this part of the Bible was written FOR us, it was not written TO us. According to this verse – which you and I believe 100% – the only people who could possibly be required to keep the sabbath are the children of Israel. It’s part of a covenant that we were never included in.

      Please: if you’re going to reply, don’t reply with some other verses (yet). Let’s deal with one issue at a time. Are you, or are you not, part of the old covenant?

  108. Michael says:

    Find me a Bible printed before 1600 with the name Jesus. Not His name. No deciple or angel ever called Him by that name. It did not exist until the 1600s.. the J was not invented until 1524.
    And Christ did not die on a Friday before the weekly Sabbath. He died the day before Passover on the day of preparation thereof which was called a high day. John 19:31. You need to study the Bible and the history that goes along with it to find the truth. And an absolute truth is that Christ was not born in December. Luke 1:5. The courses of the priest are in 1st Chronicles Capter 24. Red and study for yourself and figure it out. Believe God’s truth and stop accepting the lies of man.
    May God be with you and bless your study for truth.

    • Tony says:


      It might be helpful for you to read the article, and the comments, before commenting further. The arguments you’re making aren’t new, and have been addressed. I’ll ask you one simple question, though:

      What is Christ’s name?

      By that, I mean “what is the name that we KNOW, with CERTAINTY, that we can use? If your answer isn’t 100% biblical, you’re at least partially wrong. Be specific. Post chapter and verse. Thanks!

  109. Michael says:

    I don’t have access to a pre 1600 Bible but you might try typing Yahoshua into your search engine and see what comes up. It is a formal name much like the Father. If Jesus was his name why was it not in the 1611 KJB. You ask questions but flee from truthful answers. It has become a custom for Christianity.

    • Tony says:


      It sounds like you’re saying that you believe it, but you can’t provide evidence for me to believe it. I’ll give you the facts. You can check them out for yourself.

      1. The Old Testament does not name the Messiah.
      2. The New Testament only uses one name for the Messiah.

      What is that name? It’s not Yahoshua. It’s not Yeshua. It’s not Y’shua. It’s IESOUS. That’s it. No other proper name is given in the ancient manuscripts of the Bible. That’s the name the following men used when they wrote the Scriptures:

      • Matthew
      • Mark
      • Luke
      • John
      • Peter
      • James
      • Jude
      • Paul
      • The author of Hebrews

      To prove me wrong, you only have to find an ancient manuscript that uses another name. Simple. Of course, there are many manuscripts that were translated from the original Greek manuscripts… but we’re not talking about translated names. We’re talking about the name that the writers of Scripture used when talking about the Messiah. I don’t think it matters. If you think this name matters, then you should figure this out. If you think this name matters, then you should ONLY USE the name used in the Bible:


      PS: yes, I know that IESOUS is the Greek version of a Hebrew name. That’s not the point. The point is that when you say the name matters, then you should be able to show – from Scripture – that you’re right. You can’t.

      PPS: you really should take the time to read the Preface to the 1611 King James Bible. Beware: if you do, you will no longer be able to make false claims about the King James. Unless you’re willing to make the ridiculous claim that the translators were both INSPIRED BY GOD and LIARS, you’ll be forced to rethink your position on the matter. Don’t say I didn’t warn you… but do read it. No, not the Blayney version. The original. Let me know what you think.

      Have a great day!

  110. Michael says:

    There are three references to a name in the Bible. Two in the Old Testament Isaiah 7:14 and 8:8 and one in the New Testament Mathew 1:23 and its not Iesous. The name jesus is a name made up by Greek and Latin scholars in the early 1600s from the name you discribe but it is not suitable for a Hebrew or especially The Lord. Part of the name that was made for Him the last half sus is the Latin word for pig. He may have been called any name but never jesus. At least Emanuel means God with us and whatever spelling you want to use Yahoshua means God Is Salvation. A name suitable for The Son of God a Hebrew – Judaea of non Greek origin. Study.

    • Tony says:


      With respect, you seem to be missing the point.

      Immanuel – This is generally understood as a description of the Messiah’s role, and not his name. When an angel told Joseph that he should stay with Mary, this is what he said: She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. You don’t call him “Immanuel.” If that’s his name, why don’t you use it?

      If you don’t use the name Immanuel, why don’t you use the name – the ONLY NAME – that we know with certainty? It’s the name the angel spoke. The only evidence that we have is that the angel said this: τέξεται δὲ υἱὸν καὶ καλέσεις τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ Ἰησοῦν· αὐτὸς γὰρ σώσει τὸν λαὸν αὐτοῦ ἀπὸ τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν αὐτῶν.

      That bold word? It’s


      Iesous. If think you should use the RIGHT name, and if you’re not going to call him Immanuel, you should have some biblical reason for the name you use. You don’t have a reason. You’ve simply been taught that you should use the right name, and that the right name is definitely not Jesus. Well, that’s pretty dumb. I don’t say that to put you down, my friend. I say that to point to the fact that the idea is simply dumb. Let’s count the ways:

      1. The only name used in the Bible is IESOUS. That’s what we’ve got. Greek manuscripts, written in Greek, using Greek words. That’s what the angel told Joseph to name him, and that’s what the disciples wrote. You won’t use that name.
      2. You say there’s another name – Immanuel – but you don’t use that name.
      3. You say it should be Yehoshua, but you provide no evidence for it.
      4. You’ve refused to acknowledge the facts, doubling down on bad arguments.
      5. You expect me to look up something, but you’re unable to look it up yourself.
      6. No, you’re simply wrong about the etymology of the name Jesus… and you’re gullible if you believe it has anything to do with the word “pig.” If you want to try proving it, go for it. Nobody else can, but you’re welcome to give it a shot.
      7. Yes, the letter J didn’t exist until fairly recently. That’s not an argument against using a translated name with the letter J in it. To make your case, you need a REASON to insist that we use ‘the right name.’ You’ve provided no reason at all, yet you want to change other people’s minds.

      Sounds pretty dumb. Use smart ideas, Michael.

  111. Michael says:

    You have missed every point that I have made all of which are historically and scripturaly accurate. The Hebrew and Greek had no J. There is still no J in the Hebrew language so it is not possible that the angel said jesus. Try looking something up for a change like when the letter J was invented. Almost 100 years before the King James Bible in 1611 that did not have the name jesus in it. I get the impression that you have never truly studied the Bible and would rather go along with the lies that you are taught to accept. You probably still believe that Christ was born on December 25 th even though the scriptures say Not. But you refuse to study to learn the truth weather it be historical or scriptural.
    This all started about the Sabath and why don’t Christians observe it. So let me try again. In the year 313 Emperor Constantine leagalised Christianity. Then on 3/7/321 he decreed Sunday to be a day of rest and that all business should stop on that day in honey of the sun God of whom he still worshiped. The Catholic Church followed suit in 364 and decreed Sunday as the day of worship because they wanted to be completely separated from the Jews of whom Christ was one. They are responsible also for changing the Lords birthday, Pope Julius the 1st was responsible for that. But don’t believe me. Do your own research and study history the archives and scripture and stop relying on the lies of man. May God the Creator guide you to truth. Pray and study.

    • Tony says:


      Please make your point more clearly.

      • If your point is that Hebrew has no letter J, great. Who cares?
      • If your point is that nobody should call Him “Jesus,” you have yet to say why.
      • If your point is that the KJV doesn’t say “Jesus,” great. Who cares?
      • If your point is that Constantine did something, great. Who cares?

      Stop beating around the bush and just SAY WHAT YOU MEAN. What are the CONSEQUENCES of getting these things wrong?

      • What happens if someone believes that Jesus was born on December 25th?
      • What happens if someone uses the name “Jesus”?
      • What happens if someone worships on Sunday, or Tuesday, or every other Friday?
      • What happens if someone reads something other than the 1611 King James Bible?

      Are you making an argument for no reason? Is this important? If so, tell me what happens to people who get it wrong. Thanks!

