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The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts is committed to preserving, and studying, ancient Greek New Testament manuscripts. They're a world-class organization, using state-of-the-art technology to photograph and publish information about these invaluable artifacts. They recently launched a new manuscript viewer, and it's worth your time.

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A worldview is a person's attempt to combine what they believe is true into a single narrative. There are a number of competing worldviews, but the most common pair in the western world is that of naturalism vs creationism. There are inherent flaws in naturalism that make it unworkable.

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A primary critique of Darwinian evolution is that there are large gaps in the fossil record. We don't see the transitional forms - animals in the middle of changing from one kind to another - that evolutionists claim to have existed. Günter Bechly says that this isn't a minor problem for Darwin... it's a fatal one. Audio, 16:57

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Do humans actually have free will, or is that an illusion created in our brains? It seems silly that anyone would argue that we don't have free will, since the claim implies that they MUST argue that way, rather than that they choose to. What are the implications, and what does the science say?

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Christians need to read the Bible. More than that, we need to study the Bible. It should be our primary source for information about God, and about how we should live. Below is a list of articles to help you read, and study, the Bible.

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How often do we settle for just 'good enough'? It's easy to become complacent, especially with regard to specific sins that may be difficult to overcome. Following Jesus closely doesn't leave room for us to settle for less than His best... we need to train ourselves to be godly.

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This is one of the underlying themes throughout all of Scripture: despite our own unfaithfulness, God remains faithful. An appropriate response to God's unending grace and generosity is wonder. Peterson contrasts Jesus' words (why hast thou forsaken me?) with our own: why hast thou accepted me?

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Entropy is the principle that, in a closed system, disorder increases over time. Without intervention from an outside organizing force, maximum disorder will result. If our universe, or the earth itself, is a closed system, this implies that the universe is not eternal... that it must have been created by an outside force.

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