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Articles about Apologetics

Apologetics is simply making a case that something is true, reasonable, or good. Christian apologetics makes the case that Christianity is true, to the exclusion of all competing religions and belief systems.

Apologetics is, simply, making the case for something. Christian apologists make the case that Christianity is true and good and compelling. I appreciate the work of many apologists over the past 40+ years, and present some of them for you in this list.
This epistle, or letter - also known as The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus - was written by an unknown author during the second or third century. The author calls himself "Mathetes," which is simply the Greek word for disciple.
There are many arguments for the existence of God. Some suggest that the mere existence of the universe requires a supreme being. Some claim that the order and complexity of the universe is evidence of a creator. Others begin with what it means to be human, and infer the existence of God. Still others rely on simple logic.
What is apologetics? Is it good for only Christians, or is it also helpful for non-Christians? Is anyone actually born again as a result of apologetic arguments? Should we bother with it at all?
Christians are often encouraged to share what Jesus has done for them. That's a good thing to do. Unfortunately, personal testimonies may be entirely unconvincing. Depending on the situation, it may be more effective to share the evidence that Christianity is actually true.

I always appreciate when a leader lets me peek into the inner workings of their thought processes. Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason trains believers to defend their faith. This video is an excerpt from his podcast: Make sure you've understood the opposing viewpoint...

The New Testament is the best-attested book of the ancient world. The manuscript copies of most Greek and Latin authors can usually be counted on both hands, with some rising in the hundreds. Homer's writings are the second-most popular with less than 2500 copies of his Iliad and Odyssey combined.

Someone recently pointed out that 'cheap Christianity' offends no one. Another responded by asking, "Why would you want your Christianity to offend someone?" Here are my thoughts.

Anonymous GodWords Reader asked: "Why couldn't [God] have created mankind with free will that also chose to love him and were righteous from the get-go?" An interesting question, to be sure. The answer is in the question itself: free will.

I'm not a Christian in spite of the evidence around me. I'm a Christian because of the evidence around me. I love it when people think things through. I love it when people see things for what they are, too...and Greg usually does.

Bible skeptics sometimes like to point out the fact that the fulfillment of a prophecy always comes after the prophecy itself, giving 'true believers' plenty of opportunity to make the prophecies come true. There are a couple of problems with this kind of reasoning:

Some have erroneously asserted that God is dead. Many who believe that have also lumped apologetics and theology into the same category. They might be surprised that there's a resurgence of both in the Western world.

Christopher and Peter Hitchens are brothers. One is an atheist, and the other is a Christian. Both are are insightful writers who are unafraid to express their points of view. These are the first two of 9,632 video clips of the debate. I'm joking, but only a little.

No. Science doesn't prove - or disprove - anything. Now, before you go getting all excited and writing me off as a nut, think about it. What exactly IS science? I'm not talking about science in specific terms, like anthropology or botany or zoology. I'm talking about science in general. You know, the larger principle.

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