  112. Michael says:

    The Hebrew people still call Him Yeshuah as they did when He was with them. You say who cares, who cares, who cares. I believe that God Yehovah the Father cares a great deal and truly hates lies.

    • Tony says:


      You believe that God Yehovah the Father cares a great deal and truly hates lies. I do too. The question isn’t what God is like. The question is whether the stuff you’re writing about is the stuff He cares about, and you’ve provided exactly ZERO evidence to suggest that He does. If your next comment is like all the rest, I won’t publish it. Bring a biblical argument. SHOW me WHY I should agree with you. Show me that you’re explaining God’s point of view. EXPLAIN to me, using the Bible, why any of what you’ve written is important. I’m all ears. So far, you’re all talk. I have all the time in the world for people who are willing to discuss the facts as we see them in Scripture. So far you’ve just complained about Constantine and the letter J but haven’t explained why it matters.

      Last chance, my friend. Bring it!

  113. Michael says:

    I have not complained I have explained about Constantine and the changing of the Sabbath to Sunday. I have given you scripture that with study pinpoints the birth of Christ but you for some reason don’t believe scripture. I will pray for you. God bless

    • Tony says:


      You clearly misunderstand. What people believe about the day of Jesus’ birth is of no consequence. Those who have given it any thought at all recognize that December 25th isn’t likely to be the day, and that celebrating on that day isn’t a spiritual problem. As for Constantine, your history needs a little more study… but again, that’s of no consequence. Constantine wasn’t in charge of Christianity, wasn’t in charge of the sabbath, and his views didn’t change the truth. The truth is that the only commands in the Bible to observe sabbaths come as the sign of the old covenant that God made with the ancient Israelites at Sinai, and that the old covenant has been replaced by the new covenant. What Constantine did might be interesting in the sense that history is interesting, and it definitely had consequences, but I’m only interested in what the Bible says. I couldn’t care much less about what Constantine did, about what he believed, and so on.

      In other words, what’s your point? My point is simply about what the Bible says. The Bible was written before Constantine was born, so we can go back to it and see what was written without being influenced by later events. The oldest New Testament manuscripts are Greek, and the only name used by the writers of the New Testament is IESOUS. These are facts. Your point seems to be “you’re wrong about Christmas” and “don’t you know what Constantine did?” and “there’s no J in Hebrew.”

      Maybe you should try making a biblical argument, rather than a historical argument that doesn’t actually address the issue.


    [Editor’s Note: This cowardly commenter – I’ll call him “Bob” – would normally be ignored, but I’m going to take this opportunity to use his comment as an example.]

    They don’t keep it because they’re LAWLESS APOSTATES who care more about MAN’S TRADITIONS than they care about GOD and HIS LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS

    Here, Bob has it backwards. Christians are not ancient Israelites, and have never been included in God’s covenant with them. There are no commands outside the old covenant for anyone to observe sabbaths of any kind… none, zip, zero, zilch, nada. Therefore, anyone who thinks that Christians are commanded by God to observe sabbaths isn’t following God’s instructions, but what Bob calls “man’s traditions.” This is so simple that even a child can understand it. If you tell Suzy to pick up her toys, Bob knows you’re not talking to him. When God commanded sabbath-keeping, He was talking to the ancient Israelites… not to Egyptians, or Chaldeans, or Canadians. See Exodus 20:1.


    Whew. Bob was probably tired after all that shouting! In each case, Bob is simply wrong. He’s undoubtedly parroting what he’s been taught, but he’s been taught very poorly. First, God doesn’t hate sabbath breakers. Sabbaths were commanded in the old covenant, and that covenant has been replaced by the new covenant, instituted by Jesus at the last supper in Matthew 26.

    While we’re at it, let’s think for a moment about sabbath-keeping. There’s absolutely no way Bob keeps the sabbath in the way that God commanded. Instead, Bob may keep sabbaths in the way he’s been taught by men. The sabbath regulations were very strict, and carried the death penalty. Bob is kidding himself if he thinks he’s doing God’s Stuff in God’s Way.

    Next, while God hates sin, He came to earth and died to save sinners. Yes, God hates that we do what we should not… but if He actually hated sinners, He would not save them. He would not be gracious toward them. He would not forgive them. Think clearly about it: God knew about all of your sins before you were born. He didn’t even have to create you, did He? Of course not. If He hated you because you’ve broken the sabbath and sinned, why would He lovingly form you in your mother’s womb, sustain you through your life so far, and die to redeem you from slavery to sin? He would not… so Bob is wrong.

    Yes, sin is breaking God’s law… but Bob uses a very specific phrase: “the moral law.” What’s wrong with this? Well… God doesn’t make any such distinction in Scripture. Men do. There’s no sense in which God made a covenant with the ancient Israelites and said, “THESE instructions are the moral law, and THOSE are civil, and THOSE are ceremonial.” That’s an extrabiblical distinction. The Ten Commandments WERE the law, and the rest flowed out of them. Nine of the ten are repeated in the New Testament, which means those are the instructions given to people who follow Jesus. Which commandment is missing? Surprise: the fourth commandment, which is to observe sabbaths.

    Finally, sabbaths weren’t created on the seventh day. Sabbath is NOTHING, quite literally. The word means to stop, or to cease. God created the heavens and the earth… and, when He was done, He stopped. That’s it. That’s what “sabbath” means: to stop. He ceased creating because He was done creating. He didn’t sabbath because He was tired, but because He was finished.

    Later, in Exodus, God commanded the ancient Israelites to stop… that is, to not work on the seventh day. Why would God command them to do this? Well, God explains it in Exodus 31: It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever. I’m not an Israelite, and neither is Bob.


    Read that again, and ask yourself whether Bob loves or hates people who don’t observe sabbaths. Rather than suggest that we who observe Jesus’ teaching in the New Testament are simply wrong, Bob claims outright that we are hypocrites (ignoring the definition of ‘hypocrite’), that we teach people to sin, that we don’t actually care about the truth. Bob couldn’t be more wrongerer if he tried.

    Comments like these tell us lots about the relationship people like “Bob” have with God. Rather than seeing themselves as sinners saved from sin by a gracious God who loves them in spite of their sin, they tend to have a strong us vs them way of thinking. They’re IN. They’re RIGHTEOUS. The rest of the world is awful and dirty and pernicious and should be avoided, and condemned from a safe distance. I have far more respect for those who sign their names to comments like these than the fearful and weak people like Bob who wants to remain anonymous so he can spit on people from behind a shield of secrecy. Bob doesn’t actually want you or me to change. If He did, He would lovingly and carefully explain why we’re wrong, what the Bible says about sabbaths, and walk with us while we struggle to align our lives with God’s Word.

    That’s not why Bob left this comment, is it?


    No, Bob is simply kidding himself. I’m praying for Bob right now. Will you also pray for Bob? I’m asking God to soften Bob’s heart toward the lost, toward the immature, and toward those with whom he disagrees. I’m also asking God to help Bob learn how to study the Bible, so he can understand the gospel… so he and his loved ones can know the peace and joy that come from knowing that it’s not our hard work that makes us righteous, it is our trust – like Abraham’s belief in God – that is credited to us as righteousness.

    God, please help Bob.

  115. Gail Simpson says:

    Amen Michael
    Bob certainly needs intercessory prayer.

  116. Lee says:

    What is a seal? When someone in a position of power or authority places their seal on a document? What does that mean?

    A seal has (3) parts.

    First, his name.
    Second, his title or position.
    Third, jurisdiction over which rules.

    An example would be:

    George Washington (who he is)
    President (his title)
    United States of America (jurisdiction over which he governs)

    So this would be his seal.

    George Washington,
    United States of America.

    In regards to the fourth Commandment, and keeping the Sabbath day. The first word used for the fourth Commandment is “Remember”.

    Interestingly, I find God’s seal contained within the fourth Commandment.

    Look for it very closely. I’ll give you a hint.

    “Made” is synonymous with creator.

    So now it’s been made clear, the only command that contains God seal is found inside the fourth Commandment.

    I believe this to be true and correct.

    • Tony says:


      An interesting theory. The question is, “SO WHAT?

      I don’t mean that sarcastically, but actually. Let’s say your theory is correct. What then? Are you saying that Christians should observe sabbaths, as the ancient Israelites were commanded to do as part of the Mosaic covenant? Are you just sharing something you find interesting? What are the implications for believers today?

  117. Jacovin Davis says:

    Please people this whole article is off the wall. If God said it well it does not change period, and the True and Living God, the Most High does not change period. If you would get in the Word yourselves, you would even see in the New Testament that both Yeshua, the apostles, and the early church kept the true 7th day Sabbath there are no ands and ifs about it period. Remember Yeshua said that He did not come to abolish the laws of the prophets but to fulfill them. We are to keep all 10 of the Commandments as well as the 2 that Yeshua commanded us, He even said that if you love Him, you will keep His Commandments like He has kept His Father’s Commandments. If you would stop the foolishness and if you allow the true Holy Spirit to teach you, you will see that the 2 Commandments that Yeshua give us go with the 10 Commandments of the Father. We all know that we are not to have no other gods period and the other ones like graven images and if we truly love the Father, He will be the only God Elohim whom we will serve. If we love our neighbors as ourselves, we will also keep the 10 the ones like thy shall not murder, thy shall not commit adultery, and covet if we truly love our neighbors as ourselves and I could go on like we know we are to honor our parents if we truly love God and them as well. All ten of the Commandments we are to keep, and Yeshua did not come to destroy them, and you people need to understand that Yeshua only nailed the penalty and the sacrificial laws to the tree/cross/stake, and not the Ten Commandments as well as moral laws including the 4th one to remember the Sabbath. Now, why would God tell us to remember to keep it if it was no longer for today? Now once again please know the Word for yourselves and all through the New Testament, you will see that Yeshua taught and did His earthly ministry in the synagogues on the Sabbath and not on the first day of the week as well as Apostle Paul. You will find no scripture to back up the fact that we are not to keep the Sabbath and the Sabbath that was mentioned like the biblical feast and the new moon that Paul was talking about was not the weekly Sabbath people, but he was talking about the annual Sabbath when they would in the Old Testament sacrifice a lamb. Yeshua is the sacrificial Lamb of God people, but that does not mean He got rid of the fact that we are to still remember and keep the Sabbath Day Holy as well as all the other Commandments. Apostle Paul if you would study and read had listed all 9 of those 10 in His Epistles and he made it clear that we are to still keep them Paul mentioned all 9 and he taught on the true Sabbath for it is written!!

    • Tony says:


      Thanks for your comment! I’m glad you’re here.

      As for being off the wall, I’m listening. You suggested that following the 10 Commandments is good. Who would disagree with that? Not me. The problem is that you’re only addressing the verses that appear to support your position. Nobody thinks that’s a good idea, but lots of people do it anyway. In this case, you’ve failed to actually deal with the New Testament verses I listed. Worse, you’ve failed to deal with the context of the 10 Commandments themselves.

      If you believe that Christians are bound to live by Exodus 20:1-17 (one of the two places we find the 10 Commandments in the Bible), why do you not also believe that we’re bound to live by Exodus 20:24?

      Make an altar of earth for me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, your sheep and goats and your cattle.

      It’s a good question. It’s so good that I believe you should answer it. Why do the first 17 verses apply today, but that one doesn’t? You see, there are a number of problems with your comment. If you don’t mind, I’ll list them:

      1. If God said it well it does not change period, and the True and Living God, the Most High does not change period.
      2. Yeshua, the apostles, and the early church kept the true 7th day Sabbath
      3. Remember Yeshua said that He did not come to abolish the laws of the prophets but to fulfill them.
      4. All ten of the Commandments we are to keep
      5. Now, why would God tell us to remember to keep it if it was no longer for today?
      6. the Sabbath that was mentioned like the biblical feast and the new moon that Paul was talking about was not the weekly Sabbath people, but he was talking about the annual Sabbath

      That’s a lot, but it’s worth your time to read my response. I’m open to a longer conversation, as long as we stick closely to the text. Here we go:

      1. God wasn’t a man, then God became a man. He changed. He was alive, and then He died. He changed. Then He was alive again. He changed. God created humans, and then He repented of it. He changed. Maybe the FACT that God doesn’t change has nothing to do with certain activities. Maybe He dealt with Tyre and Sidon differently than with Israel. Maybe He treated Saul differently than Solomon. First there were animal sacrifices, and now there aren’t. He changed. Perhaps – just go with me for a moment – perhaps He also changed other things, too.
      2. Before Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus and almost all of the other Jews kept the seventh-day sabbath. Why? Because they were still under the Mosaic law, of course. After His resurrection, many Jews continued going to synagogue on the seventh day… but, according to Acts 2, they met every day! Interestingly, when you move forward to Acts 15, the apostles and elders in Jerusalem gave no indication that the Gentiles in Antioch needed to observe the Mosaic law at all. In fact, they explicitly stated that we do not! Maybe this is one of those ways in which God has changed.
      3. You’re right: Jesus did come not to abolish (katalyō) the law, but to fulfill (plēroō) it. What does plēroō mean? To fill up. To render complete. To consummate. Jesus didn’t come to do away with the law, but to fulfill its purpose. What was the purpose? Well, we see throughout the entire New Testament that the entire Old Testament (“the law and the prophets”) pointed to His coming. That’s what Paul meant when he said that the dietary restrictions and religious festivals were only shadows of the things to come, and that Jesus is the reality. The Mosaic law NEVER applied to Gentiles, and it no longer applies to Jews.
      4. Maybe you haven’t counted them… but only nine of the 10 Commandments are repeated in the New Testament. There’s a really important reason for that, and we see it throughout the New Testament. The sabbath was ONLY for the ancient Israelites. Nobody else was included. In fact, if you read Exodus 31, the sabbath was the sign of the covenant between God and the Israelites. Why would you or I want to butt into that covenant? Why, especially, when we have our own new covenant with Jesus Himself? That doesn’t make sense at all.
      5. God didn’t tell us to remember the sabbath. He told the ancient Israelites to remember the sabbath. Neither you nor I are ancient Israelites, nor were we included in the covenant that included sabbaths.
      6. This last one has always fascinated me. There’s absolutely nothing in the text of Colossians 2 to suggest that the sabbaths mentioned are annual. Here, again, is the text: Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. The idea that the “Sabbath day” is an annual sabbath doesn’t come from the text, it comes from the imaginations and traditions of humans who haven’t carefully read the New Testament. Romans 14:5-6 helps us see that this is true: One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Now, be honest: do you believe that Paul would write this if one day was more sacred than another? No, that doesn’t make sense. One day is NOT more sacred than another.

      I hope you’ll take the time to read each point, and to look up the verses in question. Don’t take my word for it. Read the text. Don’t just use the verses that you think support your view… use them all, and get the entire picture of what God said. There are exactly ZERO commands to observe sabbaths that aren’t part of the old covenant. Gentiles were never included in the old covenant. God made a new covenant with Israel and Judah, just as He promised in Jeremiah 31… and then Gentiles were grafted in. This is the covenant instituted by Jesus at the Last Supper, and the reason Christians take communion.

      You no doubt also noticed that I’ve used the name “Jesus” rather than “Yeshua.” I did that on purpose. It’s not that Yeshua is wrong, of course… that’s probably what Mary and Joseph called our Lord. The problem is that most people who use Yeshua believe that that’s the ONLY name we should use for our Savior. Funny thing, though: He’s never called that in the Bible. No, really! You can look it up. The Old Testament doesn’t name the Messiah by name. The New Testament was written in Greek, and that’s where we get His name. You see, the men who traveled with Him for three years, who listened to Him teach every day, who ate with Him and walked with Him and slept near Him and laughed with Him and worshiped Him all used the same Greek name when they wrote the Scriptures: IESOUS CHRISTOS. That’s right. That’s the only name in the Bible for the one who was crucified for you and for me. I have no problem with anybody using Yeshua, certainly… but it’s worth mentioning that our arguments should be based in what the Scriptures DO say, rather than in what they DON’T say.

      Let me know what you think. If you can find any sabbath commands outside of the old covenant, let me know. It can be hard to change from what we’ve been taught to what’s actually in the Bible, but it’s worth it. I’m here to help.

  118. Michael says:


    Michael: NO. You’ve come to my website a number of times to make claims about the name “Jesus.” You have not backed up any of your claims with verifiable, factual information. In addition, the things you present AS facts are easily disproven. A few examples:

    1. You say the 1611 KJV doesn’t have the name Jesus in it. You’re right, of course… but what name does it use for the God-Man? IESUS. Here’s Matthew 1:1: The booke of the generation of Iesus Christ, the sonne of Dauid, the sonne of Abraham.

    2. “IESOUS” does not mean “earth pig.” It’s simply a ridiculous claim. The ancient Greek word for earth is γῆ. It’s not pronounced gee, as in Jeeeesus. It’s pronounced gē, as in gay. Nobody calls Him Gaysus. In addition, the ancient greek word for pig is not sous. It’s Χοίρος</span. Don't be a sucker, Michael. Do some homework.

    3. You claim that Constantine set up Sunday worship. That’s just silly. The Bible records that first-century Christians met on the first day of the week, and also on every day. Justin Martyr wrote several times about Sunday worship around 150 AD. Justin and Ignatius connected Jesus’ resurrection with Sunday worship in the second century. Clement wrote about Sunday worship in 215 AD. Origen wrote about Sunday worship in 220 AD. It doesn’t matter anyway, as Christians have no sabbaths. The only biblical commands for observing sabbaths are given explicitly in the context of the old covenant. Christians have never been part of the old covenant.

    You can call the Son of God anything you want. What you can’t do is come to my website again and again and make ridiculous claims without repercussions. I’ve given you a number of opportunities to back up your claims, but repeating them isn’t the same as establishing them. Moving forward, I will simply delete ANY comment in which you make these claims without verifiable evidence. It’s not that I don’t want to hear from you, my friend… it’s that I won’t allow you to make spurious claims about ridiculous conspiracy theories. Bring facts, or talk about something else.

  119. Anonnie says:

    Hello Tony,

    My comment is broken into two parts.


    I’ve had great confusion on this topic as well to the extent of being genuinely discouraged in the faith overall. I’m still learning many things and thought it be important to mention as a precursor to the questions I have. Hoping that you could provide some clarity Tony.

    1. What if Jesus mean when he was outlining the commandments to the rich young ruler when he asked about eternal life? Was this an implication about salvation being obtained through the Ten Commandments or a result of the current context of the time being that Jesus did not die yet and the rich young ruler was of Jewish tradition?

    2. I’ve heard many arguments on this issue, for and against. I’m wondering when the word ‘commandments’ is referenced in scripture whether it be Matthew 5:17-22 or throughout John outlining the correlation between loving him and keeping commandments, how do we appropriately and accurately ascertain what commandments he makes mention of? Growing up I’ve heard it often associated with the 10 commandments, but that didn’t seem fully correct, as if that was the case, wouldn’t it made clear that commandments was only reference to the 10?

    3. Also could you provide additional clarity on the relationship between similarity and continuity? I do know that there are similarities between the 10 commandments and instructions given in the New Testament. Does the similarity translate to the continuity of the 10 commandments. I’m noticing that’s where some confusion lies. The best example I could think of is if a man had an ex and has currently moved onto a new girlfriend. They may do similar things that he did in his previous relationship but it does not automatically mean that he suppose to be in his former relationship or that it even is the same relationship. I’m think that could be likened unto the similarities between old and new covenant in that the similarities do not automatically include that it is from the same law we are learning from.

    4. What does it mean then when in Matthew 7, there’s the discourse about some hearing depart from me due to lawlessness. Is this lawlessness in relation to not following the 10 commands or can that be further defined? Furthermore, with salvation coming through grace and faith, would those being told depart from me because of not being known and lawless mean that an aspect of salvation is connected to adherence of the law?

    5. Just the other day I stumbled across the passage of Isaiah 66:17-22 outlining the judgment to be casted upon those who eat pork. I’ve seen this passage used to reinstate that the Old Testament would still be in effect if mention of Gods judgment is related to those matters. I wanted to know if this was directed towards the Israelites and discussed that way due ti the laws they were still currently under.

    • Tony says:

      Hi Anonnie! I’ll try to provide some clarity. As with everything on GodWords, please don’t just read what I write and accept it. Double-check what I say with the Scriptures, and pray about it. It’s important to do your homework and learn things ‘the hard way,’ and so my responses should be a starting point for your study… not the last word. Because each of your sections will have a fairly long response, I’m breaking them up into separate replies.

      1. What if Jesus mean when he was outlining the commandments to the rich young ruler when he asked about eternal life? Was this an implication about salvation being obtained through the Ten Commandments or a result of the current context of the time being that Jesus did not die yet and the rich young ruler was of Jewish tradition?

      1. I’d say neither… salvation was never obtained by obeying the Mosaic Law, and was never obtained by giving all you had to the poor. Throughout the Old Testament we see two figures in Judaism: priests and prophets. The priests, generally speaking, told the people to obey the law. They were experts in keeping the law, and obedience to God is important. The Law was instituted by God as the terms of the old covenant… they would obey God, and He would bless them. If they didn’t, He would curse them. That’s in Deuteronomy 11:26. In contrast to the priests, the prophets told the people to turn their hearts toward God. Obeying the Law was important, but not the most important thing. Throughout the Old Testament we see this kind of stuff:

      • Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. 1 Samuel 15:22
      • To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. Proverbs 21:3
      • I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings. Hosea 6:6
      • These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught. Isaiah 29:13
      • Deliver me from the guilt of bloodshed, O God, you who are God my Savior, and my tongue will sing of your righteousness. Open my lips, Lord, and my mouth will declare your praise. You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise. Psalm 51:14-17

      That last one is the Psalm that King David wrote after committing adultery with Bathsheba and having her husband Uriah killed. Each of these passages point to a truth: while God required sacrifices from Israel, He considered it better that they obey Him. What did He command? Well, lots of things… but mostly it was about loving Him only, not following other gods, taking care of the poor, and living in ways that showed the other nations that being in covenant with Yahweh is better than anything else. That was the basis of God’s promise to Abraham: that He would bless the whole world through Abraham’s family. The prophets were better messengers than the priests were. They didn’t tell the Israelites to stop the sacrifices, they pointed to the fact that they could be obedient on the outside and still be far from God in their hearts.

      So… then the rich young ruler asked Jesus about getting eternal life. Jesus pointed out that he knew the commandments, and then explained that that wasn’t enough. Simply being obedient won’t get anyone eternal life, since that’s external. God wants our hearts, and our commitment to live in the way He guides us to live. That’s what Jesus told him: leave behind your old life and follow me. Again: following the commandments won’t get you eternal life, and giving to the poor won’t either. Both are good, but still “one thing you lack.” Following Jesus – as a disciple follows – is how one gains eternal life.

      (1 of 5)

    • Tony says:


      2. I’ve heard many arguments on this issue, for and against. I’m wondering when the word ‘commandments’ is referenced in scripture whether it be Matthew 5:17-22 or throughout John outlining the correlation between loving him and keeping commandments, how do we appropriately and accurately ascertain what commandments he makes mention of? Growing up I’ve heard it often associated with the 10 commandments, but that didn’t seem fully correct, as if that was the case, wouldn’t it made clear that commandments was only reference to the 10?

      2. The primary reason for disagreements about Scripture is that a lot of people read a verse and don’t interpret it in context. They assume that, when the same word appears in different places, each use means the same thing. That’s simply not true. We don’t talk like that, and neither did they. Words like ‘law’ and ‘day’ and ‘command’ and ‘salvation’ mean different things in different contexts. For example: when God parted the Red Sea, He saved them. He was their salvation. Does that mean they were saved like we read about in the New Testament, where we’re born again? Of course not. So, when we see a word like “commandments,” it’s a mistake to assume that it means the same thing in every verse.

      Look at Matthew 28, where Jesus gave the Great Commission: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

      “Everything Jesus commanded” is certainly not the Ten Commandments. Instead, it’s all of the stuff that Jesus taught during the three years of His ministry. When we read John 14:21, Jesus says, “Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me.” We’ve already seen that simple obedience isn’t the same as loving God, so here Jesus can’t be talking about simply obeying the Mosaic Law. He’s talking about the things we read in the gospels, like the Beatitudes.

      It all comes down to being a disciple. Most of us in the modern western world don’t understand what that means. It’s mostly a middle-eastern concept. My friend spent many years as a missionary in Pakistan, and explained it to me. Followers will become attached to a teacher, and follow their teaching. That’s kind of what we do… we like this teacher or that teacher, and listen to them regularly. That’s not really a disciple. A disciple makes a permanent, lifetime commitment to follow a teacher and obey him completely, without question, no matter what. When Jesus told the rich young ruler to follow Him, that is what He meant. That is what it means to follow Jesus… to learn what He taught, and to do it without question, no matter what. So, when Jesus talked about His disciples following His commands, that’s what He meant.

      As an aside: when God gave the ancient Israelites the Ten Commandments – which was very good – that’s not all He did. Christians like to say that we’re to obey the Ten Commandments, but we don’t often read them in context. We tend to ignore the situation in which God gave those commands, and stop reading after the ‘do not covet’ part. However: what do we see, just a few verses later? Make an altar of earth for me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, your sheep and goats and your cattle.

      Why don’t we obey THAT part, too? Because we tend to pick and choose what we want to obey. The Ten Commandments were the terms of the old covenant, and you and I were never included in it. The rich young ruler was included, and that’s why Jesus referred to the old covenant when they talked. The rich man was supposed to obey them, and he did. When you read Exodus 20, you can see that God wasn’t talking to the whole world when He gave those commands. He was talking to the children of Israel, just freed from slavery in Egypt. Those commands never applied to you or me, and never will. Of course, nine of the ten are repeated in the New Testament… so it’s not like God changed His mind about murder and adultery.

      Which command from the Ten Commandments is missing from the New Testament? Yeah: the sabbath. Why? Because – Exodus 31 – the sabbath was a sign of the covenant between God and the ancient Israelites. Nobody else was EVER commanded to observe sabbaths. We’ll talk more about that later.

      (Part 2 of 5)

    • Tony says:


      3. Also could you provide additional clarity on the relationship between similarity and continuity? I do know that there are similarities between the 10 commandments and instructions given in the New Testament. Does the similarity translate to the continuity of the 10 commandments. I’m noticing that’s where some confusion lies. The best example I could think of is if a man had an ex and has currently moved onto a new girlfriend. They may do similar things that he did in his previous relationship but it does not automatically mean that he suppose to be in his former relationship or that it even is the same relationship. I’m think that could be likened unto the similarities between old and new covenant in that the similarities do not automatically include that it is from the same law we are learning from.

      3. You ask a good question about the similarity between the covenants, and whether that implies continuity. Well done! We know that the Mosaic covenant is called the old covenant in Scripture. We know that Jesus instituted the new covenant on the night before He died, during the last supper. What’s the difference? Well, we already have that info. We had it 500 or 600 years before Jesus was born! Moses, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel all talked about the new covenant. Jeremiah prophesied about it in Jeremiah 31. Here are some basics:

      • The Mosiac covenant – the “old” covenant – was between God and the ancient Israelites.
      • The new covenant would be between God and the nations of Israel and Judah (v31)
      • The new covenant is not like the old covenant (v32)
      • Jesus instituted the new covenant (Luke 22)
      • Gentiles – non-Jews – have been ‘grafted into’ the new covenant (Romans 11)

      There is no continuity between the two covenants. The commands that God gave in the old covenant were for the ancient Israelites. No Egyptians were included. No Chaldeans. No Chinese, no Canadians. If you weren’t included in the covenant, you simply weren’t included. Nobody should try to butt into an agreement where they haven’t been invited. The new covenant was for the Israelites as well, but the rest of the world has been invited to join in. Jesus came for the nation of Israel, but He told His disciples to go into the rest of the world and teach people to obey everything He commanded. That’s the situation today. The old covenant is gone, having been replaced by the new covenant. The new covenant is better, as we see in Hebrews 7.

      It’s good for Christians to know about, and understand, the old covenant… but because we were never invited to take part in it, and because it’s been replaced, it’s not our guide for living. Our guide is the New Testament, which outlines what Jesus taught and how we’re to live it out in everyday life.

      There ARE similarities. That’s no surprise. The common denominator between the two covenants is… God. He’s the principal party in both covenants so, of course, some of what He says will be the same, or similar. However: the context of Exodus, and what the New Testament teaches about the covenants, is clear: they’re not alike, and the old has been replaced by the different and better new covenant.

      (Part 3 of 5)

    • Tony says:


      4. What does it mean then when in Matthew 7, there’s the discourse about some hearing depart from me due to lawlessness. Is this lawlessness in relation to not following the 10 commands or can that be further defined? Furthermore, with salvation coming through grace and faith, would those being told depart from me because of not being known and lawless mean that an aspect of salvation is connected to adherence of the law?

      4. More good questions! In Matthew 7, Jesus compares true disciples with false disciples. He says that only those who do the will of the Father will enter the Kingdom. As with ‘law’ and ‘salvation,’ the context of Jesus’ words helps us understand what He meant. False disciples would claim to have done things in Jesus’ name… and, while their success in prophesying and driving out demons and performing miracles might look good on the outside, what did Jesus say? I never knew you. This actually happened! In Acts 19 we read about the seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, who tried to drive out a demon. The evil spirit said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” … and then it beat them up and tore off their clothes! Just claiming the name of Jesus doesn’t do anything… both Jesus and demons agree on that. So, the false disciples in Matthew 7 weren’t actually doing the will of the Father.

      What did Jesus mean when He said “the will of the Father”? We have some clear insight from John 12:

      Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me… I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.

      Jesus didn’t actually give His own commands. He only said what the Father told Him to say, and He only did what the Father told Him to do. So: the things that Jesus taught were exactly the will of the Father. Those who claim Jesus’ name, like many today, don’t necessarily belong to Him. Their lawlessness had nothing to do with the Mosaic law, but with not following Jesus and obeying what He taught.

      (Part 4 of 5)

    • Tony says:


      5. Just the other day I stumbled across the passage of Isaiah 66:17-22 outlining the judgment to be casted upon those who eat pork. I’ve seen this passage used to reinstate that the Old Testament would still be in effect if mention of Gods judgment is related to those matters. I wanted to know if this was directed towards the Israelites and discussed that way due ti the laws they were still currently under.

      5. This is simply a situation where people make judgments without knowing the Scriptures very well. Before the flood, people didn’t eat meat. How do we know? That’s what God said in Genesis 9. After the flood, God told Noah that they could eat everything. Later, God told the Israelites not to eat a bunch of stuff, including pork. As with other things, a lot of Christians read that stuff and pretend it applies to them. It doesn’t. How do we know? Jesus declared all foods clean in Mark 7. I have an article about the details, called Can Christians Eat Pork?

      Does all of this make sense? Let me know. =)

      (Part 5 of 5)

  120. Anonnie says:

    I’m back with part two.

    6. What exactly would be the law of Christ jn contrast to the law of Moses?

    7. You’ve made a few points that I have pondered upon as well in considering the observance of sabbath and its implications for today. I noticed you say a few times that those who do think they are following it are not even doing it HOW it was commanded. Can you clarify that further?

    8. How does one reconcile James 2:10 and that chapter itself when considering the 10 commandments, and discussing if one is broken all is broken. Is this meant to indicate that all should be followed or that one must consider the totality of following it all?

    9. As for where judgment is concerned, what would be the main determiner that prohibits one from seeing /entering the kingdom. I get slightly confused if sometimes is indeed related to observance of the commandments when seeing the verse that mentions those who have no part in seeing the kingdom.

    10. In discussion of the liberty for those to follow or not follow the sabbath. If one was to choose, would it have to be something they’re fully convinced about according to Roman’s 14 and also in accordance to the prescriptions outlined in exodus and Leviticus?

    11. If some individuals that Paul visited in the synagogue after Christ reassurection, is tgid because they were still obligated to do so of the adhered to old testament tenents? Does this also mean that practicing Jews are held to the standard of observing the sabbath? Do they even keep it in accordance to scripture considering the contextual cues of exodus 20 that are just not 100% duplicable in modern times?

    • Tony says:


      Round two!

      6. The law of Christ is simply what Jesus taught.

      7. If we’re going to say that we do what God commanded, we should actually do it in the way that God commanded. Here’s an example: sabbatarians like to say that God never told anyone to STOP observing sabbaths. While it’s true that there’s no verse where God explicitly says that, it’s equally true that God never told anyone to stop applying to death penalty to those who break the sabbath. Why would someone say that they’re obeying God and, at the same time, feel free to not obey? When we read the sabbath laws, it’s clear that people who claim to follow Jesus and claim to observe sabbaths simply aren’t doing both.

      8. Whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. That’s James 2:10. Here’s the problem: nobody can do it. Nobody can keep the whole law. That’s the point. Jesus said in Matthew 5 that if our righteousness didn’t surpass that of the Pharisees, we will certainly not enter the Kingdom. The Pharisees were experts in keeping the law, and even that much righteousness isn’t enough. The law was given so we would see our sin… our inability to be good enough. We need a savior, and to be freed from the law that brings death. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 3 that the new covenant is not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. The Mosaic law – the old covenant – couldn’t forgive sins, and couldn’t give life. Only in the new covenant are sins forgiven and new life granted. It’s as simple as Romans 3:20… the Law cannot make anyone righteous.

      9. Look at Romans 8:1-3: There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. I’ll be blunt: the Mosaic Law is irrelevant for Christians. If someone only had the New Testament, they would lack nothing with regard to salvation. The Old Testament is good, and important, but not necessary. Yes, there’s a lot of great stuff in there… and I recommend it to everyone. However: people get confused. The old covenant is Judaism. The new covenant is Christianity. We follow Jesus, not Moses. =)

      10. When we read a passage of Scripture, it’s important to try to get the big picture of what the author was trying to say. In Romans 14, Paul is talking about accepting one another in spite of disagreements about “disputable matters.” However: he didn’t write that both sides of a dispute are of equal value. Instead, Paul pointed out that one side of the dispute is weaker than the other. The one whose faith is weak only eats vegetables, he said. The one whose faith is weak considers one day more sacred than another. Look at the very first words in chapter 14: Accept the one whose faith is weak. We shouldn’t condemn Christians who are sabbatarians or vegetarians. Instead we recognize that they do these things because their faith is weak, and we accept them anyway. This meshes perfectly with Colossians 2, where Paul says to not let anyone judge you by whether you observe dietary restrictions or sabbaths. It’s about accepting Christians as brothers and sisters in Christ, rather than proclaiming that those who don’t follow obsolete laws are unspiritual. Sabbatarians have it backwards: it’s not those who fail to observe sabbaths whose faith is weak, but those who do.

      11. The new covenant has replaced the old covenant. Observant Jews are, unfortunately, observing a dead faith. Because they reject Jesus as Messiah, they also reject what He taught as coming from God… so while they consider themselves under the old covenant, they recognize that they’re unable to observe the terms of the covenant without a temple and sacrifices. The new covenant was made with the nations of Israel and Judah, but most of them have never entered it by trusting that God became a man, taught them how they were supposed to live, and accepted His offer of complete forgiveness and new life. There is literally no value in observing the old covenant. The book of Hebrews was written to Jewish Christians who, because they were being persecuted, were considering going back to observe the old covenant. The writer warns them strongly not to do that. He uses the ancient Israelites as an example. Those freed from Egypt never entered the promised land because they were disobedient, which came from their lack of faith. They didn’t believe that God would win the battle and gain them the promised land, so they didn’t obey Him, so they never entered God’s rest in the promised land. The parallel is important: the rest that God offers in Christ will not be given to those who fail to obey because their faith is weak. Going back to Judaism would exclude them from the true promised land, which is Heaven. I’ll close with Galatians 5:1-6, where Paul again explains what happens when people turn back to the Law. Keep in mind that circumcision was THE sign of the old covenant:

      It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all. Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. For through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we hope. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

      You ask good questions, Anonnie! Let me know about the questions that these answers might raise.

  121. Anonnie says:

    6. What exactly would be the law of Christ jn contrast to the law of Moses?

    7. You’ve made a few points that I have pondered upon as well in considering the observance of sabbath and its implications for today. I noticed you say a few times that those who do think they are following it are not even doing it HOW it was commanded. Can you clarify that further?

    8. How does one reconcile James 2:10 and that chapter itself when considering the 10 commandments, and discussing if one is broken all is broken. Is this meant to indicate that all should be followed or that one must consider the totality of following it all?

    9. As for where judgment is concerned, what would be the main determiner that prohibits one from seeing /entering the kingdom. I get slightly confused if sometimes is indeed related to observance of the commandments when seeing the verse that mentions those who have no part in seeing the kingdom.

    10. In discussion of the liberty for those to follow or not follow the sabbath. If one was to choose, would it have to be something they’re fully convinced about according to Roman’s 14 and also in accordance to the prescriptions outlined in exodus and Leviticus?

    11. I noticed you made definitive mentions of understanding the word of ‘forever’ in context when paired with the sabbath or even festivals/celebrations. I’m wondering that just as one would have to think what to tell a new believer who has no understanding of Old Testament and only Jesus, would it possible for one who only had access to the Bible and no additional sources to concluded that those scriptures do not apply to them upon reading that certain o bservances are perpetual, everlasting, or from generation to generation. For example, like Purim from
    The book of Esther

    • Tony says:


      As some of this is a repeat, I’ll only address the new stuff. =)

      6. Except this time, since it’s so important: the law of Christ is what Jesus taught. The law of Moses is what God said the ancient Israelites must do to be blessed by God. More on this below.

      11. I’m happy to read that you’re thinking in terms of how OTHER PEOPLE would come to understand the Scriptures! It’s easy to misunderstand anything, including the Bible, when we read it carelessly. Note that the new believers in Acts 2 devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching. They didn’t just listen to some of what was taught… they made it a priority to understand it. That is, unfortunately, uncommon today. Let’s carefully consider the “forever” part of the Mosaic law. As always – always, always – the context is the key:

      • Who said it?
      • To whom?
      • For what reason?

      The old covenant was an agreement between God and those He brought out of Egypt. It included their descendants, and those who would choose to live with them in the promised land. That covenant never included anyone else, ever. Nobody. So, anybody reading about the old covenant can see that it only applied to that group of people. Next, the covenant was conditional. That is, certain conditions of the agreement had to be met:

      Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from the mountain and said, “This is what you are to say to the descendants of Jacob and what you are to tell the people of Israel: ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession.’

      See the IF in there, and the THEN? If they obeyed, they would be blessed. If they didn’t, they would be cursed. If they kept the terms of the covenant, they would be His treasured possession. They did not, of course, keep the terms of the covenant. Note what Peter – a Jew – wrote in 1 Peter 2:

      But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

      Peter is describing Christians, not observant Jews. Because the Israelites failed to obey God, they have been cut off. The Gentiles have been grafted into the new covenant that God made with Israel and Judah. We who follow Christ are not part of the old covenant, but of the new. We are not bound by the Law of Moses but, by faith, we are heirs of the promise God made to Abraham. By the way: the covenant that God made with Abraham is the only unconditional covenant in the Bible. =)

      So, to wrap this part up: the “forever” part of the covenant was conditional, dependent upon the Israelites observing the covenant. They didn’t, so it’s over. Christians should not seek to butt into God’s old covenant with the Jews, and so cut themselves off from Christ. We shouldn’t pretend that God’s promises to bless Israel were given to us. The reason we’re called Christians is that we follow Christ. We learn what He taught, and we seek to obey His commands. They came directly from God, and ONLY the new covenant includes us… so that is all that we should be concerned with.

      Does that make sense? The reason so many are confused about how much of the Law to obey and which parts no longer apply is that they simply don’t know the Scriptures. The answers are all in there, and they’re plain to see when we study them carefully. My heart goes out to those who are confused by what they hear, and that’s what GodWords is for. I feel compassion for those who simply don’t know.

      On the other hand, I’m very displeased when someone who SHOULD know better does NOT know better. Pastors and teachers have a responsibility to teach God’s Word carefully, and to not lead anyone astray. You’ve clearly been taught a LOT. You know far more than most at your age, and that’s wonderful… but you’ve also, clearly, heard some things that don’t match what we see in God’s Word. I don’t say that to hurt your feelings, or your father’s, but to say that these disputes are all settled by simply knowing the Scriptures better. When we pick and choose a verse here and a verse there, we go astray. When we devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching, the details are pretty easy to understand.

      I’m here to help, little sister. Let me know how much more I can do to be helpful as you continue to devote yourself to God’s Word!

  122. Anonnie says:

    I do find myself genuinely wondering that if it is to be obeyed why there are so many variations in observance, when some of the restrictions have nothing to do with the additional things that yhe Pharisees added from their 39 articles of work and what God commanded such as

    – No work for the entire household including strangers ‘within thy cates’
    – wouldn’t that mean all my neighbors on my street must stop working and if they don’t I’m not even observing the sabbath

    – no cattle ox or ass

    – I’ve been confused with this part too because I wondered that if we are to keep it in original context and also correctly observe, where do we in modern day get to draw the line as to what a ox or ass would mean in present time.

    – no buying or selling

    Lastly, I do see in the book of Nehemiah the prohibition of e-commerce which I’ve seen translated now to no buisness on the sabbath. However I started to genuinely question the practicality or original applicability in this time. For example, I take the bus to church on a Saturday. In continual and back and forth on this topic, I then pondered to myself if paying for my fare constitutes as a form of e-commerce AND making someone else work (the driver).

    I do know that Jesus made provisions in the New Testament to clarify that it’s lawful to good on the sabbath and that if a sheep was to fall in a pit, it could ne rescue. However in legitimately considering what it would look like to accurately follow the Sabbath according to bible, I did start wondering how to balance what Jesus did mention as clarifying provisions and what God also instructed in Old Testament. I thought to myself if my participation in e-commerce would not count; for it was towards the sabbath in trying to also consider the verse in Leviticus that also makes mention of holy convocation needed.

    I’m just airing out my thoughts in this latter portion. I have genuinely found it very confusing in think about originally applying something that seemingly becomes modified in a modern fashion.

    • Tony says:


      So many good questions! Put simply, the sabbath was a “shadow.” Sabbaths were useful, but they were also temporary. Sabbath-keeping was never the goal for the Israelites. Instead, sabbaths pointed to Jesus:

      do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. – Colossians 2

      Sabbaths are not the reality. They pointed to the reality. What reality? God’s rest. For us, every day is a sabbath. We no longer strive to approach God with good works, but we come simply, with empty hands, accepting His offer of peace and forgiveness and reconciliation. Basically, everything in the Bible that happened between the exodus and Jesus’ resurrection is to be seen in light of the old covenant. Everything changed when Jesus died and rose again, and everything after that is to be seen in light of the new covenant. As pointed out earlier: sabbath-keeping was a disputable matter in the early church. Those who considered one day more sacred than another had weak faith, and should be accepted – rather than rejected – by those whose faith is not as weak.

      With respect, and I mean that: sabbatarians have weak faith. They follow commands that God did not give to them, and try and fail to adhere to a covenant they were never part of, and then – typically – judge those who know better as being disobedient, or unspiritual. They simply get it wrong, as the Scriptures explain.

      None of this indicates that it’s wrong to set aside a time, or a day, or a season to focus on God. It’s not about the abolition of such things, but about understanding God’s intentions. Those who believe that observing old covenant sabbaths is somehow pleasing to God are simply wrong, and we have the receipts to prove it. They’re right there in God’s Word!

  123. Gail Simpson says:

    Just want to say I completely agree with Tony’s concise responses to Annonie who is a real truth seeker! I was reminded of God’s covenant with Abraham. When Abraham was 99 years old God told Abraham: “I am God Almighty; Walk before me faithfully and be perfect. (Gen 17:1)
    Abraham did walk before Him faithfully but he could never perfectly obey and we know that this righteous man did fail on occasion. Thirteen years prior, Abraham tried to have a son through Hagar contrary to God’s clear instruction. Christ is the only one who obeyed perfectly the law He was born under and every instruction the Father gave Him regarding the NC. Christ fulfilled the OC on Israel’s behalf. Thankfully we are not under this conditional covenant. It was always God’s plan that the nation’s would be blessed by Abraham’s faith in an unconditional covenant. The new covenant is an unconditional covenant. “God made Him who knew no sin, to be made sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteous of God.” (Cor 5:21) The Father reconciled the world to Himself through Christ’s righteous and atoning sacrifice. He did it all! HalaluYah! What more could He do? Let’s receive this amazing gift of salvation through faith. We can’t improve on it by our works which only amount to filthy rags. We need to believe in what Christ has accomplished for us. Like the Israelites we need a blood covering, which is only obtained through faith and obedience to the Good News of His Son. When the death angel passed over Israel, he didn’t examine each person’s works in each and every house first to see if they were worthy of the blood covering did he?Each household just needed to apply the blood by faith. We do too.

  124. Aminio says:

    Good work Tony.
    Your explanations have been really encouraging to me and are really needed these days as many are being decieved and falling into works salvation.
    Keep up the good work and blessing brother🙏 from nz

  125. Lionel says:

    Thanks Tony you rock!

  126. Shahbaz Gulzar says:

    Hi Bro,
    Being brother in Christ , sending you this short message regarding Biblical truths. Please spend only few minutes to read it and then seek wisdom from God to meditate his words

    1.Hebrews 4:9 ” So there remains a Shabbat-keeping for God’s people.” , is this book written before Christ came in this world or after his resurrection? Are we God’s people or Satan followers if oppose God’s words in Bible?

    2. Do we know that Paul himself observed 85 times Sabbath /Shabbat day in the book of Acts , according to our misunderstanding majority of Churches in whole world , did Paul make blunders who wrote epistles in New Testament ?

    3. Can we understand thoroughly Matthew 5:17-19 and particularly verse 19 , is it asking us to preach /teach or follow excluding one commandments according to our own misunderstanding and misinterpretation of Bible ?

    4. Can anyone show a single verse from the whole Bible which stops you and me to observe Shabbat/Sabbath day?

    5. what is Romans 3:31 saying, on what ground the current preachers are daring to challenge Sabbath day commandment and preach wrongly ?

    6. What is your understanding about Mark 2:27-28 is it saying for specific time and specific old people OR whole mankind whoever follow our living God and do you think our Bible is time specific and for limited people or for whole mankind ?

    7. Are you or anyone allowed to make changes like in AD 300 Constantine did and changed Saturday to Sunday, who gave him and anyone else permission to make changes in Bible?

    8. What is your view about Isiah 66:17, do you think Isiah made wrong prophecy about end times? There will be Sabbath in New Heaven and New Earth then why we who claim to be followers of Christ discontinue Sabbath in this temporary life ?

    9. Why did Christ himself observed Sabbath days , did he stop us in any verse in New testament during his ministry ?

    The moral law in Bible , including the Ten Commandments, is God’s direct command and requires strict obedience. It reveals God’s nature and will and still applies today. Yahwahshai Christ and Paul, Peter both obeyed the moral law and other God’s command including not to eat Pork ( Isiah 66:23, Revelation 18:2 ).

    The Sabbath, like the rest of the moral law, has not been fulfilled in any different way. Fulfilled does not mean ended. Christ made it clear that He did not come to end the Law, including the Sabbath. He remains Lord of the Sabbath, and it is our duty to remember and keep it set apart. The Sabbath is a creation command in Genesis 2:3 , part of the natural order, and remains in force as long as this earth remains. We are still looking forward to a Sabbath rest, as seen in Hebrews chapter 3-4. The weekly Sabbath serves as a reminder of this.

    May I invite to please re-read Bible with open and seeking heart and act on words of God .

    • Tony says:


      First, I’m sorry that my response took so long. Your comment went into my spam box, and I didn’t see it until this week. I appreciate you writing to me. I hope that our discussion benefits us both.

      1. Hebrews 4:9 – It seems you’ve misunderstood this passage. To understand it, we must know the context of the entire book of Hebrews. If you read it all at once, it becomes very clear. It was written to a Jewish audience that was being persecuted for following Jesus. They were thinking about returning to Judaism to avoid persecution. Hebrews contains several strong warnings, and this is one of them: if you turn from Jesus and go back to your old way of living, you will be disobedient – and, like those who never entered the Promised Land, you will never enter God’s rest.

      2. The fact that Paul went to the synagogues does not mean that Gentiles should go to synagogues. Paul was a Jew, and he was – at that time – trying to preach to Jews. This is the same Paul who wrote “we are not under the law,” and Sabbath-keeping was definitely part of the old covenant… the law.

      3. Matthew 5:19 – Again, we have to see the context to understand the message. Jesus was not repeating the commands of the law. Jesus was teaching the intent of the law. The Pharisees and teachers of the law kept the commands, yet were not righteous enough (v20). As we read in Romans, nobody is justified by keeping the law.

      4. Can I show a single verse from the whole Bible which stops you and me from observing Shabbat/Sabbath day? Yes, I absolutely can. Without question. Well… it stops me, and I would hope you would respond to God’s Word in the same way. There are several such passages, but let’s look at Exodus 31:12-13. Then the Lord said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy. Sabbaths (for there were many) were a sign of the old covenant between God and the ancient Israelites. Neither you nor I were included in that covenant… and no Jew today is under the old covenant, either.

      5. The context of Romans 3 says the opposite of what you claim, my friend. You refer to verse 31… but verse 31 can only be understood in light of the rest of the passage. Look at verse 21: But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. Those who live by faith, like Abraham, do what the law was intended to do but never could: justify man before God. As we see in Acts 15, Gentiles are not under the law. If we were all to observe sabbaths, the apostles and elders in Jerusalem would certainly have told the Gentile Christians in Antioch to do so.

      6. Mark 2:27-28 – How can we understand Jesus’ words about the old covenant without first understanding the old covenant itself? God Himself explained whether the law was for everyone in Exodus 19:5. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Clearly, the law was NOT for “all nations,” or ANY nation that kept His covenant would also be His treasured possession. You might take note of 1 Peter 2:9, where Peter describes those who live faith (apart from the law) in exactly the same way that God did in Exodus 19:6.

      7. Constantine – Please: don’t refer to history unless you’re willing to learn about history. First, Constantine wasn’t in power in AD 300. Second, the Edict of Milan in 313 AD didn’t change anything about the sabbath. It made clear a position of religious tolerance in the Roman empire, allowing everyone – not just Christians – to worship freely. Sabbaths are not even mentioned. Also, it’s clear that you’re unaware that Christians in Rome in the 4th century did not observe the Jewish sabbaths… so there was no sabbath day to change. With respect: you aren’t helping Jesus by making claims that are so easily proven wrong.

      8. Isaiah 66:17 says this: Those who consecrate and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one who is among those who eat the flesh of pigs, rats and other unclean things—they will meet their end together with the one they follow,” declares the Lord.

      9. Jesus did not stop anyone from observing sabbaths, obviously. Why? Because the old covenant was still in effect during His earthly ministry. The old covenant is not, of course, in effect today. God told Jeremiah about the new covenant. Jesus taught that his death would be the new covenant. Have you not read about the new covenant?

      With much respect, my friend: you are simply wrong about these things. I don’t say that because I want you to be wrong. I say that because I want you to know the Scriptures, and to understand them. I haven’t said anything special here… every Christian should know the Scriptures so well that they know better than to make these arguments. Do you not know that Peter was WRONG about eating pork? We read about this in Mark 7. Jesus declared all foods clean. Why did Mark write this? Because he was Peter’s companion… and Peter had to be reminded that all foods were clean, even though Jesus taught about it earlier. That you would claim anything about the dietary restrictions of the old covenant only undermines your argument, Shahbaz. Romans 14 should be more than enough to convince you.

      Of course the sabbath has been fulfilled! Wow. Sabbaths were a shadow of things to come, weren’t they? Have you not read Colossians 2? No, the sabbath is not a command in Genesis. There are no commands to observe sabbaths before God made His covenant with the ancient Israelites. You’re pretending that Genesis says what it certainly does not say.

      You invite me to please re-read the Bible with an open and seeking heart, and to act on God’s words. That’s a gracious and loving invitation, to be sure… and I appreciate it. You’ve been kind to me, and I hope that our current disagreement does nothing to cause you to think that I mean to be anything less than gracious, loving, and kind to you. I haven’t accepted your argument as fact. I’ve taken each point to the Scriptures, to see if what you say is true. My hope is that you will do the same. I don’t want you to accept my response as fact. I want you to take each point to the Scriptures, and to be like the Bereans in Acts 17:

      Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. As a result, many of them believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men.

      The goal is unity in the faith, not the winning of an argument. I want “many” to believe, as many did after double-checking what the apostle Paul said. Please take the time to do a serious study of the sabbath, from beginning to end, double-checking what you’ve been taught to make sure that it is true. If you do, I have confidence that you will come to a true conclusion about whether you or I must observe sabbaths. We’re free to do so, of course… but the claim that God requires it must be found in the Scriptures, and it is not.

      Let me know what you think, after you double-check me. Thank you, my friend!

  127. Mary says:

    Under the new, 2nd covenant, it’s like a treaty, there are new promises with Christ, but Gods laws still remain from the 1st Covenant, this is where the world is deceived.
    Christ himself tells us he did not come to abolish the law or the Prophets from the 1st Covenant. Christ came to fulfill it which he did , we now have salvation and Grace, but these promises cover God’s people, the ones he has selected.Gods people are those who keep his Sabbath, Holy days and his food laws. Tithing laws all 3 of them. They abide by God, not man..in change for our obedience we will be provided for what we need and have God’s protection. We will be in the first Resurrection abd will have power over the nations. The billions who have been deceived will be in tgec2nd Resurrection, they will have no power, they will learn once again just like the Israelites in the desert for 40 yrs, learning God’s way, God’s truth.

    • Tony says:

      Thanks for writing, Mary!

      I’d be interested in seeing the biblical evidence for what you’ve written. How do you know the “2nd covenant” is like a treaty? How do you know that the laws of the “1st covenant” still remain?

      Also, why would you conclude that God’s people are those who keep sabbaths, and observe dietary restrictions, even in light of Romans 14?

      Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them. Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand.

      One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God.

      It’s worth noting that it’s the one with weak faith who eats only vegetables. Why would Paul write that it’s okay to be fully convinced that every day is alike, when you say that God’s people observe sabbaths and holy days? It seems contradictory, and I’d like to hear why you’ve come to these conclusions. Thanks!

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